path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/Home/chromium-security/security-faq
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-- - /Home
- - Chromium
-- - /Home/chromium-security
- - Chromium Security
-page_name: security-faq
-title: Security FAQ
-**The [canonical version of the FAQ is now in the Chromium source
-tree](** \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chromium/docs/website/site/Home/chromium-security/security-faq/service-worker-security-faq/ b/chromium/docs/website/site/Home/chromium-security/security-faq/service-worker-security-faq/
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-- - /Home
- - Chromium
-- - /Home/chromium-security
- - Chromium Security
-- - /Home/chromium-security/security-faq
- - Security FAQ
-page_name: service-worker-security-faq
-title: Service Worker Security FAQ
-#### **Do not edit — for historical reference only**
-#### The [canonical version of the FAQ is now in the Chromium source
-#### [TOC]
-This FAQ is specifically about service workers. Also see the general [security
-Like the general security FAQ, this document is a collaborative effort by many
-Chromium developers. (rsesek, estark, falken, slightlyoff, jakearchibald, evn,
-raymes, ainslie, mek, lgarron, elawrence, kinuko, palmer, your name here...)
-Last updated 12 May 2017. If you see an error or have an additional question,
-and have a Chromium account, go ahead and fix it. If you don't have a Chromium
-account, email for a fix.
-#### Service Workers seem extremely risky! Why are they OK?
-Service Workers (SW) are indeed powerful. They support compelling web
-applications that can run offline or with intermittent connectivity. You can
-edit documents, browse and buy from catalogs, send social media messages, write
-email, etc. even in the subway! Service Workers can make the web platform more
-viable than ever before, enabling web apps to better compete with native apps
-even while essentially retaining the browse-to-use, sandboxed nature of the
-[Open Web Platform]( (OWP) that we all
-love. The rest of this FAQ will explain how the SW designers and implementers
-have mitigated the risks that necessarily come with this functionality.
-Service Workers are a replacement for and an improvement on the legacy
-[Application Cache
-which has been available in the OWP for a very long time.
-For more background on Service Workers, see [Service Workers
-#### Do Service Workers run in a sandbox?
-Yes, SWs run in renderer processes. When Chrome starts a SW, it chooses a
-renderer process that is associated with the SW’s origin. If one does not exist,
-the browser creates a new one using a new SiteInstance for the origin.
-#### What APIs can Service Workers access?
-The HTML [specification partially enumerates the API surface available to
-Workers]( See also
-[Client](, and
-(Note that SWs do not have access to synchronous APIs.)
-However, other web platform specifications can add new API surface. For example,
-[the Permissions API exposes a permissions attribute to
-Generally, SWs have access to a subset of the web platform APIs, although there
-are some Worker- and Service Worker-specific APIs that do not make sense for
-in-page JavaScript.
-(\[Service\]WorkerGlobalScope is of course not necessarily a strict subset of
-Window, and similarly WorkerNavigator is not necessarily a strict subset of
-Navigator. And the various SW events are of course only exposed to SWs.)
-#### Do Service Workers obey the same-origin policy?
-Service Worker registration specifies that [Service Workers must run in the same
-origin as their
-The origin comparison for finding a Service Worker registration for a request is
-[specified]( to be to
-be a longest-prefix match of serialized URLs, including their path. (E.g.
-<> != <>.) This specification
-gap seems fragile to us, [and should be fixed to be specified and implemented as
-actual origin equality](, but
-doesn’t currently seem exploitable.
-Only [Secure Contexts can register or use Service
-Because SWs can call importScripts to import scripts (from any other origin), it
-is a good idea for site operators to set a Content-Security-Policy response
-header on the ServiceWorker’s JavaScript response, instructing the browser what
-sources of script the origin considers trustworthy. That would reduce an XSS
-attacker’s ability to pull in their own code.
-#### Do Service Workers live forever?
-There are two concepts of “live” here. One is about the installed registration
-and one is about the running Service Worker thread.
