path: root/src/libs/cplusplus/LookupContext.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/cplusplus/LookupContext.cpp')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/cplusplus/LookupContext.cpp b/src/libs/cplusplus/LookupContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..027cfb577d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/cplusplus/LookupContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Qt Software Information (
+** Non-Open Source Usage
+** Licensees may use this file in accordance with the Qt Beta Version
+** License Agreement, Agreement version 2.2 provided with the Software or,
+** alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a written
+** agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging
+** of this file. Please review the following information to ensure GNU
+** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
+** and
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt GPL Exception version
+** 1.2, included in the file GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+#include "LookupContext.h"
+#include <CoreTypes.h>
+#include <Symbols.h>
+#include <Literals.h>
+#include <Names.h>
+#include <Scope.h>
+#include <Control.h>
+#include <cplusplus/Overview.h>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QtDebug>
+using namespace CPlusPlus;
+// LookupUtils
+bool LookupUtils::isNameCompatibleWithIdentifier(Name *name, Identifier *id)
+ if (! name) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (NameId *nameId = name->asNameId()) {
+ Identifier *identifier = nameId->identifier();
+ return identifier->isEqualTo(id);
+ } else if (DestructorNameId *nameId = name->asDestructorNameId()) {
+ Identifier *identifier = nameId->identifier();
+ return identifier->isEqualTo(id);
+ } else if (TemplateNameId *templNameId = name->asTemplateNameId()) {
+ Identifier *identifier = templNameId->identifier();
+ return identifier->isEqualTo(id);
+ }
+ return false;
+// LookupContext
+LookupContext::LookupContext(Control *control)
+ : _control(control),
+ _symbol(0)
+{ }
+LookupContext::LookupContext(Symbol *symbol,
+ Document::Ptr expressionDocument,
+ Document::Ptr thisDocument,
+ const QMap<QString, Document::Ptr> &documents)
+ : _symbol(symbol),
+ _expressionDocument(expressionDocument),
+ _thisDocument(thisDocument),
+ _documents(documents)
+ _control = _expressionDocument->control();
+ _visibleScopes = buildVisibleScopes();
+LookupContext::LookupContext(Symbol *symbol,
+ const LookupContext &context)
+ : _control(context._control),
+ _symbol(symbol),
+ _expressionDocument(context._expressionDocument),
+ _documents(context._documents)
+ const QString fn = QString::fromUtf8(symbol->fileName(), symbol->fileNameLength());
+ _thisDocument = _documents.value(fn);
+ _visibleScopes = buildVisibleScopes();
+LookupContext::LookupContext(Symbol *symbol,
+ Document::Ptr thisDocument,
+ const LookupContext &context)
+ : _control(context._control),
+ _symbol(symbol),
+ _expressionDocument(context._expressionDocument),
+ _thisDocument(thisDocument),
+ _documents(context._documents)
+ _visibleScopes = buildVisibleScopes();
+bool LookupContext::isValid() const
+{ return _control != 0; }
+LookupContext::operator bool() const
+{ return _control != 0; }
+Control *LookupContext::control() const
+{ return _control; }
+Symbol *LookupContext::symbol() const
+{ return _symbol; }
+Document::Ptr LookupContext::expressionDocument() const
+{ return _expressionDocument; }
+Document::Ptr LookupContext::thisDocument() const
+{ return _thisDocument; }
+Document::Ptr LookupContext::document(const QString &fileName) const
+{ return _documents.value(fileName); }
+Identifier *LookupContext::identifier(Name *name) const
+ if (NameId *nameId = name->asNameId())
+ return nameId->identifier();
+ else if (TemplateNameId *templId = name->asTemplateNameId())
+ return templId->identifier();
+ else if (DestructorNameId *dtorId = name->asDestructorNameId())
+ return dtorId->identifier();
+ else if (QualifiedNameId *q = name->asQualifiedNameId())
+ return identifier(q->unqualifiedNameId());
+ return 0;
+QList<Symbol *> LookupContext::resolve(Name *name, const QList<Scope *> &visibleScopes,
+ ResolveMode mode) const
