path: root/doc
diff options
authorAssam Boudjelthia <>2023-02-28 15:35:52 +0200
committerAssam Boudjelthia <>2023-03-01 06:53:31 +0000
commit0127a735d5070c7b84a86bb03b0964fda012936b (patch)
treea25afe8f5f7249ae0b3ae6d2b3f5f63cc6eee67f /doc
parent653bc60adf809ec303f67d36107dbbc674491cff (diff)
Android: remove conflicting android-manifest-file-configuration.qdoc
This file is maintained in qtbase close to the manifest file itself, so this is redundant and maybe conflicting. Follow up for QTBUG-97842. Fixes: QTBUG-104937 Pick-to: 6.5 6.4 6.2 Change-Id: I1fd7d2f4500371a88a012fada6cc53ce0e4817af Reviewed-by: Nicholas Bennett <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/platforms/android/android-manifest-file-configuration.qdoc b/doc/src/platforms/android/android-manifest-file-configuration.qdoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 180bf2e8..00000000
--- a/doc/src/platforms/android/android-manifest-file-configuration.qdoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
-\page android-manifest-file-configuration.html
-\title Qt Android Manifest File Configuration
-\brief Provides details on the AndroidManifest.xml configuration.
-\previouspage android-openssl-support.html
-\nextpage android-services.html
-The Android Manifest is an XML file necessary for any Android app. It contains
-app configuration for different settings and features that the app use, as well
-as details on the app itself, such as, package name, app name, version, etc.
-Permissions and hardware features can also be set from the manifest.
-Qt for Android maintains a version of \c {AndroidManifest.xml} with default
-configuration that include features, permissions and other configuration
-used by the build system which are needed for building and running Qt apps
-on Android.
-\section1 Qt Project to Manifest Configuration
-Qt defines some \l {Android: App Manifest <meta-data>}{meta-data} that is passed
-from the build systems and to \l {Deploying an Application on Android}{androiddeployqt}
-which populates the manifest with the correct values without explicitly setting
-these in the manifest file. Such \l {Android: App Manifest <meta-data>}{meta-data}
-is assigned a value in the form \c {"-- %%INSERT_VALUE%% --"}, for example:
-<manifest ...
- android:versionCode="-- %%INSERT_VERSION_CODE%% --"
- ...
-This would be populated with the version code that is set in, for example,
-\c CMake.
-\section1 Qt Default Configuration
-Qt sets the following manifest configuration by default:
- \li Section
- \li Option
- \li Description
- \li {1, 5} \l {Android: App Manifest <manifest>}{<manifest>}
- \li package
- \li Sets the package name. Default: \c {org.qtproject.example.app_name}.
- \li \c {android:installLocation}
- \li Sets the app's installation location, whether internal or external storage.
- Default: \c auto.
- \li android:versionCode
- \li Sets the internal version code. Populated from \c ANDROID_VERSION_CODE (qmake)
- and \c QT_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE (CMake). Default: \c 1.
- \li android:versionName
- \li Sets the public version name. Populated from \c ANDROID_VERSION_NAME (qmake)
- and \c QT_ANDROID_VERSION_NAME (CMake). Default: \c {1.0}.
- \li \c {<supports-screens>}
- \li Sets the screen sizes that the app supports,
- default values are \c anyDensity, \c largeScreens,
- \c normalScreens, and \c smallScreens.
- \li {1, 5} \l {Android: App Manifest <application>}{<application>}
- \li android:name
- \li The application class name. Default:
- \c {}.
- \li android:label
- \li The application name label. Default: the Qt project's target name.
- \li android:extractNativeLibs
- \li Extracts the native C++ libraries on installation. Default: \c true.
- \li android:hardwareAccelerated
- \li Sets hardware acceleration preference. Default: \c true.
- \li android:requestLegacyExternalStorage
- \li Whether to use Android scoped storage. Default \c true.
- \li {1, 6} \l {Android: App Manifest <activity>}{<activity>}
- \li android:name
- \li The activity class name. Default: \c {}.
- \li android:label
- \li The activity name label. Default: the Qt project's target name.
- \li android:configChanges
- \li Lists configuration changes that the activity handles. Default:
- \c orientation, \c uiMode, \c screenLayout, \c screenSize,
- \c smallestScreenSize, \c layoutDirection, \c locale, \c fontScale,
- \c keyboard, \c keyboardHidden, \c navigation, \c mcc, \c mnc, \c density.
