path: root/doc/meegodev.qdoc
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+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** GNU Free Documentation License
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of this
+** file.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+ /*!
+ \contentspage index.html
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \previouspage creator-project-qmake-libraries.html
+ \else
+ \previouspage creator-developing-symbian.html
+ \endif
+ \page creator-developing-meego.html
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \nextpage creator-developing-generic-linux.html
+ \else
+ \nextpage creator-developing-maemo.html
+ \endif
+ \title Connecting MeeGo Harmattan Devices
+ MeeGo Harmattan is a Linux-based software platform developed by Nokia for
+ mobile devices. It allows developers to create applications using the Qt
+ framework. You can install and configure the whole tool chain that you need
+ to create, build, debug, run, and deploy Harmattan applications as part of
+ the \QSDK.
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ For more information about the Harmattan platform, see
+ \l{}
+ {Harmattan Overview} in the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Library.
+ \endif
+ \note \QSDK does not contain the tool chains for building applications for
+ other MeeGo devices than MeeGo Harmattan. You can try to run applications
+ from Qt Creator on other MeeGo devices, but it has not been extensively
+ tested, and the instructions might not always apply.
+ \note The only supported build system for Harmattan in Qt Creator is qmake.
+ \section1 Setting Up Connectivity in Harmattan Devices
+ To build and run Qt applications for Harmattan, you need a Harmattan device:
+ Nokia N950 or Nokia N9.
+ You can connect your device to your development PC using either a USB or
+ WLAN connection.
+ For the device, you need to use the SDK Connectivity tool that is
+ preinstalled on the device to create the device-side end point for USB and
+ WLAN connections. It provides no diagnostics functions but is essential for
+ creating connections between the device and your development PC.
+ To use a WLAN connection, you must activate WLAN on the device and connect
+ it to the same WLAN as the development PC. The network address is displayed
+ in the connectivity tool.
+ To use a USB connection, you might need to set up the device as a network
+ device on the development PC. However, on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows 7,
+ the USB interface is usually automatically configured.
+ \note If you plan to connect your development PC to the device only over
+ WLAN, you can ignore the USB-specific parts in the following sections.
+ \section2 Starting SDK Connectivity
+ SDK Connectivity application is preinstalled in Harmattan devices and
+ available in developer mode.
+ To start SDK Connectivity:
+ \list
+ \o On the device, select \gui {Settings > Security > Developer
+ mode} to turn on developer mode.
+ \o Select \gui {Applications > SDK Connectivity} to start the SDK
+ Connectivity application.
+ \o Select \gui {Select Connection} and then select the type of the
+ connection to create: \gui WLAN or \gui USB.
+ \o For a USB connection, select the operating system of the
+ development PC in \gui {Select Module}.
+ \endlist
+ \gui {Connectivity Details} displays the IP address and developer password.
+ The address is used by default. You must enter the password in
+ Qt Creator. For more information, see
+ \l{Configuring Connections to Harmattan Devices}.
+ \section1 Setting Up Network Connectivity on Development PC
+ Use the network configuration tools on your platform to specify the
+ connection to the device on the development PC. You need to do this
+ only if you use a USB connection.
+ The device uses the IP address with the subnet
+ for its USB connection by default, so you can create the network interface
+ with a different address inside the same subnet too.
+ \note If you have changed the IP address of the device in the connectivity
+ tool, you need to reflect those changes in your development PC USB
+ network settings.
+ \section2 Linux
+ The USB interface is automatically configured. If, for some reason, that is
+ not the case, run the following command in a shell as root user to create a
+ new network interface:
+ \c{ifconfig usb0 up}
+ \section2 Mac OS X
+ The USB interface is automatically configured. If, for some reason, that is
+ not the case, create a new network interface manually:
+ \list
+ \o Open the network settings.
+ \o Click the + button on the network settings panel.
+ \o When the interface is available, select \gui {Configure IPv4 > Using
+ DHCP with manual address}.
+ \o Enter the address into the IP address field.
+ \o Click \gui Apply.
+ The network connection between your device and workstation is now
+ configured.
