path: root/src/plugins/subversion/subversionplugin.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/subversion/subversionplugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 1087 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/subversion/subversionplugin.cpp b/src/plugins/subversion/subversionplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c44e87fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/subversion/subversionplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** Non-Open Source Usage
+** Licensees may use this file in accordance with the Qt Beta Version
+** License Agreement, Agreement version 2.2 provided with the Software or,
+** alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written
+** agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging
+** of this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** and
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version
+** 1.2, included in the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+#include "subversionplugin.h"
+#include "settingspage.h"
+#include "subversioneditor.h"
+#include "subversionoutputwindow.h"
+#include "subversionsubmiteditor.h"
+#include "changenumberdialog.h"
+#include "subversionconstants.h"
+#include "subversioncontrol.h"
+#include <vcsbase/basevcseditorfactory.h>
+#include <vcsbase/vcsbaseeditor.h>
+#include <vcsbase/basevcssubmiteditorfactory.h>
+#include <utils/synchronousprocess.h>
+#include <coreplugin/icore.h>
+#include <coreplugin/coreconstants.h>
+#include <coreplugin/filemanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/messagemanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/mimedatabase.h>
+#include <coreplugin/uniqueidmanager.h>
+#include <coreplugin/actionmanager/actionmanagerinterface.h>
+#include <coreplugin/editormanager/editormanager.h>
+#include <projectexplorer/ProjectExplorerInterfaces>
+#include <QtCore/qplugin.h>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QTemporaryFile>
+#include <QtCore/QDir>
+#include <QtGui/QAction>
+#include <QtGui/QMenu>
+#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
+#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
+#include <QtGui/QFileDialog>
+using namespace Subversion::Internal;
+// Timeout for normal output commands
+enum { subversionShortTimeOut = 10000 };
+// Timeout for submit, update
+enum { subversionLongTimeOut = 120000 };
+// #pragma mark -- SubversionPlugin
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::SUBVERSION_MENU = "Subversion.Menu";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::ADD = "Subversion.Add";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::DELETE_FILE = "Subversion.Delete";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::REVERT = "Subversion.Revert";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR0 = "Subversion.Separator0";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::DIFF_PROJECT = "Subversion.DiffAll";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::DIFF_CURRENT = "Subversion.DiffCurrent";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR1 = "Subversion.Separator1";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::COMMIT_ALL = "Subversion.CommitAll";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::COMMIT_CURRENT = "Subversion.CommitCurrent";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR2 = "Subversion.Separator2";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::FILELOG_CURRENT = "Subversion.FilelogCurrent";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::ANNOTATE_CURRENT = "Subversion.AnnotateCurrent";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR3 = "Subversion.Separator3";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::STATUS = "Subversion.Status";
+const char * const SubversionPlugin::UPDATE = "Subversion.Update";
+static const VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters editorParameters[] = {
+ VCSBase::RegularCommandOutput,
+ "Subversion Command Log Editor",
+ Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL,
+ "application/",
+ "scslog"},
+{ VCSBase::LogOutput,
+ "Subversion File Log Editor",
+ Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL,
+ "application/",
+ "scsfilelog"},
+{ VCSBase::AnnotateOutput,
+ "Subversion Annotation Editor",
+ Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL,
+ "application/",
+ "scsannotate"},
+{ VCSBase::DiffOutput,
+ "Subversion Diff Editor",
+ Core::Constants::C_GLOBAL,
+ "text/x-patch","diff"}
+// Utility to find a parameter set by type
+static inline const VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters *findType(int ie)
+ const VCSBase::EditorContentType et = static_cast<VCSBase::EditorContentType>(ie);
