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+page_name: gwp-asan
+title: 'GWP-ASan: Sampling heap memory error detection in-the-wild'
+By Vlad Tsyrklevich, Dynamic Tools Teams — November 2019
+Memory safety errors, like use-after-frees and out-of-bounds reads/writes, are a
+leading source of vulnerabilities in C/C++ applications. Despite investments in
+preventing and detecting these errors in Chrome, over 60% of high severity
+vulnerabilities in Chrome are memory safety errors. Some memory safety errors
+don’t lead to security vulnerabilities but simply cause crashes and instability.
+Chrome uses state-of-the-art techniques to prevent these errors, including:
+ [Coverage-guided](
+ [fuzzing]( with
+ [AddressSanitizer]( (ASan)
+ Unit and integration testing with ASan
+ Defensive programming, like custom libraries to perform safe math or provide
+ bounds checked containers
+ Mandatory code review
+Chrome also makes use of sandboxing and exploit mitigations to complicate
+exploitation of memory errors that go undetected by the methods above.
+AddressSanitizer is a compiler instrumentation that finds memory errors
+occurring on the heap, stack, or in globals. ASan is highly effective and one of
+the lowest overhead instrumentations available that detects the errors that it
+does; however, it still incurs an average 2-3x performance and memory overhead.
+This makes it suitable for use with unit tests or fuzzing, but not deployment to
+end users. Chrome used to deploy [SyzyASAN instrumented
+to detect memory errors. SyzyASAN had a similar overhead so it was only deployed
+to a small subset of users on the canary channel. It was discontinued after the
+Windows toolchain switched to LLVM.
+GWP-ASan, also known by its recursive backronym, GWP-ASan Will Provide
+Allocation Sanity, is a sampling allocation tool designed to detect heap memory
+errors occurring in production with negligible overhead. Because of its
+negligible overhead we can deploy GWP-ASan to the entire Chrome user base to
+find memory errors happening in the real world that are not caught by fuzzing or
+testing with ASan. Unlike ASan, GWP-ASan can not find memory errors on the stack
+or in globals.
+GWP-ASan is currently enabled for all Windows and macOS users for allocations
+made using malloc() and PartitionAlloc. It is only enabled for a small fraction
+of allocations and processes to reduce performance and memory overhead to a
+negligible amount. At the time of writing it has found [over sixty
+(many are still restricted view). About 90% of the issues GWP-ASan has found are
+use-after-frees. The remaining are out-of-bounds reads and writes.
+GWP-ASan is conceptually similar to
+[ElectricFence]( or
+GWP-ASan installs an allocator instrumentation that samples allocations to a
+debug allocator that places allocations on their own page, buttressed on both
+sides by guard pages. New allocations are randomly either left- or right-aligned
+within the page so that accessing the allocation below or above its bounds
+causes a crash. When the allocation is freed, the page is unmapped so that a
+use-after-free also immediately crashes. The allocator limits itself to a fixed
+amount of memory to control memory overhead and samples allocation to the debug
+allocator to reduce its high performance overhead.
+Use-after-frees and out-of-bounds accesses are often hard to debug because they
+corrupt unrelated memory which can lead to crashes in unrelated code. GWP-ASan
+simplifies debugging by causing a crash immediately at the site of the invalid
+memory access. Furthermore, when a crash occurs a special crash handler hook
+reports additional information, like allocation and deallocation stack traces,
+to aid debugging. This metadata is similar to what AddressSanitizer provides and
+has been shown to be very useful in identifying and fixing memory errors.
+GWP-ASan is a heap-only instrumentation so it does not find memory errors on the
+stack or in globals that AddressSanitizer would; however, it can find some
+memory errors that ASan would not. ASan works by instrumenting memory accesses
+during compilation and makes use of ‘interceptors’ to detect misuse of common
+library functions. Because GWP-ASan uses native memory management to detect
+memory errors it doesn’t require interceptors to detect invalid memory use in
+system libraries. This means it can identify API misuse for uncommon APIs that
+don’t have interceptors, or even detect memory errors that occur due to bugs in
+system libraries—something ASan can’t do without recompiling those potentially
+proprietary libraries.
