diff options
authortobrun <>2019-05-17 09:10:47 +0200
committertobrun <>2019-05-17 09:16:38 +0200
commit3d0f578b78f1a2569163ff2513a3da35ca81039d (patch)
parent6201637a18929ab1713186c332f0e148d76d2ca5 (diff)
[android] - updat changelog for releasing v6.8.2android-v6.8.2upstream/release-horchata
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/android/ b/platform/android/
index a9a8c7606c..4c3bec1d09 100644
--- a/platform/android/
+++ b/platform/android/
@@ -4,6 +4,331 @@ Mapbox welcomes participation and contributions from everyone. If you'd like to
## master
+## 6.8.2 - May 17, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Avoid binary shader load race condition with using multiple maps, disable binary shaders [#14298](
+## 7.5.0-beta.1 - May 17, 2019
+### Features
+ - Option to provide custom values for location camera transition [#14606](
+### Bugs
+ - Expose trackingGesturesManagement attribute [#14659](
+ - Harden onLowMemory call, use atomic boolean for thread safe management of the render surface [#14622](
+ - Normalize previous rotation values of the location animator [#14626](
+### Performance
+ - Remove telemetry gesture event handling code [#14627](
+### Localisation
+ - Pull in Polish translation and updates to Czech and Hungarian [#14679](
+### Docs
+ - Add javadoc to highlight incompatible onIdle event with snapshot api [#14621](
+## 7.4.0 - May 15, 2019
+### Features
+ - Revert SKU token logic [#14594](
+### Bugs
+ - Keep strong references to the FileSource/OfflineManager operations callbacks [#14601](
+ - Failed sprite requests do not block tiles rendering [#14605](
+ - Remove missing image log [#14600](
+## 7.5.0-alpha.2 - May 8, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Keep shared_ptr to thread pool in CustomGeometrySource [#14562](
+ - Changed placement order of symbols to match the viewport-y order when the `PropertyValue#symbolZOrder` is set to `SYMBOL_Z_ORDER_VIEWPORT_Y`, improving collision detection and rendering of symbol layers when icons are allowed to overlap but not text. [#14486](
+## 7.5.0-alpha.1 - May 2, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Use same OfflineRegion#isComplete logic as core [#14500](
+ - Add toString, hashcode and equals to OfflineRegionError [#14499](
+### Features
+ - Add "layer-above" option to the LocationComponent [#14497](
+### Build
+ - Update mapbox java sdk to v4.7.0 [#14480](
+ - Update gestures library to v0.4.2 [#14524](
+### Docs
+ - Clear up LocationComponent's z-index positioning docs [#14497](
+## 7.4.0-beta.3 - May 2, 2019
+### Features
+- Less strict rules for adding render layers to sources [#14540](
+- Store type of renderable segment when sorting symbols by key [#14517](
+### Build
+ - Bump gestures library to v0.4.2 [#14524](
+## 7.4.0-beta.2 - April 23, 2019
+### Features
+ - Enable/Disable SKU token handling [#14476](
+## 7.4.0-beta.1 - April 19, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Order render items properly across several sources [#14408](
+ - Ignore equal offline region's download state updates [#14399](
+ - Activate the ConnectivityReceiver when starting the download [#14397](
+### Features
+ - Port symbol-sort-key symbol layout property [#14386](
+ - Add style image missing binding integration [#14320](
+ - Allow snapshot generation without overlain view content [#14413](
+ - Introduce AccountsManager to support SKU tokens in API requests [#14404](
+ - Add MapEventFactory [#14309](
+ - Only perform thread checking in debug builds [#14293](
+### Build
+ - Bump gestures library to v0.4.1 [#14435](
+ - Update mapbox java sdk to v4.6.0 [#14424](
+ - Bump telemetry to 4.4.1 [#14309](
+ - Program against NativeMap [#14412](
+## 7.3.2 - April 17, 2019
+## Bugs
+ - Unify has surface state handling, allow querying after map resume [#14426](
+## 7.3.1 - April 12, 2019
+## Bugs
+ - Harden renderer invocation when Activity is resumed [#14395](
+ - Check for Mapbox#INSTANCE when initializing the MapView [#14366](
+ - Disable binary programs shaders [#14298](
+## 7.4.0-alpha.2 - April 10, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Check for Mapbox#INSTANCE when initializing the MapView [#14366](
+ - Clear previous style loaded listener when setting a new style[#14338](
+### Features
+ - Allow resetting a custom OkHttp client to the default impl [#14349](
+ - Expose LocationComponentConstants class [#14333](
+### Build
+ - Fix build with mismatching glShaderSource signature[#14339](
+## 7.4.0-alpha.1 - April 3, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Clean up location permissions annotation [#14311](
