path: root/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp
index 7750a800bb..214fc5149f 100644
--- a/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp
@@ -139,9 +139,15 @@ CSSParser::CSSParser(bool strictParsing)
, m_currentShorthand(0)
, m_implicitShorthand(false)
, m_hasFontFaceOnlyValues(false)
+ , m_hadSyntacticallyValidCSSRule(false)
, m_defaultNamespace(starAtom)
, m_data(0)
, yy_start(1)
+ , m_line(0)
+ , m_lastSelectorLine(0)
+ , m_allowImportRules(true)
+ , m_allowVariablesRules(true)
+ , m_allowNamespaceDeclarations(true)
, m_floatingMediaQuery(0)
, m_floatingMediaQueryExp(0)
, m_floatingMediaQueryExpList(0)
@@ -229,6 +235,7 @@ void CSSParser::parseSheet(CSSStyleSheet* sheet, const String& string)
PassRefPtr<CSSRule> CSSParser::parseRule(CSSStyleSheet* sheet, const String& string)
m_styleSheet = sheet;
+ m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = false;
setupParser("@-webkit-rule{", string, "} ");
return m_rule.release();
@@ -364,7 +371,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseMediaQuery(MediaList* queries, const String& string)
void CSSParser::addProperty(int propId, PassRefPtr<CSSValue> value, bool important)
- auto_ptr<CSSProperty> prop(new CSSProperty(propId, value, important, m_currentShorthand, m_implicitShorthand));
+ OwnPtr<CSSProperty> prop(new CSSProperty(propId, value, important, m_currentShorthand, m_implicitShorthand));
if (m_numParsedProperties >= m_maxParsedProperties) {
m_maxParsedProperties += 32;
if (m_maxParsedProperties > UINT_MAX / sizeof(CSSProperty*))
@@ -566,7 +573,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
return true;
- bool valid_primitive = false;
+ bool validPrimitive = false;
RefPtr<CSSValue> parsedValue;
switch (static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(propId)) {
@@ -582,13 +589,13 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertySize: // <length>{1,2} | auto | portrait | landscape | inherit
case CSSPropertyQuotes: // [<string> <string>]+ | none | inherit
if (id)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi: // normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNormal ||
id == CSSValueEmbed ||
id == CSSValueBidiOverride)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyPosition: // static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit
@@ -596,7 +603,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
id == CSSValueRelative ||
id == CSSValueAbsolute ||
id == CSSValueFixed)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyPageBreakAfter: // auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit
@@ -608,19 +615,19 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
id == CSSValueAvoid ||
id == CSSValueLeft ||
id == CSSValueRight)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyPageBreakInside: // avoid | auto | inherit
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnBreakInside:
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueAvoid)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyEmptyCells: // show | hide | inherit
if (id == CSSValueShow ||
id == CSSValueHide)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyContent: // [ <string> | <uri> | <counter> | attr(X) | open-quote |
@@ -633,12 +640,12 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
id == CSSValuePreWrap ||
id == CSSValuePreLine ||
id == CSSValueNowrap)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyClip: // <shape> | auto | inherit
if (id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Function)
return parseShape(propId, important);
@@ -649,17 +656,17 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyCaptionSide: // top | bottom | left | right | inherit
if (id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight ||
id == CSSValueTop || id == CSSValueBottom)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyBorderCollapse: // collapse | separate | inherit
if (id == CSSValueCollapse || id == CSSValueSeparate)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyVisibility: // visible | hidden | collapse | inherit
if (id == CSSValueVisible || id == CSSValueHidden || id == CSSValueCollapse)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyOverflow: {
@@ -674,21 +681,19 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyOverflowY: // visible | hidden | scroll | auto | marquee | overlay | inherit
if (id == CSSValueVisible || id == CSSValueHidden || id == CSSValueScroll || id == CSSValueAuto ||
id == CSSValueOverlay || id == CSSValueWebkitMarquee)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyListStylePosition: // inside | outside | inherit
if (id == CSSValueInside || id == CSSValueOutside)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyListStyleType:
- // disc | circle | square | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | lower-roman |
- // upper-roman | lower-greek | lower-alpha | lower-latin | upper-alpha |
- // upper-latin | hebrew | armenian | georgian | cjk-ideographic | hiragana |
- // katakana | hiragana-iroha | katakana-iroha | none | inherit
+ // See section CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE of file
+ // for the list of supported list-style-types.