+GWP-ASan is only as effective as the number of allocation call sites it
+instruments. For an internal Chrome allocator like PartitionAlloc it is possible
+to intercept all uses; however, for malloc/free we may only be able to
+instrument a subset of allocations. For example, on Windows we instrument malloc
+and free by overriding the symbols for modules we build linked against //base,
+so some DLLs shipped with Chrome—let alone Windows system code—may not be
+instrumented. On macOS however the system allocator allows adding global hooks
+meaning we can
+[do]( detect memory errors from
+allocations originating in code we don’t control, like Apple system libraries.
+The GWP-ASan allocator reserves a fixed range of memory at initialization that
+it uses to service allocations to limit memory overhead. The memory range
+consists of pages intended to be used to return allocations, called slots,
+buttressed by guard pages as shown below.
+[<img alt="image"
+Allocations are randomly left- or right-aligned to help detect both underflows
+and overflows. Like a traditional allocator, the GWP-ASan allocator always
+suitably aligns allocations for any object of that size. This means that
+right-aligned allocations are not always directly adjacent to the following
+guard page, so small out-of-bounds accesses may go undetected.
+[<img alt="image"
+An array of allocation metadata is also maintained on the side to store stack
+traces and other metadata for individual slots.
+The allocator has three primary tunable parameters: MaxSimultaneousAllocations,
+MaxMetadata, and ReservedSlots. MaxSimultaneousAllocations controls the maximum
+number of allocations that can be simultaneously allocated.
+Once every usable slot has been allocated and deallocated, they are reused to
+service new allocations. When a use-after-free occurs the use may not occur
+immediately after deallocation. If the slot has been reallocated then the
+use-after-free will not behave as expected. If the slot is still allocated then
+the use won’t crash, but if it is deallocated then it will cause a crash but the
+metadata for the slot will have the wrong allocation/deallocation stack traces.
+Like ASan, GWP-ASan also makes use of a quarantine to help improve
+use-after-free detection. ReservedSlots is always greater than or equal to
+MaxSimultaneousAllocations and controls the number of slots we allocated virtual
+memory for. If ReservedSlots &gt; MaxSimultaneousAllocations, then not all slots
+can be simultaneously allocated. If slots are allocated in a round-robin fashion
+then a slot will not be re-used until at least (ReservedSlots -
+MaxSimultaneousAllocations) allocations have taken place, forming a rudimentary
+quarantine. This delays the amount of time until a slot is re-used, improving
+use-after-free detection at the expense of using more memory. The allocator
+consumes more virtual memory for the additional quarantine slots and more
+physical memory storing allocation metadata about those quarantine slots. Each
+slot’s metadata consumes about 400 bytes, primarily to store compressed
+allocation/deallocation stack traces, compared to 4 kilobytes for every
+allocation. As a result, setting ReservedSlots to be slightly greater than
+MaxSimultaneousAllocations doesn’t significantly increase the amount of memory
+The rudimentary quarantine described above is sufficient to delay slot re-use to
+accurately detect use-after-frees occurring shortly after deallocation; however,
+use-after-frees that occur long after deallocation are likely to access slots
+that have already been reallocated. This can lead to long-lived use-after-frees
+causing reports with numerous different stack traces for unrelated allocations
+and deallocations, making it difficult to identify the real
+allocation/deallocation call sites. This could be improved by making
+ReservedSlots orders of magnitude larger than MaxSimultaneousAllocations;
+however, the amount of additional allocation metadata that this would require
+allocating would significantly increase GWP-ASan’s memory profile.
