path: root/platform/darwin/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1605 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80008aa69b..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1605 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLFoundation_Private.h"
-#import "MGLGeometry_Private.h"
-#import "NSExpression+MGLPrivateAdditions.h"
-#import "MGLTypes.h"
- #import "UIColor+MGLAdditions.h"
- #import "NSColor+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
-#import "NSValue+MGLStyleAttributeAdditions.h"
-#import "MGLVectorTileSource_Private.h"
-#import "MGLAttributedExpression.h"
-#import <objc/runtime.h>
-#import <mbgl/style/expression/expression.hpp>
-const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeLinear = @"linear";
-const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeExponential = @"exponential";
-const MGLExpressionInterpolationMode MGLExpressionInterpolationModeCubicBezier = @"cubic-bezier";
-@interface MGLAftermarketExpressionInstaller: NSObject
-@implementation MGLAftermarketExpressionInstaller
-+ (void)load {
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- [self installFunctions];
- });
- Adds to NSExpression’s built-in repertoire of functions.
- */
-+ (void)installFunctions {
- Class MGLAftermarketExpressionInstaller = [self class];
- // NSExpression’s built-in functions are backed by class methods on a
- // private class, so use a function expression to get at the class.
- //
- NSExpression *functionExpression = [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"sum({})"];
- NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([functionExpression.operand.constantValue class]);
- // Effectively categorize the class with some extra class methods.
- Class NSPredicateUtilities = objc_getMetaClass(className.UTF8String);
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector"
- #define INSTALL_METHOD(sel) \
- { \
- Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(MGLAftermarketExpressionInstaller, @selector(sel)); \
- class_addMethod(NSPredicateUtilities, @selector(sel), method_getImplementation(method), method_getTypeEncoding(method)); \
- }
- { \
- Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(MGLAftermarketExpressionInstaller, @selector(sel:)); \
- class_addMethod(NSPredicateUtilities, @selector(sel), method_getImplementation(method), method_getTypeEncoding(method)); \
- class_addMethod(NSPredicateUtilities, @selector(sel:), method_getImplementation(method), method_getTypeEncoding(method)); \
- }
- // Install method-like functions, taking the number of arguments implied by
- // the selector name.
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_join:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_round:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_step:from:stops:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_coalesce:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_does:have:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_acos:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_cos:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_asin:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_sin:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_atan:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_tan:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_log2:);
- INSTALL_METHOD(mgl_attributed:);
- // Install functions that resemble control structures, taking arbitrary
- // numbers of arguments. Vararg aftermarket functions need to be declared
- // with an explicit and implicit first argument.
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- Joins the given components into a single string by concatenating each component
- in order.
- */
-- (NSString *)mgl_join:(NSArray<NSString *> *)components {
- return [components componentsJoinedByString:@""];
-- (NSString *)mgl_attributed:(NSArray<MGLAttributedExpression *> *)attributedExpressions {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Text format expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- Rounds the given number to the nearest integer. If the number is halfway
- between two integers, this method rounds it away from zero.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_round:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(round(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the inverse cosine.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_acos:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(acos(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the cosine.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_cos:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(cos(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the inverse sine.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_asin:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(asin(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the sine.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_sin:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(sin(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the inverse tangent.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_atan:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(atan(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the principal value of the tangent.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_tan:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(tan(number.doubleValue));
- Computes the logarithm base two of the value.
- */
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_log2:(NSNumber *)number {
- return @(log2(number.doubleValue));
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates an interpolation expression.
- */
-- (id)mgl_interpolate:(id)inputExpression withCurveType:(NSString *)curveType parameters:(NSDictionary *)params stops:(NSDictionary *)stops {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Interpolation expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates a step expression.
- */
-- (id)mgl_step:(id)inputExpression from:(id)minimumExpression stops:(NSDictionary *)stops {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Step expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates a coalesce expression.
- */
-- (id)mgl_coalesce:(NSArray<NSExpression *> *)elements {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Coalesce expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the object has a value for the given
- key.
- */
-- (BOOL)mgl_does:(id)object have:(NSString *)key {
- return [object valueForKey:key] != nil;
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates an expression based on an arbitrary
- number of variable names and assigned expressions.
- */
-- (id)MGL_LET:(NSString *)firstVariableName, ... {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Assignment expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates an expression and returns the matching element.
- */
-- (id)MGL_MATCH:(id)firstCondition, ... {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Assignment expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
- A placeholder for a method that evaluates an expression and returns the matching element.
- */
-- (id)MGL_IF:(id)firstCondition, ... {
- va_list argumentList;
- va_start(argumentList, firstCondition);
- for (id eachExpression = firstCondition; eachExpression; eachExpression = va_arg(argumentList, id)) {
- if ([eachExpression isKindOfClass:[NSComparisonPredicate class]]) {
- id valueExpression = va_arg(argumentList, id);
- if ([eachExpression evaluateWithObject:nil]) {
- return valueExpression;
- }
- } else {
- return eachExpression;
- }
- }
- va_end(argumentList);
- return nil;
- A placeholder for a catch-all method that evaluates an arbitrary number of
- arguments as an expression according to the Mapbox Style Specification’s
- expression language.
- */
-- (id)MGL_FUNCTION:(id)firstArgument, ... {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Mapbox GL function expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-@implementation NSExpression (MGLPrivateAdditions)
-- (std::vector<mbgl::Value>)mgl_aggregateMBGLValue {
- if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || [self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSSet class]]) {
- std::vector<mbgl::Value> convertedValues;
- for (id value in self.constantValue) {
- NSExpression *expression = value;
- if (![expression isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- expression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:expression];
- }
- convertedValues.push_back(expression.mgl_constantMBGLValue);
- }
- return convertedValues;
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Constant value expression must contain an array or set."];
- return {};
-- (mbgl::Value)mgl_constantMBGLValue {
- id value = self.constantValue;
- if ([value isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) {
- return { std::string([(NSString *)value UTF8String]) };
- } else if ([value isKindOfClass:NSNumber.class]) {
- NSNumber *number = (NSNumber *)value;
- if ((strcmp([number objCType], @encode(char)) == 0) ||
- (strcmp([number objCType], @encode(BOOL)) == 0)) {
- // char: 32-bit boolean
- // BOOL: 64-bit boolean
- return { (bool)number.boolValue };
- } else if (strcmp([number objCType], @encode(double)) == 0) {
- // Double values on all platforms are interpreted precisely.