if ((id >= CSSValueDisc && id <= CSSValueKatakanaIroha) || id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyDisplay:
@@ -700,41 +705,41 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
if ((id >= CSSValueInline && id <= CSSValueWebkitInlineBox) || id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyDirection: // ltr | rtl | inherit
if (id == CSSValueLtr || id == CSSValueRtl)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextTransform: // capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit
if ((id >= CSSValueCapitalize && id <= CSSValueLowercase) || id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyFloat: // left | right | none | inherit + center for buggy CSS
if (id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight ||
id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueCenter)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyClear: // none | left | right | both | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueLeft ||
id == CSSValueRight|| id == CSSValueBoth)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextAlign:
// left | right | center | justify | webkit_left | webkit_right | webkit_center | start | end | <string> | inherit
if ((id >= CSSValueWebkitAuto && id <= CSSValueWebkitCenter) || id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd ||
value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyOutlineStyle: // (<border-style> except hidden) | auto | inherit
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone || (id >= CSSValueInset && id <= CSSValueDouble))
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle: //// <border-style> | inherit
@@ -743,7 +748,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle:
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleStyle:
if (id >= CSSValueNone && id <= CSSValueDouble)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyFontWeight: // normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit
@@ -770,13 +775,13 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderVerticalSpacing:
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength|FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyOutlineColor: // <color> | invert | inherit
// Outline color has "invert" as additional keyword.
// Also, we want to allow the special focus color even in strict parsing mode.
if (propId == CSSPropertyOutlineColor && (id == CSSValueInvert || id == CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor)) {
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
/* nobreak */
@@ -793,13 +798,13 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor:
case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor:
if (id == CSSValueWebkitText)
- valid_primitive = true; // Always allow this, even when strict parsing is on,
+ validPrimitive = true; // Always allow this, even when strict parsing is on,
// since we use this in our UA sheets.
else if (id == CSSValueCurrentcolor)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else if ((id >= CSSValueAqua && id <= CSSValueWindowtext) || id == CSSValueMenu ||
(id >= CSSValueWebkitFocusRingColor && id < CSSValueWebkitText && !m_strict)) {
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
} else {
parsedValue = parseColor();
if (parsedValue)
@@ -856,9 +861,9 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
id = value->id;
if (!m_strict && value->id == CSSValueHand) { // MSIE 5 compatibility :/
id = CSSValuePointer;
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
} else if ((value->id >= CSSValueAuto && value->id <= CSSValueWebkitGrabbing) || value->id == CSSValueCopy || value->id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
@@ -936,27 +941,27 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyBorderLeftWidth:
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnRuleWidth:
if (id == CSSValueThin || id == CSSValueMedium || id == CSSValueThick)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyLetterSpacing: // normal | <length> | inherit
case CSSPropertyWordSpacing: // normal | <length> | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNormal)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWordBreak: // normal | break-all | break-word (this is a custom extension)
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueBreakAll || id == CSSValueBreakWord)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWordWrap: // normal | break-word
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueBreakWord)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextIndent: // <length> | <percentage> | inherit
@@ -965,30 +970,30 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyPaddingBottom: // <length> | <percentage>
case CSSPropertyPaddingLeft: ////
case CSSPropertyWebkitPaddingStart:
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyMaxHeight: // <length> | <percentage> | none | inherit
case CSSPropertyMaxWidth: // <length> | <percentage> | none | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueIntrinsic || id == CSSValueMinIntrinsic) {
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
/* nobreak */
case CSSPropertyMinHeight: // <length> | <percentage> | inherit
case CSSPropertyMinWidth: // <length> | <percentage> | inherit
if (id == CSSValueIntrinsic || id == CSSValueMinIntrinsic)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyFontSize:
// <absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
if (id >= CSSValueXxSmall && id <= CSSValueLarger)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyFontStyle: // normal | italic | oblique | inherit
@@ -1002,18 +1007,18 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
// <percentage> | <length> | inherit
if (id >= CSSValueBaseline && id <= CSSValueWebkitBaselineMiddle)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyHeight: // <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
case CSSPropertyWidth: // <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueIntrinsic || id == CSSValueMinIntrinsic)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
// ### handle multilength case where we allow relative units
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyBottom: // <length> | <percentage> | auto | inherit
@@ -1026,38 +1031,38 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyMarginLeft: ////
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginStart:
