path: root/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/')
1 files changed, 936 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/ b/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c0e1254fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/third_party/webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/interface/video_codec_interface.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/packet_manipulator.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/test/videoprocessor.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/include/vp9.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8_common_types.h"
+#include "webrtc/modules/video_coding/main/interface/video_coding.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_reader.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/frame_writer.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/gtest_disable.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/metrics/video_metrics.h"
+#include "webrtc/test/testsupport/packet_reader.h"
+#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+// Maximum number of rate updates (i.e., calls to encoder to change bitrate
+// and/or frame rate) for the current tests.
+const int kMaxNumRateUpdates = 3;
+const int kPercTargetvsActualMismatch = 20;
+const int kBaseKeyFrameInterval = 3000;
+// Codec and network settings.
+struct CodecConfigPars {
+ VideoCodecType codec_type;
+ float packet_loss;
+ int num_temporal_layers;
+ int key_frame_interval;
+ bool error_concealment_on;
+ bool denoising_on;
+ bool frame_dropper_on;
+ bool spatial_resize_on;
+// Quality metrics.
+struct QualityMetrics {
+ double minimum_avg_psnr;
+ double minimum_min_psnr;
+ double minimum_avg_ssim;
+ double minimum_min_ssim;
+// The sequence of bitrate and frame rate changes for the encoder, the frame
+// number where the changes are made, and the total number of frames for the
+// test.
+struct RateProfile {
+ int target_bit_rate[kMaxNumRateUpdates];
+ int input_frame_rate[kMaxNumRateUpdates];
+ int frame_index_rate_update[kMaxNumRateUpdates + 1];
+ int num_frames;
+// Metrics for the rate control. The rate mismatch metrics are defined as
+// percentages.|max_time_hit_target| is defined as number of frames, after a
+// rate update is made to the encoder, for the encoder to reach within
+// |kPercTargetvsActualMismatch| of new target rate. The metrics are defined for
+// each rate update sequence.
+struct RateControlMetrics {
+ int max_num_dropped_frames;
+ int max_key_frame_size_mismatch;
+ int max_delta_frame_size_mismatch;
+ int max_encoding_rate_mismatch;
+ int max_time_hit_target;
+ int num_spatial_resizes;
+// Sequence used is foreman (CIF): may be better to use VGA for resize test.
+const int kCIFWidth = 352;
+const int kCIFHeight = 288;
+const int kNbrFramesShort = 100; // Some tests are run for shorter sequence.
+const int kNbrFramesLong = 299;
+// Parameters from VP8 wrapper, which control target size of key frames.
+const float kInitialBufferSize = 0.5f;
+const float kOptimalBufferSize = 0.6f;
+const float kScaleKeyFrameSize = 0.5f;
+// Integration test for video processor. Encodes+decodes a clip and
+// writes it to the output directory. After completion, quality metrics
+// (PSNR and SSIM) and rate control metrics are computed to verify that the
+// quality and encoder response is acceptable. The rate control tests allow us
+// to verify the behavior for changing bitrate, changing frame rate, frame
+// dropping/spatial resize, and temporal layers. The limits for the rate
+// control metrics are set to be fairly conservative, so failure should only
+// happen when some significant regression or breakdown occurs.
+class VideoProcessorIntegrationTest: public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ VideoEncoder* encoder_;
+ VideoDecoder* decoder_;
+ webrtc::test::FrameReader* frame_reader_;
+ webrtc::test::FrameWriter* frame_writer_;
+ webrtc::test::PacketReader packet_reader_;
+ webrtc::test::PacketManipulator* packet_manipulator_;
+ webrtc::test::Stats stats_;
+ webrtc::test::TestConfig config_;
+ VideoCodec codec_settings_;
+ webrtc::test::VideoProcessor* processor_;
+ // Quantities defined/updated for every encoder rate update.
+ // Some quantities defined per temporal layer (at most 3 layers in this test).