- return { (double)number.doubleValue };
- } else if (strcmp([number objCType], @encode(float)) == 0) {
- // Float values when taken as double introduce precision problems,
- // so warn the user to avoid them. This would require them to
- // explicitly use -[NSNumber numberWithFloat:] arguments anyway.
- // We still do this conversion in order to provide a valid value.
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- NSLog(@"Float value in expression will be converted to a double; some imprecision may result. "
- @"Use double values explicitly when specifying constant expression values and "
- @"when specifying arguments to predicate and expression format strings. "
- @"This will be logged only once.");
- });
- return { (double)number.doubleValue };
- } else if ([number compare:@(0)] == NSOrderedDescending ||
- [number compare:@(0)] == NSOrderedSame) {
- // Positive integer or zero; use uint64_t per mbgl::Value definition.
- // We use unsigned long long here to avoid any truncation.
- return { (uint64_t)number.unsignedLongLongValue };
- } else if ([number compare:@(0)] == NSOrderedAscending) {
- // Negative integer; use int64_t per mbgl::Value definition.
- // We use long long here to avoid any truncation.
- return { (int64_t)number.longLongValue };
- }
- } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[MGLColor class]]) {
- auto hexString = [(MGLColor *)value mgl_color].stringify();
- return { hexString };
- } else if (value && value != [NSNull null]) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Can’t convert %s:%@ to mbgl::Value", [value objCType], value];
- }
- return {};
-- (std::vector<mbgl::FeatureType>)mgl_aggregateFeatureType {
- if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || [self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSSet class]]) {
- std::vector<mbgl::FeatureType> convertedValues;
- for (id value in self.constantValue) {
- NSExpression *expression = value;
- if (![expression isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- expression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:expression];
- }
- convertedValues.push_back(expression.mgl_featureType);
- }
- return convertedValues;
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Constant value expression must contain an array or set."];
- return {};
-- (mbgl::FeatureType)mgl_featureType {
- id value = self.constantValue;
- if ([value isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) {
- if ([value isEqualToString:@"Point"]) {
- return mbgl::FeatureType::Point;
- }
- if ([value isEqualToString:@"LineString"]) {
- return mbgl::FeatureType::LineString;
- }
- if ([value isEqualToString:@"Polygon"]) {
- return mbgl::FeatureType::Polygon;
- }
- } else if ([value isKindOfClass:NSNumber.class]) {
- switch ([value integerValue]) {
- case 1:
- return mbgl::FeatureType::Point;
- case 2:
- return mbgl::FeatureType::LineString;
- case 3:
- return mbgl::FeatureType::Polygon;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return mbgl::FeatureType::Unknown;
-- (std::vector<mbgl::FeatureIdentifier>)mgl_aggregateFeatureIdentifier {
- if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || [self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSSet class]]) {
- std::vector<mbgl::FeatureIdentifier> convertedValues;
- for (id value in self.constantValue) {
- NSExpression *expression = value;
- if (![expression isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- expression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:expression];
- }
- convertedValues.push_back(expression.mgl_featureIdentifier);
- }
- return convertedValues;
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Constant value expression must contain an array or set."];
- return {};
-- (mbgl::FeatureIdentifier)mgl_featureIdentifier {
- mbgl::Value mbglValue = self.mgl_constantMBGLValue;
- if (<std::string>()) {
- return mbglValue.get<std::string>();
- }
- if (<double>()) {
- return mbglValue.get<double>();
- }
- if (<uint64_t>()) {
- return mbglValue.get<uint64_t>();
- }
- if (<int64_t>()) {
- return mbglValue.get<int64_t>();
- }
- return {};
-@implementation NSObject (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_number {
- return nil;
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_numberWithFallbackValues:(id)fallbackValue, ... {
- if (self.mgl_number) {
- return self.mgl_number;
- }
- va_list fallbackValues;
- va_start(fallbackValues, fallbackValue);
- for (id value = fallbackValue; value; value = va_arg(fallbackValues, id)) {
- if ([value mgl_number]) {
- return [value mgl_number];
- }
- }
- return nil;
-@implementation NSNull (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- return self;
-@implementation NSString (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- return self;
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_number {
- if (self.doubleValue || ![[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:self] isEqual:[NSDecimalNumber notANumber]]) {
- return @(self.doubleValue);
- }
- return nil;
-@implementation NSNumber (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_interpolateWithCurveType:(NSString *)curveType
- parameters:(NSArray *)parameters
- stops:(NSDictionary<NSNumber *, id> *)stops {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Interpolation expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-- (id)mgl_stepWithMinimum:(id)minimum stops:(NSDictionary<NSNumber *, id> *)stops {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Interpolation expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-- (NSNumber *)mgl_number {
- return self;
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- if ([self isEqualToNumber:@(M_E)]) {
- return @[@"e"];
- } else if ([self isEqualToNumber:@(M_PI)]) {
- return @[@"pi"];
- }
- return self;
-@implementation MGLColor (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- auto color = [self mgl_color];
- if (color.a == 1) {
- return @[@"rgb", @(color.r * 255), @(color.g * 255), @(color.b * 255)];
- }
- return @[@"rgba", @(color.r * 255), @(color.g * 255), @(color.b * 255), @(color.a)];
-@implementation NSArray (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- return [self valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
-- (id)mgl_coalesce {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Coalesce expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-@implementation NSDictionary (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- NSMutableDictionary *expressionObject = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:self.count];
- [self enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- expressionObject[[key mgl_jsonExpressionObject]] = [obj mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- }];
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_has:(id)element {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Has expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-@implementation NSExpression (MGLExpressionAdditions)
-- (NSExpression *)mgl_expressionWithContext:(NSDictionary<NSString *, NSExpression *> *)context {
- [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException
