path: root/chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h
diff options
authorAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2017-01-04 14:17:57 +0100
committerAllan Sandfeld Jensen <>2017-01-05 10:05:06 +0000
commit39d357e3248f80abea0159765ff39554affb40db (patch)
treeaba0e6bfb76de0244bba0f5fdbd64b830dd6e621 /chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h
parent87778abf5a1f89266f37d1321b92a21851d8244d (diff)
BASELINE: Update Chromium to 55.0.2883.105
And updates ninja to 1.7.2 Change-Id: I20d43c737f82764d857ada9a55586901b18b9243 Reviewed-by: Michael BrĂ¼ning <>
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h b/chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h
deleted file mode 100644
index faf064a98bb..00000000000
--- a/chromium/components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_service.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/observer_list.h"
-#include "base/timer/timer.h"
-#include "components/image_fetcher/image_fetcher_delegate.h"
-#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
-#include "components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippet.h"
-#include "components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_fetcher.h"
-#include "components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_scheduler.h"
-#include "components/ntp_snippets/ntp_snippets_status_service.h"
-#include "components/suggestions/suggestions_service.h"
-#include "components/sync_driver/sync_service_observer.h"
-class PrefRegistrySimple;
-class PrefService;
-class SigninManagerBase;
-namespace base {
-class RefCountedMemory;
-class Value;
-namespace gfx {
-class Image;
-namespace image_fetcher {
-class ImageDecoder;
-class ImageFetcher;
-namespace suggestions {
-class SuggestionsProfile;
-namespace sync_driver {
-class SyncService;
-namespace ntp_snippets {
-class NTPSnippetsDatabase;
-class NTPSnippetsServiceObserver;
-// Stores and vends fresh content data for the NTP.
-class NTPSnippetsService : public KeyedService,
- public image_fetcher::ImageFetcherDelegate {
- public:
- using ImageFetchedCallback =
- base::Callback<void(const std::string& snippet_id, const gfx::Image&)>;
- // |application_language_code| should be a ISO 639-1 compliant string, e.g.
- // 'en' or 'en-US'. Note that this code should only specify the language, not
- // the locale, so 'en_US' (English language with US locale) and 'en-GB_US'
- // (British English person in the US) are not language codes.
- NTPSnippetsService(bool enabled,
- PrefService* pref_service,
- suggestions::SuggestionsService* suggestions_service,
- const std::string& application_language_code,
- NTPSnippetsScheduler* scheduler,
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsFetcher> snippets_fetcher,
- std::unique_ptr<image_fetcher::ImageFetcher> image_fetcher,
- std::unique_ptr<image_fetcher::ImageDecoder> image_decoder,
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsDatabase> database,
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsStatusService> status_service);
- ~NTPSnippetsService() override;
- static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
- // Inherited from KeyedService.
- void Shutdown() override;
- // Returns whether the service is ready. While this is false, the list of
- // snippets will be empty, and all modifications to it (fetch, discard, etc)
- // will be ignored.
- bool ready() const { return state_ == State::READY; }
- // Returns whether the service is initialized. While this is false, some
- // calls may trigger DCHECKs.
- bool initialized() const { return ready() || state_ == State::DISABLED; }
- // Fetches snippets from the server and adds them to the current ones.
- void FetchSnippets();
- // Fetches snippets from the server for specified hosts (overriding
- // suggestions from the suggestion service) and adds them to the current ones.
- // Only called from chrome://snippets-internals, DO NOT USE otherwise!
- // Ignored while |loaded()| is false.
- void FetchSnippetsFromHosts(const std::set<std::string>& hosts);
- // Available snippets.
- const NTPSnippet::PtrVector& snippets() const { return snippets_; }
- // Returns the list of snippets previously discarded by the user (that are
- // not expired yet).
- const NTPSnippet::PtrVector& discarded_snippets() const {
- return discarded_snippets_;
- }
- const NTPSnippetsFetcher* snippets_fetcher() const {
- return snippets_fetcher_.get();
- }
- // Returns a reason why the service is disabled, or DisabledReason::NONE
- // if it's not.
- DisabledReason disabled_reason() const {
- return snippets_status_service_->disabled_reason();
- }
- // (Re)schedules the periodic fetching of snippets. This is necessary because
- // the schedule depends on the time of day.
- void RescheduleFetching();
- // Fetches the image for the snippet with the given |snippet_id| and runs the
- // |callback|. If that snippet doesn't exist or the fetch fails, the callback
- // gets a null image.
- void FetchSnippetImage(const std::string& snippet_id,
- const ImageFetchedCallback& callback);
- // Deletes all currently stored snippets.
- void ClearSnippets();
- // Discards the snippet with the given |snippet_id|, if it exists. Returns
- // true iff a snippet was discarded.
- bool DiscardSnippet(const std::string& snippet_id);
- // Clears the lists of snippets previously discarded by the user.
- void ClearDiscardedSnippets();
- // Returns the lists of suggestion hosts the snippets are restricted to.
- std::set<std::string> GetSuggestionsHosts() const;
- // Observer accessors.
- void AddObserver(NTPSnippetsServiceObserver* observer);
- void RemoveObserver(NTPSnippetsServiceObserver* observer);
- // Returns the maximum number of snippets that will be shown at once.
- static int GetMaxSnippetCountForTesting();
- private:
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NTPSnippetsServiceTest, HistorySyncStateChanges);
- // Possible state transitions:
- // +------- NOT_INITED ------+
- // | / \ |
- // | READY <--> DISABLED <-+
- // | \ /
- // +-----> SHUT_DOWN
- enum class State {
- // The service has just been created. Can change to states:
- // - DISABLED: if the constructor was called with |enabled == false| . In
- // that case the service will stay disabled until it is shut
- // down. It can also enter this state after the database is
- // done loading and GetStateForDependenciesStatus identifies
- // the next state to be DISABLED.