+To address this, GWP-ASan makes use of a third MaxMetadata parameter to limit
+the number of slots for which we store metadata. We tune the allocator such that
+ReservedSlots &gt;= MaxMetadata &gt;= MaxSimultaneousAllocations. GWP-ASan keeps
+metadata for all currently allocated slots as well as some previously
+deallocated slots. Because we discard metadata for some deallocated slots, we
+can not always report allocation metadata if those slots are accessed because of
+a use-after-free. By setting ReservedSlots to be an order of magnitude or more
+greater than MaxMetadata and MaxSimultaneousAllocations, we make the quarantine
+so large that many allocations have to occur before a slot is reused. This
+ensures that even long-lived use-after-frees are not likely to be reallocated
+before they’re accessed. If no metadata for the slot is available, then a useful
+report can’t be sent; however, we eliminate many false reports. Short-lived
+use-after-frees are still likely to be accessed before the metadata for the slot
+is eliminated. Using random eviction to purge old metadata entries allows
+metadata for old allocations to sometimes survive long enough to be reported for
+long-lived use-after-frees.
+[<img alt="image"
+The debug allocator currently only services allocations less than or equal to a
+single page in size. This is not a fundamental limitation in the design--it’s
+possible to service larger allocations by increasing the size of a slot to be
+multiple pages. It simply hasn’t been addressed yet because allocations larger
+than a page are relatively rare.
+Unactionable crash reports can occur when a pointer is corrupted and the
+overwritten value happens to accidentally point to a guard page or deallocated
+slot in the GWP-ASan region. When such a wild pointer is accessed, it causes a
+GWP-ASan report to be sent but it’s not actionable because the crash is caused
+by an unrelated bug that corrupted the pointer value to point to an unrelated
+allocation. In practice, such unactionable reports tend to occur on 32-bit
+devices because the address space is smaller and the probability of a wild
+pointer access touching the GWP-ASan region is much higher. GWP-ASan was
+disabled for 32-bit desktop builds in order to eliminate these unactionable
+reports. The allocator also explicitly maps the GWP-ASan memory region in high
+memory locations to avoid the operating system choosing to place GWP-ASan region
+in the bottom 32-bits of memory on 64-bit devices.
+Allocator Hooks
+GWP-ASan instruments an allocator’s allocation and deallocation routines. The
+allocation instrumentation performs sampling to only route a fraction of
+allocation requests to the debug allocator. The deallocation instrumentation
+determines if the given allocation was allocated by the debug allocator and
+routes the request to the debug allocator if so. Determining if an allocation
+was returned by GWP-ASan is as simple as checking that the address is in
+GWP-ASan’s fixed memory region and matching the address to the slot’s allocation
+Production allocators are normally highly optimized so adding additional
+instrumentation to the allocation/deallocation hot paths can easily introduce
+significant performance regressions. While the debug allocator’s overhead can be
+reduced to an arbitrary amount by adjusting the sampling probability, the
+overhead of the instrumentation itself introduces a constant overhead. Some
+allocation-heavy microbenchmarks regressed up to 5% when introducing allocator
+instrumentation no matter how low the sampling probability was made.
+The instrumentation regression stems from the allocator hot-paths being very
+performance sensitive and that instrumenting those hot-paths in Chrome requires
+introducing a costly indirect call. GWP-ASan uses process sampling, only
+enabling instrumentation for a fraction of processes, to reduce the
+instrumentation overhead. This allows reducing the instrumentation overhead
+arbitrarily and using more memory per-enabled process.
+Crash Handler
+Chrome is migrating to using crashpad for crash handling. Unlike its predecessor
+breakpad, crashpad works almost entirely out-of-process. GWP-ASan registers a
+hook in the crashpad process to inspect crashing processes in order to determine
+if the crashes are related to GWP-ASan. On initialization, GWP-ASan saves the
+address of the internal allocator object in a crashpad annotation so that the
+crash handler can access it in the event of a crash. If the crashpad hook finds
+this annotation, it reads the GWP-ASan allocator information to determine if the
+crash occurred due to an access to a GWP-ASan allocation. If so, it attaches
+for the associated allocation to the crash report.
+# Tuning
+Chrome uses a multi-process model with different types of processes with varying
+lifetimes and allocator demands. For example, there is a single browser process
+for the entire lifetime of a given browser window while many renderer processes
+can be launched and destroyed in a single tab. A browser process could be active
+for weeks and make tens of billions of allocations while other processes may
+live for milliseconds and make thousands of allocations. Accommodating both
+types of processes is tricky because there is a tension between GWP-ASan
+regularly sampling allocations and exhausting its fixed supply of memory.
