path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/manage_profile_browsertest.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/manage_profile_browsertest.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 672 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/manage_profile_browsertest.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/manage_profile_browsertest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4144e03322..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/manage_profile_browsertest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// None of these tests is relevant for Chrome OS.
-GEN('#if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)');
- * TestFixture for ManageProfileOverlay and CreateProfileOverlay WebUI testing.
- * @extends {testing.Test}
- * @constructor
- */
-function ManageProfileUITest() {}
-ManageProfileUITest.prototype = {
- __proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
- /** @override */
- browsePreload: 'chrome://settings-frame/manageProfile',
- /**
- * No need to run these for every OptionsPage test, since they'll cover the
- * whole consolidated page each time.
- * @override
- */
- runAccessibilityChecks: false,
- /**
- * Some default profile infos.
- */
- defaultIconURLs: [],
- defaultNames: [],
- /**
- * Returns a test profile-info object with configurable "supervised" status.
- * @param {boolean} supervised If true, the test profile will be marked as
- * supervised.
- * @return {Object} A test profile-info object.
- */
- testProfileInfo_: function(supervised) {
- return {
- name: 'Test Profile',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- filePath: '/path/to/profile/data/on/disk',
- isCurrentProfile: true,
- isSupervised: supervised
- };
- },
- /**
- * Overrides WebUI methods that provide profile info, making them return a
- * test profile-info object.
- * @param {boolean} supervised Whether the test profile should be marked
- * as supervised.
- * @param {string} mode The mode of the overlay (either 'manage' or 'create').
- */
- setProfileSupervised_: function(supervised, mode) {
- // Override the BrowserOptions method to return the fake info.
- BrowserOptions.getCurrentProfile = function() {
- return this.testProfileInfo_(supervised);
- }.bind(this);
- // Set the profile info in the overlay.
- ManageProfileOverlay.setProfileInfo(this.testProfileInfo_(supervised),
- mode);
- },
- /**
- * Set some default profile infos (icon URLs and names).
- * @param {boolean} supervised Whether the test profile should be marked as
- * supervised.
- * @param {string} mode The mode of the overlay (either 'manage' or 'create').
- */
- initDefaultProfiles_: function(mode) {
- PageManager.showPageByName(mode + 'Profile');
- var defaultProfile = {
- name: 'Default Name',
- iconURL: '/default/path',
- };
- this.defaultIconURLs = ['/some/path',
- defaultProfile.iconURL,
- '/another/path',
- '/one/more/path'];
- this.defaultNames = ['Some Name',, '', 'Another Name'];
- ManageProfileOverlay.receiveDefaultProfileIconsAndNames(
- mode, this.defaultIconURLs, this.defaultNames);
- ManageProfileOverlay.receiveNewProfileDefaults(defaultProfile);
- // Make sure the correct item in the icon grid was selected.
- var gridEl = $(mode + '-profile-icon-grid');
- expectEquals(defaultProfile.iconURL, gridEl.selectedItem);
- },
-// Receiving the new profile defaults in the manage-user overlay shouldn't mess
-// up the focus in a visible higher-level overlay.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'NewProfileDefaultsFocus', function() {
- var self = this;
- function checkFocus(pageName, expectedFocus, initialFocus) {
- PageManager.showPageByName(pageName);
- initialFocus.focus();
- expectEquals(initialFocus, document.activeElement, pageName);
- ManageProfileOverlay.receiveNewProfileDefaults(
- self.testProfileInfo_(false));
- expectEquals(expectedFocus, document.activeElement, pageName);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- }
- // Receiving new profile defaults sets focus to the name field if the create
- // overlay is open, and should not change focus at all otherwise.
- checkFocus('manageProfile',
- $('manage-profile-cancel'),
- $('manage-profile-cancel'));
- checkFocus('createProfile',
- $('create-profile-name'),
- $('create-profile-cancel'));
- checkFocus('supervisedUserLearnMore',
- $('supervised-user-learn-more-done'),
- $('supervised-user-learn-more-done'));
- checkFocus('supervisedUserLearnMore',
- document.querySelector('#supervised-user-learn-more-text a'),
- document.querySelector('#supervised-user-learn-more-text a'));
-// The default options should be reset each time the creation overlay is shown.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'DefaultCreateOptions', function() {
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- var shortcutsAllowed = loadTimeData.getBoolean('profileShortcutsEnabled');
- var createShortcut = $('create-shortcut');
- var createSupervised = $('create-profile-supervised');
- assertEquals(shortcutsAllowed, createShortcut.checked);
- assertFalse(createSupervised.checked);
- createShortcut.checked = !shortcutsAllowed;
- createSupervised.checked = true;
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- assertEquals(shortcutsAllowed, createShortcut.checked);
- assertFalse(createSupervised.checked);
-// The checkbox label should change depending on whether the user is signed in.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'CreateSupervisedUserText', function() {
- var signedInText = $('create-profile-supervised-signed-in');
- var notSignedInText = $('create-profile-supervised-not-signed-in');
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().initializePage();
- var custodianEmail = '';
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- assertEquals(custodianEmail,
- CreateProfileOverlay.getInstance().signedInEmail_);
- assertFalse(signedInText.hidden);
- assertTrue(notSignedInText.hidden);
- // Make sure the email is in the string somewhere, without depending on the
- // exact details of the message.