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Windows 7
+ When you connect your device to your Windows 7 computer, Windows installs a
+ driver for the Linux USB Ethernet connection automatically. If the
+ installation does not start, unplug the USB cable and try another USB port
+ on your computer.
+ \note Driver installation takes some time.
+ The USB interface is automatically configured. If, for some reason, that is
+ not the case, create a new network interface manually:
+ \list 1
+ \o Open the \gui {Network and Sharing Center} and select \gui {Change
+ adapter settings}.
+ The Linux USB Ethernet connection you just installed is displayed
+ as a new \gui {Local Area Connection Linux USB Ethernet/RNDIS
+ gadget}.
+ \note If you cannot see \gui {Linux USB Ethernet/RNDIS gadget}, try
+ to unplug and replug the USB cable.
+ \o Right-click \gui {Linux USB Ethernet/RNDIS gadget} and select
+ \gui Properties.
+ \o Edit the \gui {Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)} properties
+ to specify the IP address for the connection. In the \gui {Use the
+ following IP address} field, enter the following values:
+ \list
+ \o \gui {IP Address}: \bold {}
+ \o \gui SubnetMask: \bold {}
+ \o \gui {Default gateway}: leave this field empty
+ \endlist
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Windows XP
+ If you develop on Windows XP and use a USB connection to run applications on
+ the device, you need the Nokia USB drivers that are installed as part of the
+ \QSDK.
+ When you connect the device to your Windows PC, Windows tries to install a
+ driver for the Linux USB Ethernet connection. In the
+ \gui{Found New Hardware Wizard}, select \gui{No, not this time} in the
+ first dialog and \gui{Install the software automatically} in the second
+ dialog.
+ To specify a network connection:
+ \list 1
+ \o Open the Network Connections window.
+ \o Select the Linux USB Ethernet connection that is displayed as a new
+ Local Area Connection.
+ \o Edit the \gui {Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)} properties
+ to specify the IP address for the connection. In the \gui {Use the
+ following IP address} field, enter the following values:
+ \list
+ \o \gui {IP Address}: \bold {}
+ \o \gui SubnetMask: \bold {}
+ \o \gui {Default gateway}: leave this field empty
+ \endlist
+ \endlist
+ Depending on your version of Microsoft Windows you may have to unplug and
+ re-plug the device to reload the driver with its configuration accordingly.
+ \section1 Configuring Connections to Harmattan Devices
+ To be able to run and debug applications on the emulator and devices, you
+ must set up connections to the emulator and devices in the Qt Creator build
+ and run settings. If you install \QSDK, the connection to the emulator is
+ configured automatically and you only need to configure a connection to the
+ device.
+ You use a wizard to create the connections. You can edit the settings later
+ in \gui {Tools > Options... > Linux Devices > Device Configurations}.
+ \image qtcreator-meego-device-configurations.png "MeeGo Device Configurations dialog"
+ By default, you create the connection as the \e developer user. This
+ protects real user data on the device from getting corrupted during testing.
+ If you write applications that use Qt Mobility APIs, you might want to test
+ them with real user data. To create a connection as a user, specify the
+ \gui Username and \gui Password in Qt Creator. For more information, see
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \l{Testing with User Data on MeeGo Devices}.
+ \else
+ \l{}
+ {Testing with User Data on MeeGo Devices}.
+ \endif
+ You can protect the connections between Qt Creator and a device by using
+ either a password or an SSH key. If you use a password, you must generate it
+ in the connectivity tool and enter it in Qt Creator every time you start the
+ connectivity tool.
+ If you do not have an SSH key, you can create it in Qt Creator. Encrypted
+ keys are not supported. For more information, see
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \l{Generating SSH Keys}.
+ \else
+ \l{}
+ {Generating SSH Keys}.
+ \endif
+ You can view processes running on devices and kill them. For more
+ information, see
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \l{Managing Device Processes}.
+ \else
+ \l{}
+ {Managing Device Processes}.