if (id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyZIndex: // auto | <integer> | inherit
if (id == CSSValueAuto) {
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
/* nobreak */
case CSSPropertyOrphans: // <integer> | inherit
case CSSPropertyWidows: // <integer> | inherit
// ### not supported later on
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FInteger, false));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FInteger, false));
case CSSPropertyLineHeight: // normal | <number> | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNormal)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FNumber|FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FNumber | FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict));
case CSSPropertyCounterIncrement: // [ <identifier> <integer>? ]+ | none | inherit
if (id != CSSValueNone)
return parseCounter(propId, 1, important);
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyCounterReset: // [ <identifier> <integer>? ]+ | none | inherit
if (id != CSSValueNone)
return parseCounter(propId, 0, important);
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyFontFamily:
// [[ <family-name> | <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inherit
@@ -1070,11 +1075,11 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect:
// none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNone) {
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
} else {
RefPtr<CSSValueList> list = CSSValueList::createSpaceSeparated();
- bool is_valid = true;
- while (is_valid && value) {
+ bool isValid = true;
+ while (isValid && value) {
switch (value->id) {
case CSSValueBlink:
@@ -1084,11 +1089,11 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
- is_valid = false;
+ isValid = false;
value = m_valueList->next();
- if (list->length() && is_valid) {
+ if (list->length() && isValid) {
parsedValue = list.release();
@@ -1097,14 +1102,14 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyZoom: // normal | reset | document | <number> | <percentage> | inherit
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueReset || id == CSSValueDocument)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FNumber | FPercent | FNonNeg, true));
+ validPrimitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FNumber | FPercent | FNonNeg, true));
case CSSPropertyTableLayout: // auto | fixed | inherit
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueFixed)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertySrc: // Only used within @font-face, so cannot use inherit | initial or be !important. This is a list of urls or local references.
@@ -1116,13 +1121,13 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
/* CSS3 properties */
case CSSPropertyWebkitAppearance:
if ((id >= CSSValueCheckbox && id <= CSSValueTextarea) || id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBinding:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else {
RefPtr<CSSValueList> values = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated();
CSSParserValue* val;
@@ -1156,7 +1161,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage:
case CSSPropertyWebkitMaskBoxImage:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else {
RefPtr<CSSValue> result;
if (parseBorderImage(propId, important, result)) {
@@ -1171,15 +1176,15 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyBorderBottomRightRadius: {
if (num != 1 && num != 2)
return false;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
- if (!valid_primitive)
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ if (!validPrimitive)
return false;
RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> parsedValue1 = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> parsedValue2;
if (num == 2) {
value = m_valueList->next();
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
- if (!valid_primitive)
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ if (!validPrimitive)
return false;
parsedValue2 = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
} else
@@ -1194,56 +1199,59 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderRadius:
return parseBorderRadius(propId, important);
case CSSPropertyOutlineOffset:
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyTextShadow: // CSS2 property, dropped in CSS2.1, back in CSS3, so treat as CSS3
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxShadow:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
return parseShadow(propId, important);
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxReflect:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
return parseReflect(propId, important);
case CSSPropertyOpacity:
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FNumber, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FNumber, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxAlign:
if (id == CSSValueStretch || id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd ||
id == CSSValueCenter || id == CSSValueBaseline)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxDirection:
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueReverse)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxLines:
if (id == CSSValueSingle || id == CSSValueMultiple)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrient:
if (id == CSSValueHorizontal || id == CSSValueVertical ||
id == CSSValueInlineAxis || id == CSSValueBlockAxis)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxPack:
if (id == CSSValueStart || id == CSSValueEnd ||
id == CSSValueCenter || id == CSSValueJustify)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlex:
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FNumber, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FNumber, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxFlexGroup:
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxOrdinalGroup:
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FInteger|FNonNeg, true);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, true);
case CSSPropertyWebkitBoxSizing:
- valid_primitive = id == CSSValueBorderBox || id == CSSValueContentBox;
+ validPrimitive = id == CSSValueBorderBox || id == CSSValueContentBox;
+ break;
+ case CSSPropertyWebkitColorCorrection:
+ validPrimitive = id == CSSValueSrgb || id == CSSValueDefault;
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarquee: {