- assertNotEquals(-1, signedInText.textContent.indexOf(custodianEmail));
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus('');
- assertEquals('', CreateProfileOverlay.getInstance().signedInEmail_);
- assertTrue(signedInText.hidden);
- assertFalse(notSignedInText.hidden);
- assertFalse($('create-profile-supervised').checked);
- assertTrue($('create-profile-supervised').disabled);
-function ManageProfileUITestAsync() {}
-ManageProfileUITestAsync.prototype = {
- __proto__: ManageProfileUITest.prototype,
- isAsync: true,
-// The import link should show up if the user tries to create a profile with the
-// same name as an existing supervised user profile.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITestAsync', 'CreateExistingSupervisedUser', function() {
- // Initialize the list of existing supervised users.
- var supervisedUsers = [
- {
- id: 'supervisedUser1',
- name: 'Rosalie',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- onCurrentDevice: false,
- needAvatar: false
- },
- {
- id: 'supervisedUser2',
- name: 'Fritz',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- onCurrentDevice: false,
- needAvatar: true
- },
- {
- id: 'supervisedUser3',
- name: 'Test',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- onCurrentDevice: true,
- needAvatar: false
- },
- {
- id: 'supervisedUser4',
- name: 'RepeatingName',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- onCurrentDevice: true,
- needAvatar: false
- },
- {
- id: 'supervisedUser5',
- name: 'RepeatingName',
- iconURL: 'chrome://path/to/icon/image',
- onCurrentDevice: false,
- needAvatar: false
- }];
- var promise = Promise.resolve(supervisedUsers);
- options.SupervisedUserListData.getInstance().promise_ = promise;
- // Initialize the ManageProfileOverlay.
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().initializePage();
- var custodianEmail = '';
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- assertEquals(custodianEmail,
- CreateProfileOverlay.getInstance().signedInEmail_);
- this.setProfileSupervised_(false, 'create');
- // Also add the names 'Test' and 'RepeatingName' to |existingProfileNames_| to
- // simulate that profiles with those names exist on the device.
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().existingProfileNames_.Test = true;
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().existingProfileNames_.RepeatingName = true;
- // Initially, the ok button should be enabled and the import link should not
- // exist.
- assertFalse($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertTrue($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- // Now try to create profiles with the names of existing supervised users.
- $('create-profile-supervised').checked = true;
- var nameField = $('create-profile-name');
- // A profile which already has an avatar.
- nameField.value = 'Rosalie';
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().onNameChanged_('create');
- // Need to wait until the promise resolves.
- promise.then(function() {
- assertTrue($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertFalse($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- // A profile which doesn't have an avatar yet.
- nameField.value = 'Fritz';
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().onNameChanged_('create');
- return options.SupervisedUserListData.getInstance().promise_;
- }).then(function() {
- assertTrue($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertFalse($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- // A profile which already exists on the device.
- nameField.value = 'Test';
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().onNameChanged_('create');
- return options.SupervisedUserListData.getInstance().promise_;
- }).then(function() {
- assertTrue($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertTrue($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- // A supervised user profile that is on the device, but has the same name
- // as a supervised user profile that is not imported.
- // This can happen due to a bug (
- nameField.value = 'RepeatingName';
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().onNameChanged_('create');
- return options.SupervisedUserListData.getInstance().promise_;
- }).then(function() {
- assertTrue($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertFalse($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- // A profile which does not exist yet.
