path: root/chromium/third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1238 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/ b/chromium/third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/
deleted file mode 100755
index b8b8ff47b1a..00000000000
--- a/chromium/third_party/lcov/contrib/galaxy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1238 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2002
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
-# your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# genflat
-# This script generates std output from .info files as created by the
-# geninfo script. Call it with --help to get information on usage and
-# available options. This code is based on the lcov genhtml script
-# by Peter Oberparleiter <>
-# History:
-# 2003-08-19 ripped up Peter's script James M Kenefick Jr. <>
-use strict;
-use File::Basename;
-use Getopt::Long;
-# Constants
-our $lcov_version = "";
-our $lcov_url = "";
-# Specify coverage rate limits (in %) for classifying file entries
-# HI: $hi_limit <= rate <= 100 graph color: green
-# MED: $med_limit <= rate < $hi_limit graph color: orange
-# LO: 0 <= rate < $med_limit graph color: red
-our $hi_limit = 50;
-our $med_limit = 15;
-# Data related prototypes
-sub print_usage(*);
-sub gen_html();
-sub process_dir($);
-sub process_file($$$);
-sub info(@);
-sub read_info_file($);
-sub get_info_entry($);
-sub set_info_entry($$$$;$$);
-sub get_prefix(@);
-sub shorten_prefix($);
-sub get_dir_list(@);
-sub get_relative_base_path($);
-sub get_date_string();
-sub split_filename($);
-sub subtract_counts($$);
-sub add_counts($$);
-sub apply_baseline($$);
-sub combine_info_files($$);
-sub combine_info_entries($$);
-sub apply_prefix($$);
-sub escape_regexp($);
-# HTML related prototypes
-sub write_file_table(*$$$$);
-# Global variables & initialization
-our %info_data; # Hash containing all data from .info file
-our $dir_prefix; # Prefix to remove from all sub directories
-our %test_description; # Hash containing test descriptions if available
-our $date = get_date_string();
-our @info_filenames; # List of .info files to use as data source
-our $test_title; # Title for output as written to each page header
-our $output_directory; # Name of directory in which to store output
-our $base_filename; # Optional name of file containing baseline data
-our $desc_filename; # Name of file containing test descriptions
-our $css_filename; # Optional name of external stylesheet file to use
-our $quiet; # If set, suppress information messages
-our $help; # Help option flag
-our $version; # Version option flag
-our $show_details; # If set, generate detailed directory view
-our $no_prefix; # If set, do not remove filename prefix
-our $frames; # If set, use frames for source code view
-our $keep_descriptions; # If set, do not remove unused test case descriptions
-our $no_sourceview; # If set, do not create a source code view for each file
-our $tab_size = 8; # Number of spaces to use in place of tab
-our $cwd = `pwd`; # Current working directory
-our $tool_dir = dirname($0); # Directory where genhtml tool is installed
-# Code entry point
-# Add current working directory if $tool_dir is not already an absolute path
-if (! ($tool_dir =~ /^\/(.*)$/))
- $tool_dir = "$cwd/$tool_dir";
-# Parse command line options
-if (!GetOptions("output-directory=s" => \$output_directory,
- "css-file=s" => \$css_filename,
- "baseline-file=s" => \$base_filename,
- "prefix=s" => \$dir_prefix,
- "num-spaces=i" => \$tab_size,
- "no-prefix" => \$no_prefix,
- "quiet" => \$quiet,
- "help" => \$help,
- "version" => \$version
- ))
- print_usage(*STDERR);
- exit(1);
-@info_filenames = @ARGV;
-# Check for help option
-if ($help)
- print_usage(*STDOUT);
- exit(0);
-# Check for version option
-if ($version)
- print($lcov_version."\n");
- exit(0);
-# Check for info filename
-if (!@info_filenames)
- print(STDERR "No filename specified\n");
- print_usage(*STDERR);
- exit(1);
-# Generate a title if none is specified
-if (!$test_title)
- if (scalar(@info_filenames) == 1)
- {
- # Only one filename specified, use it as title
- $test_title = basename($info_filenames[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- # More than one filename specified, used default title
- $test_title = "unnamed";
- }
-# Make sure tab_size is within valid range
-if ($tab_size < 1)
- print(STDERR "ERROR: invalid number of spaces specified: ".
