path: root/chromium/url/url_canon_internal.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/url/url_canon_internal.h')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/url/url_canon_internal.h b/chromium/url/url_canon_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95fe2c0e4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/url/url_canon_internal.h
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+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is intended to be included in another C++ file where the character
+// types are defined. This allows us to write mostly generic code, but not have
+// templace bloat because everything is inlined when anybody calls any of our
+// functions.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "url/url_canon.h"
+namespace url_canon {
+// Character type handling -----------------------------------------------------
+// Bits that identify different character types. These types identify different
+// bits that are set for each 8-bit character in the kSharedCharTypeTable.
+enum SharedCharTypes {
+ // Characters that do not require escaping in queries. Characters that do
+ // not have this flag will be escaped; see
+ // Valid in the username/password field.
+ // Valid in a IPv4 address (digits plus dot and 'x' for hex).
+ CHAR_IPV4 = 4,
+ // Valid in an ASCII-representation of a hex digit (as in %-escaped).
+ CHAR_HEX = 8,
+ // Valid in an ASCII-representation of a decimal digit.
+ CHAR_DEC = 16,
+ // Valid in an ASCII-representation of an octal digit.
+ CHAR_OCT = 32,
+ // Characters that do not require escaping in encodeURIComponent. Characters
+ // that do not have this flag will be escaped; see
+// This table contains the flags in SharedCharTypes for each 8-bit character.
+// Some canonicalization functions have their own specialized lookup table.
+// For those with simple requirements, we have collected the flags in one
+// place so there are fewer lookup tables to load into the CPU cache.
+// Using an unsigned char type has a small but measurable performance benefit
+// over using a 32-bit number.
+extern const unsigned char kSharedCharTypeTable[0x100];
+// More readable wrappers around the character type lookup table.
+inline bool IsCharOfType(unsigned char c, SharedCharTypes type) {
+ return !!(kSharedCharTypeTable[c] & type);
+inline bool IsQueryChar(unsigned char c) {
+ return IsCharOfType(c, CHAR_QUERY);
+inline bool IsIPv4Char(unsigned char c) {
+ return IsCharOfType(c, CHAR_IPV4);
+inline bool IsHexChar(unsigned char c) {
+ return IsCharOfType(c, CHAR_HEX);
+inline bool IsComponentChar(unsigned char c) {
+ return IsCharOfType(c, CHAR_COMPONENT);
+// Appends the given string to the output, escaping characters that do not
+// match the given |type| in SharedCharTypes.
+void AppendStringOfType(const char* source, int length,
+ SharedCharTypes type,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+void AppendStringOfType(const base::char16* source, int length,
+ SharedCharTypes type,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+// Maps the hex numerical values 0x0 to 0xf to the corresponding ASCII digit
+// that will be used to represent it.
+URL_EXPORT extern const char kHexCharLookup[0x10];
+// This lookup table allows fast conversion between ASCII hex letters and their
+// corresponding numerical value. The 8-bit range is divided up into 8
+// regions of 0x20 characters each. Each of the three character types (numbers,
+// uppercase, lowercase) falls into different regions of this range. The table
+// contains the amount to subtract from characters in that range to get at
+// the corresponding numerical value.
+// See HexDigitToValue for the lookup.
+extern const char kCharToHexLookup[8];
+// Assumes the input is a valid hex digit! Call IsHexChar before using this.
+inline unsigned char HexCharToValue(unsigned char c) {
+ return c - kCharToHexLookup[c / 0x20];
+// Indicates if the given character is a dot or dot equivalent, returning the
+// number of characters taken by it. This will be one for a literal dot, 3 for
+// an escaped dot. If the character is not a dot, this will return 0.
+template<typename CHAR>
+inline int IsDot(const CHAR* spec, int offset, int end) {
+ if (spec[offset] == '.') {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (spec[offset] == '%' && offset + 3 <= end &&
+ spec[offset + 1] == '2' &&
+ (spec[offset + 2] == 'e' || spec[offset + 2] == 'E')) {
+ // Found "%2e"
+ return 3;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Returns the canonicalized version of the input character according to scheme
+// rules. This is implemented alongside the scheme canonicalizer, and is
+// required for relative URL resolving to test for scheme equality.