+ \endif
+ To configure connections between Qt Creator and a device:
+ \list 1
+ \o To deploy applications and run them remotely on devices,
+ specify parameters for accessing devices:
+ \list a
+ \o Connect your device to the development PC via a USB cable or
+ a WLAN. For a USB connection, you are prompted to select the
+ mode to use. Choose \gui{PC suite mode}.
+ \note If you experience connection problems due to a USB
+ port issue, switch to a different port or use WLAN to
+ connect to the device.
+ \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Linux Devices > Device
+ Configurations > Add}, and add a new configuration for a
+ hardware device.
+ \image qtcreator-screenshot-devconf.png
+ \o In the \gui {The name to identify this configuration} field,
+ enter a name for the connection.
+ \o In the \gui {The system running on the device} field, select
+ the software platform of the device.
+ \o In the \gui {The kind of device} field, select
+ \gui {Hardware device}.
+ \o In the \gui {The device's host name or IP address} field,
+ enter the IP address from the connectivity tool on the
+ device.
+ \o In the \gui {The SSH server port} field, enter the port
+ number to use for SSH connections.
+ \o Click \gui Next.
+ \o Follow the instructions of the wizard to create the
+ connection.
+ \endlist
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \o To test applications on the emulator (QEMU), you must
+ create a connection to it from the development PC. If you installed
+ \QSDK, the connection is created automatically and you can omit this
+ step.
+ \list a
+ \o In Qt Creator, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Linux
+ Devices > Device Configurations > Add} to add a new
+ configuration.
+ \image qtcreator-meego-emulator-connection.png
+ \o In the \gui {The name to identify this configuration} field,
+ enter a name for the connection.
+ \o In the \gui {The system running on the device} field, select
+ the software platform to emulate.
+ \o In the \gui {The kind of device} field, select
+ \gui {Emulator (Qemu)}.
+ \o Click \gui Next.
+ \o Follow the instructions of the wizard to create the
+ connection.
+ SDK Connectivity is not needed for emulator connections, and
+ therefore, you do nt need to authenticate the emulator
+ connection.
+ \endlist
+ \endif
+ \o To specify build and run settings:
+ \list a
+ \o Open a project for an application you want to develop
+ for your device.
+ \o Click \gui Projects to open the projects mode.
+ \o In the \gui{Build Settings} section, choose the MADDE Qt
+ version that was registered by the installation program.
+ \image qtcreator-screenshot-build-settings.png
+ \o In the \gui {Device configuration} field, select the
+ device connection or the emulator connection.
+ \image qtcreator-screenshot-run-settings.png
+ \endlist
+ \note The new application wizards automatically set the folder
+ where the file is installed on the device in the \gui {Remote
+ Directory} field. For example, \c {/opt/usr/bin}. If the text
+ \gui {<no target path set>} is displayed, click it to specify a
+ folder.
+ \endlist
+ \if defined(qcmanual)
+ \section2 Testing with User Data on MeeGo Devices
+ To run your application as the default user, you must first assign a
+ password for the user account and then create the connection to the device
+ as the user:
+ \list 1
+ \o On the device, select \gui Terminal to open a
+ terminal window.
+ \o To specify the password, enter the following command:
+ \c{/usr/lib/mad-developer/devrootsh passwd user}
+ \o In Qt Creator, select \gui {Tools > Options... Linux Devices >
+ Device Configurations}.
+ \o Specify the username \c user and the password in the device
+ configuration.
+ \endlist
+ \input linuxdev-keys.qdocinc
+ \input linuxdev-processes.qdocinc
+ \endif
+ \section1 Troubleshooting Harmattan Connections
+ The addresses used in this example might be reserved by some other
+ application in your network. If you cannot establish a connection, try the
+ following optional configurations:
+ \table
+ \header
+ \o IP Address and Network on Device
+ \o USB Network on Development PC
+ \o Host Name in Qt Creator Build Settings
+ \row
+ \o
+ \o
+ \o
+ \row
+ \o
+ \o
+ \o
+ \row
+ \o
+ \o
+ \o
+ \note You cannot use the value localhost for connections to a
+ device.
+ \endtable
+ \note VPN connections might block the device connection.