- "$tab_size!\n");
- exit(1);
-# Do something
-# print_usage(handle)
-# Print usage information.
-sub print_usage(*)
- local *HANDLE = $_[0];
- my $executable_name = basename($0);
-Usage: $executable_name [OPTIONS] INFOFILE(S)
-Create HTML output for coverage data found in INFOFILE. Note that INFOFILE
-may also be a list of filenames.
- -h, --help Print this help, then exit
- -v, --version Print version number, then exit
- -q, --quiet Do not print progress messages
- -b, --baseline-file BASEFILE Use BASEFILE as baseline file
- -p, --prefix PREFIX Remove PREFIX from all directory names
- --no-prefix Do not remove prefix from directory names
- --no-source Do not create source code view
- --num-spaces NUM Replace tabs with NUM spaces in source view
-See $lcov_url for more information about this tool.
- ;
-# gen_html()
-# Generate a set of HTML pages from contents of .info file INFO_FILENAME.
-# Files will be written to the current directory. If provided, test case
-# descriptions will be read from .tests file TEST_FILENAME and included
-# in ouput.
-# Die on error.
-sub gen_html()
- local *HTML_HANDLE;
- my %overview;
- my %base_data;
- my $lines_found;
- my $lines_hit;
- my $overall_found = 0;
- my $overall_hit = 0;
- my $dir_name;
- my $link_name;
- my @dir_list;
- my %new_info;
- # Read in all specified .info files
- foreach (@info_filenames)
- {
- info("Reading data file $_\n");
- %new_info = %{read_info_file($_)};
- # Combine %new_info with %info_data
- %info_data = %{combine_info_files(\%info_data, \%new_info)};
- }
- info("Found %d entries.\n", scalar(keys(%info_data)));
- # Read and apply baseline data if specified
- if ($base_filename)
- {
- # Read baseline file
- info("Reading baseline file $base_filename\n");
- %base_data = %{read_info_file($base_filename)};
- info("Found %d entries.\n", scalar(keys(%base_data)));
- # Apply baseline
- info("Subtracting baseline data.\n");
- %info_data = %{apply_baseline(\%info_data, \%base_data)};
- }
- @dir_list = get_dir_list(keys(%info_data));
- if ($no_prefix)
- {
- # User requested that we leave filenames alone
- info("User asked not to remove filename prefix\n");
- }
- elsif (!defined($dir_prefix))
- {
- # Get prefix common to most directories in list
- $dir_prefix = get_prefix(@dir_list);
- if ($dir_prefix)
- {
- info("Found common filename prefix \"$dir_prefix\"\n");
- }
- else
- {
- info("No common filename prefix found!\n");
- $no_prefix=1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- info("Using user-specified filename prefix \"".
- "$dir_prefix\"\n");
- }
- # Process each subdirectory and collect overview information
- foreach $dir_name (@dir_list)
- {
- ($lines_found, $lines_hit) = process_dir($dir_name);
- $overview{$dir_name} = "$lines_found,$lines_hit, ";
- $overall_found += $lines_found;
- $overall_hit += $lines_hit;
- }
- if ($overall_found == 0)
- {
- info("Warning: No lines found!\n");
- }
- else
- {
- info("Overall coverage rate: %d of %d lines (%.1f%%)\n",
- $overall_hit, $overall_found,
- $overall_hit*100/$overall_found);
- }
-# process_dir(dir_name)
-sub process_dir($)
- my $abs_dir = $_[0];
- my $trunc_dir;
- my $rel_dir = $abs_dir;
- my $base_dir;
- my $filename;
- my %overview;
- my $lines_found;
- my $lines_hit;
- my $overall_found=0;
- my $overall_hit=0;
- my $base_name;
- my $extension;
- my $testdata;
- my %testhash;
- local *HTML_HANDLE;
- # Remove prefix if applicable
- if (!$no_prefix)
- {
- # Match directory name beginning with $dir_prefix
- $rel_dir = apply_prefix($rel_dir, $dir_prefix);
- }
- $trunc_dir = $rel_dir;
- # Remove leading /
- if ($rel_dir =~ /^\/(.*)$/)
- {