+ return VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor::findType(editorParameters, sizeof(editorParameters)/sizeof(VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters), et);
+static inline QString debugCodec(const QTextCodec *c)
+ return c ? QString::fromAscii(c->name()) : QString::fromAscii("Null codec");
+inline Core::IEditor* locateEditor(const Core::ICore *core, const char *property, const QString &entry)
+ foreach (Core::IEditor *ed, core->editorManager()->openedEditors())
+ if (ed->property(property).toString() == entry)
+ return ed;
+ return 0;
+// ------------- SubversionPlugin
+Core::ICore *SubversionPlugin::m_coreInstance = 0;
+SubversionPlugin *SubversionPlugin::m_subversionPluginInstance = 0;
+SubversionPlugin::SubversionPlugin() :
+ m_svnDotDirectory(QLatin1String(".svn")),
+ m_versionControl(0),
+ m_coreListener(0),
+ m_settingsPage(0),
+ m_changeTmpFile(0),
+ m_submitEditorFactory(0),
+ m_subversionOutputWindow(0),
+ m_projectExplorer(0),
+ m_addAction(0),
+ m_deleteAction(0),
+ m_revertAction(0),
+ m_diffProjectAction(0),
+ m_diffCurrentAction(0),
+ m_commitAllAction(0),
+ m_commitCurrentAction(0),
+ m_filelogCurrentAction(0),
+ m_annotateCurrentAction(0),
+ m_statusAction(0),
+ m_updateProjectAction(0),
+ m_submitCurrentLogAction(0),
+ m_submitDiffAction(0),
+ m_submitUndoAction(0),
+ m_submitRedoAction(0)
+ if (m_versionControl) {
+ removeObject(m_versionControl);
+ delete m_versionControl;
+ m_versionControl = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_settingsPage) {
+ removeObject(m_settingsPage);
+ delete m_settingsPage;
+ m_settingsPage = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_subversionOutputWindow) {
+ removeObject(m_subversionOutputWindow);
+ delete m_subversionOutputWindow;
+ m_subversionOutputWindow = 0;
+ }
+ if (m_submitEditorFactory) {
+ removeObject(m_submitEditorFactory);
+ delete m_submitEditorFactory;
+ m_submitEditorFactory = 0;
+ }
+ if (!m_editorFactories.empty()) {
+ foreach(Core::IEditorFactory* pf, m_editorFactories)
+ removeObject(pf);
+ qDeleteAll(m_editorFactories);
+ m_editorFactories.clear();
+ }
+ if (m_coreListener) {
+ removeObject(m_coreListener);
+ delete m_coreListener;
+ m_coreListener = 0;
+ }
+ cleanChangeTmpFile();
+void SubversionPlugin::cleanChangeTmpFile()
+ if (m_changeTmpFile) {
+ if (m_changeTmpFile->isOpen())
+ m_changeTmpFile->close();
+ delete m_changeTmpFile;
+ m_changeTmpFile = 0;
+ }
+static const VCSBase::VCSBaseSubmitEditorParameters submitParameters = {
+ Subversion::Constants::SUBVERSION_SUBMIT_MIMETYPE,
+ Subversion::Constants::SUBVERSIONCOMMITEDITOR,
+ Core::Constants::UNDO,
+ Core::Constants::REDO,
+ Subversion::Constants::SUBMIT_CURRENT,
+ Subversion::Constants::DIFF_SELECTED
+bool SubversionPlugin::initialize(const QStringList & /*arguments*/, QString *errorMessage)
+ typedef VCSBase::VCSSubmitEditorFactory<SubversionSubmitEditor> SubversionSubmitEditorFactory;
+ typedef VCSBase::VCSEditorFactory<SubversionEditor> SubversionEditorFactory;
+ using namespace Constants;
+ using namespace Core::Constants;
+ using namespace ExtensionSystem;
+ m_subversionPluginInstance = this;
+ m_coreInstance = PluginManager::instance()->getObject<Core::ICore>();
+ if (!m_coreInstance->mimeDatabase()->addMimeTypes(QLatin1String(":/trolltech.subversion/Subversion.mimetypes.xml"), errorMessage))
+ return false;
+ m_versionControl = new SubversionControl(this);
+ addObject(m_versionControl);
+ if (QSettings *settings = m_coreInstance->settings())
+ m_settings.fromSettings(settings);
+ m_coreListener = new CoreListener(this);
+ addObject(m_coreListener);
+ m_settingsPage = new SettingsPage;
+ addObject(m_settingsPage);
+ m_submitEditorFactory = new SubversionSubmitEditorFactory(&submitParameters);
+ addObject(m_submitEditorFactory);
+ static const char *describeSlot = SLOT(describe(QString,QString));
+ const int editorCount = sizeof(editorParameters)/sizeof(VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters);
+ for (int i = 0; i < editorCount; i++) {
+ m_editorFactories.push_back(new SubversionEditorFactory(editorParameters + i, m_coreInstance, this, describeSlot));
+ addObject(m_editorFactories.back());
+ }
+ m_subversionOutputWindow = new SubversionOutputWindow(this);
+ addObject(m_subversionOutputWindow);
+ //register actions
+ Core::ActionManagerInterface *ami = m_coreInstance->actionManager();
+ Core::IActionContainer *toolsContainer = ami->actionContainer(M_TOOLS);
+ Core::IActionContainer *subversionMenu =
+ ami->createMenu(QLatin1String(SUBVERSION_MENU));
+ subversionMenu->menu()->setTitle(tr("&Subversion"));
+ toolsContainer->addMenu(subversionMenu);
+ QList<int> globalcontext;
+ globalcontext << m_coreInstance->uniqueIDManager()->uniqueIdentifier(C_GLOBAL);
+ Core::ICommand *command;
