path: root/ios/docs/
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1 files changed, 61 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ios/docs/ b/ios/docs/
index b308153de1..74d23914a0 100644
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+++ b/ios/docs/
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-# Mapbox iOS SDK
+# [Mapbox iOS SDK](
-An open source, OpenGL-based vector map solution for iOS with full styling capabilities and Cocoa Touch APIs.
+The Mapbox iOS SDK is an open-source framework for embedding interactive map views with scalable, customizable vector maps into Cocoa Touch applications on iOS 7.0 and above using Objective-C, Swift, or Interface Builder. It takes stylesheets that conform to the [Mapbox GL Style Specification](, applies them to vector tiles that conform to the [Mapbox Vector Tile Specification](, and renders them using OpenGL.
For more information, check out [our online overview](
+## Changes in version {{VERSION}}
See the [full changelog]( online.
+## Installation
+The Mapbox iOS SDK may be installed as either a dynamic framework or a static framework. (To reduce the download size, the static framework is omitted from some distributions; you may need to download the full package from the [release page](
+### Dynamic framework
+This is the recommended workflow for manually integrating the SDK into an application targeting iOS 8 and above:
+1. Open the project editor and select your application target. Drag `Mapbox.framework` from the `dynamic` folder into the “Embedded Binaries” section of the General tab. In the sheet that appears, make sure “Copy items if needed” is checked, then click Finish.
+1. In the Build Phases tab, click the + button at the top and select “New Run Script Phase”. Enter the following code into the script text field:
+(The last step, courtesy of [Realm](, is required for working around an [iOS App Store bug]( when archiving universal binaries.)
+### Static framework
+If your application targets iOS 7.x, you’ll need to install the static framework instead:
+1. Open the project editor and select your application target. Drag `Mapbox.framework` from the `static` folder into the “Embedded Binaries” section of the General tab. In the sheet that appears, make sure “Copy items if needed” is checked, then click Finish.
+1. Add the following Cocoa Touch frameworks and libraries to the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section:
+ - `GLKit.framework`
+ - `ImageIO.framework`
+ - `MobileCoreServices.framework`
+ - `QuartzCore.framework`
+ - `SystemConfiguration.framework`
+ - `libc++.dylib`
+ - `libsqlite3.dylib`
+ - `libz.dylib`
+1. In the Build Settings tab, add `-ObjC` to the “Other Linker Flags” (`OTHER_LDFLAGS`) build setting.
+## Configuration
+1. Mapbox vector tiles require a Mapbox account and API access token. In the project editor, select the application target. In the Info tab, set `MGLMapboxAccessToken` to your access token. You can obtain one from the [Mapbox account page](
+1. Mapbox Telemetry is a <a href="">powerful location analytics platform</a> included in this SDK. By default, anonymized location and usage data is sent to Mapbox whenever the host application causes it to be gathered. This SDK provides users with a way to individually opt out of Mapbox Telemetry. You can also add this opt-out setting to your application’s Settings screen, using the provided `Settings.bundle`.
+1. In order to show the user’s position on the map, you must first ask for their permission. In iOS 8 and above, this is accomplished by creating and setting the `NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription` key in the `Info.plist` file.
+1. If you are on the free Starter plan, background location services must also be enabled. You can find instructions on how to do this in “[First steps with the Mapbox iOS SDK](”.
+## Usage
+In a XIB or storyboard, add a Custom View and set its custom class to `MGLMapView`. If you need to manipulate the map view programmatically, import the `Mapbox` module (Swift) or `Mapbox.h` umbrella header (Objective-C).
+Full API documentation is included in this package, within the `documentation` folder. For more details, read “[First steps with the Mapbox iOS SDK](” and consult the [online examples](
+If you have any questions, please contact We welcome your [bug reports and feature requests](