const int properties[5] = { CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeDirection, CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeIncrement,
@@ -1255,71 +1263,71 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
if (id == CSSValueForwards || id == CSSValueBackwards || id == CSSValueAhead ||
id == CSSValueReverse || id == CSSValueLeft || id == CSSValueRight || id == CSSValueDown ||
id == CSSValueUp || id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeIncrement:
if (id == CSSValueSmall || id == CSSValueLarge || id == CSSValueMedium)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeStyle:
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueSlide || id == CSSValueScroll || id == CSSValueAlternate)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeRepetition:
if (id == CSSValueInfinite)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FInteger|FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarqueeSpeed:
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueSlow || id == CSSValueFast)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FTime|FInteger|FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FTime | FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWapMarqueeDir:
if (id == CSSValueLtr || id == CSSValueRtl)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWapMarqueeStyle:
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueSlide || id == CSSValueScroll || id == CSSValueAlternate)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWapMarqueeLoop:
if (id == CSSValueInfinite)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWapMarqueeSpeed:
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueSlow || id == CSSValueFast)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FTime | FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FTime | FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag: // auto | none | element
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueElement)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify: // read-only | read-write
if (id == CSSValueReadOnly || id == CSSValueReadWrite || id == CSSValueReadWritePlaintextOnly)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect: // auto | none | text
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueText)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextOverflow: // clip | ellipsis
if (id == CSSValueClip || id == CSSValueEllipsis)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransform:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else {
PassRefPtr<CSSValue> val = parseTransform();
if (val) {
@@ -1349,18 +1357,18 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitTransformStyle:
if (value->id == CSSValueFlat || value->id == CSSValuePreserve3d)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility:
if (value->id == CSSValueVisible || value->id == CSSValueHidden)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitPerspective:
if (id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else {
// Accepting valueless numbers is a quirk of the -webkit prefixed version of the property.
- if (validUnit(value, FNumber|FLength|FNonNeg, m_strict)) {
+ if (validUnit(value, FNumber | FLength | FNonNeg, m_strict)) {
RefPtr<CSSValue> val = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
if (val) {
addProperty(propId, val.release(), important);
@@ -1387,6 +1395,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDelay:
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection:
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDuration:
+ case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode:
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationName:
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationPlayState:
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount:
@@ -1424,13 +1433,13 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginTopCollapse:
case CSSPropertyWebkitMarginBottomCollapse:
if (id == CSSValueCollapse || id == CSSValueSeparate || id == CSSValueDiscard)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughMode:
case CSSPropertyTextOverlineMode:
case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineMode:
if (id == CSSValueContinuous || id == CSSValueSkipWhiteSpace)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughStyle:
case CSSPropertyTextOverlineStyle:
@@ -1438,50 +1447,50 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueSolid || id == CSSValueDouble ||
id == CSSValueDashed || id == CSSValueDotDash || id == CSSValueDotDotDash ||
id == CSSValueWave)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextRendering: // auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueOptimizespeed || id == CSSValueOptimizelegibility
|| id == CSSValueGeometricprecision)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyTextLineThroughWidth:
case CSSPropertyTextOverlineWidth:
case CSSPropertyTextUnderlineWidth:
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueThin ||
id == CSSValueMedium || id == CSSValueThick)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = !id && validUnit(value, FNumber|FLength|FPercent, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = !id && validUnit(value, FNumber | FLength | FPercent, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyResize: // none | both | horizontal | vertical | auto
if (id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueBoth || id == CSSValueHorizontal || id == CSSValueVertical || id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnCount:
if (id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = !id && validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, false);
+ validPrimitive = !id && validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, false);
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnGap: // normal | <length>
if (id == CSSValueNormal)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength | FNonNeg, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength | FNonNeg, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitColumnWidth: // auto | <length>
if (id == CSSValueAuto)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
else // Always parse this property in strict mode, since it would be ambiguous otherwise when used in the 'columns' shorthand property.