+ int num_frames_per_update_[3];
+ float sum_frame_size_mismatch_[3];
+ float sum_encoded_frame_size_[3];
+ float encoding_bitrate_[3];
+ float per_frame_bandwidth_[3];
+ float bit_rate_layer_[3];
+ float frame_rate_layer_[3];
+ int num_frames_total_;
+ float sum_encoded_frame_size_total_;
+ float encoding_bitrate_total_;
+ float perc_encoding_rate_mismatch_;
+ int num_frames_to_hit_target_;
+ bool encoding_rate_within_target_;
+ int bit_rate_;
+ int frame_rate_;
+ int layer_;
+ float target_size_key_frame_initial_;
+ float target_size_key_frame_;
+ float sum_key_frame_size_mismatch_;
+ int num_key_frames_;
+ float start_bitrate_;
+ // Codec and network settings.
+ VideoCodecType codec_type_;
+ float packet_loss_;
+ int num_temporal_layers_;
+ int key_frame_interval_;
+ bool error_concealment_on_;
+ bool denoising_on_;
+ bool frame_dropper_on_;
+ bool spatial_resize_on_;
+ VideoProcessorIntegrationTest() {}
+ virtual ~VideoProcessorIntegrationTest() {}
+ void SetUpCodecConfig() {
+ if (codec_type_ == kVideoCodecVP8) {
+ encoder_ = VP8Encoder::Create();
+ decoder_ = VP8Decoder::Create();
+ VideoCodingModule::Codec(kVideoCodecVP8, &codec_settings_);
+ } else if (codec_type_ == kVideoCodecVP9) {
+ encoder_ = VP9Encoder::Create();
+ decoder_ = VP9Decoder::Create();
+ VideoCodingModule::Codec(kVideoCodecVP9, &codec_settings_);
+ }
+ // CIF is currently used for all tests below.
+ // Setup the TestConfig struct for processing of a clip in CIF resolution.
+ config_.input_filename =
+ webrtc::test::ResourcePath("foreman_cif", "yuv");
+ // Generate an output filename in a safe way.
+ config_.output_filename = webrtc::test::TempFilename(
+ webrtc::test::OutputPath(), "videoprocessor_integrationtest");
+ config_.frame_length_in_bytes = CalcBufferSize(kI420,
+ kCIFWidth, kCIFHeight);
+ config_.verbose = false;
+ // Only allow encoder/decoder to use single core, for predictability.
+ config_.use_single_core = true;
+ // Key frame interval and packet loss are set for each test.
+ config_.keyframe_interval = key_frame_interval_;
+ config_.networking_config.packet_loss_probability = packet_loss_;
+ // Configure codec settings.
+ config_.codec_settings = &codec_settings_;
+ config_.codec_settings->startBitrate = start_bitrate_;
+ config_.codec_settings->width = kCIFWidth;
+ config_.codec_settings->height = kCIFHeight;
+ // These features may be set depending on the test.
+ switch (config_.codec_settings->codecType) {
+ case kVideoCodecVP8:
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.errorConcealmentOn =
+ error_concealment_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.denoisingOn =
+ denoising_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+ num_temporal_layers_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.frameDroppingOn =
+ frame_dropper_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.automaticResizeOn =
+ spatial_resize_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP8.keyFrameInterval =
+ kBaseKeyFrameInterval;
+ break;
+ case kVideoCodecVP9:
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP9.denoisingOn =
+ denoising_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP9.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+ num_temporal_layers_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP9.frameDroppingOn =
+ frame_dropper_on_;
+ config_.codec_settings->codecSpecific.VP9.keyFrameInterval =
+ kBaseKeyFrameInterval;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ frame_reader_ =
+ new webrtc::test::FrameReaderImpl(config_.input_filename,
+ config_.frame_length_in_bytes);
+ frame_writer_ =
+ new webrtc::test::FrameWriterImpl(config_.output_filename,
+ config_.frame_length_in_bytes);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(frame_reader_->Init());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(frame_writer_->Init());
+ packet_manipulator_ = new webrtc::test::PacketManipulatorImpl(
+ &packet_reader_, config_.networking_config, config_.verbose);
+ processor_ = new webrtc::test::VideoProcessorImpl(encoder_, decoder_,
+ frame_reader_,
+ frame_writer_,
+ packet_manipulator_,
+ config_, &stats_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(processor_->Init());
+ }
+ // Reset quantities after each encoder update, update the target
+ // per-frame bandwidth.