+ - Clear camera callbacks' message queue when the map is destroyed [#14292](
+ - Use a valid gestures focal point when resetting a manager [#14284](
+ - Disable move gesture detector foreseeing the quickzoom [#14268](
+ - Remove request render from MapboxMap#onStart [#14245](
+ - Use TurfMeasurement#distance in LatLng#distanceTo [#14220](
+### Features
+ - Add pixel dimension annotation to public UiSettings methods [#14281](
+ - Add #toString override for formatted sections [#14247](
+ - Harden fetching camera for bounds when padding is excessive [#14221](
+ - Traverse expression tree when checking for property overrides [#14259](
+ - Variable label placement [#14184](
+### Build
+ - Disable binary programs until we fix [#14294]((
+ - Disable leak canary during instrumentation tests [#14296](
+ - Remove Android v7 support library [#14265](
+## 7.3.0 - March 28, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Fix MapView reuse issues [#14127](
+ - Don't call OnSurfaceCreated from the main thread [#14244](
+## 7.3.0-beta.1 - March 20, 2019
+### Features
+ - Expose "text-color" option for formatted sections [#14128](
+ - Expose LocationComponent's layer IDs [#14155](
+### Bugs
+ - Cache location layer IDs in a set instead of a list [#14141](
+ - Clear the style object when the map is destroyed [#14171](
+ - Cache source/layer only when successfully added [#14171](
+### Build
+ - Bump telemetry version to 4.3.0 [#14140](
+## 7.3.0-alpha.2 - March 13, 2019
+### Features
+- Option to change path of the resources cache db [#13947](
+- Throw an exception if the component is accessed before the activation [#14068](
+- Add Galician localization [#14095](
+### Bugs
+- Set a blank style when an empty builder is provided [#14085](
+- Fix quick-zoom + double-tap gestures combo regression [#14084](
+- Explicitly declare MapboxIssueRegistry's lint version [#14086](
+### Build
+- Publish SNAPSHOTs to [#14067](
+## 7.3.0-alpha.1 - March 7, 2019
+### Features
+- Make ReLinker default library loader [#13974](
+- Add plural style builder methods [#14012](
+- Adding areAllGesturesEnabled() boolean retreival method to UiSettings class [#14022](
+- Adding builder pattern for LocationComponent activation [#13941](
+- Get vector drawables using AppCompatResources and set them programmatically [#14058](
+### Bugs
+- LatLngBounds: Fix constrain when crossing antimeridian [#13958](
+- Verify no native method is called when saving state [#13980](
+- Clear fragment's onMapReady callbacks as part of OnDestroy, not OnDestroyView [#14035](
+- Fix dialog fragment setup, add regression test [#14036](
+- Remove unused dem memory [#13550](
+### Build
+- Adding Bintray Gradle plugin for artifact publishing [#13999](
+## 7.2.0 - February 27, 2019
+### Bugs
+- fix surface creation after app backgrounding for surfaceview[#13976](
+## 7.2.0-beta.1 - February 21, 2019
+### Bugs
+- Keep location component's layers hidden when new style with the "layer-below" option is applied[#13936](
+### Features
+- Set localIdeographFontFamily default to sans-serif[#13925](
+## 7.2.0-alpha.2 - February 14, 2019
+### Bugs
+- Invalidate the camera position when gesture finishes[#13920](
+- Hook into surface holder to cleanup renderer on the right thread before the surface is destroyed [#13926](
+- Fix deadlock in http request on hitting tile limit[#13858](
+## 7.2.0-alpha.1 - February 7, 2019
+### Build
+- Update downstream circle-ci job name [#13872](
+- Prioritize running benchmarks when building master [#13801](
+- Revert modules vendorization and keep submodules only [#13806](
+- Run vendor submodule check [#13816](
+- Fetch tags during nitpick, bump gestures library to v0.4.0 [#13847](
+### Bugs
+- Test app fixes 7.1.0 QA [#13773](
+- Remove deprecated javacompile, resolve AS 3.3.0 warning on deprecation [#13777](
+- Update project readme with buck source file ignore configuration [#13788](
+- Fix LocationEngine's annotation [#13792](
+- Fix core-only layer creation [#13798](
+- Remove faulty cast to uint64_t, explict casting for cluster API [#13888](
+### Features
+- Separate quick zoom gesture option [#13791](
+- Location animators memory and CPU optimizations [#13678](
+- Added performance event [#13795](
+- Adding new variation of LocationComponent#activateLocationComponent [#13829](
+- Expose symbol placement transition duration option [#13868](
+- Add experimental pointer [#13889](
+## 7.1.2 - February 7, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Fix layer not rendering correctly when property value's negative [#13888](
+## 7.1.1 - February 1, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Fix a crash caused by the missing `Timber` dependency [#13847](
