path: root/tests
diff options
authorChristian Kamm <>2010-07-02 15:43:34 +0200
committerChristian Kamm <>2010-07-02 16:13:12 +0200
commit88f2e340bd1144ee198e8f285b07aac42621c37b (patch)
tree2c292762319706db08851512904bea8ab5bc80cf /tests
parent837e7b5abd3c18e1fb63d36c1630243172a28f90 (diff)
C++: Introduce the new CodeFormatter.
Done-with: Erik Verbruggen
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 715 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/ b/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de80180f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+CONFIG += qt warn_on console depend_includepath
+QT += testlib
+SRCDIR = ../../../../src
+ tst_codeformatter.cpp \
+ $$SRCDIR/plugins/cpptools/cppcodeformatter.cpp \
+ $$SRCDIR/plugins/texteditor/basetextdocumentlayout.cpp
+ $$SRCDIR/plugins/texteditor/basetextdocumentlayout.h
+INCLUDEPATH += $$SRCDIR/plugins $$SRCDIR/libs
diff --git a/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/tst_codeformatter.cpp b/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/tst_codeformatter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7082c21b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/cplusplus/codeformatter/tst_codeformatter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+#include <QtTest>
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QList>
+#include <QTextDocument>
+#include <QTextBlock>
+#include <cpptools/cppcodeformatter.h>
+using namespace CppTools;
+class tst_CodeFormatter: public QObject
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void ifStatementWithoutBraces1();
+ void ifStatementWithoutBraces2();
+ void ifStatementWithBraces1();
+ void ifStatementWithBraces2();
+ void ifStatementMixed();
+ void ifStatementAndComments();
+ void ifStatementLongCondition();
+ void strayElse();
+ void macrosNoSemicolon();
+ void oneLineIf();
+ void doWhile();
+ void closingCurlies();
+ void ifdefedInsideIf();
+ void ifdefs();
+ void preprocessorContinuation();
+ void cStyleComments();
+ void cppStyleComments();
+ void expressionContinuation();
+ void classAccess();
+ void ternary();
+ void objcAtDeclarations();
+ void braceList();
+ void bug1();
+ void bug2();
+ void switch1();
+ void memberInitializer();
+ void templates();
+ void operatorOverloads();
+struct Line {
+ Line(QString l)
+ : line(l)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
+ if (! {
+ expectedIndent = i;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ expectedIndent = l.size();
+ }
+ Line(QString l, int expect)
+ : line(l), expectedIndent(expect)
+ {}
+ QString line;
+ int expectedIndent;
+QString concatLines(QList<Line> lines)
+ QString result;
+ foreach (const Line &l, lines) {
+ result += l.line;
+ result += "\n";
+ }
+ return result;
+void checkIndent(QList<Line> data)
+ QString text = concatLines(data);
+ QTextDocument document(text);
+ QtStyleCodeFormatter formatter;
+ formatter.setDocument(&document);
+ int i = 0;
+ foreach (const Line &l, data) {
+ if (l.expectedIndent != -1) {
+ int actualIndent = formatter.indentFor(document.findBlockByLineNumber(i));
+ if (actualIndent != l.expectedIndent) {
+ QFAIL(QString("Wrong indent in line %1 with text '%2', expected indent %3, got %4").arg(
+ QString::number(i+1), l.line, QString::number(l.expectedIndent), QString::number(actualIndent)).toLatin1().constData());
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementWithoutBraces1()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" if (b)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else if (c)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" if (d)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" while (e)")
+ << Line(" bar;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementWithoutBraces2()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" if (b)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" if (a) b();")
+ << Line(" if (a) b(); else")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" if (b)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else if (c)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" if (d)")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" while (e)")
+ << Line(" bar;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementWithBraces1()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (a) {")
+ << Line(" if (b) {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" } else if (c) {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" } else {")
+ << Line(" if (d) {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" } else {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" } else {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementWithBraces2()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" if (b)")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" else if (c)")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" if (d)")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementMixed()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" if (foo)")
+ << Line(" if (bar)")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" if (car)")
+ << Line(" {}")
+ << Line(" else doo;")
+ << Line(" else abc;")
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementAndComments()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" if (foo)")
+ << Line(" ; // bla")
+ << Line(" else if (bar)")
+ << Line(" ;")
+ << Line(" if (foo)")
+ << Line(" ; /* bla")
+ << Line(" bla */")
+ << Line(" else if (bar)")
+ << Line(" // foobar")
+ << Line(" ;")
+ << Line(" else if (bar)")