+ void ResetRateControlMetrics(int num_frames) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_temporal_layers_; i++) {
+ num_frames_per_update_[i] = 0;
+ sum_frame_size_mismatch_[i] = 0.0f;
+ sum_encoded_frame_size_[i] = 0.0f;
+ encoding_bitrate_[i] = 0.0f;
+ // Update layer per-frame-bandwidth.
+ per_frame_bandwidth_[i] = static_cast<float>(bit_rate_layer_[i]) /
+ static_cast<float>(frame_rate_layer_[i]);
+ }
+ // Set maximum size of key frames, following setting in the VP8 wrapper.
+ float max_key_size = kScaleKeyFrameSize * kOptimalBufferSize * frame_rate_;
+ // We don't know exact target size of the key frames (except for first one),
+ // but the minimum in libvpx is ~|3 * per_frame_bandwidth| and maximum is
+ // set by |max_key_size_ * per_frame_bandwidth|. Take middle point/average
+ // as reference for mismatch. Note key frames always correspond to base
+ // layer frame in this test.
+ target_size_key_frame_ = 0.5 * (3 + max_key_size) * per_frame_bandwidth_[0];
+ num_frames_total_ = 0;
+ sum_encoded_frame_size_total_ = 0.0f;
+ encoding_bitrate_total_ = 0.0f;
+ perc_encoding_rate_mismatch_ = 0.0f;
+ num_frames_to_hit_target_ = num_frames;
+ encoding_rate_within_target_ = false;
+ sum_key_frame_size_mismatch_ = 0.0;
+ num_key_frames_ = 0;
+ }
+ // For every encoded frame, update the rate control metrics.
+ void UpdateRateControlMetrics(int frame_num, VideoFrameType frame_type) {
+ float encoded_size_kbits = processor_->EncodedFrameSize() * 8.0f / 1000.0f;
+ // Update layer data.
+ // Update rate mismatch relative to per-frame bandwidth for delta frames.
+ if (frame_type == kDeltaFrame) {
+ // TODO(marpan): Should we count dropped (zero size) frames in mismatch?
+ sum_frame_size_mismatch_[layer_] += fabs(encoded_size_kbits -
+ per_frame_bandwidth_[layer_]) /
+ per_frame_bandwidth_[layer_];
+ } else {
+ float target_size = (frame_num == 1) ? target_size_key_frame_initial_ :
+ target_size_key_frame_;
+ sum_key_frame_size_mismatch_ += fabs(encoded_size_kbits - target_size) /
+ target_size;
+ num_key_frames_ += 1;
+ }
+ sum_encoded_frame_size_[layer_] += encoded_size_kbits;
+ // Encoding bitrate per layer: from the start of the update/run to the
+ // current frame.
+ encoding_bitrate_[layer_] = sum_encoded_frame_size_[layer_] *
+ frame_rate_layer_[layer_] /
+ num_frames_per_update_[layer_];
+ // Total encoding rate: from the start of the update/run to current frame.
+ sum_encoded_frame_size_total_ += encoded_size_kbits;
+ encoding_bitrate_total_ = sum_encoded_frame_size_total_ * frame_rate_ /
+ num_frames_total_;
+ perc_encoding_rate_mismatch_ = 100 * fabs(encoding_bitrate_total_ -
+ bit_rate_) / bit_rate_;
+ if (perc_encoding_rate_mismatch_ < kPercTargetvsActualMismatch &&
+ !encoding_rate_within_target_) {
+ num_frames_to_hit_target_ = num_frames_total_;
+ encoding_rate_within_target_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify expected behavior of rate control and print out data.