- nameField.value = 'NewProfileName';
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().onNameChanged_('create');
- return options.SupervisedUserListData.getInstance().promise_;
- }).then(function() {
- assertFalse($('create-profile-ok').disabled);
- assertTrue($('supervised-user-import-existing') == null);
- testDone();
- });
-// Supervised users should not be able to edit their profile names, and the
-// initial focus should be adjusted accordingly.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'EditSupervisedUserNameAllowed', function() {
- var nameField = $('manage-profile-name');
- this.setProfileSupervised_(false, 'manage');
- ManageProfileOverlay.showManageDialog();
- expectFalse(nameField.disabled);
- expectEquals(nameField, document.activeElement);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- this.setProfileSupervised_(true, 'manage');
- ManageProfileOverlay.showManageDialog();
- expectTrue(nameField.disabled);
- expectEquals($('manage-profile-ok'), document.activeElement);
-// Setting profile information should allow the confirmation to be shown.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'ShowCreateConfirmation', function() {
- var testProfile = this.testProfileInfo_(true);
- testProfile.custodianEmail = '';
- SupervisedUserCreateConfirmOverlay.setProfileInfo(testProfile);
- assertTrue(SupervisedUserCreateConfirmOverlay.getInstance().canShowPage());
- PageManager.showPageByName('supervisedUserCreateConfirm', false);
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
-// Trying to show a confirmation dialog with no profile information should fall
-// back to the default (main) settings page.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'NoEmptyConfirmation', function() {
- assertEquals('manageProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- assertFalse(SupervisedUserCreateConfirmOverlay.getInstance().canShowPage());
- PageManager.showPageByName('supervisedUserCreateConfirm', true);
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
-// A confirmation dialog should be shown after creating a new supervised user.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'ShowCreateConfirmationOnSuccess', function() {
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- CreateProfileOverlay.onSuccess(this.testProfileInfo_(false));
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- CreateProfileOverlay.onSuccess(this.testProfileInfo_(true));
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- expectEquals($('supervised-user-created-switch'), document.activeElement);
-// An error should be shown if creating a new supervised user fails.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'NoCreateConfirmationOnError', function() {
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- var errorBubble = $('create-profile-error-bubble');
- assertTrue(errorBubble.hidden);
- CreateProfileOverlay.onError('An Error Message!');
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- assertFalse(errorBubble.hidden);
-// The name and email should be inserted into the confirmation dialog.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'CreateConfirmationText', function() {
- var self = this;
- var custodianEmail = '';
- // Checks the strings in the confirmation dialog. If |expectedNameText| is
- // given, it should be present in the dialog's textContent; otherwise the name
- // is expected. If |expectedNameHtml| is given, it should be present in the
- // dialog's innerHTML; otherwise the expected text is expected in the HTML
- // too.
- function checkDialog(name, expectedNameText, expectedNameHtml) {
- var expectedText = expectedNameText || name;
- var expectedHtml = expectedNameHtml || expectedText;
- // Configure the test profile and show the confirmation dialog.
- var testProfile = self.testProfileInfo_(true);
- = name;
- CreateProfileOverlay.onSuccess(testProfile);
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- // Check for the presence of the name and email in the UI, without depending
- // on the details of the messages.
- assertNotEquals(-1,
- $('supervised-user-created-title').textContent.indexOf(expectedText));
- assertNotEquals(-1,
- $('supervised-user-created-switch').textContent.indexOf(expectedText));
- var message = $('supervised-user-created-text');
- assertNotEquals(-1, message.textContent.indexOf(expectedText));
- assertNotEquals(-1, message.textContent.indexOf(custodianEmail));
- // The name should be properly HTML-escaped.
- assertNotEquals(-1, message.innerHTML.indexOf(expectedHtml));
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name, name);
- }
- // Show and configure the create-profile dialog.
- PageManager.showPageByName('createProfile');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- checkDialog('OneWord');
- checkDialog('Multiple Words');
- checkDialog('It\'s "<HTML> injection" & more!',
- 'It\'s "<HTML> injection" & more!',
- // The innerHTML getter doesn't escape quotation marks,
- // independent of whether they were escaped in the setter.
- 'It\'s "&lt;HTML&gt; injection" &amp; more!');
- // Test elision. MAX_LENGTH = 50, minus 1 for the ellipsis.
- var name49Characters = '0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678';
- var name50Characters = name49Characters + '9';
- var name51Characters = name50Characters + '0';
- var name60Characters = name51Characters + '123456789';
- checkDialog(name49Characters, name49Characters);
- checkDialog(name50Characters, name50Characters);
- checkDialog(name51Characters, name49Characters + '\u2026');
- checkDialog(name60Characters, name49Characters + '\u2026');
- // Test both elision and HTML escaping. The allowed string length is the
- // visible length, not the length including the entity names.
- name49Characters = name49Characters.replace('0', '&').replace('1', '>');
- name60Characters = name60Characters.replace('0', '&').replace('1', '>');
- var escaped = name49Characters.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('>', '&gt;');
- checkDialog(
- name60Characters, name49Characters + '\u2026', escaped + '\u2026');
-// The confirmation dialog should close if the new supervised user is deleted.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'CloseConfirmationOnDelete', function() {
- // Configure the test profile and show the confirmation dialog.