+// Returns 0 if the input character is not a valid scheme character.
+char CanonicalSchemeChar(base::char16 ch);
+// Write a single character, escaped, to the output. This always escapes: it
+// does no checking that thee character requires escaping.
+// Escaping makes sense only 8 bit chars, so code works in all cases of
+// input parameters (8/16bit).
+template<typename UINCHAR, typename OUTCHAR>
+inline void AppendEscapedChar(UINCHAR ch,
+ CanonOutputT<OUTCHAR>* output) {
+ output->push_back('%');
+ output->push_back(kHexCharLookup[(ch >> 4) & 0xf]);
+ output->push_back(kHexCharLookup[ch & 0xf]);
+// The character we'll substitute for undecodable or invalid characters.
+extern const base::char16 kUnicodeReplacementCharacter;
+// UTF-8 functions ------------------------------------------------------------
+// Reads one character in UTF-8 starting at |*begin| in |str| and places
+// the decoded value into |*code_point|. If the character is valid, we will
+// return true. If invalid, we'll return false and put the
+// kUnicodeReplacementCharacter into |*code_point|.
+// |*begin| will be updated to point to the last character consumed so it
+// can be incremented in a loop and will be ready for the next character.
+// (for a single-byte ASCII character, it will not be changed).
+// Implementation is in
+URL_EXPORT bool ReadUTFChar(const char* str, int* begin, int length,
+ unsigned* code_point_out);
+// Generic To-UTF-8 converter. This will call the given append method for each
+// character that should be appended, with the given output method. Wrappers
+// are provided below for escaped and non-escaped versions of this.
+// The char_value must have already been checked that it's a valid Unicode
+// character.
+template<class Output, void Appender(unsigned char, Output*)>
+inline void DoAppendUTF8(unsigned char_value, Output* output) {
+ if (char_value <= 0x7f) {
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(char_value), output);
+ } else if (char_value <= 0x7ff) {
+ // 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xC0 | (char_value >> 6)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | (char_value & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ } else if (char_value <= 0xffff) {
+ // 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xe0 | (char_value >> 12)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | ((char_value >> 6) & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | (char_value & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ } else if (char_value <= 0x10FFFF) { // Max unicode code point.
+ // 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0xf0 | (char_value >> 18)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | ((char_value >> 12) & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | ((char_value >> 6) & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ Appender(static_cast<unsigned char>(0x80 | (char_value & 0x3f)),
+ output);
+ } else {
+ // Invalid UTF-8 character (>20 bits).
+ }
+// Helper used by AppendUTF8Value below. We use an unsigned parameter so there
+// are no funny sign problems with the input, but then have to convert it to
+// a regular char for appending.
+inline void AppendCharToOutput(unsigned char ch, CanonOutput* output) {
+ output->push_back(static_cast<char>(ch));
+// Writes the given character to the output as UTF-8. This does NO checking
+// of the validity of the unicode characters; the caller should ensure that
+// the value it is appending is valid to append.
+inline void AppendUTF8Value(unsigned char_value, CanonOutput* output) {
+ DoAppendUTF8<CanonOutput, AppendCharToOutput>(char_value, output);
+// Writes the given character to the output as UTF-8, escaping ALL
+// characters (even when they are ASCII). This does NO checking of the
+// validity of the unicode characters; the caller should ensure that the value
+// it is appending is valid to append.
+inline void AppendUTF8EscapedValue(unsigned char_value, CanonOutput* output) {
+ DoAppendUTF8<CanonOutput, AppendEscapedChar>(char_value, output);
+// UTF-16 functions -----------------------------------------------------------
+// Reads one character in UTF-16 starting at |*begin| in |str| and places
+// the decoded value into |*code_point|. If the character is valid, we will
+// return true. If invalid, we'll return false and put the
+// kUnicodeReplacementCharacter into |*code_point|.
+// |*begin| will be updated to point to the last character consumed so it
+// can be incremented in a loop and will be ready for the next character.
