path: root/chromium/docs/ios/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/docs/ios/')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Opening links in Chrome for iOS
+The easiest way to have your iOS app open links in Chrome is to use the
+[OpenInChromeController]( class.
+This API is described here along with the URI schemes it supports.
+## Using OpenInChromeController to open links
+The **OpenInChromeController** class provides methods that
+encapsulate the URI schemes and the scheme replacement process also described
+in this document. Use this class to check if Chrome is installed or to specify
+the URL to open.
+### Methods
+* `isChromeInstalled`: returns YES if Chrome is installed
+* `openInChrome`: opens a given URL in Chrome
+For example, use the OpenInChromeController class as follows:
+if ([openInController_ isChromeInstalled]) {
+ [openInController_ openInChrome:urlToOpen];
+## Downloading the class file
+The OpenInChromeController class file is available
+[here]( Copy it into
+your Xcode installation.
+The rest of this document describes the underpinnings of this API.
+## URI schemes
+Chrome for iOS handles the following URI Schemes:
+* `googlechrome` for http
+* `googlechromes` for https
+To check if Chrome is installed, an app can simply check if either of these URI schemes is available:
+[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
+ [NSURL URLWithString:@"googlechrome://"]];
+This step is useful in case an app would like to change the UI depending
+on if Chrome is installed or not. For instance the app could add an
+option to open URLs in Chrome in a share menu or action sheet.
+To actually open a URL in Chrome, the URI scheme provided in the URL
+must be changed from `http` or `https` to the Google Chrome equivalent of
+`googlechrome` or `googlechromes` respectively.
+The following sample code opens a URL in Chrome:
+NSURL *inputURL = <the URL to open>;
+NSString *scheme = inputURL.scheme;
+// Replace the URL Scheme with the Chrome equivalent.
+NSString *chromeScheme = nil;
+if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"http"]) {
+ chromeScheme = @"googlechrome";
+} else if ([scheme isEqualToString:@"https"]) {
+ chromeScheme = @"googlechromes";
+// Proceed only if a valid Google Chrome URI Scheme is available.
+if (chromeScheme) {
+ NSString *absoluteString = [inputURL absoluteString];
+ NSRange rangeForScheme = [absoluteString rangeOfString:@":"];
+ NSString *urlNoScheme =
+ [absoluteString substringFromIndex:rangeForScheme.location];
+ NSString *chromeURLString =
+ [chromeScheme stringByAppendingString:urlNoScheme];
+ NSURL *chromeURL = [NSURL URLWithString:chromeURLString];
+ // Open the URL with Chrome.
+ [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:chromeURL];
+If Chrome is installed, the above code converts the URI scheme found in
+the URL to the Google Chrome equivalent. When Google Chrome opens, the
+URL passed as a parameter will be opened in a new tab.
+If Chrome is not installed the user can be prompted to download it from the App Store.
+If the user agrees, the app can open the App Store download page using the following:
+[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:
+ @"itms-apps://"]];