path: root/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
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diff --git a/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
index 1d6d690f..bc3ed271 100644
--- a/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
+++ b/src/location/places/qplacemanager.cpp
@@ -50,28 +50,105 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
\class QPlaceManager
\inmodule QtLocation
\ingroup QtLocation-places
+ \ingroup QtLocation-places-manager
\since QtLocation 5.0
- \brief The QPlaceManager class is responsible for the discovery and management of places.
+ \brief The QPlaceManager class provides the interface which allows clients to access
+ places stored in a particular backend.
+ The following table gives an overview of the functionality provided by the QPlaceManager
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o Functionality
+ \o Description
+ \row
+ \o Searching for places
+ \o Using set of parameters such as a seach term and search area, relevant places
+ can be returned to the user.
+ \row
+ \o Categories
+ \o Places can be classified as belonging to different categories. The
+ manager supports access to these categories.
+ \row
+ \o Text predictions
+ \o Given a partially complete search term, a list of potential complete
+ search terms can be given.
+ \row
+ \o Recommendations
+ \o Given an existing place, a set of similar recommended places can
+ be suggested to the user.
+ \row
+ \o Rich Content
+ \o Rich content such as images, reviews etc can be retrieved in a paged
+ fashion.
+ \row
+ \o Place/Category management
+ \o Places and categories may be saved and removed. It is possible
+ for notifications to be given when this happens.
+ \row
+ \o Localization
+ \o Different locales may be specified to return place
+ data in different languages.
+ \endtable
+ \section1 Obtaining a QPlaceManager instance
+ Creation of a QPlaceManager is facilitated by the QGeoServiceProvider.
+ See \l {Initializing a manager} for an example on how to create a manager.
+ \section1 Asynchronous interface.
+ The QPlaceManager class provides an abstraction of the datastore which contains place information.
+ The functions provided by the QPlaceManager and primarily asynchronous and follow
+ a request-reply model. Typically a request is given to the manager, consisting
+ of a various set of parameters and a reply object is created. The reply object
+ has a signal to notify when the request is done, and once completed, the reply
+ contains the results of the request, along with any errors that occurred, if any.
+ An asynchonous request is generally handled as follows:
+ \snippet snippets/places/requesthandler.h Simple search
+ \dots
+ \dots
+ \snippet snippets/places/requesthandler.h Simple search handler
+ See \l {Common Operations} for a list of examples demonstrating how the QPlaceManger
+ is used.
+ \section1 Category Initialization
+ Sometime during startup of an application, the initializeCategories() function should
+ be called to setup the categories. Initializing the categories enables the usage of the
+ following functions:
+ \list
+ \o QPlaceManager::childCategories()
+ \o QPlaceManager::category()
+ \o QPlaceManager::parentCategoryId()
+ \o QPlaceManager::childrenCategoryIds();
+ \endlist
+ If the categories need to be refreshed or reloaded, the initializeCategories() function
+ may be called again.
- \enum QPlaceManager::ManagerFeature
- Defines the possible features that the place manager can possible.
- \value ImportFeature The manager supports import operations
- \value ExportFeature The manager supports export operations
- \value CheckInFeature The manaager supports check-in operations
- \value PostRatingFeature The manager supports posting ratings for places
- \value SuggestionFeature The manager supports the providing of suggestions
- \value ReportPlaceFeature The manager supports reporting a place if it is incorrect/inappropriate.
- \value AuthenticationFeature The manager supports authentication of a user.
- \value CreatePlaceFeature The manager supports the creation of places.
- \value UpdatePlaceFeature The manager supports the updating of places.
- \value NotifcationsFeature The manager gives notifications for added/modified/remove places and categories.
- Constructs a new manager with the specified \a pareent and with the
+ \enum QPlaceManager::ManagerFeature
+ Defines the possible features that the place manager can have.
+ \value NoFeatures No features specified/supported
+ \value SavePlaceFeature The manager can be used to save places
+ \value RemovePlaceFeature The manager can be used to remove places
+ \value SaveCategoryFeature The manager can be used to save categories.
+ \value RemoveCategoryFeature The manager can be used to remove categories.
+ \value RecommendationsFeature The manager can be used to provide recommendations.
