path: root/src/plugins/cvs/cvseditor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/plugins/cvs/cvseditor.cpp')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/plugins/cvs/cvseditor.cpp b/src/plugins/cvs/cvseditor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35b342446e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/cvs/cvseditor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
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+#include "cvseditor.h"
+#include "annotationhighlighter.h"
+#include "cvsconstants.h"
+#include <utils/qtcassert.h>
+#include <vcsbase/diffhighlighter.h>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtGui/QTextCursor>
+namespace CVS {
+namespace Internal {
+// Match a CVS revision ("")
+#define CVS_REVISION_PATTERN "[\\d\\.]+"
+CVSEditor::CVSEditor(const VCSBase::VCSBaseEditorParameters *type,
+ QWidget *parent) :
+ VCSBase::VCSBaseEditor(type, parent),
+ m_revisionPattern(QLatin1String(CVS_REVISION_AT_START_PATTERN".*$"))
+ QTC_ASSERT(m_revisionPattern.isValid(), return);
+QSet<QString> CVSEditor::annotationChanges() const
+ QSet<QString> changes;
+ const QString txt = toPlainText();
+ if (txt.isEmpty())
+ return changes;
+ // Hunt for first change number in annotation: "1.1 (author)"
+ QTC_ASSERT(r.isValid(), return changes);
+ if (r.indexIn(txt) != -1) {
+ changes.insert(r.cap(1));
+ r.setPattern(QLatin1String("\n("CVS_REVISION_PATTERN") "));
+ QTC_ASSERT(r.isValid(), return changes);
+ int pos = 0;
+ while ((pos = r.indexIn(txt, pos)) != -1) {
+ pos += r.matchedLength();
+ changes.insert(r.cap(1));
+ }
+ }
+ if (CVS::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "CVSEditor::annotationChanges() returns #" << changes.size();
+ return changes;
+QString CVSEditor::changeUnderCursor(const QTextCursor &c) const
+ // Check for a revision number at the beginning of the line.
+ // Note that "" will
+ // only select the part up until the dot.
+ // Check if we are at the beginning of a line within a reasonable offset.
+ const QTextBlock block = c.block();
+ if (c.atBlockStart() || (c.position() - block.position() < 3)) {
+ const QString line = block.text();
+ if (m_revisionPattern.exactMatch(line))
+ return m_revisionPattern.cap(1);
+ }
+ return QString();
+/* \code
+cvs diff -d -u -r1.1 -r1.2:
+--- mainwindow.cpp<\t>13 Jul 2009 13:50:15 -0000 <\t>1.1
++++ mainwindow.cpp<\t>14 Jul 2009 07:09:24 -0000<\t>1.2
+@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@
+VCSBase::DiffHighlighter *CVSEditor::createDiffHighlighter() const
+ const QRegExp filePattern(QLatin1String("^[-+][-+][-+] .*1\\.[\\d\\.]+$"));
+ QTC_ASSERT(filePattern.isValid(), /**/);
+ return new VCSBase::DiffHighlighter(filePattern);
+VCSBase::BaseAnnotationHighlighter *CVSEditor::createAnnotationHighlighter(const QSet<QString> &changes) const
+ return new CVSAnnotationHighlighter(changes);
+QString CVSEditor::fileNameFromDiffSpecification(const QTextBlock &inBlock) const
+ // "+++ mainwindow.cpp<\t>13 Jul 2009 13:50:15 -0000 1.1"
+ // Go back chunks
+ const QString diffIndicator = QLatin1String("+++ ");
+ for (QTextBlock block = inBlock; block.isValid() ; block = block.previous()) {
+ QString diffFileName = block.text();
+ if (diffFileName.startsWith(diffIndicator)) {
+ diffFileName.remove(0, diffIndicator.size());
+ const int tabIndex = diffFileName.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\t'));
+ if (tabIndex != -1)
+ diffFileName.truncate(tabIndex);
+ // Add base dir
+ if (!m_diffBaseDir.isEmpty()) {
+ diffFileName.insert(0, QLatin1Char('/'));
+ diffFileName.insert(0, m_diffBaseDir);
+ }
+ if (CVS::Constants::debug)
+ qDebug() << "fileNameFromDiffSpecification" << m_diffBaseDir << diffFileName;
+ return diffFileName;
+ }
+ }
+ return QString();
+QString CVSEditor::diffBaseDir() const
+ return m_diffBaseDir;
+void CVSEditor::setDiffBaseDir(const QString &d)
+ m_diffBaseDir = d;
+void CVSEditor::setDiffBaseDir(Core::IEditor *editor, const QString &db)
+ if (CVSEditor *cvsEditor = qobject_cast<CVSEditor*>(editor->widget()))
+ cvsEditor->setDiffBaseDir(db);