+ m_addAction = new QAction(tr("Add"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_addAction, SubversionPlugin::ADD,
+ globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ command->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence(tr("Alt+S,Alt+A")));
+ connect(m_addAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_deleteAction = new QAction(tr("Delete"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_deleteAction, SubversionPlugin::DELETE_FILE,
+ globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ connect(m_deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_revertAction = new QAction(tr("Revert"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_revertAction, SubversionPlugin::REVERT,
+ globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ connect(m_revertAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(revertCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ QAction *tmpaction = new QAction(this);
+ tmpaction->setSeparator(true);
+ subversionMenu->addAction(ami->registerAction(tmpaction,
+ SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR0, globalcontext));
+ m_diffProjectAction = new QAction(tr("Diff Project"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_diffProjectAction, SubversionPlugin::DIFF_PROJECT,
+ globalcontext);
+ connect(m_diffProjectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(diffProject()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_diffCurrentAction = new QAction(tr("Diff Current File"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_diffCurrentAction,
+ SubversionPlugin::DIFF_CURRENT, globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ command->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence(tr("Alt+S,Alt+D")));
+ connect(m_diffCurrentAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(diffCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ tmpaction = new QAction(this);
+ tmpaction->setSeparator(true);
+ subversionMenu->addAction(ami->registerAction(tmpaction,
+ SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR1, globalcontext));
+ m_commitAllAction = new QAction(tr("Commit All Files"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_commitAllAction, SubversionPlugin::COMMIT_ALL,
+ globalcontext);
+ connect(m_commitAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startCommitAll()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_commitCurrentAction = new QAction(tr("Commit Current File"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_commitCurrentAction,
+ SubversionPlugin::COMMIT_CURRENT, globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ command->setDefaultKeySequence(QKeySequence(tr("Alt+S,Alt+C")));
+ connect(m_commitCurrentAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startCommitCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ tmpaction = new QAction(this);
+ tmpaction->setSeparator(true);
+ subversionMenu->addAction(ami->registerAction(tmpaction,
+ SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR2, globalcontext));
+ m_filelogCurrentAction = new QAction(tr("Filelog Current File"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_filelogCurrentAction,
+ SubversionPlugin::FILELOG_CURRENT, globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ connect(m_filelogCurrentAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+ SLOT(filelogCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_annotateCurrentAction = new QAction(tr("Annotate Current File"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_annotateCurrentAction,
+ SubversionPlugin::ANNOTATE_CURRENT, globalcontext);
+ command->setAttribute(Core::ICommand::CA_UpdateText);
+ connect(m_annotateCurrentAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
+ SLOT(annotateCurrentFile()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ tmpaction = new QAction(this);
+ tmpaction->setSeparator(true);
+ subversionMenu->addAction(ami->registerAction(tmpaction,
+ SubversionPlugin::SEPARATOR3, globalcontext));
+ m_statusAction = new QAction(tr("Project Status"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_statusAction, SubversionPlugin::STATUS,
+ globalcontext);
+ connect(m_statusAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(projectStatus()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ m_updateProjectAction = new QAction(tr("Update Project"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_updateProjectAction, SubversionPlugin::UPDATE, globalcontext);
+ connect(m_updateProjectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(updateProject()));
+ subversionMenu->addAction(command);
+ // Actions of the submit editor
+ QList<int> svncommitcontext;
+ svncommitcontext << m_coreInstance->uniqueIDManager()->uniqueIdentifier(Constants::SUBVERSIONCOMMITEDITOR);