- format:@"Assignment expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return self;
-- (id)mgl_has:(id)element {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Has expressions lack underlying Objective-C implementations."];
- return nil;
-@implementation NSExpression (MGLAdditions)
-+ (NSExpression *)zoomLevelVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"zoomLevel"];
-+ (NSExpression *)heatmapDensityVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"heatmapDensity"];
-+ (NSExpression *)lineProgressVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"lineProgress"];
-+ (NSExpression *)featureAccumulatedVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"featureAccumulated"];
-+ (NSExpression *)geometryTypeVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"geometryType"];
-+ (NSExpression *)featureIdentifierVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"featureIdentifier"];
-+ (NSExpression *)featureAttributesVariableExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"featureAttributes"];
-+ (NSExpression *)featurePropertiesVariableExpression {
- return [self featureAttributesVariableExpression];
-+ (instancetype)mgl_expressionForConditional:(nonnull NSPredicate *)conditionPredicate trueExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)trueExpression falseExpresssion:(nonnull NSExpression *)falseExpression {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConditional:conditionPredicate trueExpression:trueExpression falseExpression:falseExpression];
-+ (instancetype)mgl_expressionForSteppingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)steppingExpression fromExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)minimumExpression stops:(nonnull NSExpression *)stops {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_step:from:stops:"
- arguments:@[steppingExpression, minimumExpression, stops]];
-+ (instancetype)mgl_expressionForInterpolatingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)inputExpression withCurveType:(nonnull MGLExpressionInterpolationMode)curveType parameters:(nullable NSExpression *)parameters stops:(nonnull NSExpression *)stops {
- NSExpression *sanitizeParams = parameters ? parameters : [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:nil];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:"
- arguments:@[inputExpression, [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:curveType], sanitizeParams, stops]];
-+ (instancetype)mgl_expressionForMatchingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)inputExpression inDictionary:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSExpression *, NSExpression *> *)matchedExpressions defaultExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)defaultExpression {
- NSMutableArray *optionsArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:inputExpression, nil];
- NSEnumerator *matchEnumerator = matchedExpressions.keyEnumerator;
- while (NSExpression *key = matchEnumerator.nextObject) {
- [optionsArray addObject:key];
- [optionsArray addObject:[matchedExpressions objectForKey:key]];
- }
- [optionsArray addObject:defaultExpression];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_MATCH"
- arguments:optionsArray];
-+ (instancetype)mgl_expressionForAttributedExpressions:(nonnull NSArray<NSExpression *> *)attributedExpressions {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_attributed:" arguments:attributedExpressions];
-- (instancetype)mgl_expressionByAppendingExpression:(nonnull NSExpression *)expression {
- NSExpression *subexpression = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[self, expression]];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_join:" arguments:@[subexpression]];
-static NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *MGLFunctionNamesByExpressionOperator;
-static NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *MGLExpressionOperatorsByFunctionNames;
-NSArray *MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(NSArray *objects) {
- NSMutableArray *subexpressions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:objects.count];
- for (id object in objects) {
- NSExpression *expression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:object];
- [subexpressions addObject:expression];
- }
- return subexpressions;
-+ (instancetype)expressionWithMGLJSONObject:(id)object {
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- MGLFunctionNamesByExpressionOperator = @{
- @"+": @"add:to:",
- @"-": @"from:subtract:",
- @"*": @"multiply:by:",
- @"/": @"divide:by:",
- @"%": @"modulus:by:",
- @"sqrt": @"sqrt:",
- @"log10": @"log:",
- @"ln": @"ln:",
- @"abs": @"abs:",
- @"round": @"mgl_round:",
- @"acos" : @"mgl_acos:",
- @"cos" : @"mgl_cos:",
- @"asin" : @"mgl_asin:",
- @"sin" : @"mgl_sin:",
- @"atan" : @"mgl_atan:",
- @"tan" : @"mgl_tan:",
- @"log2" : @"mgl_log2:",
- @"floor": @"floor:",
- @"ceil": @"ceiling:",
- @"^": @"raise:toPower:",
- @"upcase": @"uppercase:",
- @"downcase": @"lowercase:",
- @"let": @"MGL_LET",
- };
- });
- if (!object || object == [NSNull null]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:nil];
- }
- if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ||
- [object isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] ||
- [object isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]] ||
- [object isKindOfClass:[MGLColor class]]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:object];
- }
- if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
- NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[object count]];
- [object enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, id _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- dictionary[key] = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:obj];
- }];
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:dictionary];
- }
- if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- NSArray *array = (NSArray *)object;
- NSString *op = array.firstObject;
- if (![op isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(array);
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_FUNCTION" arguments:subexpressions];
- }
- NSArray *argumentObjects = [array subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, array.count - 1)];
- NSString *functionName = MGLFunctionNamesByExpressionOperator[op];
- if (functionName) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- if ([op isEqualToString:@"+"] && argumentObjects.count > 2) {
- NSExpression *subexpression = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:subexpressions];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"sum:"
- arguments:@[subexpression]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"^"] && [argumentObjects.firstObject isEqual:@[@"e"]]) {
- functionName = @"exp:";
- subexpressions = [subexpressions subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, subexpressions.count - 1)];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:functionName
- arguments:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"collator"]) {
- // Avoid wrapping collator options object in literal expression.