+ void VerifyRateControl(int update_index,
+ int max_key_frame_size_mismatch,
+ int max_delta_frame_size_mismatch,
+ int max_encoding_rate_mismatch,
+ int max_time_hit_target,
+ int max_num_dropped_frames,
+ int num_spatial_resizes) {
+ int num_dropped_frames = processor_->NumberDroppedFrames();
+ int num_resize_actions = processor_->NumberSpatialResizes();
+ printf("For update #: %d,\n "
+ " Target Bitrate: %d,\n"
+ " Encoding bitrate: %f,\n"
+ " Frame rate: %d \n",
+ update_index, bit_rate_, encoding_bitrate_total_, frame_rate_);
+ printf(" Number of frames to approach target rate = %d, \n"
+ " Number of dropped frames = %d, \n"
+ " Number of spatial resizes = %d, \n",
+ num_frames_to_hit_target_, num_dropped_frames, num_resize_actions);
+ EXPECT_LE(perc_encoding_rate_mismatch_, max_encoding_rate_mismatch);
+ if (num_key_frames_ > 0) {
+ int perc_key_frame_size_mismatch = 100 * sum_key_frame_size_mismatch_ /
+ num_key_frames_;
+ printf(" Number of Key frames: %d \n"
+ " Key frame rate mismatch: %d \n",
+ num_key_frames_, perc_key_frame_size_mismatch);
+ EXPECT_LE(perc_key_frame_size_mismatch, max_key_frame_size_mismatch);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Rates statistics for Layer data \n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_temporal_layers_ ; i++) {
+ printf("Layer #%d \n", i);
+ int perc_frame_size_mismatch = 100 * sum_frame_size_mismatch_[i] /
+ num_frames_per_update_[i];
+ int perc_encoding_rate_mismatch = 100 * fabs(encoding_bitrate_[i] -
+ bit_rate_layer_[i]) /
+ bit_rate_layer_[i];
+ printf(" Target Layer Bit rate: %f \n"
+ " Layer frame rate: %f, \n"
+ " Layer per frame bandwidth: %f, \n"
+ " Layer Encoding bit rate: %f, \n"
+ " Layer Percent frame size mismatch: %d, \n"
+ " Layer Percent encoding rate mismatch = %d, \n"
+ " Number of frame processed per layer = %d \n",
+ bit_rate_layer_[i], frame_rate_layer_[i], per_frame_bandwidth_[i],
+ encoding_bitrate_[i], perc_frame_size_mismatch,
+ perc_encoding_rate_mismatch, num_frames_per_update_[i]);
+ EXPECT_LE(perc_frame_size_mismatch, max_delta_frame_size_mismatch);
+ EXPECT_LE(perc_encoding_rate_mismatch, max_encoding_rate_mismatch);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ EXPECT_LE(num_frames_to_hit_target_, max_time_hit_target);
+ EXPECT_LE(num_dropped_frames, max_num_dropped_frames);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_resize_actions, num_spatial_resizes);
+ }
+ // Layer index corresponding to frame number, for up to 3 layers.
+ void LayerIndexForFrame(int frame_number) {
+ if (num_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
+ layer_ = 0;
+ } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 2) {
+ // layer 0: 0 2 4 ...
+ // layer 1: 1 3
+ if (frame_number % 2 == 0) {
+ layer_ = 0;
+ } else {
+ layer_ = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 3) {
+ // layer 0: 0 4 8 ...
+ // layer 1: 2 6
+ // layer 2: 1 3 5 7
+ if (frame_number % 4 == 0) {
+ layer_ = 0;
+ } else if ((frame_number + 2) % 4 == 0) {
+ layer_ = 1;
+ } else if ((frame_number + 1) % 2 == 0) {
+ layer_ = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(false); // Only up to 3 layers.
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the bitrate and frame rate per layer, for up to 3 layers.