+ \value TextPredictionsFeature The manager can be used to provide text predictions
+ \value CorrectionsFeature The manager can be used to provide search term corrections
+ \value LocaleFeature The manager can be used to provide place data localized
+ according to locale
+ \value NotificationsFeature The manager has signal notifications for when
+ places/categories are added/modified/removed.
+ Constructs a new manager with the specified \a parent and with the
implementation provided by \a engine.
This constructor is used internally by QGeoServiceProviderFactory. Regular
@@ -109,7 +186,8 @@ QPlaceManager::QPlaceManager(QPlaceManagerEngine *engine, QObject *parent)
- Destroys the manager.
+ Destroys the manager. This destructor is used internally by QGeoServiceProvider
+ and should never need to be called in application code.
@@ -133,7 +211,9 @@ int QPlaceManager::managerVersion() const
- Retrieves a details of place with \a place id.
+ Retrieves a details of place corresponding to the given \a placeId.
+ See \l {Fetching Place Details} for an example of usage.
QPlaceDetailsReply *QPlaceManager::getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) const
@@ -141,8 +221,10 @@ QPlaceDetailsReply *QPlaceManager::getPlaceDetails(const QString &placeId) const
- Retrieves content from a given \a place according to thes parameters specified in
+ Retrieves content for a given \a place according to the parameters specified in
\a request.
+ See \l {Fetching Rich Content} for an example of usage.
QPlaceContentReply *QPlaceManager::getContent(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceContentRequest &request) const
@@ -150,7 +232,9 @@ QPlaceContentReply *QPlaceManager::getContent(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceC
- Searches for places according to a given \a request.
+ Searches for places according to the parameters specified in \a request.
+ See \l {Discovery/Search} for an example of usage.
QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::search(const QPlaceSearchRequest &request) const
@@ -158,7 +242,9 @@ QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::search(const QPlaceSearchRequest &request) con
- Provides recommendation based on a given \a request.
+ Provides recommendations for places that are similar to \a place, and using the parameters as specified in \a request.
+ See \l {Recommendations} for an example of usage.
QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPlaceSearchRequest &request) const
@@ -166,7 +252,11 @@ QPlaceSearchReply *QPlaceManager::recommendations(const QPlace &place, const QPl
- Requests a set of text predictions for a given \a request
+ Requests a set of text predictions according to the parameters specified in \a request.
+ The \a request can hold the incomplete search term, along with other data such
+ as a search area to narrow down relevant results.
+ See \l {Text Predictions} for an example of usage.
QPlaceTextPredictionReply *QPlaceManager::textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchRequest &request) const
@@ -174,7 +264,9 @@ QPlaceTextPredictionReply *QPlaceManager::textPredictions(const QPlaceSearchRequ
- Saves a \a place at the given \a scope.
+ Saves a specified \a place.
+ See \l {Saving a place cpp} for an example of usage.
QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::savePlace(const QPlace &place)
@@ -183,6 +275,8 @@ QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::savePlace(const QPlace &place)
Removes the place corresponding to \a placeId from the manager.
+ See \l {Removing a place cpp} for an example of usage.
QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::removePlace(const QString &placeId)
@@ -190,7 +284,10 @@ QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::removePlace(const QString &placeId)
- Saves a \a category that is a child of \a parent.
+ Saves a \a category that is a child of the category specified by \a parentId.
+ An empty \a parentId means \a category is saved as a top level category.
+ See \l {Saving a category} for an example of usage.
QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::saveCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId)
@@ -198,7 +295,9 @@ QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::saveCategory(const QPlaceCategory &category, const
- Remove \a category from the manager.
+ Removes the category corresponding to \a categoryId from the manager.
+ See \l {Removing a category} for an example of usage.
QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::removeCategory(const QString &categoryId)
@@ -206,7 +305,9 @@ QPlaceIdReply *QPlaceManager::removeCategory(const QString &categoryId)
- Initializes the manager categories.
+ Initializes the categories of the manager.
+ See \l {Using Categories} for an example of usage.
QPlaceReply *QPlaceManager::initializeCategories()
@@ -223,7 +324,7 @@ QString QPlaceManager::parentCategoryId(const QString &categoryId) const
Returns the children category ids of the category corresponding to \a categoryId.
- If \a categoryId is empty than all top level category ids are returned.
+ If \a categoryId is empty then all top level category ids are returned.
