path: root/chromium/docs/website/.eleventy.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/docs/website/.eleventy.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/docs/website/.eleventy.js b/chromium/docs/website/.eleventy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fcf379992..00000000000
--- a/chromium/docs/website/.eleventy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = config => {
- config.addWatchTarget('./site/_stylesheets/');
- // `markdown-it` is Eleventy's default Markdown rendering engine.
- // We need a reference to it to customize its behavior, below.
- const md = require('markdown-it');
- // `markdown-it-anchor` is an Eleventy plugin that will add <a> tags to header elements.
- // (this improves the accessibility of linking to headers.)
- const anchor = require('markdown-it-anchor');
- // `uslug` is a Node package that convert text strings into "slugs" in a
- // Unicode-friendly way. (Slugs are the kebab-cased equivalents of text that
- // we use for page names, id's, etc. "Hello world" turns into 'hello-world".
- const uslug = require('uslug');
- // `markdown-it-attrs` is a markdown-it plugin that lets us customize the
- // `id` and `class` attributes of an element in the generated output;
- // we use this mostly for customizing the links in header tags.
- //
- // `markdown-it-toc-done-right` is a markdown-it plugin that adds support
- // for the `[TOC]` mechanism for generating the table of contents in a page.
- let mdlib = md({
- html: true,
- }).use(require('markdown-it-attrs'), {
- leftDelimiter: '{:',
- rightDelimiter: '}',
- allowedAttributes: ['id', 'class'],
- }).use(anchor, {
- slugify: s => uslug(s),
- level: 2,
- permalink: anchor.permalink.headerLink(),
- }).use(require('markdown-it-toc-done-right'), {
- slugify: uslug,
- tocClassName: 'toc',
- tocFirstLevel: 2,
- tocPattern: /\[TOC\]/,
- });
- config.setLibrary('md', mdlib);
- // TODO( Figure out how to make this syntax and API
- // less clunky.
- const subpages = require('./scripts/subpages.js')
- function handleSubPages(collectionAll) {
- let pageUrl =;
- return subpages.render(pageUrl, collectionAll);
- };
- config.addNunjucksShortcode("subpages", handleSubPages);
- // Copy binary assets over to the dist/ directory.
- // This list must be kept in sync with the lists in //.eleventy.js and
- // //scripts/
- // TODO(dpranke): Figure out how to share these lists to eliminate the
- // duplication and need to keep them in sync.
- let lob_extensions = [
- '.ai',
- '.bin',
- '.bmp',
- '.brd',
- '.bz2',
- '.crx',
- '.config',
- '.dia',
- '.gif',
- '.graffle',
- '.ico',
- '.jpg',
- 'jpg', // Some files are missing the '.' :(.,
- '.jpeg',
- '.mp4',
- '.msi',
- '.pdf',
- 'pdf', // Some files are missing the '.' :(.
- '.png',
- 'png', // Some files are missing the '.' :(.
- '.PNG',
- '.swf',
- '.svg',
- '.tar.gz',
- '.tiff',
- '_trace',
- '.webp',
- '.xcf',
- '.xlsx',
- '.zip',
- ];
- // This should basically pick up everything that isn't a .md file
- // or a .sha1.
- // TODO(dpranke): Figure out how to actually enforce this and get
- // rid of the "basically". There has to be a better approach. :).
- let extensions = lob_extensions.concat([
- '.cpp',
- '.css',
- '.csv',
- '.dot',
- '.ebuild',
- '.el',
- '.html',
- '.js',
- '.json',
- 'patch',
- '.py',
- '.txt',
- '.xml'
- ]);
- for (let ext of extensions) {
- config.addPassthroughCopy('site/**/*' + ext);
- }
- // Set up the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) hash filter. Every <script>
- // tag must be run through this filter so that the hash of its contents
- // will be in the list of approved scripts in the CSP HTTP header.
- const crypto = require('crypto');
- const fs = require('fs');
- let script_hashes = new Set();
- function cspHash(raw) {
- const c = crypto.createHash('sha256');
- c.update(raw);
- let digest = c.digest('base64');
- script_hashes.add(`'sha256-${digest}'`);
- return raw;
- }
- config.addFilter('cspHash', cspHash);
- // Write out the firebase.json config file once we know which CSP
- // headers to set.
- config.on('afterBuild', () => {
- let script_src = " 'none'";
- if (script_hashes.size > 0) {
- script_src = '';
- for (const script_hash of script_hashes.values()) {
- script_src += ' ' + script_hash;
- }
- script_src += " 'unsafe-inline' 'strict-dynamic'";
- }
- fs.writeFileSync('firebase.json',
- JSON.stringify({
- 'hosting': {
- 'public': 'build',
- 'ignore': [
- 'firebase.json',
- '**/.*',
- '**/node_modules/**',
- ],
- 'headers': [{
- 'source': '**/*',
- 'headers': [{
- 'key': 'Content-Security-Policy',
- 'value':
- "script-src" + script_src +
- "; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'; " +
- "report-uri",
- }],
- }],
- },
- }, null, 2) + '\n');
- });
- // Copy over Algolia files.
- config.addPassthroughCopy({
- 'node_modules/@docsearch/js/dist/umd':
- '_scripts/@docsearch',
- 'node_modules/@docsearch/css/dist':
- '_stylesheets/@docsearch',
- })
- return {
- dir: {
- input: 'site',
- output: 'build'
- },
- markdownTemplateEngine: 'njk',
- templateFormats: ['md', 'njk'],
- htmlTemplateEngine: 'njk',
- };