path: root/tests
diff options
authorhjk <>2009-10-14 09:41:14 +0200
committerhjk <>2009-10-14 10:02:07 +0200
commitfa71a4879c36f20f6b74ebc60809d329524df804 (patch)
tree197d56d5e5b30109635fe350690f942ed39b9374 /tests
parentaf3a387b5f9e3a254b4bcd47460797828dc25640 (diff)
debugger: work on autotests
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/debugger/tst_gdb.cpp b/tests/auto/debugger/tst_gdb.cpp
index 9310016b4b..09c953e503 100644
--- a/tests/auto/debugger/tst_gdb.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/debugger/tst_gdb.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#include <QtCore/private/qobject_p.h>
-#include <QtGui/QStandardItemModel>
-#include <QtGui/QStringListModel>
+//#include <QtGui/QStandardItemModel>
+//#include <QtGui/QStringListModel>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@
# define NSY ""
+//#define DO_DEBUG 1
+#undef DEBUG
+# define DEBUG(s) qDebug() << s
+# define DEBUG(s)
+#define DEBUGX(s) qDebug() << s
#define gettid() QString("0x%1").arg((qulonglong)(void *)currentThread(), 0, 16)
using namespace Debugger;
@@ -36,6 +45,7 @@ using namespace Debugger::Internal;
typedef QList<QByteArray> QByteArrayList;
+#if 0
static QByteArray operator<<(QByteArray ba, const QByteArray &replacement)
int pos = ba.indexOf('%');
@@ -53,6 +63,7 @@ static QByteArray &operator<<=(QByteArray &ba, const QByteArray &replacement)
template <typename T>
inline QByteArray N(T t) { return QByteArray::number(t); }
@@ -84,7 +95,7 @@ public slots:
void handleGdbFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus);
void writeToGdbRequested(const QByteArray &ba)
- //qDebug() << "THREAD GDB IN: " << ba;
+ DEBUG("THREAD GDB IN: " << ba);
@@ -92,7 +103,8 @@ public slots:
QByteArray m_output;
- QByteArray m_error;
+ QByteArray m_lastStopped; // last seen "*stopped" message
+ int m_line; // line extracted from last "*stopped" message
QProcess *m_proc; // owned
tst_Gdb *m_test; // not owned
@@ -102,10 +114,25 @@ class tst_Gdb : public QObject
- tst_Gdb() : m_thread(this) {}
+ tst_Gdb();
+ void initTestCase() {}
+ void cleanupTestCase();
+ void prepare(const QByteArray &function);
+ void run(const QByteArray &label, const QByteArray &expected,
+ const QByteArray &expanded = QByteArray());
+ void next(int n = 1);
+ void writeToGdb(const QByteArray &ba);
+private slots:
+ void dumpQString();
+ void dumpQStringList();
public slots:
void dumperCompatibility();
+#if 0
void dumpQAbstractItemAndModelIndex();
void dumpQAbstractItemModel();
void dumpQByteArray();
@@ -143,20 +170,10 @@ public slots:
void dumpQVariant_QStringList();
void dumpStdVector();
void dumpQWeakPointer();
- void initTestCase();
- void cleanupTestCase();
- void runTestCase(const QByteArray &name,
- const QByteArray &type,
- const QByteArrayList &expexted);
- void writeToGdb(const QByteArray &ba);
-private slots:
- void dumpQString();
- void dumpQStringList();
+#if 0
void dumpQAbstractItemHelper(QModelIndex &index);
void dumpQAbstractItemModelHelper(QAbstractItemModel &m);
void dumpQDateTimeHelper(const QDateTime &d);
@@ -177,8 +194,11 @@ private:
void dumpQWeakPointerHelper(QWeakPointer<T> &ptr);
void dumpQTextCodecHelper(QTextCodec *codec);
+ QHash<QByteArray, int> m_lineForLabel;
+ QByteArray m_function;
Thread m_thread;
@@ -189,37 +209,6 @@ QWaitCondition m_waitCondition;
// Dumpers
-static void testDumper(QByteArray expected, const void *data, QByteArray outertype,
- bool dumpChildren, QByteArray actual____ = QByteArray(),
- QByteArray = QByteArray(), int = 0, int = 0, int = 0, int = 0)
- Q_UNUSED(dumpChildren);
- expected = "locals={iname='local',name='Locals',value=' ',type=' ',"
- "children=[" + expected + "],arg=''}";
- char buf[100];