-The installed registration lasts indefinitely, similar to origin-scoped storage
-Additionally, the browser performs an update check after any navigation using
-the Service Worker, invalidating the HTTP cache every 24 hours. (Additionally,
-[according to a recent spec
-change](, browsers will
-revalidate the HTTP cache for SW scripts unless the site opts into using the
-cache. Chrome does not yet adhere to this new part of the spec, [but will
-The browser also performs an update check whenever the SW starts and
-periodically while the worker is running, if it has not checked in the last 24
-hours (86,400 seconds, [as specified in the Handle Functional Event
-The browser can terminate a running SW thread at almost any time. Chrome
-terminates a SW if the SW has been idle for 30 seconds. Chrome also detects
-long-running workers and terminates them. It does this if an event takes more
-than 5 minutes to settle, or if the worker is busy running synchronous
-JavaScript and does not respond to a ping within 30 seconds. When a SW is not
-running, Developer Tools and chrome://serviceworker-internals show its status as
-#### How can I see Service Workers in Chrome?
-You can see them in the Service Workers field in the Application tab of
-Developer Tools. You can also look at chrome://serviceworker-internals.
-#### Do Service Workers keep running after I close the tab?
-If an origin has any Service Workers running, each worker will be shut down soon
-after it processes the last event. Events that can keep a worker alive include
-push notifications. (Note that the [push notifications will trigger a
-user-visible notification if the SW does not create
-and they also require the person to grant the origin permission in a prompt. you
-can see that in action in this [push notifications demo
-#### Can attackers use Service Workers to trigger attacks developed after SW registration?
-For example, could an attacker convince users to visit a malicious website, then
-wait for (e.g.) a V8 bug to show up in Chrome's repository, then write an
-exploit, and then somehow run that exploit on the machines of everyone who
-visited the malicious website in the last month or so?
-Without explicit permission from the user, the browser won't let the SW poll
-for/receive any push notification events the attacker's server may (try to)
-send, and hence the SW won't get a chance to handle the events.
-Similarly, you might imagine a SW that tries to use importScripts to
-periodically (re-)load maybe-v8-payload.js. But, the SW would only get to do
-that as part of an event handler. And if the SW isn't getting any events
-(because the person is not browsing or navigating to, and because
-the person never granted push notification permission), then it
-will never get to run its event handlers, and so again the SW won't get a chance
-to attack. If the person *is* currently browsing, then the attacker
-doesn't gain any additional attack benefit from a Service Worker. They can just
-&lt;script src="maybe-v8-payload.js"&gt; as usual, from the in-page JavaScript.
-**However,** if/when [Foreign
-ships, the situation will change if people browse sites that fetch resources
-from the attacker's server.
-#### If a site has an XSS vulnerability, can the attacker permanently compromise that origin for me?
-An XSS attacker can indeed register an evil SW. As before SWs, XSS is a very
-powerful mode of attack on a web origin. To mitigate the risk that an XSS attack
-will register a malicious SW, the browser requires that the SW registration URL
-come from the origin itself. Thus, to use an XSS attack to register a malicious
-SW, the attacker needs the additional capability to host their own scripts on
-the server.
-Here is another exploit scenario: If the page with an XSS vulnerability also has
-a JSONP endpoint, the attacker could use it to (1) bypass CSP; (2) register a
-SW; and (3) call importScripts to import a third-party script to persist until
- the site operators detect and remediates the issue, and
- users navigate to the site again while online.
-In an XSS situation, the 24 hour cache directive limit ensures that a malicious
-or compromised SW will outlive a fix to the XSS vulnerability by a maximum of 24
-hours (assuming the client is online). Site operators can shrink the window of
-vulnerability by setting lower TTLs on SW scripts. We also encourage developers
-to [build a kill-switch
-In the near future, the right cleanup strategy (for this and other issues) will
-be [Clear-Site-Data](
-Additionally, site operators should ignore (e.g. respond with 400 Bad Request)
-requests that have the Service-Worker request header for domains or paths that
-the server doesn’t expect to be serving SW scripts for.
-#### Can sites opt out of Service Workers?
-Sites that do not intend to serve Service Workers on particular domains or paths
-can check for and explicitly reject requests for worker scripts, by checking for
-[the Service-Worker request
-#### How many SWs can an origin, or Chrome itself, spawn?
-The current specification and the current implementation in Chrome do not define
-any limits.
-#### Can attackers 'hide' Service Worker scripts in JPEGs or other non-script MIME types?
-*Can an attacker upload (for example) JPEG files to a site that supports the
-capability, and then use the uploaded files as SW scripts?* The SW specification
-and implementation require that a SW script have the right JavaScript MIME type.
