path: root/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_chamb.c
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diff --git a/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_chamb.c b/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_chamb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c17a7133..00000000
--- a/src/3rdparty/proj/PJ_chamb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-typedef struct { double r, Az; } VECT;
-#define PROJ_PARMS__ \
- struct { /* control point data */ \
- double phi, lam; \
- double cosphi, sinphi; \
- VECT v; \
- XY p; \
- double Az; \
- } c[3]; \
- XY p; \
- double beta_0, beta_1, beta_2;
-#define PJ_LIB__
-#include <projects.h>
-PROJ_HEAD(chamb, "Chamberlin Trimetric") "\n\tMisc Sph, no inv."
-"\n\tlat_1= lon_1= lat_2= lon_2= lat_3= lon_3=";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define THIRD 0.333333333333333333
-#define TOL 1e-9
- static VECT /* distance and azimuth from point 1 to point 2 */
-vect(double dphi, double c1, double s1, double c2, double s2, double dlam) {
- VECT v;
- double cdl, dp, dl;
- cdl = cos(dlam);
- if (fabs(dphi) > 1. || fabs(dlam) > 1.)
- v.r = aacos(s1 * s2 + c1 * c2 * cdl);
- else { /* more accurate for smaller distances */
- dp = sin(.5 * dphi);
- dl = sin(.5 * dlam);
- v.r = 2. * aasin(sqrt(dp * dp + c1 * c2 * dl * dl));
- }
- if (fabs(v.r) > TOL)
- v.Az = atan2(c2 * sin(dlam), c1 * s2 - s1 * c2 * cdl);
- else
- v.r = v.Az = 0.;
- return v;
- static double /* law of cosines */
-lc(double b,double c,double a) {
- return aacos(.5 * (b * b + c * c - a * a) / (b * c));
-FORWARD(s_forward); /* spheroid */
- double sinphi, cosphi, a;
- VECT v[3];
- int i, j;
- sinphi = sin(lp.phi);
- cosphi = cos(lp.phi);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { /* dist/azimiths from control */
- v[i] = vect(lp.phi - P->c[i].phi, P->c[i].cosphi, P->c[i].sinphi,
- cosphi, sinphi, lp.lam - P->c[i].lam);
- if ( ! v[i].r)
- break;
- v[i].Az = adjlon(v[i].Az - P->c[i].v.Az);
- }
- if (i < 3) /* current point at control point */
- xy = P->c[i].p;
- else { /* point mean of intersepts */
- xy = P->p;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- j = i == 2 ? 0 : i + 1;
- a = lc(P->c[i].v.r, v[i].r, v[j].r);
- if (v[i].Az < 0.)
- a = -a;
- if (! i) { /* coord comp unique to each arc */
- xy.x += v[i].r * cos(a);
- xy.y -= v[i].r * sin(a);
- } else if (i == 1) {
- a = P->beta_1 - a;
- xy.x -= v[i].r * cos(a);
- xy.y -= v[i].r * sin(a);
- } else {
- a = P->beta_2 - a;
- xy.x += v[i].r * cos(a);
- xy.y += v[i].r * sin(a);
- }
- }
- xy.x *= THIRD; /* mean of arc intercepts */
- xy.y *= THIRD;
- }
- return xy;
-FREEUP; if (P) pj_dalloc(P); }
- int i, j;
- char line[10];
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { /* get control point locations */
- (void)sprintf(line, "rlat_%d", i+1);
- P->c[i].phi = pj_param(P->params, line).f;
- (void)sprintf(line, "rlon_%d", i+1);
- P->c[i].lam = pj_param(P->params, line).f;
- P->c[i].lam = adjlon(P->c[i].lam - P->lam0);
- P->c[i].cosphi = cos(P->c[i].phi);
- P->c[i].sinphi = sin(P->c[i].phi);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { /* inter ctl pt. distances and azimuths */
- j = i == 2 ? 0 : i + 1;
- P->c[i].v = vect(P->c[j].phi - P->c[i].phi, P->c[i].cosphi, P->c[i].sinphi,
- P->c[j].cosphi, P->c[j].sinphi, P->c[j].lam - P->c[i].lam);
- if (! P->c[i].v.r) E_ERROR(-25);
- /* co-linearity problem ignored for now */
- }
- P->beta_0 = lc(P->c[0].v.r, P->c[2].v.r, P->c[1].v.r);
- P->beta_1 = lc(P->c[0].v.r, P->c[1].v.r, P->c[2].v.r);
- P->beta_2 = PI - P->beta_0;
- P->p.y = 2. * (P->c[0].p.y = P->c[1].p.y = P->c[2].v.r * sin(P->beta_0));
- P->c[2].p.y = 0.;
- P->c[0].p.x = - (P->c[1].p.x = 0.5 * P->c[0].v.r);
- P->p.x = P->c[2].p.x = P->c[0].p.x + P->c[2].v.r * cos(P->beta_0);
- P->es = 0.; P->fwd = s_forward;