path: root/platform/darwin/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/darwin/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/ b/platform/darwin/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc296fa91..0000000000
--- a/platform/darwin/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#import "MGLFoundation_Private.h"
-#import "MGLCluster_Private.h"
-#import "MGLLoggingConfiguration_Private.h"
-#import "MGLFeature.h"
-#import <objc/runtime.h>
-NSString * const MGLClusterBoolKey = @"cluster";
-NSString * const MGLClusterIdentifierKey = @"cluster_id";
-NSString * const MGLClusterCountKey = @"point_count";
-//NSString * const MGLClusterCountAbbreviationKey = @"point_count_abbreviated";
-const NSUInteger MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid = NSUIntegerMax;
-BOOL MGLFeatureHasClusterAttribute(id<MGLFeature> feature) {
- NSNumber *isCluster = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([feature attributeForKey:MGLClusterBoolKey], NSNumber);
- return [isCluster boolValue];
-#pragma mark - Custom subclassing
-NSString *MGLClusterSubclassNameForFeature(id<MGLFeature> feature) {
- NSString *className = NSStringFromClass([feature class]);
- NSString *subclassName = [className stringByAppendingString:@"_Cluster"];
- return subclassName;
- Static free function used as implementation for custom subclasses (that conform
- to both `MGLFeature` and `MGLCluster`).
- */
-static NSUInteger MGLClusterIdentifierIMP(id self, SEL _cmd) {
- id<MGLFeature> feature = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST_AS_PROTOCOL(self, MGLFeature);
- NSNumber *clusterNumber = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([feature attributeForKey:MGLClusterIdentifierKey], NSNumber);
- MGLAssert(clusterNumber, @"Clusters should have a cluster_id");
- if (!clusterNumber) {
- return MGLClusterIdentifierInvalid;
- }
- NSUInteger identifier = [clusterNumber unsignedIntegerValue];
- MGLAssert(identifier <= UINT32_MAX, @"Cluster identifiers are 32bit");
- return identifier;
- Static free function used as implementation for custom subclasses (that conform
- to both `MGLFeature` and `MGLCluster`).
- */
-static NSUInteger MGLClusterPointCountIMP(id self, SEL _cmd) {
- id<MGLFeature> feature = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST_AS_PROTOCOL(self, MGLFeature);
- NSNumber *count = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([feature attributeForKey:MGLClusterCountKey], NSNumber);
- MGLAssert(count, @"Clusters should have a point_count");
- return [count unsignedIntegerValue];
-// Static free function used as implementation for custom subclasses (that conform
-// to both `MGLFeature` and `MGLCluster`).
-// */
-//static NSString *MGLClusterPointCountAbbreviationIMP(id self, SEL _cmd) {
-// id<MGLFeature> feature = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST_AS_PROTOCOL(self, MGLFeature);
-// NSString *abbreviation = MGL_OBJC_DYNAMIC_CAST([feature attributeForKey:MGLClusterCountAbbreviationKey], NSString);
-// MGLAssert(abbreviation, @"Clusters should have a point_count_abbreviated");
-// if (!abbreviation) {
-// return @"0";
-// }
-// return abbreviation;
-static IMP MGLFeatureClusterIMPFromSelector(SEL selector) {
- if (selector == @selector(clusterIdentifier)) {
- return (IMP)MGLClusterIdentifierIMP;
- }
- else if (selector == @selector(clusterPointCount)) {
- return (IMP)MGLClusterPointCountIMP;
- }
-// else if (selector == @selector(clusterPointCountAbbreviation)) {
-// return (IMP)MGLClusterPointCountAbbreviationIMP;
-// }
- MGLCAssert(0, @"Unrecognized selector: %@", NSStringFromSelector(selector));
- return NULL;
- Converts a feature to a custom subclass that supports both `MGLFeature` and
- `MGLCluster`, or returns `nil` if the feature doesn't have the requisite cluster
- attributes.
- */
-id<MGLFeature, MGLCluster> MGLConvertFeatureToClusterSubclass(id<MGLFeature> feature) {
- Protocol *clusterProtocol = @protocol(MGLCluster);
- if ([feature conformsToProtocol:clusterProtocol]) {
- return (id<MGLFeature, MGLCluster>)feature;
- }
- if (!MGLFeatureHasClusterAttribute(feature)) {
- return nil;
- }
- Class currentClass = [feature class];
- NSString *subclassName = MGLClusterSubclassNameForFeature(feature);
- // Does this new subclass already exist?
- Class clusterSubclass = NSClassFromString(subclassName);
- if (!clusterSubclass) {
- clusterSubclass = objc_allocateClassPair(currentClass, subclassName.UTF8String, 0);
- // Add protocol to this new subclass
- class_addProtocol(clusterSubclass, clusterProtocol);
- // Install protocol methods
- // Run through using `protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList` and the above
- // `MGLFeatureClusterIMPFromSelector` method. We do this so that we avoid
- // having to hand-craft the type encodings passed to `class_addMethod`.
- unsigned int count = 0;
- struct objc_method_description *methodDescriptionList = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList(clusterProtocol, YES, YES, &count);
- for (unsigned int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
- struct objc_method_description desc = methodDescriptionList[index];
- IMP imp = MGLFeatureClusterIMPFromSelector(;
- if (imp) {
- class_addMethod(clusterSubclass,, imp, desc.types);
- }
- }
- free(methodDescriptionList); methodDescriptionList = NULL;
- objc_registerClassPair(clusterSubclass);
- }
- // Now change the class of the feature
- object_setClass(feature, clusterSubclass);
- MGLCAssert([feature conformsToProtocol:clusterProtocol], @"Feature subclass %@ should conform to MGLCluster", subclassName);
- id<MGLFeature, MGLCluster> cluster = (id<MGLFeature, MGLCluster>)feature;
- MGLCAssert([cluster respondsToSelector:@selector(clusterIdentifier)], @"Feature subclass %@ - missing selector `clusterIdentifier`", subclassName);
- MGLCAssert([cluster respondsToSelector:@selector(clusterPointCount)], @"Feature subclass %@ - missing selector `clusterPointCount`", subclassName);
-// MGLCAssert([cluster respondsToSelector:@selector(clusterPointCountAbbreviation)], @"Feature subclass %@ - missing selector `clusterPointCountAbbreviation`", subclassName);
- return cluster;