+ m_submitCurrentLogAction = new QAction(QIcon(Constants::ICON_SUBMIT), tr("Commit"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_submitCurrentLogAction, Constants::SUBMIT_CURRENT, svncommitcontext);
+ connect(m_submitCurrentLogAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(submitCurrentLog()));
+ m_submitDiffAction = new QAction(QIcon(Constants::ICON_DIFF), tr("Diff Selected Files"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_submitDiffAction , Constants::DIFF_SELECTED, svncommitcontext);
+ m_submitUndoAction = new QAction(tr("&Undo"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_submitUndoAction, Core::Constants::UNDO, svncommitcontext);
+ m_submitRedoAction = new QAction(tr("&Redo"), this);
+ command = ami->registerAction(m_submitRedoAction, Core::Constants::REDO, svncommitcontext);
+ connect(m_coreInstance, SIGNAL(contextChanged(Core::IContext *)), this, SLOT(updateActions()));
+ return true;
+void SubversionPlugin::extensionsInitialized()
+ using namespace ExtensionSystem;
+ using namespace ProjectExplorer;
+ m_projectExplorer = PluginManager::instance()->getObject<ProjectExplorerPlugin>();
+ if (m_projectExplorer) {
+ connect(m_projectExplorer,
+ SIGNAL(currentProjectChanged(ProjectExplorer::Project*)),
+ m_subversionPluginInstance, SLOT(updateActions()));
+ }
+ updateActions();
+bool SubversionPlugin::editorAboutToClose(Core::IEditor *iEditor)
+ if (!m_changeTmpFile || !iEditor || qstrcmp(Constants::SUBVERSIONCOMMITEDITOR, iEditor->kind()))
+ return true;
+ Core::IFile *fileIFace = iEditor->file();
+ const SubversionSubmitEditor *editor = qobject_cast<SubversionSubmitEditor *>(iEditor);
+ if (!fileIFace || !editor)
+ return true;
+ // Submit editor closing. Make it write out the commit message
+ // and retrieve files
+ const QFileInfo editorFile(fileIFace->fileName());
+ const QFileInfo changeFile(m_changeTmpFile->fileName());
+ if (editorFile.absoluteFilePath() != changeFile.absoluteFilePath())
+ return true; // Oops?!
+ // Prompt user.
+ const QMessageBox::StandardButton answer = QMessageBox::question(
+ m_coreInstance->mainWindow(), tr("Closing Subversion Editor"),
+ tr("Do you want to commit the change?"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No|QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Yes);
+ switch (answer) {
+ case QMessageBox::Cancel:
+ return false; // Keep editing and change file
+ case QMessageBox::No:
+ cleanChangeTmpFile();
+ return true; // Cancel all
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ const QStringList fileList = editor->checkedFiles();
+ if (!fileList.empty()) {
+ // get message & commit
+ m_coreInstance->fileManager()->blockFileChange(fileIFace);
+ fileIFace->save();
+ m_coreInstance->fileManager()->unblockFileChange(fileIFace);
+ commit(m_changeTmpFile->fileName(), fileList);
+ }
+ cleanChangeTmpFile();
+ return true;
+void SubversionPlugin::diffFiles(const QStringList &files)
+ svnDiff(files);
+void SubversionPlugin::svnDiff(const QStringList &files, QString diffname)
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << files << diffname;
+ const QString source = files.empty() ? QString() : files.front();
+ QTextCodec *codec = source.isEmpty() ? static_cast<QTextCodec *>(0) : VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor::getCodec(m_coreInstance, source);
+ if (files.count() == 1 && diffname.isEmpty())
+ diffname = QFileInfo(files.front()).fileName();
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("diff"));
+ args << files;
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false, codec);
+ if (response.error)
+ return;
+ // diff of a single file? re-use an existing view if possible to support
+ // the common usage pattern of continuously changing and diffing a file
+ if (files.count() == 1) {
+ // Show in the same editor if diff has been executed before
+ if (Core::IEditor *editor = locateEditor(m_coreInstance, "originalFileName", files.front())) {
+ editor->createNew(response.stdOut);
+ m_coreInstance->editorManager()->setCurrentEditor(editor);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const QString title = tr("svn diff %1").arg(diffname);
+ Core::IEditor *editor = showOutputInEditor(title, response.stdOut, VCSBase::DiffOutput, source, codec);
+ if (files.count() == 1)
+ editor->setProperty("originalFileName", files.front());
+SubversionSubmitEditor *SubversionPlugin::openSubversionSubmitEditor(const QString &fileName)
+ Core::IEditor *editor = m_coreInstance->editorManager()->openEditor(fileName, QLatin1String(Constants::SUBVERSIONCOMMITEDITOR_KIND));
+ SubversionSubmitEditor *submitEditor = qobject_cast<SubversionSubmitEditor*>(editor);
+ Q_ASSERT(submitEditor);
+ // The actions are for some reason enabled by the context switching
+ // mechanism. Disable them correctly.