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, true);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, true);
case CSSPropertyPointerEvents:
// none | visiblePainted | visibleFill | visibleStroke | visible |
// painted | fill | stroke | auto | all | inherit
if (id == CSSValueVisible || id == CSSValueNone || id == CSSValueAll || id == CSSValueAuto ||
(id >= CSSValueVisiblepainted && id <= CSSValueStroke))
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
// End of CSS3 properties
@@ -1489,56 +1498,58 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
// Apple specific properties. These will never be standardized and are purely to
// support custom WebKit-based Apple applications.
case CSSPropertyWebkitLineClamp:
- valid_primitive = (!id && validUnit(value, FPercent, false));
+ // When specifying number of lines, don't allow 0 as a valid value
+ // When specifying either type of unit, require non-negative integers
+ validPrimitive = (!id && (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE || value->fValue) && validUnit(value, FInteger | FPercent | FNonNeg, false));
case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSizeAdjust:
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitRtlOrdering:
if (id == CSSValueLogical || id == CSSValueVisual)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSizeDelta: // <length>
- valid_primitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
+ validPrimitive = validUnit(value, FLength, m_strict);
case CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode: // normal | space
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueSpace)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak: // normal | after-white-space
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueAfterWhiteSpace)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor: // normal | match
if (id == CSSValueNormal || id == CSSValueMatch)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitHighlight:
if (id == CSSValueNone || value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitBorderFit:
if (id == CSSValueBorder || id == CSSValueLines)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitTextSecurity:
// disc | circle | square | none | inherit
if (id == CSSValueDisc || id == CSSValueCircle || id == CSSValueSquare|| id == CSSValueNone)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
case CSSPropertyWebkitFontSmoothing:
if (id == CSSValueAuto || id == CSSValueNone
|| id == CSSValueAntialiased || id == CSSValueSubpixelAntialiased)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
@@ -1646,7 +1657,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
// [ [ 'font-style' || 'font-variant' || 'font-weight' ]? 'font-size' [ / 'line-height' ]?
// 'font-family' ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inherit
if (id >= CSSValueCaption && id <= CSSValueStatusBar)
- valid_primitive = true;
+ validPrimitive = true;
return parseFont(important);
@@ -1688,7 +1699,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseValue(int propId, bool important)
- if (valid_primitive) {
+ if (validPrimitive) {
if (id != 0)
parsedValue = CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(id);
else if (value->unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING)
@@ -1882,7 +1893,8 @@ bool CSSParser::parseAnimationShorthand(bool important)
- CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection };
+ CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationDirection,
+ CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode };
const int numProperties = sizeof(properties) / sizeof(properties[0]);
ShorthandScope scope(this, CSSPropertyWebkitAnimation);
@@ -2235,7 +2247,7 @@ PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseFillPositionXY(bool& xFound, bool& yFound)
percent = 50;
return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(percent, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE);
- if (validUnit(m_valueList->current(), FPercent|FLength, m_strict))
+ if (validUnit(m_valueList->current(), FPercent | FLength, m_strict))
return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(m_valueList->current()->fValue,
@@ -2343,7 +2355,7 @@ PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseFillSize(int propId, bool& allowComma)
if (value->id == CSSValueAuto)
parsedValue1 = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(0, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN);
else {
- if (!validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict))
+ if (!validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict))
return 0;
parsedValue1 = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
@@ -2356,7 +2368,7 @@ PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseFillSize(int propId, bool& allowComma)
else if (value->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && value->iValue == ',')