QStringList QPlaceManager::childrenCategoryIds(const QString &categoryId) const
@@ -247,11 +348,10 @@ QList<QPlaceCategory> QPlaceManager::childCategories(const QString &parentId) co
return d->childCategories(parentId);
Returns the locale of the manager.
The locale is used as a hint to determine
- what language place details should be returned in.
+ what language place data should be returned in.
QLocale QPlaceManager::locale() const
@@ -259,7 +359,7 @@ QLocale QPlaceManager::locale() const
- Sets the locale of the manager.
+ Sets the \a locale of the manager.
void QPlaceManager::setLocale(const QLocale &locale)
@@ -275,94 +375,90 @@ QPlaceManager::ManagerFeatures QPlaceManager::supportedFeatures() const
-\fn void QPlaceManager::finished(QPlaceReply* reply)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::finished(QPlaceReply* reply)
-This signal is emitted when \a reply has finished processing.
+ This signal is emitted when \a reply has finished processing.
-If reply->error() equals QPlaceReply::NoError then the processing
-finished successfully.
+ If reply->error() equals QPlaceReply::NoError then the processing
+ finished successfully.
-This signal and QPlaceReply::finished() will be emitted at the same time.
+ This signal and QPlaceReply::finished() will be emitted at the same time.
-\note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
-Use deleteLater() instead.
+ \note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
+ Use deleteLater() instead.
-\fn void QPlaceManager::error(QPlaceReply* reply, QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::error(QPlaceReply* reply, QPlaceReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
-This signal is emitted when an error has been detected in the processing of
-\a reply. The QPlaceManager::finished() signal will probably follow.
+ This signal is emitted when an error has been detected in the processing of
+ \a reply. The QPlaceManager::finished() signal will probably follow.
-The error will be described by the error code \a error. If \a errorString is
-not empty it will contain a textual description of the error meant for developers
-and not end users.
-This signal and QPlaceReply::error() will be emitted at the same time.
-\note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
-Use deleteLater() instead.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::authenticationRequired(QAuthenticator *authenticator)
+ The error will be described by the error code \a error. If \a errorString is
+ not empty it will contain a textual description of the error meant for developers
+ and not end users.
- This signal is emitted if authentication details are required by the manager
- to peform certain operations. If the authentication was successful, the next time
- the operations are performed, the same credentials are used and the
- authenticationRequired signal is not emitted again.
+ This signal and QPlaceReply::error() will be emitted at the same time.
- If authentication is unsuccessful, the manager will emit the signal again.
+ \note Do no delete the \a reply object in the slot connected to this signal.
+ Use deleteLater() instead.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::placeAdded(const QString&placeId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::placeAdded(const QString &placeId)
- This signal is emitted if a place has been added to the manager's datastore.
+ This signal is emitted if a place has been added to the manager engine's datastore.
+ The particular added place is specified by \a placeId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store places locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::placeUpdated(const QString&placeId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::placeUpdated(const QString &placeId)
This signal is emitted if a place has been modified in the manager's datastore.
+ The particular modifed place is specified by \a placeId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store places locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::placeRemoved(const QString&placeId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::placeRemoved(const QString &placeId)
This signal is emitted if a place has been removed from the manager's datastore.
+ The particular place that has been removed is specified by \a placeId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store places locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryAdded(const QString&categoryId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryAdded(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId)
- This signal is emitted if a category has been added to the manager's datastore.
+ This signal is emitted if a \a category has been added to the manager's datastore.
+ The parent of the \a category is specified by \a parentId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store categories locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryUpdated(const QString&categoryId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryUpdated(const QPlaceCategory &category, const QString &parentId)
- This signal is emitted if a category has been modified in the manager's datastore.
+ This signal is emitted if a \a category has been modified in the manager's datastore.
+ The parent of the modified category is specified by \a parentId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store categories locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.
- \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryRemoved(const QString&categoryId)
+ \fn void QPlaceManager::categoryRemoved(const QString &categoryId, const QString &parentId)
- This signal is emitted if a category has been removed from the manager's datastore.
+ This signal is emitted when the category correspoinding to \a categoryId has
+ been removed from the manager's datastore. The parent of the removed category
+ is specified by \a parentId.
- It is generally only emitted by managers that store categories locally.
+ This signal is only emitted by managers that support the QPlaceManager::NotificationsFeature.