+ m_submitDiffAction->setEnabled(false);
+ m_submitUndoAction->setEnabled(false);
+ m_submitRedoAction->setEnabled(false);
+ connect(submitEditor, SIGNAL(diffSelectedFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(diffFiles(QStringList)));
+ return submitEditor;
+void SubversionPlugin::updateActions()
+ QString fileName = currentFileName();
+ const bool hasFile = !fileName.isEmpty();
+ m_addAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_deleteAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_revertAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_diffProjectAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_diffCurrentAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_commitAllAction->setEnabled(true);
+ m_commitCurrentAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_filelogCurrentAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_annotateCurrentAction->setEnabled(hasFile);
+ m_statusAction->setEnabled(true);
+ QString baseName;
+ if (hasFile)
+ baseName = QFileInfo(fileName).fileName();
+ m_addAction->setText(tr("Add %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_deleteAction->setText(tr("Delete %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_revertAction->setText(tr("Revert %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_diffCurrentAction->setText(tr("Diff %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_commitCurrentAction->setText(tr("Commit %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_filelogCurrentAction->setText(tr("Filelog %1").arg(baseName));
+ m_annotateCurrentAction->setText(tr("Annotate %1").arg(baseName));
+void SubversionPlugin::addCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = currentFileName();
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ vcsAdd(file);
+void SubversionPlugin::deleteCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = currentFileName();
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ vcsDelete(file);
+void SubversionPlugin::revertCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentFileName());
+ if (file.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("diff"));
+ args.push_back(file);
+ const SubversionResponse diffResponse = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false);
+ if (diffResponse.error)
+ return;
+ if (diffResponse.stdOut.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("svn revert"), tr("The file has been changed. Do you want to revert it?"),
+ QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No)
+ return;
+ Core::FileManager *fm = m_coreInstance->fileManager();
+ QList<Core::IFile *> files = fm->managedFiles(file);
+ foreach (Core::IFile *file, files) {
+ fm->blockFileChange(file);
+ }
+ // revert
+ args.clear();
+ args.push_back(QLatin1String("revert"));
+ args.append(file);
+ const SubversionResponse revertResponse = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, true);
+ if (revertResponse.error) {
+ foreach (Core::IFile *file, files)
+ fm->unblockFileChange(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ Core::IFile::ReloadBehavior tempBehavior = Core::IFile::ReloadAll;
+ foreach (Core::IFile *file, files) {
+ file->modified(&tempBehavior);
+ fm->unblockFileChange(file);
+ }
+// Get a unique set of toplevel directories for the current projects.
+// To be used for "diff all" or "commit all".
+QStringList SubversionPlugin::currentProjectsTopLevels(QString *name) const
+ typedef QList<ProjectExplorer::Project *> ProjectList;
+ ProjectList projects;
+ // Compile list of projects
+ if (ProjectExplorer::Project *currentProject = m_projectExplorer->currentProject()) {
+ projects.push_back(currentProject);
+ } else {
+ if (const ProjectExplorer::SessionManager *session = m_projectExplorer->session())
+ projects.append(session->projects());
+ }
+ // Get unique set of toplevels and concat project names
+ QStringList toplevels;
+ const QChar blank(QLatin1Char(' '));
+ foreach (const ProjectExplorer::Project *p, projects) {
+ if (name) {
+ if (!name->isEmpty())
+ name->append(blank);
+ name->append(p->name());
+ }
+ const QString projectPath = QFileInfo(p->file()->fileName()).absolutePath();
+ const QString topLevel = findTopLevelForDirectory(projectPath);
+ if (!topLevel.isEmpty() && !toplevels.contains(topLevel))
+ toplevels.push_back(topLevel);
+ }
+ return toplevels;
+void SubversionPlugin::diffProject()
+ QString diffName;
+ const QStringList topLevels = currentProjectsTopLevels(&diffName);
+ if (!topLevels.isEmpty())
+ svnDiff(topLevels, diffName);
+void SubversionPlugin::diffCurrentFile()
+ svnDiff(QStringList(currentFileName()));
+void SubversionPlugin::startCommitCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(currentFileName());
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ startCommit(QStringList(file));
+void SubversionPlugin::startCommitAll()
+ // Make sure we have only repository for commit
+ const QStringList files = currentProjectsTopLevels();
+ switch (files.size()) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ startCommit(files);
+ break;
+ default: {
+ const QString msg = tr("The commit list spans several respositories (%1). Please commit them one by one.").