+ << Line(" /* bla")
+ << Line(" bla */")
+ << Line(" ;")
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifStatementLongCondition()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" if (foo &&")
+ << Line(" bar")
+ << Line(" || (a + b > 4")
+ << Line(" && foo(bar)")
+ << Line(" )")
+ << Line(" ) {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::strayElse()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" while( true ) {}")
+ << Line(" else", -1)
+ << Line(" else {", -1)
+ << Line(" }", -1)
+ << Line("}");
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::macrosNoSemicolon()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("QT_DECLARE_METATYPE(foo)")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ << Line("Q_BLABLA")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ << Line("Q_BLABLA;")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ << Line("Q_BLABLA();")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ << Line("Q_PROPERTY(abc)")
+ << Line("QDOC_PROPERTY(abc)")
+ << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" QT_DECLARE_METATYPE(foo)")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line(" Q_BLABLA")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line(" Q_BLABLA;")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line(" Q_BLABLA();")
+ << Line(" Q_PROPERTY(abc)")
+ << Line(" QDOC_PROPERTY(abc)")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::oneLineIf()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("class F {")
+ << Line(" void foo()")
+ << Line(" { if (showIt) show(); }")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::doWhile()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" do { if (c) foo; } while(a);")
+ << Line(" do {")
+ << Line(" if(a);")
+ << Line(" } while(a);")
+ << Line(" do")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" while(a);")
+ << Line(" do foo; while(a);")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::closingCurlies()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" if (b) {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo();")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" foo();")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo();")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" while (a) {")
+ << Line(" if (a);")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifdefedInsideIf()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (a) {")
+ << Line("#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE")
+ << Line(" if (b) {")
+ << Line("#else")
+ << Line(" if (c) {")
+ << Line("#endif")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" } else if (d) {")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" if (a)")
+ << Line(" ;")
+ << Line(" else if (type == Qt::Dialog || type == Qt::Sheet)")
+ << Line("#ifndef Q_WS_WINCE")
+ << Line(" flags |= Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint;")
+ << Line("#else")
+ << Line(" bar;")
+ << Line("#endif")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ifdefs()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("#ifdef FOO")
+ << Line("#include <bar>")
+ << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line(" if (bar)")
+ << Line("#if 1")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line("#endif")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line("}")
+ << Line("#endif")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::preprocessorContinuation()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("#define x \\")
+ << Line(" foo(x) + \\")
+ << Line(" bar(x)")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line("#define y y")
+ << Line("#define x \\")
+ << Line(" foo(x) + \\")
+ << Line(" bar(x)")
+ << Line(" int j;")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::cStyleComments()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("/*")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" foo")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" foo")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line("*/")
+ << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" /*")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" foo")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" */")
+ << Line(" /* bar */")
+ << Line("}")
+ << Line("struct s {")
+ << Line(" /* foo */")
+ << Line(" /*")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" foo")
+ << Line(" ")
+ << Line(" */")
+ << Line(" /* bar */")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::cppStyleComments()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("// abc")
+ << Line("class C { ")
+ << Line(" // ghij")
+ << Line(" // def")
+ << Line(" // ghij")
+ << Line(" int i; // hik")
+ << Line(" // doo")
+ << Line("} // ba")
+ << Line("// ba")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::expressionContinuation()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" return (a <= b &&")
+ << Line(" c <= d);")
+ << Line(" return (qMax <= qMin() &&")
+ << Line(" qMax(, <= qMin(r1.bottom(), r2.bottom()));")
+ << Line(" return a")
+ << Line(" == b && c == d;")
+ << Line(" return a ==")
+ << Line(" b && c == d;")
+ << Line(" return a == b")
+ << Line(" && c == d;")
+ << Line(" return a == b &&")
+ << Line(" c == d;")
+ << Line(" return a == b && c")
+ << Line(" == d;")
+ << Line(" return a == b && c ==")
+ << Line(" d;")
+ << Line(" return a == b && c == d;")
+ << Line(" qDebug() << foo")
+ << Line(" << bar << moose")
+ << Line(" << bar +")
+ << Line(" foo - blah(1)")
+ << Line(" << '?'")