allowComma = false;
else {
- if (!validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent, m_strict))
+ if (!validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent, m_strict))
return 0;
parsedValue2 = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
@@ -2558,17 +2570,25 @@ PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseAnimationDirection()
PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseAnimationDuration()
CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current();
- if (validUnit(value, FTime|FNonNeg, m_strict))
+ if (validUnit(value, FTime | FNonNeg, m_strict))
return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
return 0;
+PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseAnimationFillMode()
+ CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current();
+ if (value->id == CSSValueNone || value->id == CSSValueForwards || value->id == CSSValueBackwards || value->id == CSSValueBoth)
+ return CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(value->id);
+ return 0;
PassRefPtr<CSSValue> CSSParser::parseAnimationIterationCount()
CSSParserValue* value = m_valueList->current();
if (value->id == CSSValueInfinite)
return CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(value->id);
- if (validUnit(value, FInteger|FNonNeg, m_strict))
+ if (validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, m_strict))
return CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes)value->unit);
return 0;
@@ -2705,6 +2725,11 @@ bool CSSParser::parseAnimationProperty(int propId, RefPtr<CSSValue>& result)
if (currValue)
+ case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationFillMode:
+ currValue = parseAnimationFillMode();
+ if (currValue)
+ m_valueList->next();
+ break;
case CSSPropertyWebkitAnimationIterationCount:
currValue = parseAnimationIterationCount();
if (currValue)
@@ -3039,7 +3064,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseFont(bool important)
} else {
valid = false;
- } else if (!font->weight && validUnit(value, FInteger|FNonNeg, true)) {
+ } else if (!font->weight && validUnit(value, FInteger | FNonNeg, true)) {
int weight = (int)value->fValue;
int val = 0;
if (weight == 100)
@@ -3087,7 +3112,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseFont(bool important)
// <absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inherit
if (value->id >= CSSValueXxSmall && value->id <= CSSValueLarger)
font->size = CSSPrimitiveValue::createIdentifier(value->id);
- else if (validUnit(value, FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict))
+ else if (validUnit(value, FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict))
font->size = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes) value->unit);
value = m_valueList->next();
if (!font->size || !value)
@@ -3100,7 +3125,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseFont(bool important)
return false;
if (value->id == CSSValueNormal) {
// default value, nothing to do
- } else if (validUnit(value, FNumber|FLength|FPercent|FNonNeg, m_strict))
+ } else if (validUnit(value, FNumber | FLength | FPercent | FNonNeg, m_strict))
font->lineHeight = CSSPrimitiveValue::create(value->fValue, (CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitTypes) value->unit);
return false;
@@ -3483,19 +3508,66 @@ bool CSSParser::parseFontFaceUnicodeRange()
return true;
+static inline bool isCSSWhitespace(UChar c)
+ return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\f';
+static inline bool parseInt(const UChar*& string, const UChar* end, UChar terminator, int& value)
+ const UChar* current = string;
+ int localValue = 0;
+ bool negative = false;
+ while (current != end && isCSSWhitespace(*current))
+ current++;
+ if (current != end && *current == '-') {
+ negative = true;
+ current++;
+ }
+ if (current == end || !isASCIIDigit(*current))
+ return false;
+ while (current != end && isASCIIDigit(*current))
+ localValue = localValue * 10 + *current++ - '0';
+ while (current != end && isCSSWhitespace(*current))
+ current++;
+ if (current == end || *current++ != terminator)
+ return false;
+ // Clamp negative values at zero.
+ value = negative ? 0 : localValue;
+ string = current;
+ return true;
bool CSSParser::parseColor(const String &name, RGBA32& rgb, bool strict)
if (!strict && Color::parseHexColor(name, rgb))
return true;
- // try a little harder
+ // Try rgb() syntax.
+ if (name.startsWith("rgb(")) {
+ const UChar* current = name.characters() + 4;
+ const UChar* end = name.characters() + name.length();
+ int red;
+ int green;
+ int blue;
+ if (!parseInt(current, end, ',', red))
+ return false;
+ if (!parseInt(current, end, ',', green))
+ return false;
+ if (!parseInt(current, end, ')', blue))
+ return false;
+ if (current != end)
+ return false;
+ rgb = makeRGB(red, green, blue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Try named colors.