- \li android:launchMode
- \li The method used to launch the activity. Default: \c singleTop.
- \li android:screenOrientation
- \li The orientation of the activity's display on the device. Default: \c unspecified.
- \li <intent-filter>
- \li Specifies the types of intents that the activity can respond to. Default:
- \badcode
- <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
- <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
- \endcode
- \li
- \li
-\section1 Qt Specific Meta-data
-In addition to the default manifest configuration that Qt sets, Qt defines
-some meta-data that is valid for Qt apps only. Such meta-data is usually
-under the \c <activity> section in the form:
- android:name="meta-data-name"
- android:value="meta-data-value" />
-The following is a list of such meta-data defined by Qt:
- \li meta-data name
- \li Description
- \target
- \li
- \li The filename of the native C++ library that is used by the activity.
- \note This attribute is mandatory and shouldn't be removed.
- Default: the Qt project's target name.
- \li
- \li The method used to extract the native Android Style information.
- For more information, see \l {Style Extraction}.
- Default: \c minimal.
- \target
- \li
- \li Sets whether the app keeps running tasks in the background.
- Setting this to \c true is the equivalent of setting the environment
- Default: \c false.
- \warning Setting this to \c true may cause unexpected crash if the
- application tries to draw after \l {QGuiApplication::applicationStateChanged()}
- signal is sent with a \l {Qt::ApplicationSuspended} state.
- \target
- \li
- \li Sets a list of arguments to pass to the app \c {"arg1 arg2"}.
- Populated from \c ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS (qmake) and
- Default: not set.
- \li
- \li Sets a drawable for a splash screen specific to portrait mode.
- For example: \c {android:resource="@drawable/splash_portrait"}.
- Default: not set.
- \li
- \li Sets a drawable for a splash screen specific to landscape mode.
- For example: \c {android:resource="@drawable/splash_landscape"}.
- Default: not set.
- \li
- \li Sets a drawable for a splash screen at the start of the app.
- \note Orientation specific splash screens are checked first,
- if not set, this is used instead.
- For example: \c {android:resource="@drawable/splash"}.
- Default: not set.
- \li
- \li Sets whether the splash screen stays visible until explicitly hidden
- by the app.
- For more information, see \l {QNativeInterface::}{QAndroidApplication::hideSplashScreen()}.
- Default: \c false.
- \target
- \li
- \li Specifies a custom system library path to use for library loading lookup.
- This is necessary when running as a system app.
- Default: \c {/system/lib/}.
- \li
- \li
-\section2 Meta-data in Services
-Some meta-data attributes can also be used in \l {Android Services}{Services}.
-The main ones are:
- \li \l {}
- \li \l {}
- \li \l {}
- \li \l {}
-\section2 Qt Permissions and Features
-Different Qt modules might require some Android permissions or features to
-function properly, for example, Camera permission in \l {QtMultimedia}.
-The \l {Deploying an Application on Android}{androiddeployqt} tool takes
-care of including such requirements into the Android manifest during the build.
-Qt defines the following lines into the manifest, which they get replaced by
-the actual values:
-<manifest ...
- <!-- %%INSERT_FEATURES -->
- ...
-\note If those lines are removed from the project manifest, Qt won't be
-able to include the correct permissions. So some functionalities
-might not work properly.
-\section2 Style Extraction
-Qt uses different methods to determine how Qt Widgets and Qt Quick Controls
-should be styled:
- \li \c default or \c full: when using Qt Widgets or Qt Quick Controls 1.
- \note This method uses some Android non-SDK interfaces, that are being
- restricted and removed by Google starting from Android 9.0 (API 28).
- For that reason, this is not recommended for Android 9.0 or greater.
- \li \c minimal: when using Qt Quick Controls 2 and no Qt Widgets or Qt Quick
- Controls 1. This is faster than using the default or full options.
- \li \c none: no style extraction.
-\section1 Qt Manifest before 6.2 Release
-Versions of Qt earlier than 6.2 used to have an additional set of meta-data
-defined by Qt. These attributes used to manage dependencies and some were
-used by the discontinued \c Ministro service. With Qt 6.2, they should be removed.
-Here is a list of these attributes:
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
- \li
-For more information on the Android Manifest, see
-\l{Android: App Manifest}{Android App Manifest}.