path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 533 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js b/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b826c3b5a2..00000000000
--- a/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/settings/site_settings/site_settings_prefs_browser_proxy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
- * @fileoverview A helper object used from the "Site Settings" section to
- * interact with the content settings prefs.
- */
- * The handler will send a policy source that is similar, but not exactly the
- * same as a ControlledBy value. If the ContentSettingProvider is omitted it
- * should be treated as 'default'.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-const ContentSettingProvider = {
- POLICY: 'policy',
- SUPERVISED_USER: 'supervised_user',
- EXTENSION: 'extension',
- INSTALLED_WEBAPP_PROVIDER: 'installed_webapp_provider',
- NOTIFICATION_ANDROID: 'notification_android',
- EPHEMERAL: 'ephemeral',
- PREFERENCE: 'preference',
- DEFAULT: 'default',
- TESTS: 'tests',
- TESTS_OTHER: 'tests_other'
- * Stores information about if a content setting is valid, and why.
- * @typedef {{isValid: boolean,
- * reason: ?string}}
- */
-let IsValid;
- * Stores origin information. The |hasPermissionSettings| will be set to true
- * when this origin has permissions or when there is a pattern permission
- * affecting this origin.
- * @typedef {{origin: string,
- * engagement: number,
- * usage: number,
- numCookies: number,
- hasPermissionSettings: boolean}}
- */
-let OriginInfo;
- * Represents a list of sites, grouped under the same eTLD+1. For example, an
- * origin "" would be grouped together with
- * "" and "" under a common eTLD+1 of
- * "".
- * @typedef {{etldPlus1: string,
- * numCookies: number,
- * origins: Array<OriginInfo>}}
- */
-let SiteGroup;
- * The site exception information passed from the C++ handler.
- * See also: SiteException.
- * @typedef {{embeddingOrigin: string,
- * incognito: boolean,
- * origin: string,
- * displayName: string,
- * setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * source: !settings.SiteSettingSource}}
- */
-let RawSiteException;
- * The site exception after it has been converted/filtered for UI use.
- * See also: RawSiteException.
- * @typedef {{category: !settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
- * embeddingOrigin: string,
- * incognito: boolean,
- * origin: string,
- * displayName: string,
- * setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * enforcement: ?chrome.settingsPrivate.Enforcement,
- * controlledBy: !chrome.settingsPrivate.ControlledBy,
- * showAndroidSmsNote: (boolean|undefined)}}
- */
-let SiteException;
- * The chooser exception information passed from the C++ handler.
- * See also: ChooserException.
- * @typedef {{chooserType: !settings.ChooserType,
- * displayName: string,
- * object: Object,
- * sites: Array<!RawSiteException>}}
- */
-let RawChooserException;
- * The chooser exception after it has been converted/filtered for UI use.
- * See also: RawChooserException.
- * @typedef {{chooserType: !settings.ChooserType,
- * displayName: string,
- * object: Object,
- * sites: Array<!SiteException>}}
- */
-let ChooserException;
- * @typedef {{setting: !settings.ContentSetting,
- * source: !ContentSettingProvider}}
- */
-let DefaultContentSetting;
- * @typedef {{name: string,
- * id: string}}
- */
-let MediaPickerEntry;
- * @typedef {{protocol: string,
- * spec: string}}
- */
-let ProtocolHandlerEntry;
- * @typedef {{origin: string,
- * setting: string,
- * source: string,
- * zoom: string}}
- */
-let ZoomLevelEntry;
-cr.define('settings', function() {
- /** @interface */
- class SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy {
- /**
- * Sets the default value for a site settings category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to change.
- * @param {string} defaultValue The name of the value to set as default.
- */
- setDefaultValueForContentType(contentType, defaultValue) {}
- /**
- * Gets the default value for a site settings category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to query.
- * @return {!Promise<!DefaultContentSetting>}
- */
- getDefaultValueForContentType(contentType) {}
- /**
- * Gets a list of sites, grouped by eTLD+1, affected by any of the content
- * settings specified by |contentTypes|.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * the content types to retrieve sites for.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!SiteGroup>>}
- */
- getAllSites(contentTypes) {}
- /**
- * Gets the chooser exceptions for a particular chooser type.
- * @param {settings.ChooserType} chooserType The chooser type to grab
- * exceptions from.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!RawChooserException>>}
- */
- getChooserExceptionList(chooserType) {}
- /**
- * Converts a given number of bytes into a human-readable format, with data
- * units.
- * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes to convert.
- * @return {!Promise<string>}
- */
- getFormattedBytes(numBytes) {}
- /**
- * Gets the exceptions (site list) for a particular category.
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to query.