+// (for a single-16-bit-word character, it will not be changed).
+// Implementation is in
+URL_EXPORT bool ReadUTFChar(const base::char16* str, int* begin, int length,
+ unsigned* code_point);
+// Equivalent to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE in ICU but uses our output method.
+inline void AppendUTF16Value(unsigned code_point,
+ CanonOutputT<base::char16>* output) {
+ if (code_point > 0xffff) {
+ output->push_back(static_cast<base::char16>((code_point >> 10) + 0xd7c0));
+ output->push_back(static_cast<base::char16>((code_point & 0x3ff) | 0xdc00));
+ } else {
+ output->push_back(static_cast<base::char16>(code_point));
+ }
+// Escaping functions ---------------------------------------------------------
+// Writes the given character to the output as UTF-8, escaped. Call this
+// function only when the input is wide. Returns true on success. Failure
+// means there was some problem with the encoding, we'll still try to
+// update the |*begin| pointer and add a placeholder character to the
+// output so processing can continue.
+// We will append the character starting at ch[begin] with the buffer ch
+// being |length|. |*begin| will be updated to point to the last character
+// consumed (we may consume more than one for UTF-16) so that if called in
+// a loop, incrementing the pointer will move to the next character.
+// Every single output character will be escaped. This means that if you
+// give it an ASCII character as input, it will be escaped. Some code uses
+// this when it knows that a character is invalid according to its rules
+// for validity. If you don't want escaping for ASCII characters, you will
+// have to filter them out prior to calling this function.
+// Assumes that ch[begin] is within range in the array, but does not assume
+// that any following characters are.
+inline bool AppendUTF8EscapedChar(const base::char16* str, int* begin,
+ int length, CanonOutput* output) {
+ // UTF-16 input. Readchar16 will handle invalid characters for us and give
+ // us the kUnicodeReplacementCharacter, so we don't have to do special
+ // checking after failure, just pass through the failure to the caller.
+ unsigned char_value;
+ bool success = ReadUTFChar(str, begin, length, &char_value);
+ AppendUTF8EscapedValue(char_value, output);
+ return success;
+// Handles UTF-8 input. See the wide version above for usage.
+inline bool AppendUTF8EscapedChar(const char* str, int* begin, int length,
+ CanonOutput* output) {
+ // ReadUTF8Char will handle invalid characters for us and give us the
+ // kUnicodeReplacementCharacter, so we don't have to do special checking
+ // after failure, just pass through the failure to the caller.
+ unsigned ch;
+ bool success = ReadUTFChar(str, begin, length, &ch);
+ AppendUTF8EscapedValue(ch, output);
+ return success;
+// Given a '%' character at |*begin| in the string |spec|, this will decode
+// the escaped value and put it into |*unescaped_value| on success (returns
+// true). On failure, this will return false, and will not write into
+// |*unescaped_value|.
+// |*begin| will be updated to point to the last character of the escape
+// sequence so that when called with the index of a for loop, the next time
+// through it will point to the next character to be considered. On failure,
+// |*begin| will be unchanged.
+inline bool Is8BitChar(char c) {
+ return true; // this case is specialized to avoid a warning
+inline bool Is8BitChar(base::char16 c) {
+ return c <= 255;
+template<typename CHAR>
+inline bool DecodeEscaped(const CHAR* spec, int* begin, int end,
+ unsigned char* unescaped_value) {
+ if (*begin + 3 > end ||
+ !Is8BitChar(spec[*begin + 1]) || !Is8BitChar(spec[*begin + 2])) {
+ // Invalid escape sequence because there's not enough room, or the
+ // digits are not ASCII.
+ return false;
+ }
+ unsigned char first = static_cast<unsigned char>(spec[*begin + 1]);
+ unsigned char second = static_cast<unsigned char>(spec[*begin + 2]);
+ if (!IsHexChar(first) || !IsHexChar(second)) {
+ // Invalid hex digits, fail.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Valid escape sequence.
+ *unescaped_value = (HexCharToValue(first) << 4) + HexCharToValue(second);
+ *begin += 2;
+ return true;
+// Appends the given substring to the output, escaping "some" characters that
+// it feels may not be safe. It assumes the input values are all contained in
+// 8-bit although it allows any type.