- $rel_dir = substr($rel_dir, 1);
- }
- $base_dir = get_relative_base_path($rel_dir);
- $abs_dir = escape_regexp($abs_dir);
- # Match filenames which specify files in this directory, not including
- # sub-directories
- foreach $filename (grep(/^$abs_dir\/[^\/]*$/,keys(%info_data)))
- {
- ($lines_found, $lines_hit, $testdata) =
- process_file($trunc_dir, $rel_dir, $filename);
- $base_name = basename($filename);
- $overview{$base_name} = "$lines_found,$lines_hit";
- $testhash{$base_name} = $testdata;
- $overall_found += $lines_found;
- $overall_hit += $lines_hit;
- }
- write_file_table($abs_dir, "./linux/", \%overview, \%testhash, 4);
- # Calculate resulting line counts
- return ($overall_found, $overall_hit);
-# process_file(trunc_dir, rel_dir, filename)
-sub process_file($$$)
- info("Processing file ".apply_prefix($_[2], $dir_prefix)."\n");
- my $trunc_dir = $_[0];
- my $rel_dir = $_[1];
- my $filename = $_[2];
- my $base_name = basename($filename);
- my $base_dir = get_relative_base_path($rel_dir);
- my $testdata;
- my $testcount;
- my $sumcount;
- my $funcdata;
- my $lines_found;
- my $lines_hit;
- my @source;
- my $pagetitle;
- ($testdata, $sumcount, $funcdata, $lines_found, $lines_hit) =
- get_info_entry($info_data{$filename});
- return ($lines_found, $lines_hit, $testdata);
-# read_info_file(info_filename)
-# Read in the contents of the .info file specified by INFO_FILENAME. Data will
-# be returned as a reference to a hash containing the following mappings:
-# %result: for each filename found in file -> \%data
-# %data: "test" -> \%testdata
-# "sum" -> \%sumcount
-# "func" -> \%funcdata
-# "found" -> $lines_found (number of instrumented lines found in file)
-# "hit" -> $lines_hit (number of executed lines in file)
-# %testdata: name of test affecting this file -> \%testcount
-# %testcount: line number -> execution count for a single test
-# %sumcount : line number -> execution count for all tests
-# %funcdata : line number -> name of function beginning at that line
-# Note that .info file sections referring to the same file and test name
-# will automatically be combined by adding all execution counts.
-# Note that if INFO_FILENAME ends with ".gz", it is assumed that the file
-# is compressed using GZIP. If available, GUNZIP will be used to decompress
-# this file.
-# Die on error
-sub read_info_file($)
- my $tracefile = $_[0]; # Name of tracefile
- my %result; # Resulting hash: file -> data
- my $data; # Data handle for current entry
- my $testdata; # " "
- my $testcount; # " "
- my $sumcount; # " "
- my $funcdata; # " "
- my $line; # Current line read from .info file
- my $testname; # Current test name
- my $filename; # Current filename
- my $hitcount; # Count for lines hit
- my $count; # Execution count of current line
- my $negative; # If set, warn about negative counts
- local *INFO_HANDLE; # Filehandle for .info file
- # Check if file exists and is readable
- stat($_[0]);
- if (!(-r _))
- {
- die("ERROR: cannot read file $_[0]!\n");
- }
- # Check if this is really a plain file
- if (!(-f _))
- {
- die("ERROR: not a plain file: $_[0]!\n");
- }
- # Check for .gz extension
- if ($_[0] =~ /^(.*)\.gz$/)
- {
- # Check for availability of GZIP tool
- system("gunzip -h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
- and die("ERROR: gunzip command not available!\n");
- # Check integrity of compressed file
- system("gunzip -t $_[0] >/dev/null 2>/dev/null")
- and die("ERROR: integrity check failed for ".
- "compressed file $_[0]!\n");
- # Open compressed file
- open(INFO_HANDLE, "gunzip -c $_[0]|")
- or die("ERROR: cannot start gunzip to uncompress ".