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_FUNCTION" arguments:array];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"literal"]) {
- if ([argumentObjects.firstObject isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects.firstObject)];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-boolean"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:operand selectorName:@"boolValue" arguments:@[]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-number"] || [op isEqualToString:@"number"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- if (argumentObjects.count == 1) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(%@, 'NSNumber')", operand];
- }
- argumentObjects = [argumentObjects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, argumentObjects.count - 1)];
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:operand selectorName:@"mgl_numberWithFallbackValues:" arguments:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-string"] || [op isEqualToString:@"string"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(%@, 'NSString')", operand];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-color"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- if (argumentObjects.count == 1) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(%@, 'UIColor')", operand];
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(%@, 'NSColor')", operand];
- }
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(array);
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_FUNCTION" arguments:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-rgba"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(noindex(%@), 'NSArray')", operand];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"get"]) {
- if (argumentObjects.count == 2) {
- NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.lastObject];
- if ([argumentObjects.firstObject isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"%@.%K", operand, argumentObjects.firstObject];
- }
- NSExpression *key = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"%@.%@", operand, key];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"length"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSString *function = @"count:";
- if ([subexpressions.firstObject expressionType] == NSConstantValueExpressionType
- && [[subexpressions.firstObject constantValue] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- function = @"length:";
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:function arguments:@[subexpressions.firstObject]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"rgb"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- return [NSExpression mgl_expressionForRGBComponents:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"rgba"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- return [NSExpression mgl_expressionForRGBAComponents:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"min"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSExpression *subexpression = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:subexpressions];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"min:" arguments:@[subexpression]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"max"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSExpression *subexpression = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:subexpressions];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"max:" arguments:@[subexpression]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"e"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@(M_E)];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"pi"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@(M_PI)];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"concat"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSExpression *subexpression = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:subexpressions];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_join:" arguments:@[subexpression]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"at"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSExpression *index = subexpressions.firstObject;
- NSExpression *operand = subexpressions[1];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"objectFrom:withIndex:" arguments:@[operand, index]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"has"]) {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
- NSExpression *operand = argumentObjects.count > 1 ? subexpressions[1] : [NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject];
- NSExpression *key = subexpressions.firstObject;
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_does:have:" arguments:@[operand, key]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"interpolate"]) {
- NSArray *interpolationOptions = argumentObjects.firstObject;
- NSString *curveType = interpolationOptions.firstObject;
- NSExpression *curveTypeExpression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:curveType];
- id curveParameters;
- if ([curveType isEqual:@"exponential"]) {
- curveParameters = interpolationOptions[1];
- } else if ([curveType isEqualToString:@"cubic-bezier"]) {
- curveParameters = @[@"literal", [interpolationOptions subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, 4)]];
- }
- else {
- curveParameters = [NSNull null];
- }
- NSExpression *curveParameterExpression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:curveParameters];
- argumentObjects = [argumentObjects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, argumentObjects.count - 1)];
- NSExpression *inputExpression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- NSArray *stopExpressions = [argumentObjects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, argumentObjects.count - 1)];
- NSMutableDictionary *stops = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:stopExpressions.count / 2];
- NSEnumerator *stopEnumerator = stopExpressions.objectEnumerator;
- while (NSNumber *key = stopEnumerator.nextObject) {
- NSExpression *valueExpression = stopEnumerator.nextObject;
- stops[key] = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:valueExpression];
- }
- NSExpression *stopExpression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:stops];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:"
- arguments:@[inputExpression, curveTypeExpression, curveParameterExpression, stopExpression]];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"step"]) {
- NSExpression *inputExpression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects[0]];
- NSArray *stopExpressions = [argumentObjects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, argumentObjects.count - 1)];
- NSExpression *minimum;
- if (stopExpressions.count % 2) {
- minimum = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:stopExpressions.firstObject];
- stopExpressions = [stopExpressions subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, stopExpressions.count - 1)];
- }
- NSMutableDictionary *stops = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:stopExpressions.count / 2];
- NSEnumerator *stopEnumerator = stopExpressions.objectEnumerator;
- while (NSNumber *key = stopEnumerator.nextObject) {
- NSExpression *valueExpression = stopEnumerator.nextObject;
- if (minimum) {
- stops[key] = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:valueExpression];
- } else {
- minimum = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:valueExpression];
- }
- }
- NSAssert(minimum, @"minimum should be non-nil");
- if (minimum) {
- NSExpression *stopExpression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:stops];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_step:from:stops:"
- arguments:@[inputExpression, minimum, stopExpression]];
- }
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"zoom"]) {
- return NSExpression.zoomLevelVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"heatmap-density"]) {
- return NSExpression.heatmapDensityVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"line-progress"]) {
- return NSExpression.lineProgressVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"accumulated"]) {
- return NSExpression.featureAccumulatedVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"geometry-type"]) {
- return NSExpression.geometryTypeVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"id"]) {
- return NSExpression.featureIdentifierVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"properties"]) {
- return NSExpression.featureAttributesVariableExpression;
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"var"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForVariable:argumentObjects.firstObject];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"case"]) {
- NSMutableArray *arguments = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < argumentObjects.count; index++) {
- if (index % 2 == 0 && index != argumentObjects.count - 1) {
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects[index]];
- NSExpression *argument = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:predicate];
- [arguments addObject:argument];
- } else {
- [arguments addObject:[NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects[index]]];
- }
- }
- if (arguments.count == 3) {
- NSPredicate *conditional = [arguments.firstObject constantValue];
- return [NSExpression expressionForConditional:conditional trueExpression:arguments[1] falseExpression:arguments[2]];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_IF" arguments:arguments];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"match"]) {
- NSMutableArray *optionsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < argumentObjects.count; index++) {
- NSExpression *option = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects[index]];
- // match operators with arrays as matching values should not parse arrays as generic functions.
