path: root/src/mbgl/style/properties.hpp
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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/mbgl/style/properties.hpp b/src/mbgl/style/properties.hpp
index 9206e96982..2ac0c6e0f5 100644
--- a/src/mbgl/style/properties.hpp
+++ b/src/mbgl/style/properties.hpp
@@ -96,149 +96,31 @@ public:
-template <class P>
-struct IsDataDriven : std::integral_constant<bool, P::IsDataDriven> {};
-template <class... Ps>
-class Properties {
+class NoProperties {
- /*
- For style properties we implement a two step evaluation process: if you have a zoom level,
- you can evaluate a set of unevaluated property values, producing a set of possibly evaluated
- values, where undefined, constant, or camera function values have been fully evaluated, and
- source or composite function values have not.
- Once you also have a particular feature, you can evaluate that set of possibly evaluated values
- fully, producing a set of fully evaluated values.
- This is in theory maximally efficient in terms of avoiding repeated evaluation of camera
- functions, though it's more of a historical accident than a purposeful optimization.
- */
- using PropertyTypes = TypeList<Ps...>;
- using TransitionableTypes = TypeList<typename Ps::TransitionableType...>;
- using UnevaluatedTypes = TypeList<typename Ps::UnevaluatedType...>;
- using PossiblyEvaluatedTypes = TypeList<typename Ps::PossiblyEvaluatedType...>;
- using EvaluatedTypes = TypeList<typename Ps::Type...>;
- using DataDrivenProperties = FilteredTypeList<PropertyTypes, IsDataDriven>;
- using Binders = PaintPropertyBinders<DataDrivenProperties>;
- template <class TypeList>
- using Tuple = IndexedTuple<PropertyTypes, TypeList>;
- class Evaluated : public Tuple<EvaluatedTypes> {
- public:
- template <class... Us>
- Evaluated(Us&&... us)
- : Tuple<EvaluatedTypes>(std::forward<Us>(us)...) {
- }
- };
- class PossiblyEvaluated : public Tuple<PossiblyEvaluatedTypes> {
- public:
- template <class... Us>
- PossiblyEvaluated(Us&&... us)
- : Tuple<PossiblyEvaluatedTypes>(std::forward<Us>(us)...) {
- }
- template <class T>
- static T evaluate(float, const GeometryTileFeature&, const T& t, const T&) {
- return t;
- }
- template <class T>
- static T evaluate(float z, const GeometryTileFeature& feature,
- const PossiblyEvaluatedPropertyValue<T>& v, const T& defaultValue) {
- return v.match(
- [&] (const T& t) {
- return t;
- },
- [&] (const PropertyExpression<T>& t) {
- return t.evaluate(z, feature, defaultValue);
- });
- }
- template <class P>
- auto evaluate(float z, const GeometryTileFeature& feature) const {
- return evaluate(z, feature, this->template get<P>(), P::defaultValue());
- }
+ class PossiblyEvaluated {};
- Evaluated evaluate(float z, const GeometryTileFeature& feature) const {
- return Evaluated {
- evaluate<Ps>(z, feature)...
- };
- }
- };
- class Unevaluated : public Tuple<UnevaluatedTypes> {
+ class Binders {
- template <class... Us>
- Unevaluated(Us&&... us)
- : Tuple<UnevaluatedTypes>(std::forward<Us>(us)...) {
- }
+ void populateVertexVectors(const GeometryTileFeature&, std::size_t length);
+ void upload(gl::Context&);
- bool hasTransition() const {
- bool result = false;
- util::ignore({ result |= this->template get<Ps>().hasTransition()... });
- return result;
- }
+ using Attributes = gl::Attributes<>;
+ using Uniforms = gl::Uniforms<>;
- template <class P>
- auto evaluate(const PropertyEvaluationParameters& parameters) const {
- using Evaluator = typename P::EvaluatorType;
- return this->template get<P>()
- .evaluate(Evaluator(parameters, P::defaultValue()),;
- }
+ using AttributeBindings = typename Attributes::Bindings;
+ using UniformValues = typename Uniforms::Values;
- PossiblyEvaluated evaluate(const PropertyEvaluationParameters& parameters) const {
- return PossiblyEvaluated {
- evaluate<Ps>(parameters)...
- };
+ template <class PossiblyEvaluated>
+ AttributeBindings attributeBindings(const PossiblyEvaluated&) const {
+ return {};
- template <class Writer>
- void stringify(Writer& writer) const {
- writer.StartObject();
- util::ignore({ (conversion::stringify<Ps>(writer, this->template get<Ps>()), 0)... });
- writer.EndObject();
+ template <class PossiblyEvaluated>
+ UniformValues uniformValues(float, const PossiblyEvaluated&) const {
+ return {};
- class Transitionable : public Tuple<TransitionableTypes> {
- public:
- template <class... Us>
- Transitionable(Us&&... us)
- : Tuple<TransitionableTypes>(std::forward<Us>(us)...) {
- }
- Unevaluated transitioned(const TransitionParameters& parameters, Unevaluated&& prior) const {
- return Unevaluated {
- this->template get<Ps>()
- .transition(parameters, std::move(prior.template get<Ps>()))...
- };
- }
- Unevaluated untransitioned() const {
- return Unevaluated {
- typename Ps::UnevaluatedType(this->template get<Ps>().value)...
- };
- }
- bool hasDataDrivenPropertyDifference(const Transitionable& other) const {
- bool result = false;
- util::ignore({ (result |= this->template get<Ps>().value.hasDataDrivenPropertyDifference(other.template get<Ps>().value))... });
- return result;
- }
- };
-template <class...>
-struct ConcatenateProperties;
-template <class... As, class... Bs>
-struct ConcatenateProperties<TypeList<As...>, TypeList<Bs...>> {
- using Type = Properties<As..., Bs...>;
} // namespace style