- "file $_[0]!\n");
- }
- else
- {
- # Open uncompressed file
- open(INFO_HANDLE, $_[0])
- or die("ERROR: cannot read file $_[0]!\n");
- }
- $testname = "";
- while (<INFO_HANDLE>)
- {
- chomp($_);
- $line = $_;
- # Switch statement
- foreach ($line)
- {
- /^TN:(\w+)/ && do
- {
- # Test name information found
- $testname = $1;
- last;
- };
- /^[SK]F:(.*)/ && do
- {
- # Filename information found
- # Retrieve data for new entry
- $filename = $1;
- $data = $result{$filename};
- ($testdata, $sumcount, $funcdata) =
- get_info_entry($data);
- if (defined($testname))
- {
- $testcount = $testdata->{$testname};
- }
- else
- {
- my %new_hash;
- $testcount = \%new_hash;
- }
- last;
- };
- /^DA:(\d+),(-?\d+)/ && do
- {
- # Fix negative counts
- $count = $2 < 0 ? 0 : $2;
- if ($2 < 0)
- {
- $negative = 1;
- }
- # Execution count found, add to structure
- # Add summary counts
- $sumcount->{$1} += $count;
- # Add test-specific counts
- if (defined($testname))
- {
- $testcount->{$1} += $count;
- }
- last;
- };
- /^FN:(\d+),([^,]+)/ && do
- {
- # Function data found, add to structure
- $funcdata->{$1} = $2;
- last;
- };
- /^end_of_record/ && do
- {
- # Found end of section marker
- if ($filename)
- {
- # Store current section data
- if (defined($testname))
- {
- $testdata->{$testname} =
- $testcount;
- }
- set_info_entry($data, $testdata,
- $sumcount, $funcdata);
- $result{$filename} = $data;
- }
- };
- # default
- last;
- }
- }
- close(INFO_HANDLE);
- # Calculate lines_found and lines_hit for each file
- foreach $filename (keys(%result))
- {
- $data = $result{$filename};
- ($testdata, $sumcount, $funcdata) = get_info_entry($data);
- $data->{"found"} = scalar(keys(%{$sumcount}));
- $hitcount = 0;
- foreach (keys(%{$sumcount}))
- {
- if ($sumcount->{$_} >0) { $hitcount++; }
- }
- $data->{"hit"} = $hitcount;
- $result{$filename} = $data;
- }
- if (scalar(keys(%result)) == 0)
- {
- die("ERROR: No valid records found in tracefile $tracefile\n");
- }
- if ($negative)
- {
- warn("WARNING: Negative counts found in tracefile ".
- "$tracefile\n");
- }
- return(\%result);
-# get_info_entry(hash_ref)
-# Retrieve data from an entry of the structure generated by read_info_file().
-# Return a list of references to hashes:
-# (test data hash ref, sum count hash ref, funcdata hash ref, lines found,
-# lines hit)
-sub get_info_entry($)
- my $testdata_ref = $_[0]->{"test"};
- my $sumcount_ref = $_[0]->{"sum"};
- my $funcdata_ref = $_[0]->{"func"};
- my $lines_found = $_[0]->{"found"};
- my $lines_hit = $_[0]->{"hit"};
- return ($testdata_ref, $sumcount_ref, $funcdata_ref, $lines_found,
- $lines_hit);
-# set_info_entry(hash_ref, testdata_ref, sumcount_ref, funcdata_ref[,
-# lines_found, lines_hit])
-# Update the hash referenced by HASH_REF with the provided data references.
-sub set_info_entry($$$$;$$)
- my $data_ref = $_[0];
- $data_ref->{"test"} = $_[1];
- $data_ref->{"sum"} = $_[2];
- $data_ref->{"func"} = $_[3];
- if (defined($_[4])) { $data_ref->{"found"} = $_[4]; }
- if (defined($_[5])) { $data_ref->{"hit"} = $_[5]; }
-# get_prefix(filename_list)
-# Search FILENAME_LIST for a directory prefix which is common to as many
-# list entries as possible, so that removing this prefix will minimize the
-# sum of the lengths of all resulting shortened filenames.