- if (index > 0 && index < argumentObjects.count - 1 && !(index % 2 == 0) && [argumentObjects[index] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- option = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects[index])];
- }
- [optionsArray addObject:option];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_MATCH"
- arguments:optionsArray];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"format"]) {
- NSMutableArray *attributedExpressions = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < argumentObjects.count; index+=2) {
- NSExpression *expression = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects[index]];
- NSMutableDictionary *attrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- if ((index + 1) < argumentObjects.count) {
- attrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:argumentObjects[index + 1]];
- }
- for (NSString *key in attrs.allKeys) {
- attrs[key] = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:attrs[key]];
- }
- MGLAttributedExpression *attributedExpression = [[MGLAttributedExpression alloc] initWithExpression:expression attributes:attrs];
- [attributedExpressions addObject:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:attributedExpression]];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"mgl_attributed:" arguments:attributedExpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"coalesce"]) {
- NSMutableArray *expressions = [NSMutableArray array];
- for (id operand in argumentObjects) {
- [expressions addObject:[NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:operand]];
- }
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"mgl_coalesce(%@)", expressions];
- } else {
- NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(array);
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"MGL_FUNCTION" arguments:subexpressions];
- }
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Unable to convert JSON object %@ to an NSExpression.", object];
- return nil;
-- (id)mgl_jsonExpressionObject {
- static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
- dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
- MGLExpressionOperatorsByFunctionNames = @{
- @"add:to:": @"+",
- @"from:subtract:": @"-",
- @"multiply:by:": @"*",
- @"divide:by:": @"/",
- @"modulus:by:": @"%",
- @"sqrt:": @"sqrt",
- @"log:": @"log10",
- @"ln:": @"ln",
- @"raise:toPower:": @"^",
- @"ceiling:": @"ceil",
- @"abs:": @"abs",
- @"floor:": @"floor",
- @"uppercase:": @"upcase",
- @"lowercase:": @"downcase",
- @"length:": @"length",
- @"mgl_round:": @"round",
- @"mgl_acos:" : @"acos",
- @"mgl_cos:" : @"cos",
- @"mgl_asin:" : @"asin",
- @"mgl_sin:" : @"sin",
- @"mgl_atan:" : @"atan",
- @"mgl_tan:" : @"tan",
- @"mgl_log2:" : @"log2",
- // Vararg aftermarket expressions need to be declared with an explicit and implicit first argument.
- @"MGL_LET": @"let",
- @"MGL_LET:": @"let",
- };
- });
- switch (self.expressionType) {
- case NSVariableExpressionType: {
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"heatmapDensity"]) {
- return @[@"heatmap-density"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"lineProgress"]) {
- return @[@"line-progress"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"zoomLevel"]) {
- return @[@"zoom"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"featureAccumulated"]) {
- return @[@"accumulated"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"geometryType"]) {
- return @[@"geometry-type"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"featureIdentifier"]) {
- return @[@"id"];
- }
- if ([self.variable isEqualToString:@"featureAttributes"]) {
- return @[@"properties"];
- }
- return @[@"var", self.variable];
- }
- case NSConstantValueExpressionType: {
- id constantValue = self.constantValue;
- if (!constantValue || constantValue == [NSNull null]) {
- return [NSNull null];
- }
- if ([constantValue isEqual:@(M_E)]) {
- return @[@"e"];
- }
- if ([constantValue isEqual:@(M_PI)]) {
- return @[@"pi"];
- }
- if ([constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ||
- [constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
- NSArray *collection = [constantValue mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- return @[@"literal", collection];
- }
- if ([constantValue isKindOfClass:[MGLColor class]]) {
- auto color = [constantValue mgl_color];
- if (color.a == 1) {
- return @[@"rgb", @(color.r * 255), @(color.g * 255), @(color.b * 255)];
- }
- return @[@"rgba", @(color.r * 255), @(color.g * 255), @(color.b * 255), @(color.a)];
- }
- if ([constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) {
- const auto boxedValue = (NSValue *)constantValue;
- if (strcmp([boxedValue objCType], @encode(CGVector)) == 0) {
- // offset [x, y]
- std::array<float, 2> mglValue = boxedValue.mgl_offsetArrayValue;
- return @[@"literal", @[@(mglValue[0]), @(mglValue[1])]];
- }
- if (strcmp([boxedValue objCType], @encode(MGLEdgeInsets)) == 0) {
- // padding [x, y]
- std::array<float, 4> mglValue = boxedValue.mgl_paddingArrayValue;
- return @[@"literal", @[@(mglValue[0]), @(mglValue[1]), @(mglValue[2]), @(mglValue[3])]];
- }
- }
- if ([constantValue isKindOfClass:[MGLAttributedExpression class]]) {
- MGLAttributedExpression *attributedExpression = (MGLAttributedExpression *)constantValue;
- id jsonObject = attributedExpression.expression.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- NSMutableDictionary<MGLAttributedExpressionKey, NSExpression *> *attributedDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- if (attributedExpression.attributes) {
- attributedDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:attributedExpression.attributes];
- for (NSString *key in attributedExpression.attributes.allKeys) {
- attributedDictionary[key] = attributedExpression.attributes[key].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- }
- }
- return @[jsonObject, attributedDictionary];
- }
- return self.constantValue;
- }
- case NSKeyPathExpressionType: {
- NSArray *expressionObject;
- NSArray *keyPath = [self.keyPath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
- for (NSString *pathComponent in keyPath) {
- if (expressionObject) {
- expressionObject = @[@"get", pathComponent, expressionObject];
- } else {
- expressionObject = @[@"get", pathComponent];
- }
- }
- NSAssert(expressionObject.count > 0, @"expressionObject should be non-empty");
- // Return a non-null value to quieten static analysis
- return expressionObject ?: @[];
- }
- case NSFunctionExpressionType: {
- NSString *function = self.function;
- BOOL hasCollectionProperty = !( ! [self.arguments.firstObject isKindOfClass: [NSExpression class]] || self.arguments.firstObject.expressionType != NSAggregateExpressionType || self.arguments.firstObject.expressionType == NSSubqueryExpressionType);
- NSString *op = MGLExpressionOperatorsByFunctionNames[function];
- if (op) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- return [@[op] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"valueForKey:"] || [function isEqualToString:@"valueForKeyPath:"]) {
- return @[@"get", self.arguments.firstObject.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"average:"]) {
- NSExpression *sum = [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"sum:" arguments:self.arguments];
- NSExpression *count = [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"count:" arguments:self.arguments];
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"divide:by:" arguments:@[sum, count]].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"sum:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments;
- if (hasCollectionProperty) {
- arguments = [self.arguments.firstObject.collection valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- } else {
- arguments = [self.arguments valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- }
- return [@[@"+"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"count:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments.firstObject.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- return @[@"length", arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"min:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments;
- if (!hasCollectionProperty) {
- arguments = [self.arguments valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- } else {
- arguments = [self.arguments.firstObject.collection valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- }
- return [@[@"min"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"max:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments;
- if (!hasCollectionProperty) {
- arguments = [self.arguments valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- } else {
- arguments = [self.arguments.firstObject.collection valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- }
- return [@[@"max"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"exp:"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:@"raise:toPower:" arguments:@[@(M_E), self.arguments.firstObject]].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"trunc:"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"%@ - modulus:by:(%@, 1)",
- self.arguments.firstObject, self.arguments.firstObject].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_join:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments;