+ void SetLayerRates() {
+ assert(num_temporal_layers_<= 3);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_temporal_layers_; i++) {
+ float bit_rate_ratio =
+ kVp8LayerRateAlloction[num_temporal_layers_ - 1][i];
+ if (i > 0) {
+ float bit_rate_delta_ratio = kVp8LayerRateAlloction
+ [num_temporal_layers_ - 1][i] -
+ kVp8LayerRateAlloction[num_temporal_layers_ - 1][i - 1];
+ bit_rate_layer_[i] = bit_rate_ * bit_rate_delta_ratio;
+ } else {
+ bit_rate_layer_[i] = bit_rate_ * bit_rate_ratio;
+ }
+ frame_rate_layer_[i] = frame_rate_ / static_cast<float>(
+ 1 << (num_temporal_layers_ - 1));
+ }
+ if (num_temporal_layers_ == 3) {
+ frame_rate_layer_[2] = frame_rate_ / 2.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ VideoFrameType FrameType(int frame_number) {
+ if (frame_number == 0 || ((frame_number) % key_frame_interval_ == 0 &&
+ key_frame_interval_ > 0)) {
+ return kKeyFrame;
+ } else {
+ return kDeltaFrame;
+ }
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ delete processor_;
+ delete packet_manipulator_;
+ delete frame_writer_;
+ delete frame_reader_;
+ delete decoder_;
+ delete encoder_;
+ }
+ // Processes all frames in the clip and verifies the result.
+ void ProcessFramesAndVerify(QualityMetrics quality_metrics,
+ RateProfile rate_profile,
+ CodecConfigPars process,
+ RateControlMetrics* rc_metrics) {
+ // Codec/config settings.
+ codec_type_ = process.codec_type;
+ start_bitrate_ = rate_profile.target_bit_rate[0];
+ packet_loss_ = process.packet_loss;
+ key_frame_interval_ = process.key_frame_interval;
+ num_temporal_layers_ = process.num_temporal_layers;
+ error_concealment_on_ = process.error_concealment_on;
+ denoising_on_ = process.denoising_on;
+ frame_dropper_on_ = process.frame_dropper_on;
+ spatial_resize_on_ = process.spatial_resize_on;
+ SetUpCodecConfig();
+ // Update the layers and the codec with the initial rates.
+ bit_rate_ = rate_profile.target_bit_rate[0];
+ frame_rate_ = rate_profile.input_frame_rate[0];
+ SetLayerRates();
+ // Set the initial target size for key frame.
+ target_size_key_frame_initial_ = 0.5 * kInitialBufferSize *
+ bit_rate_layer_[0];
+ processor_->SetRates(bit_rate_, frame_rate_);
+ // Process each frame, up to |num_frames|.
+ int num_frames = rate_profile.num_frames;
+ int update_index = 0;
+ ResetRateControlMetrics(
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[update_index + 1]);
+ int frame_number = 0;
+ VideoFrameType frame_type = kDeltaFrame;
+ while (processor_->ProcessFrame(frame_number) &&
+ frame_number < num_frames) {
+ // Get the layer index for the frame |frame_number|.
+ LayerIndexForFrame(frame_number);
+ frame_type = FrameType(frame_number);
+ // Counter for whole sequence run.
+ ++frame_number;
+ // Counters for each rate update.
+ ++num_frames_per_update_[layer_];
+ ++num_frames_total_;
+ UpdateRateControlMetrics(frame_number, frame_type);
+ // If we hit another/next update, verify stats for current state and
+ // update layers and codec with new rates.
+ if (frame_number ==
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[update_index + 1]) {
+ VerifyRateControl(
+ update_index,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_key_frame_size_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_delta_frame_size_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_encoding_rate_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_time_hit_target,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_num_dropped_frames,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].num_spatial_resizes);
+ // Update layer rates and the codec with new rates.