Color tc;
if (tc.isValid()) {
rgb = tc.rgb();
return true;
return false;
@@ -3528,7 +3600,9 @@ bool CSSParser::parseColorParameters(CSSParserValue* value, int* colorArray, boo
v = args->next();
if (!validUnit(v, FNumber, true))
return false;
- colorArray[3] = static_cast<int>(max(0.0, min(1.0, v->fValue)) * 255);
+ // Convert the floating pointer number of alpha to an integer in the range [0, 256),
+ // with an equal distribution across all 256 values.
+ colorArray[3] = static_cast<int>(max(0.0, min(1.0, v->fValue)) * nextafter(256.0, 0.0));
return true;
@@ -3760,8 +3834,8 @@ bool CSSParser::parseShadow(int propId, bool important)
// value. Treat as invalid.
return false;
- // -webkit-shadow does not support multiple values.
- if (static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(propId) == CSSPropertyWebkitShadow)
+ // -webkit-svg-shadow does not support multiple values.
+ if (static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(propId) == CSSPropertyWebkitSvgShadow)
return false;
// The value is good. Commit it.
@@ -4021,7 +4095,7 @@ bool CSSParser::parseBorderImage(int propId, bool important, RefPtr<CSSValue>& r
return false;
while ((val = m_valueList->next())) {
- if (context.allowNumber() && validUnit(val, FInteger|FNonNeg|FPercent, true)) {
+ if (context.allowNumber() && validUnit(val, FInteger | FNonNeg | FPercent, true)) {
} else if (propId == CSSPropertyWebkitBorderImage && context.allowSlash() && val->unit == CSSParserValue::Operator && val->iValue == '/') {
@@ -4619,11 +4693,13 @@ static inline int yyerror(const char*) { return 1; }
int CSSParser::lex(void* yylvalWithoutType)
YYSTYPE* yylval = static_cast<YYSTYPE*>(yylvalWithoutType);
- int token = lex();
int length;
+ lex();
UChar* t = text(&length);
- switch (token) {
+ switch (token()) {
case SGML_CD:
@@ -4689,12 +4765,29 @@ int CSSParser::lex(void* yylvalWithoutType)
- return token;
+ return token();
-static inline bool isCSSWhitespace(UChar c)
+void CSSParser::recheckAtKeyword(const UChar* str, int len)
- return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\f';
+ String ruleName(str, len);
+ if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@import"))
+ yyTok = IMPORT_SYM;
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@page"))
+ yyTok = PAGE_SYM;
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@media"))
+ yyTok = MEDIA_SYM;
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@font-face"))
+ yyTok = FONT_FACE_SYM;
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@charset"))
+ yyTok = CHARSET_SYM;
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@namespace"))
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@-webkit-keyframes"))
+ else if (equalIgnoringCase(ruleName, "@-webkit-mediaquery"))
+ // FIXME: Add CSS Variables if we ever decide to turn it back on.
UChar* CSSParser::text(int *length)
@@ -4750,6 +4843,8 @@ UChar* CSSParser::text(int *length)
UChar* out = start;
UChar* escape = 0;
+ bool sawEscape = false;
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
UChar* current = start + i;
if (escape == current - 1) {
@@ -4794,6 +4889,7 @@ UChar* CSSParser::text(int *length)
if (!escape && *current == '\\') {
escape = current;
+ sawEscape = true;
*out++ = *current;
@@ -4814,9 +4910,23 @@ UChar* CSSParser::text(int *length)
*length = out - start;
+ // If we have an unrecognized @-keyword, and if we handled any escapes at all, then
+ // we should attempt to adjust yyTok to the correct type.