+ if (QualifiedNameId *q = name->asQualifiedNameId()) {
+ QList<Scope *> scopes = visibleScopes;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < q->nameCount(); ++i) {
+ Name *name = q->nameAt(i);
+ QList<Symbol *> candidates;
+ if (i + 1 == q->nameCount())
+ candidates = resolve(name, scopes, mode);
+ else
+ candidates = resolveClassOrNamespace(name, scopes);
+ if (candidates.isEmpty() || i + 1 == q->nameCount())
+ return candidates;
+ scopes.clear();
+ foreach (Symbol *candidate, candidates) {
+ if (ScopedSymbol *scoped = candidate->asScopedSymbol()) {
+ expand(scoped->members(), visibleScopes, &scopes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QList<Symbol *>();
+ }
+ QList<Symbol *> candidates;
+ if (Identifier *id = identifier(name)) {
+ for (int scopeIndex = 0; scopeIndex < visibleScopes.size(); ++scopeIndex) {
+ Scope *scope =;
+ for (Symbol *symbol = scope->lookat(id); symbol; symbol = symbol->next()) {
+ if (! symbol->name())
+ continue;
+ else if (symbol->name()->isQualifiedNameId())
+ continue;
+ else if (! isNameCompatibleWithIdentifier(symbol->name(), id))
+ continue;
+ else if (symbol->name()->isDestructorNameId() != name->isDestructorNameId())
+ continue;
+ else if ((((mode & ResolveNamespace) && symbol->isNamespace()) ||
+ ((mode & ResolveClass) && symbol->isClass()) ||
+ (mode & ResolveSymbol)) && ! candidates.contains(symbol)) {
+ candidates.append(symbol);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (OperatorNameId *opId = name->asOperatorNameId()) {
+ for (int scopeIndex = 0; scopeIndex < visibleScopes.size(); ++scopeIndex) {
+ Scope *scope =;
+ for (Symbol *symbol = scope->lookat(opId->kind()); symbol; symbol = symbol->next()) {
+ if (! opId->isEqualTo(symbol->name()))
+ continue;
+ else if (! candidates.contains(symbol))
+ candidates.append(symbol);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return candidates;
+QList<Scope *> LookupContext::buildVisibleScopes()
+ QList<Scope *> scopes;
+ if (_symbol) {
+ for (Scope *scope = _symbol->scope(); scope; scope = scope->enclosingScope()) {
+ scopes.append(scope);
+ }
+ }
+ QSet<QString> processed;
+ processed.insert(_thisDocument->fileName());
+ QList<QString> todo = _thisDocument->includedFiles();
+ while (! todo.isEmpty()) {
+ QString fn = todo.last();
+ todo.removeLast();
+ if (processed.contains(fn))
+ continue;
+ processed.insert(fn);
+ if (Document::Ptr doc = document(fn)) {
+ scopes.append(doc->globalNamespace()->members());
+ todo += doc->includedFiles();
+ }
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ QList<Scope *> expandedScopes;
+ expand(scopes, &expandedScopes);
+ if (expandedScopes.size() == scopes.size())
+ return expandedScopes;
+ scopes = expandedScopes;
+ }
+ return scopes;
+QList<Scope *> LookupContext::visibleScopes(const QPair<FullySpecifiedType, Symbol *> &result) const
+ Symbol *symbol = result.second;
+ QList<Scope *> scopes;
+ for (Scope *scope = symbol->scope(); scope; scope = scope->enclosingScope())
+ scopes.append(scope);
+ scopes += visibleScopes();
+ scopes = expand(scopes);
+ return scopes;
+QList<Scope *> LookupContext::expand(const QList<Scope *> &scopes) const
+ QList<Scope *> expanded;
+ expand(scopes, &expanded);
+ return expanded;
+void LookupContext::expand(const QList<Scope *> &scopes, QList<Scope *> *expandedScopes) const
+ for (int i = 0; i < scopes.size(); ++i) {
+ expand(, scopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+void LookupContext::expand(Scope *scope,
+ const QList<Scope *> &visibleScopes,
+ QList<Scope *> *expandedScopes) const
+ Overview overview;
+ if (expandedScopes->contains(scope)) {
+ //qDebug() << "skipped:" << overview.prettyName(scope->owner()->name());
+ return;
+ }
+ expandedScopes->append(scope);
+ if (scope->isNamespaceScope()) {
+ Namespace *ns = scope->owner()->asNamespace();
+ Name *nsName = ns->name();
+ if (nsName) {
+ QList<Symbol *> namespaceList = resolveNamespace(nsName, visibleScopes);
+ foreach (Symbol *otherNs, namespaceList) {
+ if (otherNs == ns)
+ continue;
+ expand(otherNs->asNamespace()->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "*** found:" << namespaceList.count() << "namespace aliases";