- * @return {!Promise<!Array<!RawSiteException>>}
- */
- getExceptionList(contentType) {}
- /**
- * Gets a list of category permissions for a given origin. Note that this
- * may be different to the results retrieved by getExceptionList(), since it
- * combines different sources of data to get a permission's value.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to look up permissions for.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * categories to retrieve the ContentSetting for.
- * @return {!Promise<!NodeList<!RawSiteException>>}
- */
- getOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes) {}
- /**
- * Resets the permissions for a list of categories for a given origin. This
- * does not support incognito settings or patterns.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to reset permissions for.
- * @param {!Array<!settings.ContentSettingsTypes>} contentTypes A list of
- * categories to set the permission for. Typically this would be a
- * single category, but sometimes it is useful to clear any permissions
- * set for all categories.
- * @param {!settings.ContentSetting} blanketSetting The setting to set all
- * permissions listed in |contentTypes| to.
- */
- setOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting) {}
- /**
- * Clears the flag that's set when the user has changed the Flash permission
- * for this particular origin.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to clear the Flash preference for.
- */
- clearFlashPref(origin) {}
- /**
- * Resets the category permission for a given origin (expressed as primary
- * and secondary patterns). Only use this if intending to remove an
- * exception - use setOriginPermissions() for origin-scoped settings.
- * @param {string} primaryPattern The origin to change (primary pattern).
- * @param {string} secondaryPattern The embedding origin to change
- * (secondary pattern).
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to reset.
- * @param {boolean} incognito Whether this applies only to a current
- * incognito session exception.
- */
- resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito) {}
- /**
- * Removes a particular chooser object permission by origin and embedding
- * origin.
- * @param {settings.ChooserType} chooserType The chooser exception type
- * @param {string} origin The origin to look up the permission for.
- * @param {string} embeddingOrigin the embedding origin to look up.
- * @param {!Object} exception The exception to revoke permission for.
- */
- resetChooserExceptionForSite(
- chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception) {}
- /**
- * Sets the category permission for a given origin (expressed as primary and
- * secondary patterns). Only use this if intending to set an exception - use
- * setOriginPermissions() for origin-scoped settings.
- * @param {string} primaryPattern The origin to change (primary pattern).
- * @param {string} secondaryPattern The embedding origin to change
- * (secondary pattern).
- * @param {string} contentType The name of the category to change.
- * @param {string} value The value to change the permission to.
- * @param {boolean} incognito Whether this rule applies only to the current
- * incognito session.
- */
- setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito) {}
- /**
- * Checks whether an origin is valid.
- * @param {string} origin The origin to check.
- * @return {!Promise<boolean>} True if the origin is valid.
- */
- isOriginValid(origin) {}
- /**
- * Checks whether a setting is valid.
- * @param {string} pattern The pattern to check.
- * @param {settings.ContentSettingsTypes} category What kind of setting,
- * e.g. Location, Camera, Cookies, etc.
- * @return {!Promise<IsValid>} Contains whether or not the pattern is
- * valid for the type, and if it is invalid, the reason why.
- */
- isPatternValidForType(pattern, category) {}
- /**
- * Gets the list of default capture devices for a given type of media. List
- * is returned through a JS call to updateDevicesMenu.
- * @param {string} type The type to look up.
- */
- getDefaultCaptureDevices(type) {}
- /**
- * Sets a default devices for a given type of media.
- * @param {string} type The type of media to configure.
- * @param {string} defaultValue The id of the media device to set.
- */
- setDefaultCaptureDevice(type, defaultValue) {}
- /**
- * observes _all_ of the the protocol handler state, which includes a list
- * that is returned through JS calls to 'setProtocolHandlers' along with
- * other state sent with the messages 'setIgnoredProtocolHandler' and
- * 'setHandlersEnabled'.
- */
- observeProtocolHandlers() {}
- /**
- * Observes one aspect of the protocol handler so that updates to the
- * enabled/disabled state are sent. A 'setHandlersEnabled' will be sent
- * from C++ immediately after receiving this observe request and updates
- * may follow via additional 'setHandlersEnabled' messages.
- *
- * If |observeProtocolHandlers| is called, there's no need to call this
- * observe as well.
- */
- observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState() {}
- /**
- * Enables or disables the ability for sites to ask to become the default
- * protocol handlers.
- * @param {boolean} enabled Whether sites can ask to become default.
- */
- setProtocolHandlerDefault(enabled) {}
- /**
- * Sets a certain url as default for a given protocol handler.
- * @param {string} protocol The protocol to set a default for.
- * @param {string} url The url to use as the default.
- */
- setProtocolDefault(protocol, url) {}
- /**
- * Deletes a certain protocol handler by url.
- * @param {string} protocol The protocol to delete the url from.
- * @param {string} url The url to delete.
- */
- removeProtocolHandler(protocol, url) {}
- /**
- * Fetches the incognito status of the current profile (whether an incognito
- * profile exists). Returns the results via onIncognitoStatusChanged.