+ arg(files.join(QString(QLatin1Char(' '))));
+ QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("svn commit"), msg, QMessageBox::Ok);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+/* Start commit of files of a single repository by displaying
+ * template and files in a submit editor. On closing, the real
+ * commit will start. */
+void SubversionPlugin::startCommit(const QStringList &files)
+ if (files.empty())
+ return;
+ if (m_changeTmpFile) {
+ showOutput(tr("Another commit is currently being executed."));
+ return;
+ }
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("status"));
+ args += files;
+ if (args.size() == 1)
+ return;
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false);
+ if (response.error)
+ return;
+ // Get list of added/modified/deleted files
+ const QStringList statusOutput = parseStatusOutput(response.stdOut);
+ if (statusOutput.empty()) {
+ showOutput(tr("There are no modified files."), true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a new submit change file containing the submit template
+ QTemporaryFile *changeTmpFile = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+ changeTmpFile->setAutoRemove(true);
+ if (!changeTmpFile->open()) {
+ showOutput(tr("Cannot create temporary file: %1").arg(changeTmpFile->errorString()));
+ delete changeTmpFile;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_changeTmpFile = changeTmpFile;
+ // TODO: Retrieve submit template from
+ const QString submitTemplate;
+ // Create a submit
+ m_changeTmpFile->write(submitTemplate.toUtf8());
+ m_changeTmpFile->flush();
+ m_changeTmpFile->seek(0);
+ // Create a submit editor and set file list
+ SubversionSubmitEditor *editor = openSubversionSubmitEditor(m_changeTmpFile->fileName());
+ editor->setFileList(statusOutput);
+// Parse "status" output for added/modified/deleted files
+QStringList SubversionPlugin::parseStatusOutput(const QString &output) const
+ QStringList changeSet;
+ const QString newLine = QString(QLatin1Char('\n'));
+ const QStringList list = output.split(newLine, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ foreach (const QString& l, list) {
+ QString line(l.trimmed());
+ if (line.startsWith(QLatin1Char('A')) || line.startsWith(QLatin1Char('D'))
+ || line.startsWith(QLatin1Char('M')))
+ changeSet.append(line);
+ }
+ return changeSet;
+bool SubversionPlugin::commit(const QString &messageFile,
+ const QStringList &subVersionFileList)
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << messageFile << subVersionFileList;
+ // Transform the status list which is sth
+ // "[ADM]<blanks>file" into an args list. The files of the status log
+ // can be relative or absolute depending on where the command was run.
+ QStringList args = QStringList(QLatin1String("commit"));
+ args << QLatin1String("--non-interactive") << QLatin1String("--file") << messageFile;
+ args.append(subVersionFileList);
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionLongTimeOut, true);
+ return !response.error ;
+void SubversionPlugin::filelogCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = currentFileName();
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ filelog(file);
+void SubversionPlugin::filelog(const QString &file)
+ QTextCodec *codec = VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor::getCodec(m_coreInstance, file);
+ // no need for temp file
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("log"));
+ args.append(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file));
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false, codec);
+ if (response.error)
+ return;
+ // Re-use an existing view if possible to support
+ // the common usage pattern of continuously changing and diffing a file
+ if (Core::IEditor *editor = locateEditor(m_coreInstance, "logFileName", file)) {
+ editor->createNew(response.stdOut);
+ m_coreInstance->editorManager()->setCurrentEditor(editor);
+ } else {
+ const QString title = tr("svn log %1").arg(QFileInfo(file).fileName());
+ Core::IEditor *newEditor = showOutputInEditor(title, response.stdOut, VCSBase::LogOutput, file, codec);
+ newEditor->setProperty("logFileName", file);
+ }
+void SubversionPlugin::updateProject()
+ const QStringList topLevels = currentProjectsTopLevels();
+ if (topLevels.empty())
+ return;
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("update"));
+ args.append(topLevels);
+ runSvn(args, subversionLongTimeOut, false);
+void SubversionPlugin::annotateCurrentFile()
+ const QString file = currentFileName();
+ if (!file.isEmpty())
+ annotate(file);
+void SubversionPlugin::annotate(const QString &file)
+ QTextCodec *codec = VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor::getCodec(m_coreInstance, file);
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("annotate"));
+ args.push_back(QLatin1String("-v"));
+ args.append(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file));
