path: root/chromium/docs/website/site/Home/chromecompatfaq/
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+- - /Home
+ - Chromium
+page_name: chromecompatfaq
+title: Fixing Google Chrome compatibility bugs in websites - FAQ
+## NOTE: The information on this page is out of date.
+## This page mostly contains information from 2011. Since then, Chrome has switched its rendering engine to [Blink](/blink) (a fork of WebKit).
+## Introduction
+# This document provides a concise list of common compatibility issues with Google Chrome along with their solutions. It's aimed at Web developers trying to fix compatibility issues with Google Chrome or interested in a list of things to avoid when authoring Websites to use in Google Chrome.
+The list is based on analysis of a large number of real-world sites with
+compatibility issues. It's important to note that in nearly all cases we've
+seen, the fixes required to get a Website working well in Google Chrome have
+been minimal. Developers are often surprised that problems that looked like they
+could take weeks of developer time were often solved in under an hour and
+matched closely with the list below.
+Each item is described along with its solution, at the end we have a section
+that lists useful tools and points of reference that you may find useful in
+diagnosing problems.
+## Preamble - Google Chrome's rendering Engine:
+Google Chrome uses WebKit (<>) to draw Web pages. WebKit is a
+mature (~9 years) open source layout engine used by Apple (Safari, iPhone),
+Google (Android, Google Chrome), Nokia and many other companies. Google Chrome
+aims to render sites exactly like Safari. This means that if your site works in
+Safari there is a large chance it will work in Google Chrome and vice versa.
+# Common Issues:
+* [UserAgent
+ Detection](
+* [Paragraphs Overflowing/Text
+ Cutoff](
+* [Correct page
+ encoding](
+* [Correct Plugin
+ Tags](
+* [Use of Browser-Specific CSS or JavaScript
+ objects](
+* [Useful
+ Tools](
+* [Additional
+ Resources](
+# UserAgent Detection
+### The Symptom
+Page not displayed correctly in Google Chrome, or you get a message noting that
+Google Chrome is not a "supported browser".
+### The problem
+By far the most common problem we see is JavaScript (or server-side) code that
+tries to detect the browser by looking at the navigator.userAgent string. Often
+the checks used are buggy and do not identify Google Chrome correctly.
+### Recommendations:
+* Do everything you can to avoid this, parsing navigator.userAgent and
+ navigator.vendor is [notoriously
+ bug-prone](
+ and usually the wrong thing to do! [Object
+ detection]( is a much
+ safer method to achieve per-browser behavior...
+* On Windows, Google Chrome's useragent string looks something like
+ the following:
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
+In nearly all cases you don't want to check if you're running under Google
+Chrome, but if the browser is using the WebKit rendering engine (see above). If
+you must look at the navigator.userAgent string look for the substring
+'AppleWebKit', nothing else is guaranteed to continue working in the future!!
+var isWebKit =
+navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") &gt; -1;
+isWebKit will be true if you're running in Google Chrome, Safari or any other
+browser using WebKit.
+To check the version of WebKit, use:
+var WebKitVersion =
+parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split("AppleWebKit/")\[1\]) ||
+if (WebKitVersion && WebKitVersion &gt; 500 ) {
+// use spiffy WebKit feature here
+You can find a list of Google Chrome Releases and their corresponding WebKit
+revisions [here](/developers/webkit-version-table).
+* Avoid code like the following:
+if (isChrome) {
+} else {
+// Didn't detect browser type, so assume IE.
+The problem is that the above snippet assumes that any browser not explicitly
+identified is IE. The problem is that it's far more likely for other browsers to
+act alike than it is for them to act like IE. And IE9 is very similar to all
+other browsers, so the code fork is bound to fail. Stick to feature detection
+# Paragraphs Overflowing/Text Cutoff
+### The Symptom:
+A single line header wraps over multiple lines, messing up a site's layout. Text
+gets cut off or overlaps other elements.
+### The problem:
+HTML & CSS can't do pixel perfect layout. So font and element sizes can change
+slightly between browser versions and OSs. If a site depends on a font being an
+exact size then text can get cut off or wrap on other browsers or OSs.
+### Recommendations:
+Whenever possible, make use of dynamically sized elements rather than specifying
+fixed pixel widths. This is often easier said than done, but it ensures that
+content will adapt well to all browsers. Test your site in multiple browsers and
+OSs, enlarge fixed pixel width elements to accommodate the maximum size you see.
+Use the white-space:nowrap css attribute to ensure that single line headings
+don't wrap over multiple lines.