- if (!hasCollectionProperty) {
- arguments = [self.arguments valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- } else {
- arguments = [self.arguments.firstObject.collection valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- }
- return [@[@"concat"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"stringByAppendingString:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- return [@[@"concat", self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"objectFrom:withIndex:"]) {
- id index = self.arguments[1].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- if ([self.arguments[1] expressionType] == NSConstantValueExpressionType
- && [[self.arguments[1] constantValue] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- id value = self.arguments[1].constantValue;
- if ([value isEqualToString:@"FIRST"]) {
- index = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@0].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([value isEqualToString:@"LAST"]) {
- index = [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"count(%@) - 1", self.arguments[0]].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([value isEqualToString:@"SIZE"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"count(%@)", self.arguments[0]].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- }
- }
- return @[@"at", index, self.arguments[0].mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"boolValue"]) {
- return @[@"to-boolean", self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_number"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_numberWithFallbackValues:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"decimalValue"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"floatValue"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"doubleValue"]) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- return [@[@"to-number", self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"stringValue"]) {
- return @[@"to-string", self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"noindex:"]) {
- return self.arguments.firstObject.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_does:have:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_has:"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonHasExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:"]
- || [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_interpolateWithCurveType:parameters:stops:"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonInterpolationExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_step:from:stops:"]
- || [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_stepWithMinimum:stops:"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonStepExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_expressionWithContext:"]) {
- id context = self.arguments.firstObject;
- if ([context isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- context = [context constantValue];
- }
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"let", nil];
- [context enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull key, NSExpression * _Nonnull obj, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- [expressionObject addObject:key];
- [expressionObject addObject:obj.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- }];
- [expressionObject addObject:self.operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- return expressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"MGL_IF"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"MGL_IF:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_if:"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonIfExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"MGL_MATCH"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"MGL_MATCH:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_match:"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonMatchExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_coalesce:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mgl_coalesce"]) {
- return self.mgl_jsonCoalesceExpressionObject;
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"castObject:toType:"]) {
- id object = self.arguments.firstObject.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- NSString *type = self.arguments[1].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- if ([type isEqualToString:@"NSString"]) {
- return @[@"to-string", object];
- } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"NSNumber"]) {
- return @[@"to-number", object];
- }
- else if ([type isEqualToString:@"UIColor"] || [type isEqualToString:@"MGLColor"]) {
- return @[@"to-color", object];
- }
- else if ([type isEqualToString:@"NSColor"] || [type isEqualToString:@"MGLColor"]) {
- return @[@"to-color", object];
- }
- else if ([type isEqualToString:@"NSArray"]) {
- NSExpression *operand = self.arguments.firstObject;
- if ([operand expressionType] == NSFunctionExpressionType ) {
- operand = self.arguments.firstObject.arguments.firstObject;
- }
- if (([operand expressionType] != NSConstantValueExpressionType) ||
- ([operand expressionType] == NSConstantValueExpressionType &&
- [[operand constantValue] isKindOfClass:[MGLColor class]])) {
- return @[@"to-rgba", object];
- }
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Casting expression to %@ not yet implemented.", type];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"mgl_attributed:"]) {
- return [self mgl_jsonFormatExpressionObject];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"MGL_FUNCTION"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"MGL_FUNCTION:"]) {
- NSExpression *firstOp = self.arguments.firstObject;
- if (firstOp.expressionType == NSConstantValueExpressionType
- && [firstOp.constantValue isEqualToString:@"collator"]) {
- // Avoid wrapping collator options object in literal expression.
- return @[@"collator", self.arguments[1].constantValue];
- }
- if (firstOp.expressionType == NSConstantValueExpressionType
- && [firstOp.constantValue isEqualToString:@"format"]) {
- // Avoid wrapping format options object in literal expression.
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray array];
- [expressionObject addObject:@"format"];
- for (NSUInteger index = 1; index < self.arguments.count; index++) {
- if (index % 2 == 1) {
- [expressionObject addObject:self.arguments[index].mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else {
- [expressionObject addObject:self.arguments[index].constantValue];
- }
- }
- return expressionObject;
- }
- return self.arguments.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else if (op == [MGLColor class] && [function isEqualToString:@"colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:"]) {
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- return [@[@"rgba"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:arguments];
- } else if ([function isEqualToString:@"median:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"mode:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"stddev:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"random"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"randomn:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"now"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"bitwiseAnd:with:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"bitwiseOr:with:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"bitwiseXor:with:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"leftshift:by:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"rightshift:by:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"onesComplement:"] ||
- [function isEqualToString:@"distanceToLocation:fromLocation:"]) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Expression function %@ not yet implemented.", function];
- return nil;
- } else {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Unrecognized expression function %@.", function];
- return nil;
- }
- }
- case NSConditionalExpressionType: {
- NSMutableArray *arguments = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"case", self.predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, nil];
- [arguments addObject:self.trueExpression.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- [arguments addObject:self.falseExpression.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- return arguments;
- }
- case NSAggregateExpressionType: {
- NSArray *collection = [self.collection valueForKeyPath:@"mgl_jsonExpressionObject"];
- return @[@"literal", collection];
- }
- case NSEvaluatedObjectExpressionType:
- case NSUnionSetExpressionType:
- case NSIntersectSetExpressionType:
- case NSMinusSetExpressionType:
- case NSSubqueryExpressionType:
- case NSAnyKeyExpressionType:
- case NSBlockExpressionType:
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Expression type %lu not yet implemented.", (unsigned long)self.expressionType];
- }
- // NSKeyPathSpecifierExpression
- if (self.expressionType == 10) {
- return self.description;
- }
- // An assignment expression type is present in the BNF grammar, but the
- // corresponding NSExpressionType value and property getters are missing.