- sprintf(buf, "%p", data);
- //if ((!expected.startsWith('t') && !expected.startsWith('f'))
- // || expected.startsWith("type"))
- // expected = "tiname='$I',addr='$A'," + expected;
- expected.replace("$I", "iname");
- expected.replace("$T", QByteArray(outertype));
- expected.replace("$A", QByteArray(buf));
- if (actual____ != expected) {
- QByteArrayList l1 = actual____.split(',');
- QByteArrayList l2 = expected.split(',');
- for (int i = 0; i < l1.size() && i < l2.size(); ++i) {
- if ( ==
- qWarning() << "== " <<;
- else
- //qWarning() << "!= " << <<;
- qWarning() << "!= " << <<;
- }
- if (l1.size() != l2.size())
- qWarning() << "!= size: " << l1.size() << l2.size();
- }
- QCOMPARE(actual____, expected);
QByteArray str(const void *p)
char buf[100];
@@ -227,10 +216,12 @@ QByteArray str(const void *p)
return buf;
+#if 0
static const void *deref(const void *p)
return *reinterpret_cast<const char* const*>(p);
void tst_Gdb::dumperCompatibility()
@@ -241,6 +232,7 @@ void tst_Gdb::dumperCompatibility()
QCOMPARE(size_t(&v->array), qVectorDataSize);
+#if 0
static const QByteArray utfToBase64(const QString &string)
return QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(string.utf16()), 2 * string.size()).toBase64();
@@ -396,6 +388,8 @@ void getMapNodeParams(size_t &nodeSize, size_t &valOffset)
+#if 0
void tst_Gdb::dumpQAbstractItemHelper(QModelIndex &index)
const QAbstractItemModel *model = index.model();
@@ -2134,6 +2128,7 @@ void tst_Gdb::dumpQWeakPointer()
+#endif // #if 0
#define VERIFY_OFFSETOF(member) \
do { \
@@ -2179,16 +2174,40 @@ void Thread::handleGdbFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)
void Thread::readStandardOutput()
QByteArray ba = m_proc->readAllStandardOutput();
- if (ba.isEmpty())
- return;
+ //DEBUGX("THREAD GDB OUT: " << ba);
// =library-loaded...
if (ba.startsWith("="))
- //if (ba.startsWith("~"))
- // return;
+ if (ba.startsWith("*stopped")) {
+ m_lastStopped = ba;
+ //qDebug() << "THREAD GDB OUT: " << ba;
+ if (!ba.contains("func=\"main\"")) {
+ int pos1 = ba.indexOf(",line=\"") + 7;
+ int pos2 = ba.indexOf("\"", pos1);
+ m_line = ba.mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1).toInt();
+ DEBUG(" LINE 1: " << m_line);
+ }
+ }
+ // The "call" is always aborted with a message like:
+ // "~"2321\t /* A */ QString s;\n" "
+ // "&"The program being debugged stopped while in a function called ..."
+ // "^error,msg="The program being debugged stopped ..."
+ // Extract the "2321" from this
+ static QByteArray lastText;
+ if (ba.startsWith("~"))
+ lastText = ba;
+ if (ba.startsWith("&\"The program being debugged")) {
+ int pos1 = 2;
+ int pos2 = lastText.indexOf("\\", pos1);
+ m_line = lastText.mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1).toInt();
+ DEBUG(" LINE 2: " << m_line);
+ }
+ if (ba.startsWith("~\"XXX: "))
+ qWarning() << "MESSAGE: " << ba.mid(7, ba.size() - 11);
if (!ba.startsWith("~\"locals="))
- //qDebug() << "THREAD GDB OUT: " << ba;
//m_output += ba;
ba = ba.mid(2, ba.size() - 4);
ba = ba.replace("\\\"", "\"");
@@ -2198,11 +2217,8 @@ void Thread::readStandardOutput()
void Thread::readStandardError()
- return;
QByteArray ba = m_proc->readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << "THREAD GDB ERR: " << ba;
- m_error += ba;
- m_waitCondition.wakeAll();
void Thread::handleGdbStarted()
@@ -2215,44 +2231,98 @@ void Thread::run()
//qDebug() << "\nTHREAD RUN" << getpid() << gettid();
m_proc->start("./gdb -i mi --args ./tst_gdb run");
- m_proc->write("b main\n");
+ m_proc->write("break main\n");
m_proc->write("handle SIGSTOP stop pass\n");
//qDebug() << "\nTHREAD RUNNING";
-void tst_Gdb::initTestCase()
+ : m_thread(this)
// FIXME: Wait until gdb proc is running.