+# Correct page encoding
+### The Symptom:
+Your page looks garbled in Google Chrome. Garbage characters may be displayed,
+and RTL language pages (e.g. Hebrew or Arabic) may appear with their letters
+### The problem:
+If character encoding is not specified precisely, different browsers can
+interpret the encoding in different ways or not at all. The impact on users is
+dire since it prevents them from viewing the site.
+### Recommendations:
+* Declare your page's content-type correctly, this can either be in an
+ header](
+ or a [Meta tag specified in your
+ HTML](
+* The character set your page uses must be a legal value from the
+ [Official IANA
+ List](, please only
+ use the encodings that have the text (preferred MIME name) listed
+ next to them e.g. ISO-8859-1, Shift_JIS.
+* If you specify two different values for the character encoding in
+ the HTTP Header and the Meta tag, Google Chrome will use the value
+ in the HTTP Header. Conflicting declarations of character encoding
+ in the HTTP Header and Meta tag is asking for trouble. More
+ information on this subject can be [found
+ here](
+* We recommend using UTF-8 for all Web content. If you have to use
+ legacy encoding for some reason, make sure to identify the encoding
+ correctly as outlined above. For legacy situations involving Hebrew
+ sites use [Logical Hebrew encoding
+ (ISO-8859-8-I)](
+ We strongly **discourage** the use of Visual Hebrew encoding
+ (ISO-8859-8). It has no place on the Web anymore and is a remnant of
+ old systems lacking logic for rendering RTL text. It causes many
+ bugs and lots of confusion.
+# Correct Plugin Tags
+### The Symptom:
+Plug-ins, such as Flash videos, Windows Media Player movies, or Java applets, do
+not appear in Google Chrome, but do appear in Internet Explorer.
+### The problem:
+There are 2 types of plugins on Windows: ActiveX & NPAPI. IE uses ActiveX
+plugins, all other browsers (including Google Chrome) use NPAPI plugins. ActiveX
+is Windows-only, plugins on other platforms usually use NPAPI.
+### Recommendations:
+1. Do not use plug-ins for which only an Active-X version exists, they
+ won't work in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera or any browser
+ not using the IE rendering engine.
+2. Be sure that parameters in your &lt;object&gt; and &lt;embed&gt;
+ tags are the same. A common problem is changing the parameter in
+ only one of the tags, for example:
+&lt;object ...&gt;
+&lt;param name="src" value="flash_ad.swf"&gt;
+&lt;embed src="different_file.swf" ...&gt;
+This embeds a flash video. IE will use the parameters in the object tag and thus
+will load the file **flash_ad.swf**. All other browsers will use the embed tag
+and play **different_file.swf**. Another common error is to specify different
+values for the transparency attribute when embedding flash.
+# Use of Browser-Specific CSS or JavaScript objects
+### The Symptom:
+Some CSS styling does not work in Google Chrome, even though they seem fine in
+IE or Firefox.
+### The problem:
+Each browser has its own private CSS selectors and JavaScript objects. Use of
+these types of markup is, by definition, not compatible with other browsers.
+These should only be used for non-critical tasks (e.g. adding text shadows). It
+is safest not to use them at all.
+### Recommendations:
+* Do not use
+ [document.all]( in
+ JavaScript. This is an outdated IE feature, all modern browsers
+ support
+ [document.getElementById()](
+ and you should [use that
+ instead](
+* When diagnosing JavaScript issues, use Google Chrome's [built-in
+ JavaScript
+ debugger](
+* Do not use browser-specific (e.g. -moz-\*, -webkit-\*, -ie-\*) css
+ selectors such as -moz-center or -webkit-highlight for critical
+ visual features of your site, instead use standard CSS.
+* Do not use [CSS
+ expressions](
+ (e.g. width:expression()). These only work in IE, [have serious
+ performance issues and have been
+ deprecated](
+# Useful Tools
+We've found the following tools extremely useful when diagnosing compatibility
+problems with Websites. Using them can greatly decrease the amount of effort and
+guesswork that goes into fixing compatibility issues:
+1. Google Chrome has a [variety of built-in
+ tools](
+ to help developers track down compatibility and performance issues.
+2. [Firebug]( - An excellent Firefox extension
+ that can help examining markup, JavaScript and performance issues.
+3. [Fiddler]( - A free Windows-only tool that
+ allows you to examine and replay HTTP requests and responses.
+# Additional Resources
+1. [Google Chrome Webmaster
+ FAQ]( -
+ Contains all the information in this document and loads more.
+2. [quirksmode]( - Useful Information about
+ which features are implemented in which browser.
+3. [Reporting a bug in Google
+ Chrome](/for-testers/bug-reporting-guidelines) - guidelines and
+ pointers on how to write an effective clear bug report. \ No newline at end of file