- if (self.expressionType == 12) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Assignment expressions not yet implemented."];
- }
- return nil;
-- (id)mgl_jsonInterpolationExpressionObject {
- NSUInteger expectedArgumentCount = [self.function componentsSeparatedByString:@":"].count - 1;
- if (self.arguments.count < expectedArgumentCount) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:
- @"Too few arguments to ‘%@’ function; expected %lu arguments.",
- self.function, (unsigned long)expectedArgumentCount];
- } else if (self.arguments.count > expectedArgumentCount) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:
- @"%lu unexpected arguments to ‘%@’ function; expected %lu arguments.",
- self.arguments.count - (unsigned long)expectedArgumentCount, self.function, (unsigned long)expectedArgumentCount];
- }
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function isEqualToString:@"mgl_interpolate:withCurveType:parameters:stops:"];
- NSUInteger curveTypeIndex = isAftermarketFunction ? 1 : 0;
- NSString *curveType = self.arguments[curveTypeIndex].constantValue;
- NSMutableArray *interpolationArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:curveType];
- if ([curveType isEqualToString:@"exponential"]) {
- id base = [self.arguments[curveTypeIndex + 1] mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- [interpolationArray addObject:base];
- } else if ([curveType isEqualToString:@"cubic-bezier"]) {
- NSArray *controlPoints = [self.arguments[curveTypeIndex + 1].collection mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- [interpolationArray addObjectsFromArray:controlPoints];
- }
- NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *stops = self.arguments[curveTypeIndex + 2].constantValue;
- if (stops.count == 0) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"‘stops’ dictionary argument to ‘%@’ function must not be empty.", self.function];
- }
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"interpolate", interpolationArray, nil];
- [expressionObject addObject:(isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments.firstObject : self.operand).mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- for (NSNumber *key in [stops.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
- [expressionObject addObject:key];
- [expressionObject addObject:[stops[key] mgl_jsonExpressionObject]];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonStepExpressionObject {
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function isEqualToString:@"mgl_step:from:stops:"];
- NSUInteger minimumIndex = isAftermarketFunction ? 1 : 0;
- id minimum = self.arguments[minimumIndex].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *stops = self.arguments[minimumIndex + 1].constantValue;
- if (stops.count == 0) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"‘stops’ dictionary argument to ‘%@’ function must not be empty.", self.function];
- }
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"step", (isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments.firstObject : self.operand).mgl_jsonExpressionObject, minimum, nil];
- for (NSNumber *key in [stops.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) {
- [expressionObject addObject:key];
- [expressionObject addObject:[stops[key] mgl_jsonExpressionObject]];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonMatchExpressionObject {
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function hasPrefix:@"MGL_MATCH"];
- NSUInteger minimumIndex = isAftermarketFunction ? 1 : 0;
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"match", (isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments.firstObject : self.operand).mgl_jsonExpressionObject, nil];
- NSArray<NSExpression *> *arguments = isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments : self.arguments[minimumIndex].constantValue;
- for (NSUInteger index = minimumIndex; index < arguments.count; index++) {
- NSArray *argumentObject = arguments[index].mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- // match operators with arrays as matching values should not parse arrays using the literal operator.
- if (index > 0 && index < arguments.count - 1 && !(index % 2 == 0)) {
- NSExpression *expression = arguments[index];
- if (![expression isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- expression = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:expression];
- }
- if (expression.expressionType == NSAggregateExpressionType ||
- (expression.expressionType == NSConstantValueExpressionType && [expression.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])) {
- argumentObject = argumentObject.count == 2 ? argumentObject[1] : argumentObject;
- }
- }
- [expressionObject addObject:argumentObject];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonIfExpressionObject {
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function hasPrefix:@"MGL_IF"];
- NSUInteger minimumIndex = isAftermarketFunction ? 1 : 0;
- NSExpression *firstCondition;
- id condition;
- if (isAftermarketFunction) {
- firstCondition = self.arguments.firstObject;
- } else {
- firstCondition = self.operand;
- }
- if ([firstCondition respondsToSelector:@selector(constantValue)] && [firstCondition.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSComparisonPredicate class]]) {
- NSPredicate *predicate = (NSPredicate *)firstCondition.constantValue;
- condition = predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- } else {
- condition = firstCondition.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
- }
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"case", condition, nil];
- NSArray<NSExpression *> *arguments = isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments : self.arguments[minimumIndex].constantValue;
- for (NSUInteger index = minimumIndex; index < arguments.count; index++) {
- if ([arguments[index] respondsToSelector:@selector(constantValue)] && [arguments[index].constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSComparisonPredicate class]]) {
- NSPredicate *predicate = (NSPredicate *)arguments[index].constantValue;
- [expressionObject addObject:predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- } else {
- [expressionObject addObject:arguments[index].mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- }
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonCoalesceExpressionObject {
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function isEqualToString:@"mgl_coalesce:"];
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"coalesce", nil];
- for (NSExpression *expression in (isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments.firstObject : self.operand).constantValue) {
- [expressionObject addObject:[expression mgl_jsonExpressionObject]];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonHasExpressionObject {
- BOOL isAftermarketFunction = [self.function isEqualToString:@"mgl_does:have:"];
- NSExpression *operand = isAftermarketFunction ? self.arguments[0] : self.operand;
- NSExpression *key = self.arguments[isAftermarketFunction ? 1 : 0];
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"has", key.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, nil];
- if (operand.expressionType != NSEvaluatedObjectExpressionType) {
- [expressionObject addObject:operand.mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-- (id)mgl_jsonFormatExpressionObject {
- NSArray<NSExpression *> *attributedExpressions;
- NSExpression *formatArray = self.arguments.firstObject;
- if ([formatArray respondsToSelector:@selector(constantValue)] && [formatArray.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- attributedExpressions = (NSArray *)formatArray.constantValue;
- } else {
- attributedExpressions = self.arguments;
- }
- NSMutableArray *expressionObject = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"format", nil];
- for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < attributedExpressions.count; index++) {
- [expressionObject addObjectsFromArray:attributedExpressions[index].mgl_jsonExpressionObject];
- }
- return expressionObject;
-#pragma mark Localization
- Returns a localized copy of the given collection.