- var testProfile = this.testProfileInfo_(true);
- CreateProfileOverlay.onSuccess(testProfile);
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- SupervisedUserCreateConfirmOverlay.onDeletedProfile(testProfile.filePath);
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name, name);
-// The confirmation dialog should update if the new supervised user's name is
-// changed.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'UpdateConfirmationOnRename', function() {
- // Configure the test profile and show the confirmation dialog.
- var testProfile = this.testProfileInfo_(true);
- CreateProfileOverlay.onSuccess(testProfile);
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- var oldName =;
- var newName = 'New Name';
- SupervisedUserCreateConfirmOverlay.onUpdatedProfileName(testProfile.filePath,
- newName);
- assertEquals('supervisedUserCreateConfirm',
- PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- var titleElement = $('supervised-user-created-title');
- var switchElement = $('supervised-user-created-switch');
- var messageElement = $('supervised-user-created-text');
- assertEquals(-1, titleElement.textContent.indexOf(oldName));
- assertEquals(-1, switchElement.textContent.indexOf(oldName));
- assertEquals(-1, messageElement.textContent.indexOf(oldName));
- assertNotEquals(-1, titleElement.textContent.indexOf(newName));
- assertNotEquals(-1, switchElement.textContent.indexOf(newName));
- assertNotEquals(-1, messageElement.textContent.indexOf(newName));
-// An additional warning should be shown when deleting a supervised user.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'DeleteSupervisedUserWarning', function() {
- var addendum = $('delete-supervised-profile-addendum');
- ManageProfileOverlay.showDeleteDialog(this.testProfileInfo_(true));
- assertFalse(addendum.hidden);
- ManageProfileOverlay.showDeleteDialog(this.testProfileInfo_(false));
- assertTrue(addendum.hidden);
-// The policy prohibiting supervised users should update the UI dynamically.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'PolicyDynamicRefresh', function() {
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().initializePage();
- var custodianEmail = '';
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(true);
- var checkbox = $('create-profile-supervised');
- var signInPromo = $('create-profile-supervised-not-signed-in');
- var signInLink = $('create-profile-supervised-sign-in-link');
- var indicator = $('create-profile-supervised-indicator');
- assertFalse(checkbox.disabled, 'allowed and signed in');
- assertTrue(signInPromo.hidden, 'allowed and signed in');
- assertEquals('none', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 'allowed and signed in');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus('');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(true);
- assertTrue(checkbox.disabled, 'allowed, not signed in');
- assertFalse(signInPromo.hidden, 'allowed, not signed in');
- assertTrue(signInLink.enabled, 'allowed, not signed in');
- assertEquals('none', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 'allowed, not signed in');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus('');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(false);
- assertTrue(checkbox.disabled, 'disallowed, not signed in');
- assertFalse(signInPromo.hidden, 'disallowed, not signed in');
- assertFalse(signInLink.enabled, 'disallowed, not signed in');
- assertEquals('inline-block', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 'disallowed, not signed in');
- assertEquals('policy', indicator.getAttribute('controlled-by'));
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(false);
- assertTrue(checkbox.disabled, 'disallowed, signed in');
- assertTrue(signInPromo.hidden, 'disallowed, signed in');
- assertEquals('inline-block', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 'disallowed, signed in');
- assertEquals('policy', indicator.getAttribute('controlled-by'));
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(true);
- assertFalse(checkbox.disabled, 're-allowed and signed in');
- assertTrue(signInPromo.hidden, 're-allowed and signed in');
- assertEquals('none', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 're-allowed and signed in');
-// The supervised user checkbox should correctly update its state during profile
-// creation and afterwards.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'CreateInProgress', function() {
- ManageProfileOverlay.getInstance().initializePage();
- var custodianEmail = '';
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(true);
- var checkbox = $('create-profile-supervised');
- var signInPromo = $('create-profile-supervised-not-signed-in');
- var indicator = $('create-profile-supervised-indicator');
- assertFalse(checkbox.disabled, 'allowed and signed in');
- assertTrue(signInPromo.hidden, 'allowed and signed in');
- assertEquals('none', window.getComputedStyle(indicator, null).display,
- 'allowed and signed in');
- assertFalse(indicator.hasAttribute('controlled-by'));
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateCreateInProgress(true);
- assertTrue(checkbox.disabled, 'creation in progress');
- // A no-op update to the sign-in status should not change the UI.