+ ++update_index;
+ bit_rate_ = rate_profile.target_bit_rate[update_index];
+ frame_rate_ = rate_profile.input_frame_rate[update_index];
+ SetLayerRates();
+ ResetRateControlMetrics(rate_profile.
+ frame_index_rate_update[update_index + 1]);
+ processor_->SetRates(bit_rate_, frame_rate_);
+ }
+ }
+ VerifyRateControl(
+ update_index,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_key_frame_size_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_delta_frame_size_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_encoding_rate_mismatch,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_time_hit_target,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_num_dropped_frames,
+ rc_metrics[update_index].num_spatial_resizes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_frames, frame_number);
+ EXPECT_EQ(num_frames + 1, static_cast<int>(stats_.stats_.size()));
+ // Release encoder and decoder to make sure they have finished processing:
+ EXPECT_EQ(WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK, encoder_->Release());
+ EXPECT_EQ(WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK, decoder_->Release());
+ // Close the files before we start using them for SSIM/PSNR calculations.
+ frame_reader_->Close();
+ frame_writer_->Close();
+ // TODO(marpan): should compute these quality metrics per SetRates update.
+ webrtc::test::QualityMetricsResult psnr_result, ssim_result;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, webrtc::test::I420MetricsFromFiles(
+ config_.input_filename.c_str(),
+ config_.output_filename.c_str(),
+ config_.codec_settings->width,
+ config_.codec_settings->height,
+ &psnr_result,
+ &ssim_result));
+ printf("PSNR avg: %f, min: %f SSIM avg: %f, min: %f\n",
+ psnr_result.average, psnr_result.min,
+ ssim_result.average, ssim_result.min);
+ stats_.PrintSummary();
+ EXPECT_GT(psnr_result.average, quality_metrics.minimum_avg_psnr);
+ EXPECT_GT(psnr_result.min, quality_metrics.minimum_min_psnr);
+ EXPECT_GT(ssim_result.average, quality_metrics.minimum_avg_ssim);
+ EXPECT_GT(ssim_result.min, quality_metrics.minimum_min_ssim);
+ if (!remove(config_.output_filename.c_str())) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to remove temporary file!");
+ }
+ }
+void SetRateProfilePars(RateProfile* rate_profile,
+ int update_index,
+ int bit_rate,
+ int frame_rate,
+ int frame_index_rate_update) {
+ rate_profile->target_bit_rate[update_index] = bit_rate;
+ rate_profile->input_frame_rate[update_index] = frame_rate;
+ rate_profile->frame_index_rate_update[update_index] = frame_index_rate_update;
+void SetCodecParameters(CodecConfigPars* process_settings,
+ VideoCodecType codec_type,
+ float packet_loss,
+ int key_frame_interval,
+ int num_temporal_layers,
+ bool error_concealment_on,
+ bool denoising_on,
+ bool frame_dropper_on,
+ bool spatial_resize_on) {
+ process_settings->codec_type = codec_type;
+ process_settings->packet_loss = packet_loss;
+ process_settings->key_frame_interval = key_frame_interval;
+ process_settings->num_temporal_layers = num_temporal_layers,
+ process_settings->error_concealment_on = error_concealment_on;
+ process_settings->denoising_on = denoising_on;
+ process_settings->frame_dropper_on = frame_dropper_on;
+ process_settings->spatial_resize_on = spatial_resize_on;
+void SetQualityMetrics(QualityMetrics* quality_metrics,
+ double minimum_avg_psnr,
+ double minimum_min_psnr,
+ double minimum_avg_ssim,
+ double minimum_min_ssim) {
+ quality_metrics->minimum_avg_psnr = minimum_avg_psnr;
+ quality_metrics->minimum_min_psnr = minimum_min_psnr;
+ quality_metrics->minimum_avg_ssim = minimum_avg_ssim;
+ quality_metrics->minimum_min_ssim = minimum_min_ssim;
+void SetRateControlMetrics(RateControlMetrics* rc_metrics,
+ int update_index,
+ int max_num_dropped_frames,
+ int max_key_frame_size_mismatch,
+ int max_delta_frame_size_mismatch,
+ int max_encoding_rate_mismatch,
+ int max_time_hit_target,
+ int num_spatial_resizes) {
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_num_dropped_frames = max_num_dropped_frames;
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_key_frame_size_mismatch =
+ max_key_frame_size_mismatch;
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_delta_frame_size_mismatch =
+ max_delta_frame_size_mismatch;
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_encoding_rate_mismatch =
+ max_encoding_rate_mismatch;
+ rc_metrics[update_index].max_time_hit_target = max_time_hit_target;
+ rc_metrics[update_index].num_spatial_resizes = num_spatial_resizes;
+// VP9: Run with no packet loss and fixed bitrate. Quality should be very high.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence. Setting |key_frame_interval|