- */
- updateIncognitoStatus() {}
- /**
- * Fetches the currently defined zoom levels for sites. Returns the results
- * via onZoomLevelsChanged.
- */
- fetchZoomLevels() {}
- /**
- * Removes a zoom levels for a given host.
- * @param {string} host The host to remove zoom levels for.
- */
- removeZoomLevel(host) {}
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /**
- * Links to$ManageDomainUrlsActivity on ARC
- * side, this is to manage app preferences.
- */
- showAndroidManageAppLinks() {}
- // </if>
- /**
- * Fetches the current block autoplay state. Returns the results via
- * onBlockAutoplayStatusChanged.
- */
- fetchBlockAutoplayStatus() {}
- /**
- * Clears all the web storage data and cookies for a given etld+1.
- * @param {string} etldPlus1 The etld+1 to clear data from.
- */
- clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies(etldPlus1) {}
- /**
- * Record All Sites Page action for metrics.
- * @param {number} action number.
- */
- recordAction(action) {}
- }
- /**
- * @implements {settings.SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy}
- */
- class SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl {
- /** @override */
- setDefaultValueForContentType(contentType, defaultValue) {
- chrome.send('setDefaultValueForContentType', [contentType, defaultValue]);
- }
- /** @override */
- getDefaultValueForContentType(contentType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getDefaultValueForContentType', contentType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getAllSites(contentTypes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getAllSites', contentTypes);
- }
- /** @override */
- getChooserExceptionList(chooserType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getChooserExceptionList', chooserType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getFormattedBytes(numBytes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getFormattedBytes', numBytes);
- }
- /** @override */
- getExceptionList(contentType) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getExceptionList', contentType);
- }
- /** @override */
- getOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('getOriginPermissions', origin, contentTypes);
- }
- /** @override */
- setOriginPermissions(origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting) {
- chrome.send(
- 'setOriginPermissions', [origin, contentTypes, blanketSetting]);
- }
- /** @override */
- clearFlashPref(origin) {
- chrome.send('clearFlashPref', [origin]);
- }
- /** @override */
- resetCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito) {
- chrome.send(
- 'resetCategoryPermissionForPattern',
- [primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, incognito]);
- }
- /** @override */
- resetChooserExceptionForSite(
- chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception) {
- chrome.send(
- 'resetChooserExceptionForSite',
- [chooserType, origin, embeddingOrigin, exception]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setCategoryPermissionForPattern(
- primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito) {
- chrome.send(
- 'setCategoryPermissionForPattern',
- [primaryPattern, secondaryPattern, contentType, value, incognito]);
- }
- /** @override */
- isOriginValid(origin) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('isOriginValid', origin);
- }
- /** @override */
- isPatternValidForType(pattern, category) {
- return cr.sendWithPromise('isPatternValidForType', pattern, category);
- }
- /** @override */
- getDefaultCaptureDevices(type) {
- chrome.send('getDefaultCaptureDevices', [type]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setDefaultCaptureDevice(type, defaultValue) {
- chrome.send('setDefaultCaptureDevice', [type, defaultValue]);
- }
- /** @override */
- observeProtocolHandlers() {
- chrome.send('observeProtocolHandlers');
- }
- /** @override */
- observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState() {
- chrome.send('observeProtocolHandlersEnabledState');
- }
- /** @override */
- setProtocolHandlerDefault(enabled) {
- chrome.send('setHandlersEnabled', [enabled]);
- }
- /** @override */
- setProtocolDefault(protocol, url) {
- chrome.send('setDefault', [protocol, url]);
- }
- /** @override */
- removeProtocolHandler(protocol, url) {
- chrome.send('removeHandler', [protocol, url]);
- }
- /** @override */
- updateIncognitoStatus() {
- chrome.send('updateIncognitoStatus');
- }
- /** @override */
- fetchZoomLevels() {
- chrome.send('fetchZoomLevels');
- }
- /** @override */
- removeZoomLevel(host) {
- chrome.send('removeZoomLevel', [host]);
- }
- // <if expr="chromeos">
- /** @override */
- showAndroidManageAppLinks() {
- chrome.send('showAndroidManageAppLinks');
- }
- // </if>
- /** @override */
- fetchBlockAutoplayStatus() {
- chrome.send('fetchBlockAutoplayStatus');
- }
- /** @override */
- clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies(etldPlus1) {
- chrome.send('clearEtldPlus1DataAndCookies', [etldPlus1]);
- }
- /** @override */
- recordAction(action) {
- chrome.send('recordAction', [action]);
- }
- }
- // The singleton instance_ is replaced with a test version of this wrapper
- // during testing.
- cr.addSingletonGetter(SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl);
- return {
- SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy: SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxy,
- SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl: SiteSettingsPrefsBrowserProxyImpl,
- };