- If no localization takes place, this method returns the original collection.
- */
-NSArray<NSExpression *> *MGLLocalizedCollection(NSArray<NSExpression *> *collection, NSLocale * _Nullable locale) {
- __block NSMutableArray *localizedCollection;
- [collection enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSExpression * _Nonnull item, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- NSExpression *localizedItem = [item mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- if (localizedItem != item) {
- if (!localizedCollection) {
- localizedCollection = [collection mutableCopy];
- }
- localizedCollection[idx] = localizedItem;
- }
- }];
- return localizedCollection ?: collection;
- Returns a localized copy of the given stop dictionary.
- If no localization takes place, this method returns the original stop
- dictionary.
- */
-NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *MGLLocalizedStopDictionary(NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSExpression *> *stops, NSLocale * _Nullable locale) {
- __block NSMutableDictionary *localizedStops;
- [stops enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id _Nonnull zoomLevel, NSExpression * _Nonnull value, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
- if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSExpression class]]) {
- value = [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:value];
- }
- NSExpression *localizedValue = [value mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- if (localizedValue != value) {
- if (!localizedStops) {
- localizedStops = [stops mutableCopy];
- }
- localizedStops[zoomLevel] = localizedValue;
- }
- }];
- return localizedStops ?: stops;
-- (NSExpression *)mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:(nullable NSLocale *)locale {
- switch (self.expressionType) {
- case NSConstantValueExpressionType: {
- if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
- NSDictionary *localizedStops = MGLLocalizedStopDictionary(self.constantValue, locale);
- if (localizedStops != self.constantValue) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:localizedStops];
- }
- } else if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- NSArray *localizedValues = MGLLocalizedCollection(self.constantValue, locale);
- if (localizedValues != self.constantValue) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:localizedValues];
- }
- } else if ([self.constantValue isKindOfClass:[MGLAttributedExpression class]]) {
- MGLAttributedExpression *attributedExpression = (MGLAttributedExpression *)self.constantValue;
- NSExpression *localizedExpression = [attributedExpression.expression mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- MGLAttributedExpression *localizedAttributedExpression = [MGLAttributedExpression attributedExpression:localizedExpression attributes:attributedExpression.attributes];
- return [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:localizedAttributedExpression];
- }
- return self;
- }
- case NSKeyPathExpressionType: {
- if ([self.keyPath isEqualToString:@"name"] || [self.keyPath hasPrefix:@"name_"]) {
- NSString *localizedKeyPath = @"name";
- if (![locale.localeIdentifier isEqualToString:@"mul"]) {
- NSArray *preferences = locale ? @[locale.localeIdentifier] : [NSLocale preferredLanguages];
- NSString *preferredLanguage = [MGLVectorTileSource preferredMapboxStreetsLanguageForPreferences:preferences];
- if (preferredLanguage) {
- localizedKeyPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"name_%@", preferredLanguage];
- }
- }
- // If the keypath is `name`, no need to fallback
- if ([localizedKeyPath isEqualToString:@"name"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:localizedKeyPath];
- }
- // If the keypath is `name_zh-Hans`, fallback to `name_zh` to `name`.
- // CN tiles might using `name_zh-CN` for Simplified Chinese.
- if ([localizedKeyPath isEqualToString:@"name_zh-Hans"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"mgl_coalesce({%K, %K, %K, %K})",
- localizedKeyPath, @"name_zh-CN", @"name_zh", @"name"];
- }
- // Mapbox Streets v8 has `name_zh-Hant`, we should fallback to Simplified Chinese if the field has no value.
- if ([localizedKeyPath isEqualToString:@"name_zh-Hant"]) {
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"mgl_coalesce({%K, %K, %K, %K, %K})",
- localizedKeyPath, @"name_zh-Hans", @"name_zh-CN", @"name_zh", @"name"];
- }
- // Other keypath fallback to `name`
- return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"mgl_coalesce({%K, %K})", localizedKeyPath, @"name"];
- }
- return self;
- }
- case NSFunctionExpressionType: {
- NSExpression *operand = self.operand;
- NSExpression *localizedOperand = [operand mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- NSArray *arguments = self.arguments;
- NSArray *localizedArguments = MGLLocalizedCollection(arguments, locale);
- if (localizedArguments != arguments) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:localizedOperand
- selectorName:self.function
- arguments:localizedArguments];
- }
- if (localizedOperand != operand) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:localizedOperand
- selectorName:self.function
- arguments:self.arguments];
- }
- return self;
- }
- case NSConditionalExpressionType: {
- NSExpression *trueExpression = self.trueExpression;
- NSExpression *localizedTrueExpression = [trueExpression mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- NSExpression *falseExpression = self.falseExpression;
- NSExpression *localizedFalseExpression = [falseExpression mgl_expressionLocalizedIntoLocale:locale];
- if (localizedTrueExpression != trueExpression || localizedFalseExpression != falseExpression) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForConditional:self.predicate
- trueExpression:localizedTrueExpression
- falseExpression:localizedFalseExpression];
- }
- return self;
- }
- case NSAggregateExpressionType: {
- NSArray *collection = self.collection;
- if ([collection isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- NSArray *localizedCollection = MGLLocalizedCollection(collection, locale);
- if (localizedCollection != collection) {
- return [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:localizedCollection];
- }
- }
- return self;
- }
- default:
- return self;
- }