+GWP-ASan exhausts its memory when all MaxSimultaneousAllocations slots are taken
+and new allocations can’t be serviced. This can occur when all of the
+allocations are long-lived, e.g. freed long after allocation or never freed at
+all. If GWP-ASan runs out of allocations early in a process’ lifetime then the
+majority of the process’ allocations go unsampled.
+In order to better understand allocation behavior we analyze heap traces for
+different runs of Chromium. The following trace comes from opening a browser,
+playing a YouTube video for ten seconds, and then closing the browser. The
+following visualization shows allocation lifetimes for malloc() allocations in
+the GPU process.
+<img alt="image"
+Every vertical bar represents two thousand allocations subdivided into different
+allocation lifetimes. The horizontal axis is the process lifetime. This process
+makes approximately 250,000 allocations. Most allocations are freed within 25
+milliseconds, and only 4% of allocations are never freed during the process’
+The following graph is for allocations made using PartitionAlloc in the YouTube
+renderer process:
+<img alt="image"
+This process makes about 1.1 million allocations and about 7% go unfreed. In
+both examples, unfreed allocations cluster at the beginning of the process’
+lifetime. Because of the difference in number of total and long-lived
+allocations, the renderer process may exhaust GWP-ASan allocations early with
+the same parameters that would sample the GPU process without exhaustion.
+Long lifetime allocations can also lead to temporary allocator exhaustion, for
+example if the allocations are not freed until right before process destruction.
+Modeling simulated runs with different GWP-ASan configurations over different
+heap traces best illustrates what allocator behavior can occur in practice. The
+following is a simulated run for the renderer trace above with sampling
+probability 1/1000 and 16 simultaneous allocations:
+<img alt="image"
+height=365 width=730.311111111111>
+The bars represent allocation lifetimes, with the vertical axis being time. In
+the simulation above GWP-ASan runs out of allocations for most of the process
+lifetime with occasional bursts of sampling as long-lived allocations are freed
+and re-used until they are replaced by new long-lived allocations.
+To avoid allocator exhaustion, the allocator must use more memory per process or
+reduce the sampling probability. The following is a simulation run with sampling
+probability 1/8000 and 64 simultaneous allocations:
+<img alt="image"
+height=360 width=719.7338262476894>
+In this simulation GWP-ASan is able to evenly sample the entire process’
+lifetime despite the presence of long-lived and unfreed allocations. Some runs
+may still be unlucky and run out of allocations early, but it’s far less common.
+In practice, because of process sampling we can allocate more memory per enabled
+process. GWP-ASan’s production settings only sample a small fraction of
+processes, so it’s safe to allocate more memory for every enabled process.
+Instead of uniformly reducing the sampling probability for all processes,
+GWP-ASan picks a sampling probability from a range of probabilities at
+initialization. The sampling probability may sometimes be more frequent (and
+lead to early allocator exhaustion), or less frequent (and lead to fewer
+detected errors), than optimal. However, it allows accommodating different
+allocation behavior in different processes.
+# Results
+The Chrome project makes extensive use of ASan in unit tests and during fuzzing
+with [ClusterFuzz]( to detect memory
+errors early. As a result, the bugs GWP-ASan finds tend to be where our current
+fuzzing and test infrastructure don't sufficiently test the underlying error
+conditions. Unit and integration tests typically tend to only test expected
+success and failure conditions. Fuzzers test a wider variety of inputs, but
+coverage isn’t universal. Furthermore, fuzzing is well suited for testing
+specific narrowly-scoped components like parsers and other input processors, but
+not all memory safety errors in Chrome fit that description.
+Some of the types of bugs that GWP-ASan has been successful in finding include:
+ Race conditions. These may manifest as races between two threads freeing an
+ allocation and using it, or an event firing at an inopportune time such that
+ an allocation used by the parent event loop is freed by the event.