+ if (yyTok == ATKEYWORD && sawEscape)
+ recheckAtKeyword(start, *length);
return start;
+void CSSParser::countLines()
+ for (UChar* current = yytext; current < yytext + yyleng; ++current) {
+ if (*current == '\n')
+ ++m_line;
+ }
CSSSelector* CSSParser::createFloatingSelector()
CSSSelector* selector = fastNew<CSSSelector>();
@@ -4944,7 +5054,7 @@ CSSRule* CSSParser::createCharsetRule(const CSSParserString& charset)
CSSRule* CSSParser::createImportRule(const CSSParserString& url, MediaList* media)
- if (!media || !m_styleSheet)
+ if (!media || !m_styleSheet || !m_allowImportRules)
return 0;
RefPtr<CSSImportRule> rule = CSSImportRule::create(m_styleSheet, url, media);
CSSImportRule* result = rule.get();
@@ -4956,6 +5066,7 @@ CSSRule* CSSParser::createMediaRule(MediaList* media, CSSRuleList* rules)
if (!media || !rules || !m_styleSheet)
return 0;
+ m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = m_allowVariablesRules = false;
RefPtr<CSSMediaRule> rule = CSSMediaRule::create(m_styleSheet, media, rules);
CSSMediaRule* result = rule.get();
@@ -4973,6 +5084,7 @@ CSSRuleList* CSSParser::createRuleList()
WebKitCSSKeyframesRule* CSSParser::createKeyframesRule()
+ m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = m_allowVariablesRules = false;
RefPtr<WebKitCSSKeyframesRule> rule = WebKitCSSKeyframesRule::create(m_styleSheet);
WebKitCSSKeyframesRule* rulePtr = rule.get();
@@ -4981,9 +5093,10 @@ WebKitCSSKeyframesRule* CSSParser::createKeyframesRule()
CSSRule* CSSParser::createStyleRule(Vector<CSSSelector*>* selectors)
+ m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = m_allowVariablesRules = false;
CSSStyleRule* result = 0;
if (selectors) {
- RefPtr<CSSStyleRule> rule = CSSStyleRule::create(m_styleSheet);
+ RefPtr<CSSStyleRule> rule = CSSStyleRule::create(m_styleSheet, m_lastSelectorLine);
if (m_hasFontFaceOnlyValues)
@@ -4997,6 +5110,7 @@ CSSRule* CSSParser::createStyleRule(Vector<CSSSelector*>* selectors)
CSSRule* CSSParser::createFontFaceRule()
+ m_allowImportRules = m_allowNamespaceDeclarations = m_allowVariablesRules = false;
RefPtr<CSSFontFaceRule> rule = CSSFontFaceRule::create(m_styleSheet);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_numParsedProperties; ++i) {
CSSProperty* property = m_parsedProperties[i];
@@ -5014,6 +5128,15 @@ CSSRule* CSSParser::createFontFaceRule()
return result;
+void CSSParser::addNamespace(const AtomicString& prefix, const AtomicString& uri)
+ if (!m_styleSheet || !m_allowNamespaceDeclarations)
+ return;
+ m_allowImportRules = false;
+ m_allowVariablesRules = false;
+ m_styleSheet->addNamespace(this, prefix, uri);
CSSRule* CSSParser::createVariablesRule(MediaList*, bool)
@@ -5035,6 +5158,9 @@ bool CSSParser::addVariableDeclarationBlock(const CSSParserString&)
CSSRule* CSSParser::createVariablesRule(MediaList* mediaList, bool variablesKeyword)
+ if (!m_allowVariablesRules)
+ return 0;
+ m_allowImportRules = false;
RefPtr<CSSVariablesRule> rule = CSSVariablesRule::create(m_styleSheet, mediaList, variablesKeyword);
rule->setDeclaration(CSSVariablesDeclaration::create(rule.get(), m_variableNames, m_variableValues));
@@ -5175,6 +5301,12 @@ WebKitCSSKeyframeRule* CSSParser::createKeyframeRule(CSSParserValueList* keys)
return keyframePtr;
+void CSSParser::invalidBlockHit()
+ if (m_styleSheet && !m_hadSyntacticallyValidCSSRule)
+ m_styleSheet->setHasSyntacticallyValidCSSHeader(false);
static int cssPropertyID(const UChar* propertyName, unsigned length)
if (!length)