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSignedInStatus(custodianEmail);
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateSupervisedUsersAllowed(true);
- assertTrue(checkbox.disabled, 'creation in progress');
- CreateProfileOverlay.updateCreateInProgress(false);
- assertFalse(checkbox.disabled, 'creation finished');
-// Supervised users should be able to open the delete dialog, but not the
-// create dialog.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'SupervisedShowCreate', function() {
- this.setProfileSupervised_(false, 'create');
- ManageProfileOverlay.showCreateDialog();
- assertEquals('createProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- ManageProfileOverlay.showDeleteDialog(this.testProfileInfo_(false));
- assertEquals('manageProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- assertFalse($('manage-profile-overlay-delete').hidden);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- this.setProfileSupervised_(true, 'create');
- ManageProfileOverlay.showCreateDialog();
- assertEquals('settings', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
- ManageProfileOverlay.showDeleteDialog(this.testProfileInfo_(false));
- assertEquals('manageProfile', PageManager.getTopmostVisiblePage().name);
-// Selecting a different avatar image should update the suggested profile name.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'Create_NameUpdateOnAvatarSelected', function() {
- var mode = 'create';
- this.initDefaultProfiles_(mode);
- var gridEl = $(mode + '-profile-icon-grid');
- var nameEl = $(mode + '-profile-name');
- // Select another icon and check that the profile name was updated.
- assertNotEquals(gridEl.selectedItem, this.defaultIconURLs[0]);
- gridEl.selectedItem = this.defaultIconURLs[0];
- expectEquals(this.defaultNames[0], nameEl.value);
- // Select icon without an associated name; the profile name shouldn't change.
- var oldName = nameEl.value;
- assertEquals('', this.defaultNames[2]);
- gridEl.selectedItem = this.defaultIconURLs[2];
- expectEquals(oldName, nameEl.value);
- // Select another icon with a name and check that the name is updated again.
- assertNotEquals('', this.defaultNames[1]);
- gridEl.selectedItem = this.defaultIconURLs[1];
- expectEquals(this.defaultNames[1], nameEl.value);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
-// After the user edited the profile name, selecting a different avatar image
-// should not update the suggested name anymore.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'Create_NoNameUpdateOnAvatarSelectedAfterEdit',
- function() {
- var mode = 'create';
- this.initDefaultProfiles_(mode);
- var gridEl = $(mode + '-profile-icon-grid');
- var nameEl = $(mode + '-profile-name');
- // After the user manually entered a name, it should not be changed anymore
- // (even if the entered name is another default name).
- nameEl.value = this.defaultNames[3];
- nameEl.oninput();
- gridEl.selectedItem = this.defaultIconURLs[0];
- expectEquals(this.defaultNames[3], nameEl.value);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
-// After the user edited the profile name, selecting a different avatar image
-// should not update the suggested name anymore even if the original suggestion
-// is entered again.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'Create_NoNameUpdateOnAvatarSelectedAfterRevert',
- function() {
- var mode = 'create';
- this.initDefaultProfiles_(mode);
- var gridEl = $(mode + '-profile-icon-grid');
- var nameEl = $(mode + '-profile-name');
- // After the user manually entered a name, it should not be changed anymore,
- // even if the user then reverts to the original suggestion.
- var oldName = nameEl.value;
- nameEl.value = 'Custom Name';
- nameEl.oninput();
- nameEl.value = oldName;
- nameEl.oninput();
- // Now select another avatar and check that the name remained the same.
- assertNotEquals(gridEl.selectedItem, this.defaultIconURLs[0]);
- gridEl.selectedItem = this.defaultIconURLs[0];
- expectEquals(oldName, nameEl.value);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
-// In the manage dialog, the name should never be updated on avatar selection.
-TEST_F('ManageProfileUITest', 'Manage_NoNameUpdateOnAvatarSelected',
- function() {
- var mode = 'manage';
- this.setProfileSupervised_(false, mode);
- PageManager.showPageByName(mode + 'Profile');
- var testProfile = this.testProfileInfo_(false);
- var iconURLs = [testProfile.iconURL, '/some/path', '/another/path'];
- var names = [, 'Some Name', ''];
- ManageProfileOverlay.receiveDefaultProfileIconsAndNames(
- mode, iconURLs, names);
- var gridEl = $(mode + '-profile-icon-grid');
- var nameEl = $(mode + '-profile-name');
- // Select another icon and check if the profile name was updated.
- var oldName = nameEl.value;
- gridEl.selectedItem = iconURLs[1];
- expectEquals(oldName, nameEl.value);
- PageManager.closeOverlay();
-GEN('#endif // OS_CHROMEOS');