+ << Line(" << \"\\n\";")
+ << Line(" i += foo(")
+ << Line(" bar,")
+ << Line(" 2);")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::classAccess()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("class foo {")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line("public:")
+ << Line(" class bar {")
+ << Line(" private:")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line(" public:")
+ << Line(" private slots:")
+ << Line(" void foo();")
+ << Line(" public Q_SLOTS:")
+ << Line(" Q_SIGNALS:")
+ << Line(" };")
+ << Line(" float f;")
+ << Line("private:")
+ << Line(" void bar(){}")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::ternary()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" int i = a ? b : c;")
+ << Line(" foo += a_bigger_condition ?")
+ << Line(" b")
+ << Line(" : c;")
+ << Line(" int i = a ?")
+ << Line(" b : c;")
+ << Line(" int i = a ? b")
+ << Line(" : c +")
+ << Line(" 2;")
+ << Line(" int i = (a ? b : c) + (foo")
+ << Line(" bar);")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::bug1()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" if (attribute < int(8*sizeof(uint))) {")
+ << Line(" if (on)")
+ << Line(" data->widget_attributes |= (1<<attribute);")
+ << Line(" else")
+ << Line(" data->widget_attributes &= ~(1<<attribute);")
+ << Line(" } else {")
+ << Line(" const int x = attribute - 8*sizeof(uint);")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" int i;")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::bug2()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" const int sourceY = foo(")
+ << Line(" bar(")
+ << Line(" car(a,")
+ << Line(" b),")
+ << Line(" b),")
+ << Line(" foo);")
+ << Line(" const int sourceY =")
+ << Line(" foo(")
+ << Line(" bar(a,")
+ << Line(" b),")
+ << Line(" b);")
+ << Line(" int j;")
+ << Line(" const int sourceY =")
+ << Line(" (direction == DirectionEast || direction == DirectionWest) ?")
+ << Line(" ( + (sourceRect.bottom() - / 2)")
+ << Line(" : (direction == DirectionSouth ? sourceRect.bottom() :;")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::braceList()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("enum Foo {")
+ << Line(" a,")
+ << Line(" b,")
+ << Line("};")
+ << Line("void foo () {")
+ << Line(" int[] a = { foo, bar, ")
+ << Line(" car };")
+ << Line(" int k;")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::objcAtDeclarations()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("@class Forwarded;")
+ << Line("@protocol Forwarded;")
+ << Line("int i;")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::switch1()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo() {")
+ << Line(" switch (a) {")
+ << Line(" case 1:")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" if (a);")
+ << Line(" case 2:")
+ << Line(" case 3: {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" case 4:")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" case bar:")
+ << Line(" break;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" case 4:")
+ << Line(" {")
+ << Line(" if (a) {")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::memberInitializer()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("void foo()")
+ << Line(" : baR()")
+ << Line(" , m_member(23)")
+ << Line("{")
+ << Line("}")
+ << Line("class Foo {")
+ << Line(" Foo()")
+ << Line(" : baR(),")
+ << Line(" moo(barR)")
+ << Line(" {}")
+ << Line("}")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::templates()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("template <class T, typename F, int i>")
+ << Line("class Foo {")
+ << Line("private:")
+ << Line("};")
+ << Line("template <class T,")
+ << Line(" typename F, int i")
+ << Line(" >")
+ << Line("class Foo {")
+ << Line("private:")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+void tst_CodeFormatter::operatorOverloads()
+ QList<Line> data;
+ data << Line("struct S {")
+ << Line(" void operator()() {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line(" void operator<<() {")
+ << Line(" foo;")
+ << Line(" }")
+ << Line("};")
+ ;
+ checkIndent(data);
+#include "tst_codeformatter.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/cplusplus/ b/tests/auto/cplusplus/
index 5b80ab98e0..947a140b4e 100644
--- a/tests/auto/cplusplus/
+++ b/tests/auto/cplusplus/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
TEMPLATE = subdirs
-SUBDIRS = shared ast semantic lookup preprocessor findusages typeprettyprinter
+SUBDIRS = shared ast semantic lookup preprocessor findusages typeprettyprinter codeformatter
CONFIG += ordered