path: root/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/maps/NativeMapViewTest.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/maps/NativeMapViewTest.kt')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/maps/NativeMapViewTest.kt b/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/maps/NativeMapViewTest.kt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/android/MapboxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/maps/NativeMapViewTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps
+import android.content.Context
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.AppCenter
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLngBounds
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.ProjectedMeters
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.renderer.MapRenderer
+import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.utils.TestConstants
+import junit.framework.Assert.*
+import org.junit.After
+import org.junit.Assert
+import org.junit.Before
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+class NativeMapViewTest : AppCenter() {
+ private lateinit var nativeMapView: NativeMap
+ companion object {
+ const val DELTA = 0.000001
+ const val DELTA_BIG = 1.0
+ const val BEARING_TEST = 60.0
+ const val PITCH_TEST = 40.0
+ const val ZOOM_TEST = 16.0
+ val PADDING_TEST = doubleArrayOf(80.0, 150.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ const val WIDTH = 500
+ const val HEIGHT = WIDTH
+ val LATLNG_TEST = LatLng(12.0, 34.0)
+ }
+ @Before
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun before() {
+ val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext()
+ nativeMapView = NativeMapView(context, 2.0f, false, null, null, DummyRenderer(context))
+ nativeMapView.resizeView(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
+ }
+ @After
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun after() {
+ nativeMapView.destroy()
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testSetStyleUrl() {
+ val expected = Style.DARK
+ nativeMapView.styleUri = expected
+ val actual = nativeMapView.styleUri
+ assertEquals("Style URL should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testSetStyleJson() {
+ val expected = "{}"
+ nativeMapView.styleJson = expected
+ val actual = nativeMapView.styleJson
+ assertEquals("Style JSON should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testBearing() {
+ val expected = BEARING_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setBearing(expected, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.bearing
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testLatLng() {
+ val expected = LATLNG_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setLatLng(expected, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.latLng
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match", expected.latitude, actual.latitude, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match", expected.longitude, actual.longitude, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testLatLngPadding() {
+ val expected = LATLNG_TEST
+ nativeMapView.contentPadding = PADDING_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setLatLng(expected, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.latLng
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match", expected.latitude, actual.latitude, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match", expected.longitude, actual.longitude, DELTA)
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(PADDING_TEST, nativeMapView.cameraPosition.padding, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testLatLngDefault() {
+ val expected = LatLng()
+ val actual = nativeMapView.latLng
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match", expected.latitude, actual.latitude, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match", expected.longitude, actual.longitude, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testBearingDefault() {
+ val expected = 0.0
+ val actual = nativeMapView.bearing
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPitch() {
+ val expected = PITCH_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setPitch(expected, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.pitch
+ assertEquals("Pitch should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPitchDefault() {
+ val expected = 0.0
+ val actual = nativeMapView.pitch
+ assertEquals("Pitch should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testZoom() {
+ val expected = ZOOM_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setZoom(expected, PointF(0.0f, 0.0f), 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.zoom
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testZoomDefault() {
+ val expected = 0.0
+ val actual = nativeMapView.zoom
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected, actual, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testJumpTo() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .bearing(BEARING_TEST)
+ .target(LATLNG_TEST)
+ .tilt(PITCH_TEST)
+ .zoom(ZOOM_TEST)
+ .padding(PADDING_TEST)
+ .build()
+ // verify that the lazily set padding is ignored when a value is provided with the camera
+ nativeMapView.contentPadding = doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.cameraPosition
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Pitch should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, DELTA)
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected.padding, actual.padding, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testLatLngForPixel() {
+ val expected = LATLNG_TEST
+ nativeMapView.setLatLng(LATLNG_TEST, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.latLngForPixel(
+ PointF((WIDTH / 2).toFloat(), (HEIGHT / 2).toFloat())
+ )
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match", expected.latitude, actual.latitude, DELTA_BIG)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match", expected.longitude, actual.longitude, DELTA_BIG)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPixelForLatLng() {
+ val expected = PointF((WIDTH / 2).toFloat(), (HEIGHT / 2).toFloat())
+ nativeMapView.setLatLng(LATLNG_TEST, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.pixelForLatLng(LATLNG_TEST)
+ assertEquals("X should match", expected.x.toDouble(), actual.x.toDouble(), DELTA_BIG)
+ assertEquals("Y should match", expected.y.toDouble(), actual.y.toDouble(), DELTA_BIG)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPrefetchTilesTrue() {
+ val expected = true
+ nativeMapView.prefetchTiles = true
+ val actual = nativeMapView.prefetchTiles
+ assertEquals("Flag should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPrefetchTilesFalse() {
+ val expected = false
+ nativeMapView.prefetchTiles = false
+ val actual = nativeMapView.prefetchTiles
+ assertEquals("Flag should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPrefetchTilesDefault() {
+ val expected = true
+ val actual = nativeMapView.prefetchTiles