+ ClusterFuzz may not be able to exercise the correct conditions to trigger
+ the race or may not reproduce the racy crash reliably enough to satisfy a
+ heuristic to avoid reporting false positives.
+ Chrome- or OS-specific configuration bugs. Some bugs may only manifest in
+ configurations that are not exercised by Chrome’s testing and fuzzing
+ infrastructure.
+ Bugs in UI code. Unit tests and fuzzers tend not to exercise UI code. UI
+ code is also susceptible to lifetime and bounds-related errors though they
+ are more likely to be stability issues instead of security issues.
+One example issue is [this]( bug in Skia. The
+underlying memory error is a racy use-after-free where two threads
+near-simultaneously free and access an allocation. This bug had been causing
+crashes on macOS for a while, but it was difficult to spot the issue because the
+crashes occurred in different places depending on which underlying allocation
+was corrupted. With GWP-ASan it was immediately clear where the error occurred,
+but both threads freeing and accessing the allocation were doing so after
+locking the same mutex so it should have been impossible. With the use and
+deallocation stack traces proving that this was occurring despite the mutex, it
+was easy to track the bug down to the Skia mutex class. The macOS implementation
+did not account for spurious wake-ups and could violate mutual exclusion.
+Without the information provided by GWP-ASan, it would be difficult to debug
+such an issue.
+As GWP-ASan was progressively rolled out to wider audiences, it detected rarer
+and rarer bugs. Frequently occurring bugs may be detected within hours of a new
+canary release while some rarely-occurring bugs have only been detected in the
+stable population once so far. It’s possible to find these rare errors because
+GWP-ASan is deployed widely and designed to minimize unactionable reports, but
+there are likely to be rare errors that we don’t catch because increasing
+sampling to detect them would require unacceptable memory and performance
+overhead. The [ARM Memory Tagging
+and similar hardware-assisted memory tagging schemes would allow implementing a
+[similar error
+with much lower memory and performance overhead and a much higher probability of
+detecting errors. Such memory tagging schemes also allow detecting stack bounds
+and use-after-return errors and may even be useful as exploit mitigations.
+# Future Improvements
+GWP-ASan has a high memory overhead per allocation. Every allocation is stored
+on its own page but Chrome’s median allocation size is only 32 bytes. It’s
+possible to place multiple allocations on a single physical page and maintain
+the ability to detect use-after-frees using a special virtual memory
+configuration. The approach reduces GWP-ASan’s memory overhead at the cost of
+reducing out-of-bounds error detection.
+Placing multiple allocations on the same virtual memory page would reduce
+use-after-free detection because the page could not be unmapped until all of the
+allocations on the page were deallocated. If a single allocation on that page
+were to never be freed then use-after-free detection would be completely lost.
+It is possible to use the operating system’s shared memory facilities to work
+around this constraint. It is possible to map shared memory multiple times in
+the same process. This allows multiple virtual memory pages to point to the same
+backing physical page. Multiple allocations can be placed on the same backing
+physical page but every allocation can be given it’s own unique slot/virtual
+page. This way, once an allocation is freed, the slot can be unmapped to detect
+use-after-frees without interfering with the other allocations. Only a fraction
+of allocations will be able to be left- or right-aligned within the page so
+out-of-bounds errors detection would suffer with this scheme; however, in
+practice use-after-free exceptions are much more common.
+[<img alt="image"
+This approach allows significantly increasing memory density and therefore the
+number of simultaneous allocations. It’s conceivable that the memory overhead of
+allocation metadata like stack traces would come to dominate GWP-ASan’s memory
+usage instead of the wasted page overhead.
+Increasing the number of simultaneous allocations helps prevent allocator
+exhaustion. Mobile platforms especially tend to be much more memory constrained
+so deploying GWP-ASan in those environments may necessitate use of this
+Thanks to Matthew Denton, Adrian Taylor, Chris Palmer, Kostya Serebryany, Matt
+Morehouse, and Mitch Phillips for their feedback. \ No newline at end of file