- QTest::qWait(1000);
+ QTest::qWait(300);
+ QFile file("tst_gdb.cpp");
+ QByteArray funcName;
+ const QByteArrayList bal = file.readAll().split('\n');
+ Q_ASSERT(bal.size() > 100);
+ for (int i = 0; i != bal.size(); ++i) {
+ const QByteArray &ba =;
+ if (ba.startsWith("void dump")) {
+ int pos = ba.indexOf('(');
+ funcName = ba.mid(5, pos - 5) + '@';
+ } else if (ba.startsWith(" /*")) {
+ int pos = ba.indexOf('*', 7);
+ m_lineForLabel[funcName + ba.mid(7, pos - 8)] = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ qWarning() << m_lineForLabel;
-void tst_Gdb::runTestCase(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &type,
- const QByteArrayList &expected)
+void tst_Gdb::prepare(const QByteArray &function)
- //qDebug() << "\nABOUT TO RUN TEST: " << name << m_thread.m_proc;
+ m_function = function;
+ writeToGdb("b " + function);
+ writeToGdb("call " + function + "()");
- writeToGdb("b " + name);
+void tst_Gdb::run(const QByteArray &label,
+ const QByteArray &expected0, const QByteArray &expanded)
+ //qDebug() << "\nABOUT TO RUN TEST: " << function << m_thread.m_proc;
+ writeToGdb("bb " + expanded);
+ m_mutex.lock();
+ m_waitCondition.wait(&m_mutex);
+ QByteArray ba = m_thread.m_output;
+ m_mutex.unlock();
+ //GdbMi locals;
+ //locals.fromString("{" + ba + "}");
+ QByteArray received = ba.replace("\"", "'");
+ //qDebug() << "OUTPUT: " << ba << "\n\n";
+ //qDebug() << "OUTPUT: " << locals.toString() << "\n\n";
- for (int i = 0; i != expected.size(); ++i) {
- if (i == 0)
- writeToGdb("call " + name + "()");
- else
- writeToGdb("next");
- writeToGdb("bb");
- m_mutex.lock();
- m_waitCondition.wait(&m_mutex);
- QByteArray ba = m_thread.m_output;
- m_mutex.unlock();
- //GdbMi locals;
- //locals.fromString("{" + ba + "}");
- QByteArray received = ba.replace("\"", "'");
- //qDebug() << "OUTPUT: " << ba << "\n\n";
- //qDebug() << "OUTPUT: " << locals.toString() << "\n\n";
- testDumper(, 0, type, false, received);
+ QByteArray actual____ = received;
+ QByteArray expected = "locals={iname='local',name='Locals',value=' ',type=' ',"
+ "children=[" + expected0 + "]}";
+ int line = m_thread.m_line;
+ if (actual____ != expected) {
+ qWarning() << "LINE: " << line << "ACT/EXP";
+ QByteArrayList l1 = actual____.split(',');
+ QByteArrayList l2 = expected.split(',');
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( ; i < l1.size() && i < l2.size(); ++i) {
+ if ( ==
+ qWarning() << "== " <<;
+ else
+ //qWarning() << "!= " << <<;
+ qWarning() << "!= " << <<;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < l2.size(); ++i)
+ qWarning() << "!= " << "-----" <<;
+ for ( ; i < l1.size(); ++i)
+ qWarning() << "!= " << << "-----";
+ if (l1.size() != l2.size())
+ qWarning() << "!= size: " << l1.size() << l2.size();
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "LABEL: " << m_function + '@' + label;
+ QCOMPARE(actual____, expected);
+ int expline = m_lineForLabel.value(m_function + '@' + label);
+ int actline = line;
+ if (actline != expline) {
+ qWarning() << "LAST STOPPED: " << m_thread.m_lastStopped;
+ QCOMPARE(actline, expline);
+void tst_Gdb::next(int n)
+ for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
+ writeToGdb("next");
void tst_Gdb::cleanupTestCase()
@@ -2264,47 +2334,44 @@ void tst_Gdb::cleanupTestCase()
void dumpQStringTest()
- QString s;
- s = "hallo";
- s += "x";
- s += "y";
+ /* A */ QString s;
+ /* B */ s = "hallo";
+ /* C */ s += "x";
+ /* D */ }
void tst_Gdb::dumpQString()
- QByteArrayList bal;
- bal.append("{iname='local.s',addr='0xbffff19c',name='S',"
- "type='"NS"QString',value='<not in scope>',numchild='0'}");
- //bal.append("xxx");
- //bal.append("xxx");
- runTestCase("dumpQStringTest", NS"QString", bal);
- testDumper("value='',valueencoded='2',type='$T',numchild='0'",
- &s, NS"QString", false);
- s = "abc";
- testDumper("value='YQBiAGMA',valueencoded='2',type='$T',numchild='0'",
- &s, NS"QString", false);
+ prepare("dumpQStringTest");
+ run("A", "{iname='local.s',addr='0xbffff19c',name='s',type='"NS"QString',"
+ "value='<not in scope>',numchild='0'}");
+ next();
+ run("B", "{iname='local.s',addr='0xbffff19c',name='s',type='"NS"QString',"
+ "valueencoded='7',value='',numchild='0'}");
+ next();
+ run("C", "{iname='local.s',addr='0xbffff19c',name='s',type='"NS"QString',"
+ "valueencoded='7',value='680061006c006c006f00',numchild='0'}");
+ next();
+ run("D", "{iname='local.s',addr='0xbffff19c',name='s',type='"NS"QString',"
+ "valueencoded='7',value='680061006c006c006f007800',numchild='0'}");
void dumpQStringListTest()
- QStringList s;
+ /* A */ QStringList s;
+ /* B */ s.append("hello");
+ /* C */ s.append("world");
void tst_Gdb::dumpQStringList()
- QByteArrayList bal;
- //bal.append("xxx");
- runTestCase("dumpQStringListTest", NS"QStringList", bal);
+ prepare("dumpQStringListTest");
+ run("A", "xxx");
int runit(int &argc, char *argv[])
// Plain call. Start the testing.
- QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
tst_Gdb test;
return QTest::qExec(&test, argc, argv);