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false, codec);
+ if (response.error)
+ return;
+ // Re-use an existing view if possible to support
+ // the common usage pattern of continuously changing and diffing a file
+ if (Core::IEditor *editor = locateEditor(m_coreInstance, "annotateFileName", file)) {
+ editor->createNew(response.stdOut);
+ m_coreInstance->editorManager()->setCurrentEditor(editor);
+ } else {
+ const QString title = tr("svn annotate %1").arg(QFileInfo(file).fileName());
+ Core::IEditor *newEditor = showOutputInEditor(title, response.stdOut, VCSBase::AnnotateOutput, file, codec);
+ newEditor->setProperty("annotateFileName", file);
+ }
+void SubversionPlugin::projectStatus()
+ if (!m_projectExplorer)
+ return;
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("status"));
+ args += currentProjectsTopLevels();
+ if (args.size() == 1)
+ return;
+ runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, true);
+void SubversionPlugin::describe(const QString &source, const QString &changeNr)
+ // To describe a complete change, find the top level and then do
+ //svn diff -r 472958:472959 <top level>
+ const QFileInfo fi(source);
+ const QString topLevel = findTopLevelForDirectory(fi.isDir() ? source : fi.absolutePath());
+ if (topLevel.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << source << topLevel << changeNr;
+ // Number must be > 1
+ bool ok;
+ const int number = changeNr.toInt(&ok);
+ if (!ok || number < 2)
+ return;
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("diff"));
+ args.push_back(QLatin1String("-r"));
+ QString diffArg;
+ QTextStream(&diffArg) << (number - 1) << ':' << number;
+ args.push_back(diffArg);
+ args.push_back(topLevel);
+ QTextCodec *codec = VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor::getCodec(m_coreInstance, source);
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, false, codec);
+ if (response.error)
+ return;
+ // Re-use an existing view if possible to support
+ // the common usage pattern of continuously changing and diffing a file
+ const QString id = diffArg + source;
+ if (Core::IEditor *editor = locateEditor(m_coreInstance, "describeChange", id)) {
+ editor->createNew(response.stdOut);
+ m_coreInstance->editorManager()->setCurrentEditor(editor);
+ } else {
+ const QString title = tr("svn describe %1#%2").arg(QFileInfo(source).fileName(), changeNr);
+ Core::IEditor *newEditor = showOutputInEditor(title, response.stdOut, VCSBase::DiffOutput, source, codec);
+ newEditor->setProperty("describeChange", id);
+ }
+void SubversionPlugin::submitCurrentLog()
+ m_coreInstance->editorManager()->closeEditors(QList<Core::IEditor*>()
+ << m_coreInstance->editorManager()->currentEditor());
+QString SubversionPlugin::currentFileName() const
+ const QString fileName = m_coreInstance->fileManager()->currentFile();
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ const QFileInfo fi(fileName);
+ if (fi.exists())
+ return fi.canonicalFilePath();
+ }
+ return QString();
+static inline QString processStdErr(QProcess &proc)
+ return QString::fromLocal8Bit(proc.readAllStandardError()).remove(QLatin1Char('\r'));
+static inline QString processStdOut(QProcess &proc, QTextCodec *outputCodec = 0)
+ const QByteArray stdOutData = proc.readAllStandardOutput();
+ QString stdOut = outputCodec ? outputCodec->toUnicode(stdOutData) : QString::fromLocal8Bit(stdOutData);
+ return stdOut.remove(QLatin1Char('\r'));
+SubversionResponse SubversionPlugin::runSvn(const QStringList &arguments,
+ int timeOut,
+ bool showStdOutInOutputWindow,
+ QTextCodec *outputCodec)
+ const QString executable = m_settings.svnCommand;
+ SubversionResponse response;
+ if (executable.isEmpty()) {
+ response.error = true;
+ response.message =tr("No subversion executable specified!");
+ return response;
+ }
+ const QStringList allArgs = m_settings.addOptions(arguments);
+ // Hide passwords, etc in the log window
+ const QString timeStamp = QTime::currentTime().toString(QLatin1String("HH:mm"));
+ const QString outputText = tr("%1 Executing: %2 %3\n").arg(timeStamp, executable, SubversionSettings::formatArguments(allArgs));
+ showOutput(outputText, false);
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "runSvn" << timeOut << outputText;
+ // Run, connect stderr to the output window
+ Core::Utils::SynchronousProcess process;
+ process.setTimeout(timeOut);
+ process.setStdOutCodec(outputCodec);
+ process.setStdErrBufferedSignalsEnabled(true);
+ connect(&process, SIGNAL(stdErrBuffered(QString,bool)), m_subversionOutputWindow, SLOT(append(QString,bool)));
+ // connect stdout to the output window if desired
+ if (showStdOutInOutputWindow) {
+ process.setStdOutBufferedSignalsEnabled(true);
+ connect(&process, SIGNAL(stdOutBuffered(QString,bool)), m_subversionOutputWindow, SLOT(append(QString,bool)));
+ }
+ const Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse sp_resp =, allArgs);
+ response.error = true;