+// to -1 below means no periodic key frames in test.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process0PercentPacketLossVP9) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP9, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ false, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 37.0, 36.0, 0.93, 0.92);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 20, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP9: Run with 5% packet loss and fixed bitrate. Quality should be a bit
+// lower. One key frame (first frame only) in sequence.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process5PercentPacketLossVP9) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP9, 0.05f, -1, 1, false,
+ false, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 17.0, 14.0, 0.45, 0.36);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 20, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP9: Run with no packet loss, with varying bitrate (3 rate updates):
+// low to high to medium. Check that quality and encoder response to the new
+// target rate/per-frame bandwidth (for each rate update) is within limits.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, ProcessNoLossChangeBitRateVP9) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 200, 30, 0);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 1, 700, 30, 100);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 2, 500, 30, 200);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[3] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP9, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ false, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 35.9, 30.0, 0.90, 0.85);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[3];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 30, 20, 20, 30, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 1, 2, 0, 20, 20, 60, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 2, 0, 0, 25, 20, 40, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP9: Run with no packet loss, with an update (decrease) in frame rate.
+// Lower frame rate means higher per-frame-bandwidth, so easier to encode.
+// At the low bitrate in this test, this means better rate control after the
+// update(s) to lower frame rate. So expect less frame drops, and max values
+// for the rate control metrics can be lower. One key frame (first frame only).
+// Note: quality after update should be higher but we currently compute quality
+// metrics averaged over whole sequence run.
+ ProcessNoLossChangeFrameRateFrameDropVP9) {
+ config_.networking_config.packet_loss_probability = 0;
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 100, 24, 0);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 1, 100, 15, 100);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 2, 100, 10, 200);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[3] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP9, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ false, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 31.5, 18.0, 0.80, 0.44);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[3];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 35, 50, 70, 15, 45, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 1, 10, 0, 40, 10, 30, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 2, 5, 0, 30, 5, 20, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP9: Run with no packet loss and denoiser on. One key frame (first frame).
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, ProcessNoLossDenoiserOnVP9) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP9, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 36.8, 35.8, 0.92, 0.91);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 20, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// TODO(marpan): Add temporal layer test for VP9, once changes are in
+// vp9 wrapper for this.
+// VP8: Run with no packet loss and fixed bitrate. Quality should be very high.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence. Setting |key_frame_interval|
+// to -1 below means no periodic key frames in test.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, ProcessZeroPacketLoss) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 34.95, 33.0, 0.90, 0.89);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 15, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP8: Run with 5% packet loss and fixed bitrate. Quality should be a bit
+// lower. One key frame (first frame only) in sequence.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process5PercentPacketLoss) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.05f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 20.0, 16.0, 0.60, 0.40);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 15, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP8: Run with 10% packet loss and fixed bitrate. Quality should be lower.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence.