+// This is used in error cases to append invalid output so that it looks
+// approximately correct. Non-error cases should not call this function since
+// the escaping rules are not guaranteed!
+void AppendInvalidNarrowString(const char* spec, int begin, int end,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+void AppendInvalidNarrowString(const base::char16* spec, int begin, int end,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+// Misc canonicalization helpers ----------------------------------------------
+// Converts between UTF-8 and UTF-16, returning true on successful conversion.
+// The output will be appended to the given canonicalizer output (so make sure
+// it's empty if you want to replace).
+// On invalid input, this will still write as much output as possible,
+// replacing the invalid characters with the "invalid character". It will
+// return false in the failure case, and the caller should not continue as
+// normal.
+URL_EXPORT bool ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(const base::char16* input, int input_len,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+URL_EXPORT bool ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(const char* input, int input_len,
+ CanonOutputT<base::char16>* output);
+// Converts from UTF-16 to 8-bit using the character set converter. If the
+// converter is NULL, this will use UTF-8.
+void ConvertUTF16ToQueryEncoding(const base::char16* input,
+ const url_parse::Component& query,
+ CharsetConverter* converter,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+// Applies the replacements to the given component source. The component source
+// should be pre-initialized to the "old" base. That is, all pointers will
+// point to the spec of the old URL, and all of the Parsed components will
+// be indices into that string.
+// The pointers and components in the |source| for all non-NULL strings in the
+// |repl| (replacements) will be updated to reference those strings.
+// Canonicalizing with the new |source| and |parsed| can then combine URL
+// components from many different strings.
+void SetupOverrideComponents(const char* base,
+ const Replacements<char>& repl,
+ URLComponentSource<char>* source,
+ url_parse::Parsed* parsed);
+// Like the above 8-bit version, except that it additionally converts the
+// UTF-16 input to UTF-8 before doing the overrides.
+// The given utf8_buffer is used to store the converted components. They will
+// be appended one after another, with the parsed structure identifying the
+// appropriate substrings. This buffer is a parameter because the source has
+// no storage, so the buffer must have the same lifetime as the source
+// parameter owned by the caller.
+// THE CALLER MUST NOT ADD TO THE |utf8_buffer| AFTER THIS CALL. Members of
+// |source| will point into this buffer, which could be invalidated if
+// additional data is added and the CanonOutput resizes its buffer.
+// Returns true on success. Fales means that the input was not valid UTF-16,
+// although we will have still done the override with "invalid characters" in
+// place of errors.
+bool SetupUTF16OverrideComponents(const char* base,
+ const Replacements<base::char16>& repl,
+ CanonOutput* utf8_buffer,
+ URLComponentSource<char>* source,
+ url_parse::Parsed* parsed);
+// Implemented in, these are required by the relative URL
+// resolver as well, so we declare them here.
+bool CanonicalizePartialPath(const char* spec,
+ const url_parse::Component& path,
+ int path_begin_in_output,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+bool CanonicalizePartialPath(const base::char16* spec,
+ const url_parse::Component& path,
+ int path_begin_in_output,
+ CanonOutput* output);
+#ifndef WIN32
+// Implementations of Windows' int-to-string conversions
+URL_EXPORT int _itoa_s(int value, char* buffer, size_t size_in_chars,
+ int radix);
+URL_EXPORT int _itow_s(int value, base::char16* buffer, size_t size_in_chars,
+ int radix);
+// Secure template overloads for these functions
+template<size_t N>
+inline int _itoa_s(int value, char (&buffer)[N], int radix) {
+ return _itoa_s(value, buffer, N, radix);
+template<size_t N>
+inline int _itow_s(int value, base::char16 (&buffer)[N], int radix) {
+ return _itow_s(value, buffer, N, radix);
+// _strtoui64 and strtoull behave the same
+inline unsigned long long _strtoui64(const char* nptr,
+ char** endptr, int base) {
+ return strtoull(nptr, endptr, base);
+#endif // WIN32
+} // namespace url_canon