+## 7.1.0 - January 30, 2019
+### Build
+ - Revert Android vendorization, add submodule pinning [#13815](
+## 7.1.0-beta.1 - January 23, 2019
+### Bugs
+ - Ignore unused C++ arguments for all build environments [#13774](
+ - Import gesture detector dimens using the correct package structure [#13750](
+ - Restore location layer visibility with new "layer-below" [#13771](
+ - Rename required TransitionOptions field [#13769](
+### Build
+ - Ignore unused C++ arguments for all build environments [#13774](
+ - Update to NDK 19, migrate STL experimental/optional [#13049](
+## 7.1.0-alpha.3 - January 21, 2019
+### Features
+ - Add library loading to peer objects [#13758](
+ - Remove tile sorting from the clip and mask algorithms [#13756](
+ - Ability to disable any layer using pre-processing flags [#13717](
+ - Make library loader load the native library once [#13748](
+ - Allow offline and snapshotter to be disabled [#13730](
+ - Sorted render tiles for TilePyramid [#13739](
+### Bugs
+ - Adjust maven pom file with vendorized libraries versions [#13765](
+ - Update attribution feedback URL in code and tests [#13710](
+ - Re-apply location components "layer-below" when changed [#13749](
+ - Avoid leaking CompassView context through animator [#13743](
+ - Allow resetting fps listener [#13733](
+## 7.1.0-alpha.2 - January 16, 2019
+ - Do not invoke #onCancel when animation is scheduled from #onFinish block [#13737](
+ - Updated licenses after Android vendorization [#13738](
+ - Use QueryFeatureExtension to query the map for supercluster v0.3.0 properties, add api for getLeaves, getChildren and getNextExpansionZoom [#13631](
+ - Restore correct Snapshot attribution, make attribution parser backwards compatible [#13732](
+ - Vendorize Android Mapbox dependencies [#13712](
+ - Introduce NativeMap abstraction, remove static code block removal utility [#13681](
+ - Notify requests about network reachability in priority order [#13721](
+ - SymbolBucket, use single map for paint properties data [#13724](
+ - Avoid NullPointerException when quickly closing activity for attribution click handling [#13723](
+ - Return constexpr strings from functions to avoid ODR compile failures [#13720](
+ - Split layer type specific code in mbgl::Programs [#13577](
+ - Shader program must always match bucket in render symbol layer [#13667](
+ - Implement Google benchmark runner for Android platform [#13628](
+ - Avoid leaking attribution dialog when hosting context is stopped [#13673](
+ - Android test runner for core unit tests [#13617](
+ - Throw IllegalStateException when when setting an maximum fps while the mapRenderer isn't created yet [#13706](
+ - Lift Parceable interface to OfflineRegionDefinition [#13688](
+ - Espresso test rework [#13576](
+## 7.0.1 - January 11, 2019
+ - Experimental setMaximumFps configuration on MapView [#13498](
+## 7.1.0-alpha.1 - January 9, 2019
+ - Add a Buck build and BUCK file for Android [#13584](
+ - Instrumented unit tests, add map tests, refactor generated layer tests [#13443](
+ - Add setMaximumFps configuration on MapView [#13498](
+ - Fix deduping rings in quering [#11984](
+ - Updated script detection for Unicode 11 [#13651](
+ - Drop layer type and remaining usages [#13624](
+ - Save debug cache state vs map state [#13638](
+ - Add "localIdeographs" option to OfflineRegionDefinition [#13607](
+ - Remove timber in favor of logger [#13625](
+## 7.0.0 - January 7, 2019
+ - Update core styles based on the streets-v8 source. This results in breaking changes for any code that references internal layers and sources of the style [#13615](
+ - Cancel camera transitions only when set CameraMode is not None [#13662](
+ - Fix location interval workaround initialization [#13670](
+## 7.0.0-beta.2 - December 21, 2018
+ - Mapbox services sdk version bump to 4.3.0 [#13610](
+ - Added Style object parameter mention to LocationComponent methods [#13597](
+ - Clean up remaining deprecated methods for 7.0.0 [#13613](
+ - Dismiss the foreground color only when the style is loaded [#13582](
+ - Location update fastest interval workaround[#13592](
+ - CameraMode transition animation and result listeners[#13523](
+ - Validate if weakreference is still valid [#13555](
+## 6.8.1 - December 21, 2018
+ - Telemetry bump to 3.5.7 [#13645](
+ - Revert core styles back to streets-v7 source [#13648](
## 6.8.0 - December 19, 2018
- Update core styles based on the streets-v8 source. This results in breaking changes for any code that references internal layers and sources of the style [#13615](
- Fixed compass update time not getting updated [#13569](