-sub get_prefix(@)
- my @filename_list = @_; # provided list of filenames
- my %prefix; # mapping: prefix -> sum of lengths
- my $current; # Temporary iteration variable
- # Find list of prefixes
- foreach (@filename_list)
- {
- # Need explicit assignment to get a copy of $_ so that
- # shortening the contained prefix does not affect the list
- $current = shorten_prefix($_);
- while ($current = shorten_prefix($current))
- {
- # Skip rest if the remaining prefix has already been
- # added to hash
- if ($prefix{$current}) { last; }
- # Initialize with 0
- $prefix{$current}="0";
- }
- }
- # Calculate sum of lengths for all prefixes
- foreach $current (keys(%prefix))
- {
- foreach (@filename_list)
- {
- # Add original length
- $prefix{$current} += length($_);
- # Check whether prefix matches
- if (substr($_, 0, length($current)) eq $current)
- {
- # Subtract prefix length for this filename
- $prefix{$current} -= length($current);
- }
- }
- }
- # Find and return prefix with minimal sum
- $current = (keys(%prefix))[0];
- foreach (keys(%prefix))
- {
- if ($prefix{$_} < $prefix{$current})
- {
- $current = $_;
- }
- }
- return($current);
-# shorten_prefix(prefix)
-# Return PREFIX shortened by last directory component.
-sub shorten_prefix($)
- my @list = split("/", $_[0]);
- pop(@list);
- return join("/", @list);
-# get_dir_list(filename_list)
-# Return sorted list of directories for each entry in given FILENAME_LIST.
-sub get_dir_list(@)
- my %result;
- foreach (@_)
- {
- $result{shorten_prefix($_)} = "";
- }
- return(sort(keys(%result)));
-# get_relative_base_path(subdirectory)
-# Return a relative path string which references the base path when applied
-# Example: get_relative_base_path("fs/mm") -> "../../"
-sub get_relative_base_path($)
- my $result = "";
- my $index;
- # Make an empty directory path a special case
- if (!$_[0]) { return(""); }
- # Count number of /s in path
- $index = ($_[0] =~ s/\//\//g);
- # Add a ../ to $result for each / in the directory path + 1
- for (; $index>=0; $index--)
- {
- $result .= "../";
- }
- return $result;
-# get_date_string()
-# Return the current date in the form: yyyy-mm-dd
-sub get_date_string()
- my $year;
- my $month;
- my $day;
- ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime())[5, 4, 3];
- return sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $day);
-# split_filename(filename)
-# Return (path, filename, extension) for a given FILENAME.
-sub split_filename($)
- if (!$_[0]) { return(); }
- my @path_components = split('/', $_[0]);
- my @file_components = split('\.', pop(@path_components));
- my $extension = pop(@file_components);
- return (join("/",@path_components), join(".",@file_components),
- $extension);
-# write_file_table(filehandle, base_dir, overview, testhash, fileview)
-# Write a complete file table. OVERVIEW is a reference to a hash containing
-# the following mapping:
-# filename -> "lines_found,lines_hit,page_link"
-# TESTHASH is a reference to the following hash:
-# filename -> \%testdata
-# %testdata: name of test affecting this file -> \%testcount
-# %testcount: line number -> execution count for a single test
-# Heading of first column is "Filename" if FILEVIEW is true, "Directory name"
-# otherwise.
-sub write_file_table(*$$$$)
- my $dir = $_[0];
- my $base_dir = $_[1];
- my %overview = %{$_[2]};
- my %testhash = %{$_[3]};
- my $fileview = $_[4];
- my $filename;
- my $hit;
- my $found;
- my $classification;
- my $rate_string;
- my $rate;
- my $junk;
- foreach $filename (sort(keys(%overview)))
- {
- ($found, $hit, $junk) = split(",", $overview{$filename});
-#James I think this is right
- $rate = $hit * 100 / $found;
- $rate_string = sprintf("%.1f", $rate);
- if ($rate < 0.001) { $classification = "None"; }
- elsif ($rate < $med_limit) { $classification = "Lo"; }
- elsif ($rate < $hi_limit) { $classification = "Med"; }
- else { $classification = "Hi"; }
- print "$dir/$filename\t$classification\t$rate_string\n";
- }
-# info(printf_parameter)
-# Use printf to write PRINTF_PARAMETER to stdout only when the $quiet flag
-# is not set.