+TEST_F(VideoProcessorIntegrationTest, Process10PercentPacketLoss) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 500, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesShort + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesShort;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.1f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 19.0, 16.0, 0.50, 0.35);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 40, 20, 10, 15, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// The tests below are currently disabled for Android. For ARM, the encoder
+// uses |cpu_speed| = 12, as opposed to default |cpu_speed| <= 6 for x86,
+// which leads to significantly different quality. The quality and rate control
+// settings in the tests below are defined for encoder speed setting
+// |cpu_speed| <= ~6. A number of settings would need to be significantly
+// modified for the |cpu_speed| = 12 case. For now, keep the tests below
+// disabled on Android. Some quality parameter in the above test has been
+// adjusted to also pass for |cpu_speed| <= 12.
+// VP8: Run with no packet loss, with varying bitrate (3 rate updates):
+// low to high to medium. Check that quality and encoder response to the new
+// target rate/per-frame bandwidth (for each rate update) is within limits.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence.
+ DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(ProcessNoLossChangeBitRateVP8)) {
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 200, 30, 0);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 1, 800, 30, 100);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 2, 500, 30, 200);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[3] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 34.0, 32.0, 0.85, 0.80);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[3];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 45, 20, 10, 15, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 1, 0, 0, 25, 20, 10, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 2, 0, 0, 25, 15, 10, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP8: Run with no packet loss, with an update (decrease) in frame rate.
+// Lower frame rate means higher per-frame-bandwidth, so easier to encode.
+// At the bitrate in this test, this means better rate control after the
+// update(s) to lower frame rate. So expect less frame drops, and max values
+// for the rate control metrics can be lower. One key frame (first frame only).
+// Note: quality after update should be higher but we currently compute quality
+// metrics averaged over whole sequence run.
+ DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(ProcessNoLossChangeFrameRateFrameDropVP8)) {
+ config_.networking_config.packet_loss_probability = 0;
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 80, 24, 0);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 1, 80, 15, 100);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 2, 80, 10, 200);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[3] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.0f, -1, 1, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 31.0, 22.0, 0.80, 0.65);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[3];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 40, 20, 75, 15, 60, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 1, 10, 0, 25, 10, 35, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 2, 0, 0, 20, 10, 15, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// Run with no packet loss, at low bitrate. During this time we should've
+// resized once.
+ DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(ProcessNoLossSpatialResizeFrameDropVP8)) {
+ config_.networking_config.packet_loss_probability = 0;
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 50, 30, 0);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[1] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.0f, kNbrFramesLong,
+ 1, false, true, true, true);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 25.0, 15.0, 0.70, 0.40);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[1];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 160, 60, 120, 20, 70, 1);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+// VP8: Run with no packet loss, with 3 temporal layers, with a rate update in
+// the middle of the sequence. The max values for the frame size mismatch and
+// encoding rate mismatch are applied to each layer.
+// No dropped frames in this test, and internal spatial resizer is off.
+// One key frame (first frame only) in sequence, so no spatial resizing.
+ DISABLED_ON_ANDROID(ProcessNoLossTemporalLayersVP8)) {
+ config_.networking_config.packet_loss_probability = 0;
+ // Bitrate and frame rate profile.
+ RateProfile rate_profile;
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 0, 200, 30, 0);
+ SetRateProfilePars(&rate_profile, 1, 400, 30, 150);
+ rate_profile.frame_index_rate_update[2] = kNbrFramesLong + 1;
+ rate_profile.num_frames = kNbrFramesLong;
+ // Codec/network settings.
+ CodecConfigPars process_settings;
+ SetCodecParameters(&process_settings, kVideoCodecVP8, 0.0f, -1, 3, false,
+ true, true, false);
+ // Metrics for expected quality.
+ QualityMetrics quality_metrics;
+ SetQualityMetrics(&quality_metrics, 32.5, 30.0, 0.85, 0.80);
+ // Metrics for rate control.
+ RateControlMetrics rc_metrics[2];
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 0, 0, 20, 30, 10, 10, 0);
+ SetRateControlMetrics(rc_metrics, 1, 0, 0, 30, 15, 10, 0);
+ ProcessFramesAndVerify(quality_metrics,
+ rate_profile,
+ process_settings,
+ rc_metrics);
+} // namespace webrtc