-(Additionally, as noted elsewhere in this document, server operators should
-reject SW script requests except for the exact endopints they intend to serve SW
-scripts from.)
-#### Can iframes register Service Workers?
-Yes, if and only if they are themselves secure contexts. [By
-that means that they must be nested inside secure contexts, all the way up to
-the top-level document.
-Additionally, third-party iframes can’t register Service Workers if third party
-cookies are blocked. (See chrome://settings/content.)
-#### Why doesn’t Chrome prompt the user before registering a Service Worker?
-The Chrome Team generally prefers to ask people about things that are
-privacy-relevant, using nouns and verbs that are simple and precise (camera,
-mic, geo-location, and so on). But we avoid asking questions about resource-use
-(caching, persistence, CPU, and so on). We’re better prepared to make those
-types of resource decisions automatically. (Consider, for example, that the HTTP
-cache, AppCache, and even [Google
-Gears]( also do not/did not
-prompt the user.)
-[An informal study by Chrome team members Rebecca Rolfe, Ben Wells, and Raymes
-suggests that people do not generally have sufficient context to understand
-permission requests triggered by API calls from origins in iframes. It seems
-reasonable that people would similarly lack the context to understand requests
-from Service Workers.
-#### What if I don't want any SWs?
-You can disable SWs by disabling storage in chrome://settings. SW are gated on
-cookie/local data storage settings. (That is, the **Block sites from setting any
-data** radio button in **Content Settings**.)
-Clearing browser data (CBD; the **Clear browsing data...** button in Settings or
-chrome://settings/clearBrowserData) also deletes SWs. You can verify that by
-following this test procedure:
-1. Visit
-2. In a second tab, visit chrome://serviceworker-internals/ to see the
- 1. Note that the origin/the origin's SW cannot actually send any
- push notifications until you grant it that permission
-3. In a third tab, go to chrome://settings/clearBrowserData to clear
- browsing data; clear it by clicking **Clear browsing data**
-4. Reload chrome://serviceworker-internals/ to see that the SW's status
-5. Close the Simple Push Demo tab
-6. Reload chrome://serviceworker-internals/ to see that the SW is now
- gone
-You can also remove individual SW registrations with
-If you really want to not use the modern web, you can use one of the browsers
-that don't (yet) support SWs. But, eventually, the Open Web Platform will
-continue to evolve into a powerful, useful platform supporting applications that
-are [secure, linkable, indexable, composable, and
-ephemeral]( Yes, SWs make web apps
-somewhat less ephemeral, but we believe the increased applicability of the OWP
-is worth it.
-Browser vendors are committed to ensuring the security of the OWP improves even
-as we give it new capabilities. This process happens in the open, in fora like
-[W3C Technical Architecture Group](, [W3C’s Web
-Platform Incubator Community Group](, and
-Security and privacy reviews are part of the process and we invite knowledgeable
-experts to participate in those open fora.
-#### What are some SW best practices for site operators?
- [Build a kill-switch
- SW](
- Use [Clear-Site-Data]( when it
- becomes available.
- Be aware of the need for longer session lifetimes, since clients may go
- offline and SWs might need to POST cached requests after coming back online.
- [Here is one way to handle
- that](
-#### What SW bugs would quality for a bounty under [Chrome’s VRP](/Home/chromium-security/vulnerability-rewards-program)?
-If you could break one or more of the security assertions we make in this FAQ,
-that would be potentially rewardable under the Vulnerability Rewards Program
-(VRP). Here is a non-exhaustive list of examples:
- Over-long registration/lifetime (e.g. a SW able to run or stay alive even
- without incoming events to handle)
- Same-origin bypass or off-origin SW registration
- Access to APIs that require prompts, choosers, or permissions, without
- permission having been granted to the origin
- Geolocation
- Hardware sensors
- Microphone, camera, media devices
- USB, Bluetooth
-Here is [a list of historical SW security
-in Chromium’s bug tracker.
-If you believe you have found a bug in the SW specification, please [file a new
-Chromium bug using the Security
-It’s a good idea to file bugs with all browser vendors that implement the buggy
-section of the spec.
-If you believe you have found a bug in Chrome’s implementation of SW, please
-[file a new bug using the Security
-The Chrome Security Team will triage it within 1 or 2 business days. Good bug
-reports come with minimal test cases that demonstrate the problem! \ No newline at end of file