-sub info(@)
- if (!$quiet)
- {
- # Print info string
- printf(STDERR @_);
- }
-# subtract_counts(data_ref, base_ref)
-sub subtract_counts($$)
- my %data = %{$_[0]};
- my %base = %{$_[1]};
- my $line;
- my $data_count;
- my $base_count;
- my $hit = 0;
- my $found = 0;
- foreach $line (keys(%data))
- {
- $found++;
- $data_count = $data{$line};
- $base_count = $base{$line};
- if (defined($base_count))
- {
- $data_count -= $base_count;
- # Make sure we don't get negative numbers
- if ($data_count<0) { $data_count = 0; }
- }
- $data{$line} = $data_count;
- if ($data_count > 0) { $hit++; }
- }
- return (\%data, $found, $hit);
-# add_counts(data1_ref, data2_ref)
-# DATA1_REF and DATA2_REF are references to hashes containing a mapping
-# line number -> execution count
-# is a reference to a hash containing the combined mapping in which
-# execution counts are added.
-sub add_counts($$)
- my %data1 = %{$_[0]}; # Hash 1
- my %data2 = %{$_[1]}; # Hash 2
- my %result; # Resulting hash
- my $line; # Current line iteration scalar
- my $data1_count; # Count of line in hash1
- my $data2_count; # Count of line in hash2
- my $found = 0; # Total number of lines found
- my $hit = 0; # Number of lines with a count > 0
- foreach $line (keys(%data1))
- {
- $data1_count = $data1{$line};
- $data2_count = $data2{$line};
- # Add counts if present in both hashes
- if (defined($data2_count)) { $data1_count += $data2_count; }
- # Store sum in %result
- $result{$line} = $data1_count;
- $found++;
- if ($data1_count > 0) { $hit++; }
- }
- # Add lines unique to data2
- foreach $line (keys(%data2))
- {
- # Skip lines already in data1
- if (defined($data1{$line})) { next; }
- # Copy count from data2
- $result{$line} = $data2{$line};
- $found++;
- if ($result{$line} > 0) { $hit++; }
- }
- return (\%result, $found, $hit);
-# apply_baseline(data_ref, baseline_ref)
-# Subtract the execution counts found in the baseline hash referenced by
-# BASELINE_REF from actual data in DATA_REF.
-sub apply_baseline($$)
- my %data_hash = %{$_[0]};
- my %base_hash = %{$_[1]};
- my $filename;
- my $testname;
- my $data;
- my $data_testdata;
- my $data_funcdata;
- my $data_count;
- my $base;
- my $base_testdata;
- my $base_count;
- my $sumcount;
- my $found;
- my $hit;
- foreach $filename (keys(%data_hash))
- {
- # Get data set for data and baseline
- $data = $data_hash{$filename};
- $base = $base_hash{$filename};
- # Get set entries for data and baseline
- ($data_testdata, undef, $data_funcdata) =
- get_info_entry($data);
- ($base_testdata, $base_count) = get_info_entry($base);
- # Sumcount has to be calculated anew
- $sumcount = {};
- # For each test case, subtract test specific counts
- foreach $testname (keys(%{$data_testdata}))
- {
- # Get counts of both data and baseline
- $data_count = $data_testdata->{$testname};
- $hit = 0;
- ($data_count, undef, $hit) =
- subtract_counts($data_count, $base_count);
- # Check whether this test case did hit any line at all
- if ($hit > 0)
- {
- # Write back resulting hash
- $data_testdata->{$testname} = $data_count;
- }
- else
- {
- # Delete test case which did not impact this
- # file
- delete($data_testdata->{$testname});
- }
- # Add counts to sum of counts
- ($sumcount, $found, $hit) =
- add_counts($sumcount, $data_count);
- }
- # Write back resulting entry
- set_info_entry($data, $data_testdata, $sumcount,
- $data_funcdata, $found, $hit);
- $data_hash{$filename} = $data;
- }
- return (\%data_hash);
-# combine_info_entries(entry_ref1, entry_ref2)
-# Combine .info data entry hashes referenced by ENTRY_REF1 and ENTRY_REF2.
