path: root/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
index e2152b35bc..d729d4f216 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/globalobject.qdoc
@@ -293,11 +293,81 @@ of their use.
been loaded, and so it is safe to use createQmlObject to load built-in
-\section1 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
-QML script supports the XMLHttpRequest object, which can be used to asynchronously obtain data from over a network.
-\section2 XMLHttpRequest()
-In QML you can construct an XMLHttpRequest object just like in a web browser! TODO: Real documentation for this object.
+\section1 XMLHttpRequest
+\target XMLHttpRequest
+QML script supports the XMLHttpRequest object, which can be used to asynchronously obtain
+data from over a network.
+The XMLHttpRequest API implements the same \l {}{W3C standard}
+as many popular web browsers with following exceptions:
+\i QML's XMLHttpRequest does not enforce the same origin policty.
+\i QML's XMLHttpRequest does not support \e synchronous requests.
+Additionally, the \c responseXML XML DOM tree currently supported by QML is a reduced subset
+of the \l {}{DOM Level 3 Core} API supported in a web
+browser. The following objects and properties are supported by the QML implementation:
+\o \bold {Node}
+\o \bold {Document}
+\o \bold {Element}
+\o \bold {Attr}
+\o \bold {CharacterData}
+\o \bold {Text}
+\o nodeName
+\o nodeValue
+\o nodeType
+\o parentNode
+\o childNodes
+\o firstChild
+\o lastChild
+\o previousSibling
+\o nextSibling
+\o attribtes
+\o xmlVersion
+\o xmlEncoding
+\o xmlStandalone
+\o documentElement
+\o tagName
+\o name
+\o value
+\o ownerElement
+\o data
+\o length
+\o isElementContentWhitespace
+\o wholeText
\section1 Offline Storage API