- // - READY: if GetStateForDependenciesStatus returns it, after the database
- // is done loading.
- // The service registered observers, timers, etc. and is ready to answer to
- // queries, fetch snippets... Can change to states:
- // - DISABLED: when the global Chrome state changes, for example after
- // |OnStateChanged| is called and sync is disabled.
- // - SHUT_DOWN: when |Shutdown| is called, during the browser shutdown.
- // The service is disabled and unregistered the related resources.
- // Can change to states:
- // - READY: when the global Chrome state changes, for example after
- // |OnStateChanged| is called and sync is enabled.
- // - SHUT_DOWN: when |Shutdown| is called, during the browser shutdown.
- // The service shutdown and can't be used anymore. This state is checked
- // for early exit in callbacks from observers.
- };
- // image_fetcher::ImageFetcherDelegate implementation.
- void OnImageDataFetched(const std::string& snippet_id,
- const std::string& image_data) override;
- // Callbacks for the NTPSnippetsDatabase.
- void OnDatabaseLoaded(NTPSnippet::PtrVector snippets);
- void OnDatabaseError();
- // Callback for the SuggestionsService.
- void OnSuggestionsChanged(const suggestions::SuggestionsProfile& suggestions);
- // Callback for the NTPSnippetsFetcher.
- void OnFetchFinished(NTPSnippetsFetcher::OptionalSnippets snippets);
- // Merges newly available snippets with the previously available list.
- void MergeSnippets(NTPSnippet::PtrVector new_snippets);
- std::set<std::string> GetSnippetHostsFromPrefs() const;
- void StoreSnippetHostsToPrefs(const std::set<std::string>& hosts);
- // Removes the expired snippets (including discarded) from the service and the
- // database, and schedules another pass for the next expiration.
- void ClearExpiredSnippets();
- // Completes the initialization phase of the service, registering the last
- // observers. This is done after construction, once the database is loaded.
- void FinishInitialization();
- void LoadingSnippetsFinished();
- void OnSnippetImageFetchedFromDatabase(const std::string& snippet_id,
- const ImageFetchedCallback& callback,
- std::string data);
- void OnSnippetImageDecoded(const std::string& snippet_id,
- const ImageFetchedCallback& callback,
- const gfx::Image& image);
- void FetchSnippetImageFromNetwork(const std::string& snippet_id,
- const ImageFetchedCallback& callback);
- // Triggers a state transition depending on the provided reason to be
- // disabled (or lack thereof). This method is called when a change is detected
- // by |snippets_status_service_|
- void UpdateStateForStatus(DisabledReason disabled_reason);
- // Verifies state transitions (see |State|'s documentation) and applies them.
- // Does nothing if called with the current state.
- void EnterState(State state);
- // Enables the service and triggers a fetch if required. Do not call directly,
- // use |EnterState| instead.
- void EnterStateEnabled(bool fetch_snippets);
- // Disables the service. Do not call directly, use |EnterState| instead.
- void EnterStateDisabled();
- // Applies the effects of the transition to the SHUT_DOWN state. Do not call
- // directly, use |EnterState| instead.
- void EnterStateShutdown();
- void ClearDeprecatedPrefs();
- State state_;
- PrefService* pref_service_;
- suggestions::SuggestionsService* suggestions_service_;
- // All current suggestions (i.e. not discarded ones).
- NTPSnippet::PtrVector snippets_;
- // Suggestions that the user discarded. We keep these around until they expire
- // so we won't re-add them on the next fetch.
- NTPSnippet::PtrVector discarded_snippets_;
- // The ISO 639-1 code of the language used by the application.
- const std::string application_language_code_;
- // The observers.
- base::ObserverList<NTPSnippetsServiceObserver> observers_;
- // Scheduler for fetching snippets. Not owned.
- NTPSnippetsScheduler* scheduler_;
- // The subscription to the SuggestionsService. When the suggestions change,
- // SuggestionsService will call |OnSuggestionsChanged|, which triggers an
- // update to the set of snippets.
- using SuggestionsSubscription =
- suggestions::SuggestionsService::ResponseCallbackList::Subscription;
- std::unique_ptr<SuggestionsSubscription> suggestions_service_subscription_;
- // The snippets fetcher.
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsFetcher> snippets_fetcher_;
- // Timer that calls us back when the next snippet expires.
- base::OneShotTimer expiry_timer_;
- std::unique_ptr<image_fetcher::ImageFetcher> image_fetcher_;
- std::unique_ptr<image_fetcher::ImageDecoder> image_decoder_;
- // The database for persisting snippets.
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsDatabase> database_;
- // The service that provides events and data about the signin and sync state.
- std::unique_ptr<NTPSnippetsStatusService> snippets_status_service_;
- // Set to true if FetchSnippets is called before the database has been loaded.
- // The fetch will be executed after the database load finishes.
- bool fetch_after_load_;
-class NTPSnippetsServiceObserver {
- public:
- // Sent every time the service loads a new set of data.
- virtual void NTPSnippetsServiceLoaded() = 0;
- // Sent when the service is shutting down.
- virtual void NTPSnippetsServiceShutdown() = 0;
- // Sent when the state of the service is changing. Something changed in its
- // dependencies so it's notifying observers about incoming data changes.
- // If the service might be enabled, DisabledReason::NONE will be provided.
- virtual void NTPSnippetsServiceDisabledReasonChanged(DisabledReason) = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~NTPSnippetsServiceObserver() {}
-} // namespace ntp_snippets