-# Return reference to resulting hash.
-sub combine_info_entries($$)
- my $entry1 = $_[0]; # Reference to hash containing first entry
- my $testdata1;
- my $sumcount1;
- my $funcdata1;
- my $entry2 = $_[1]; # Reference to hash containing second entry
- my $testdata2;
- my $sumcount2;
- my $funcdata2;
- my %result; # Hash containing combined entry
- my %result_testdata;
- my $result_sumcount = {};
- my %result_funcdata;
- my $lines_found;
- my $lines_hit;
- my $testname;
- # Retrieve data
- ($testdata1, $sumcount1, $funcdata1) = get_info_entry($entry1);
- ($testdata2, $sumcount2, $funcdata2) = get_info_entry($entry2);
- # Combine funcdata
- foreach (keys(%{$funcdata1}))
- {
- $result_funcdata{$_} = $funcdata1->{$_};
- }
- foreach (keys(%{$funcdata2}))
- {
- $result_funcdata{$_} = $funcdata2->{$_};
- }
- # Combine testdata
- foreach $testname (keys(%{$testdata1}))
- {
- if (defined($testdata2->{$testname}))
- {
- # testname is present in both entries, requires
- # combination
- ($result_testdata{$testname}) =
- add_counts($testdata1->{$testname},
- $testdata2->{$testname});
- }
- else
- {
- # testname only present in entry1, add to result
- $result_testdata{$testname} = $testdata1->{$testname};
- }
- # update sum count hash
- ($result_sumcount, $lines_found, $lines_hit) =
- add_counts($result_sumcount,
- $result_testdata{$testname});
- }
- foreach $testname (keys(%{$testdata2}))
- {
- # Skip testnames already covered by previous iteration
- if (defined($testdata1->{$testname})) { next; }
- # testname only present in entry2, add to result hash
- $result_testdata{$testname} = $testdata2->{$testname};
- # update sum count hash
- ($result_sumcount, $lines_found, $lines_hit) =
- add_counts($result_sumcount,
- $result_testdata{$testname});
- }
- # Calculate resulting sumcount
- # Store result
- set_info_entry(\%result, \%result_testdata, $result_sumcount,
- \%result_funcdata, $lines_found, $lines_hit);
- return(\%result);
-# combine_info_files(info_ref1, info_ref2)
-# Combine .info data in hashes referenced by INFO_REF1 and INFO_REF2. Return
-# reference to resulting hash.
-sub combine_info_files($$)
- my %hash1 = %{$_[0]};
- my %hash2 = %{$_[1]};
- my $filename;
- foreach $filename (keys(%hash2))
- {
- if ($hash1{$filename})
- {
- # Entry already exists in hash1, combine them
- $hash1{$filename} =
- combine_info_entries($hash1{$filename},
- $hash2{$filename});
- }
- else
- {
- # Entry is unique in both hashes, simply add to
- # resulting hash
- $hash1{$filename} = $hash2{$filename};
- }
- }
- return(\%hash1);
-# apply_prefix(filename, prefix)
-# If FILENAME begins with PREFIX, remove PREFIX from FILENAME and return
-# resulting string, otherwise return FILENAME.
-sub apply_prefix($$)
- my $filename = $_[0];
- my $prefix = $_[1];
- my $clean_prefix = escape_regexp($prefix);
- if (defined($prefix) && ($prefix ne ""))
- {
- if ($filename =~ /^$clean_prefix\/(.*)$/)
- {
- return substr($filename, length($prefix) + 1);
- }
- }
- return $filename;
-# escape_regexp(string)
-# Escape special characters in STRING which would be incorrectly interpreted
-# in a PERL regular expression.
-sub escape_regexp($)
- my $string = $_[0];
- # Escape special characters
- $string =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $string =~ s/\^/\\\^/g;
- $string =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
- $string =~ s/\./\\\./g;
- $string =~ s/\|/\\\|/g;
- $string =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
- $string =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
- $string =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
- $string =~ s/\]/\\\]/g;
- $string =~ s/\*/\\\*/g;
- $string =~ s/\?/\\\?/g;
- $string =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
- $string =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
- $string =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;
- return $string;