+ response.stdErr = sp_resp.stdErr;
+ response.stdOut = sp_resp.stdOut;
+ switch (sp_resp.result) {
+ case Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse::Finished:
+ response.error = false;
+ break;
+ case Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse::FinishedError:
+ response.message = tr("The process terminated with exit code %1.").arg(sp_resp.exitCode);
+ break;
+ case Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse::TerminatedAbnormally:
+ response.message = tr("The process terminated abnormally.");
+ break;
+ case Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse::StartFailed:
+ response.message = tr("Could not start subversion '%1'. Please check your settings in the preferences.").arg(executable);
+ break;
+ case Core::Utils::SynchronousProcessResponse::Hang:
+ response.message = tr("Subversion did not respond within timeout limit (%1 ms).").arg(timeOut);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (response.error)
+ m_subversionOutputWindow->append(response.message, true);
+ return response;
+void SubversionPlugin::showOutput(const QString &output, bool bringToForeground)
+ m_subversionOutputWindow->append(output);
+ if (bringToForeground)
+ m_subversionOutputWindow->popup();
+Core::IEditor * SubversionPlugin::showOutputInEditor(const QString& title, const QString &output,
+ int editorType, const QString &source,
+ QTextCodec *codec)
+ const VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters *params = findType(editorType);
+ Q_ASSERT(params);
+ const QString kind = QLatin1String(params->kind);
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "SubversionPlugin::showOutputInEditor" << title << kind << "Size= " << output.size() << " Type=" << editorType << debugCodec(codec);
+ QString s = title;
+ Core::IEditor *ediface = m_coreInstance->editorManager()->newFile(kind, &s, output.toLocal8Bit());
+ SubversionEditor *e = qobject_cast<SubversionEditor*>(ediface->widget());
+ if (!e)
+ return 0;
+ s.replace(QLatin1Char(' '), QLatin1Char('_'));
+ e->setSuggestedFileName(s);
+ if (!source.isEmpty())
+ e->setSource(source);
+ if (codec)
+ e->setCodec(codec);
+ return e->editableInterface();
+SubversionSettings SubversionPlugin::settings() const
+ return m_settings;
+void SubversionPlugin::setSettings(const SubversionSettings &s)
+ if (s != m_settings) {
+ m_settings = s;
+ if (QSettings *settings = m_coreInstance->settings())
+ m_settings.toSettings(settings);
+ }
+Core::ICore *SubversionPlugin::coreInstance()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_coreInstance);
+ return m_coreInstance;
+SubversionPlugin *SubversionPlugin::subversionPluginInstance()
+ Q_ASSERT(m_subversionPluginInstance);
+ return m_subversionPluginInstance;
+bool SubversionPlugin::vcsAdd(const QString &rawFileName)
+ const QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rawFileName);
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("add"));
+ args.push_back(file);
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, true);
+ return !response.error;
+bool SubversionPlugin::vcsDelete(const QString &rawFileName)
+ const QString file = QDir::toNativeSeparators(rawFileName);
+ QStringList args(QLatin1String("delete"));
+ args.push_back(file);
+ const SubversionResponse response = runSvn(args, subversionShortTimeOut, true);
+ return !response.error;
+/* Subversion has ".svn" directory in each directory
+ * it manages. The top level is the first directory
+ * under the directory that does not have a ".svn". */
+bool SubversionPlugin::managesDirectory(const QString &directory) const
+ const QDir dir(directory);
+ const bool rc = dir.exists() && managesDirectory(dir);
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "SubversionPlugin::managesDirectory" << directory << rc;
+ return rc;
+bool SubversionPlugin::managesDirectory(const QDir &directory) const
+ const QString svnDir = directory.absoluteFilePath(m_svnDotDirectory);
+ return QFileInfo(svnDir).isDir();
+QString SubversionPlugin::findTopLevelForDirectory(const QString &directory) const
+ // Debug wrapper
+ const QString rc = findTopLevelForDirectoryI(directory);
+ if (Subversion::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "SubversionPlugin::findTopLevelForDirectory" << directory << rc;
+ return rc;
+QString SubversionPlugin::findTopLevelForDirectoryI(const QString &directory) const
+ /* Recursing up, the top level is a child of the first directory that does
+ * not have a ".svn" directory. The starting directory must be a managed
+ * one. Go up and try to find the first unmanaged parent dir. */
+ QDir lastDirectory = QDir(directory);
+ if (!lastDirectory.exists() || !managesDirectory(lastDirectory))
+ return QString();
+ for (QDir parentDir = lastDirectory; parentDir.cdUp() ; lastDirectory = parentDir) {
+ if (!managesDirectory(parentDir))
+ return QDir::toNativeSeparators(lastDirectory.absolutePath());
+ }
+ return QString();