+ assertEquals("Flag should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPrefetchZoomDelta() {
+ val expected = 2
+ nativeMapView.prefetchZoomDelta = 2
+ val actual = nativeMapView.prefetchZoomDelta
+ assertEquals("Prefetch zoom delta should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testPrefetchZoomDeltaDefault() {
+ val expected = 4
+ val actual = nativeMapView.prefetchZoomDelta
+ assertEquals("Prefetch zoom delta should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testSetContentPadding() {
+ val expected = doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
+ nativeMapView.contentPadding = expected
+ val actual = nativeMapView.contentPadding
+ assertEquals("Left should match", expected[0], actual[0])
+ assertEquals("Top should match", expected[1], actual[1])
+ assertEquals("Right should match", expected[2], actual[2])
+ assertEquals("Bottom should match", expected[3], actual[3])
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testSetMinZoom() {
+ val expected = 12.0
+ nativeMapView.minZoom = expected
+ val actual = nativeMapView.minZoom
+ assertEquals("Min zoom should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testSetMaxZoom() {
+ val expected = 12.0
+ nativeMapView.maxZoom = expected
+ val actual = nativeMapView.maxZoom
+ assertEquals("Max zoom should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testGetProjectedMetersAtLatitude() {
+ val expected = 77973.67021115532
+ val actual = nativeMapView.getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(5.0)
+ assertEquals("Get projected meters should match", expected, actual)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testLatLngForProjectedMeters() {
+ val expected = LatLng(0.01796630538796444, 0.02694945852363162)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.latLngForProjectedMeters(ProjectedMeters(2000.0, 3000.0))
+ assertEquals("Lat for projected meters", expected.latitude, actual.latitude, DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Lng for projected meters", expected.longitude, actual.longitude, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testFlyTo() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .zoom(12.0)
+ .tilt(30.0)
+ .target(LatLng(12.0, 14.0))
+ .bearing(20.0)
+ .padding(PADDING_TEST)
+ .build()
+ // verify that the lazily set padding is ignored when a value is provided with the camera
+ nativeMapView.contentPadding = doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
+ nativeMapView.flyTo(, expected.zoom, expected.bearing, expected.tilt, PADDING_TEST, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.cameraPosition
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, TestConstants.BEARING_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Tilt should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, TestConstants.TILT_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, TestConstants.ZOOM_DELTA)
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected.padding, actual.padding, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testEaseTo() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .zoom(12.0)
+ .tilt(30.0)
+ .target(LatLng(12.0, 14.0))
+ .bearing(20.0)
+ .padding(PADDING_TEST)
+ .build()
+ // verify that the lazily set padding is ignored when a value is provided with the camera
+ nativeMapView.contentPadding = doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
+ nativeMapView.easeTo(, expected.zoom, expected.bearing, expected.tilt, PADDING_TEST, 0, false)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.cameraPosition
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, TestConstants.BEARING_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Tilt should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, TestConstants.TILT_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, TestConstants.ZOOM_DELTA)
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected.padding, actual.padding, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testResetPosition() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .zoom(0.0)
+ .tilt(0.0)
+ .target(LatLng(0.0, 0.0))
+ .bearing(0.0)
+ .padding(PADDING_TEST)
+ .build()
+ nativeMapView.jumpTo(LatLng(1.0, 2.0), 12.0, 23.0, 1.0, PADDING_TEST)
+ nativeMapView.resetPosition()
+ val actual = nativeMapView.cameraPosition
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, TestConstants.BEARING_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Tilt should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, TestConstants.TILT_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, TestConstants.ZOOM_DELTA)
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected.padding, actual.padding, DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testGetCameraForLatLngBounds() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .zoom(3.5258764777024005)
+ .tilt(0.0)
+ .target(LatLng(23.182767623652808, 13.999999999994088))
+ .bearing(0.0)
+ .build()
+ val actual = nativeMapView.getCameraForLatLngBounds(
+ LatLngBounds.from(30.0, 16.0, 16.0, 12.0),
+ intArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0
+ )
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, TestConstants.BEARING_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Tilt should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, TestConstants.TILT_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, TestConstants.ZOOM_DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testMoveBy() {
+ val expected = CameraPosition.Builder()
+ .zoom(0.0)
+ .tilt(0.0)
+ .target(LatLng(4.21494310024160, -4.218749958739409))
+ .bearing(0.0)
+ .build()
+ nativeMapView.moveBy(12.0, 12.0, 0)
+ val actual = nativeMapView.cameraPosition
+ assertEquals("Bearing should match", expected.bearing, actual.bearing, TestConstants.BEARING_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Latitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Longitude should match",,, TestConstants.LAT_LNG_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Tilt should match", expected.tilt, actual.tilt, TestConstants.TILT_DELTA)
+ assertEquals("Zoom should match", expected.zoom, actual.zoom, TestConstants.ZOOM_DELTA)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testTransitionOptions() {
+ val transitionOptions = TransitionOptions(500, 500)
+ nativeMapView.transitionOptions = transitionOptions
+ assertTrue(transitionOptions.isEnablePlacementTransitions)
+ assertEquals(transitionOptions, nativeMapView.transitionOptions)
+ }
+ @Test
+ @UiThreadTest
+ fun testTransitionOptions_disablePlacementTransitions() {
+ val transitionOptions = TransitionOptions(500, 500, false)
+ nativeMapView.transitionOptions = transitionOptions
+ assertFalse(transitionOptions.isEnablePlacementTransitions)
+ assertEquals(transitionOptions, nativeMapView.transitionOptions)
+ }
+ class DummyRenderer(context: Context) : MapRenderer(context, null) {
+ override fun requestRender() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ override fun queueEvent(runnable: Runnable?) {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file