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "namespace scope" << overview.prettyName(ns->name())
+ //<< ns->fileName() << ns->line();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope->symbolCount(); ++i) { // ### make me fast
+ Symbol *symbol = scope->symbolAt(i);
+ if (Namespace *ns = symbol->asNamespace()) {
+ if (! ns->name()) {
+ expand(ns->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ } else if (UsingNamespaceDirective *u = symbol->asUsingNamespaceDirective()) {
+ QList<Symbol *> candidates = resolveNamespace(u->name(), visibleScopes);
+ //qDebug() << "found:" << candidates.count() << "namespaces to import for:"
+ //<< overview.prettyName(u->name());
+ for (int j = 0; j < candidates.size(); ++j) {
+ expand(>asNamespace()->members(),
+ visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ } else if (Enum *e = symbol->asEnum()) {
+ expand(e->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (scope->isClassScope()) {
+ Class *klass = scope->owner()->asClass();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope->symbolCount(); ++i) {
+ Symbol *symbol = scope->symbolAt(i);
+ if (Class *nestedClass = symbol->asClass()) {
+ if (! nestedClass->name()) {
+ expand(nestedClass->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ } else if (Enum *e = symbol->asEnum()) {
+ expand(e->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ if (klass->baseClassCount()) {
+ QList<Scope *> classVisibleScopes = visibleScopes;
+ for (Scope *scope = klass->scope(); scope; scope = scope->enclosingScope()) {
+ if (scope->isNamespaceScope()) {
+ Namespace *enclosingNamespace = scope->owner()->asNamespace();
+ if (enclosingNamespace->name()) {
+ QList<Symbol *> nsList = resolveNamespace(enclosingNamespace->name(),
+ visibleScopes);
+ foreach (Symbol *ns, nsList) {
+ expand(ns->asNamespace()->members(), classVisibleScopes, &classVisibleScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < klass->baseClassCount(); ++i) {
+ BaseClass *baseClass = klass->baseClassAt(i);
+ Name *baseClassName = baseClass->name();
+ QList<Symbol *> baseClassCandidates = resolveClass(baseClassName, classVisibleScopes);
+ if (baseClassCandidates.isEmpty()) {
+ Overview overview;
+ qDebug() << "unresolved base class:" << overview.prettyName(baseClassName);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < baseClassCandidates.size(); ++j) {
+ Class *baseClassSymbol =>asClass();
+ expand(baseClassSymbol->members(), visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (scope->isBlockScope()) {
+ //qDebug() << "block scope" << overview.prettyName(scope->owner()->name());
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < scope->symbolCount(); ++i) {
+ Symbol *symbol = scope->symbolAt(i);
+ if (UsingNamespaceDirective *u = symbol->asUsingNamespaceDirective()) {
+ QList<Symbol *> candidates = resolveNamespace(u->name(), visibleScopes);
+ //qDebug() << "found:" << candidates.count() << "namespaces to import for:"
+ //<< overview.prettyName(u->name());
+ for (int j = 0; j < candidates.size(); ++j) {
+ expand(>asNamespace()->members(),
+ visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (scope->isFunctionScope()) {
+ Function *function = scope->owner()->asFunction();
+ //qDebug() << "function scope" << overview.prettyName(function->name());
+ if (! expandedScopes->contains(function->arguments()))
+ expandedScopes->append(function->arguments());
+ if (QualifiedNameId *q = function->name()->asQualifiedNameId()) {
+ //qDebug() << "**** here:" << overview.prettyName(function->name());
+ Name *nestedNameSpec = 0;
+ if (q->nameCount() == 1 && q->isGlobal())
+ nestedNameSpec = q->nameAt(0);
+ else
+ nestedNameSpec = control()->qualifiedNameId(q->names(), q->nameCount() - 1,
+ q->isGlobal());
+ QList<Symbol *> candidates = resolveClassOrNamespace(nestedNameSpec, visibleScopes);
+ //qDebug() << "**** found:" << candidates.count() << "class or namespace for:"
+ //<< overview.prettyName(nestedNameSpec);
+ for (int j = 0; j < candidates.size(); ++j) {
+ expand(>asScopedSymbol()->members(),
+ visibleScopes, expandedScopes);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (scope->isPrototypeScope()) {
+ //qDebug() << "prototype scope" << overview.prettyName(scope->owner()->name());
+ }