path: root/tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/
diff options
authorChristian Stenger <>2012-09-18 12:48:40 +0200
committerChristian Stenger <>2012-09-19 16:16:08 +0200
commit93fb2928d626c32c8ff300728ec4e400ba4b9749 (patch)
tree1d2e3b5b800f4360271e3680f2ee2cbf201b532d /tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/
parent8b9cc83b210b3780c02082fd6334f3ea3e295431 (diff)
Squish: Added new test cases/suite for welcome page
Change-Id: Id01582e881b8150a76336bb4f3ea6511c4bcd249 Done-with: Jan Kerekes Done-with: Pavol Grainda Reviewed-by: Robert Loehning <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/ b/tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edf29c9dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/system/suite_WELP/tst_WELP02/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+def main():
+ # prepare example project
+ sourceExample = os.path.join(sdkPath, "Examples", "4.7", "declarative", "animation", "basics",
+ "property-animation")
+ if not neededFilePresent(sourceExample):
+ return
+ # open Qt Creator
+ startApplication("qtcreator" + SettingsPath)
+ if not test.verify(checkIfObjectExists(getQmlItem("Text", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='Getting Started'")),
+ "Verifying: Qt Creator displays Welcome Page with Getting Started."):
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(getQmlItem("LinkedText", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='Getting Started'")), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ # select "Develop" topic
+ mouseClick(waitForObject(getQmlItem("LinkedText", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='Develop'")), 5, 5, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ sessionsText = getQmlItem("Text", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False, "text='Sessions'")
+ recentProjText = getQmlItem("Text", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='Recent Projects'")
+ test.verify(checkIfObjectExists(sessionsText) and checkIfObjectExists(recentProjText),
+ "Verifying: 'Develop' with 'Recently used sessions' and "
+ "'Recently used Projects' is being opened.")
+ # select "Create Project" and try to create a new project.
+ # create Qt Quick application from "Welcome" page -> "Develop" tab
+ createNewQtQuickApplication(tempDir(), "SampleApp", fromWelcome = True)
+ waitForSignal("{type='CppTools::Internal::CppModelManager' unnamed='1'}",
+ "sourceFilesRefreshed(QStringList)")
+ test.verify(checkIfObjectExists("{column='0' container=':Qt Creator_Utils::NavigationTreeView'"
+ " text='SampleApp' type='QModelIndex'}"),
+ "Verifying: The project is opened in 'Edit' mode after configuring.")
+ # go to "Welcome page" -> "Develop" topic again.
+ switchViewTo(ViewConstants.WELCOME)
+ test.verify(checkIfObjectExists(sessionsText) and checkIfObjectExists(recentProjText),
+ "Verifying: 'Develop' with 'Sessions' and 'Recent Projects' is opened.")
+ # select "Open project" and select any project.
+ # copy example project to temp directory
+ examplePath = os.path.join(prepareTemplate(sourceExample), "")
+ # open example project from "Welcome" page -> "Develop" tab
+ openQmakeProject(examplePath, fromWelcome = True)
+ waitForSignal("{type='CppTools::Internal::CppModelManager' unnamed='1'}",
+ "sourceFilesRefreshed(QStringList)")
+ test.verify(checkIfObjectExists("{column='0' container=':Qt Creator_Utils::NavigationTreeView'"
+ " text='propertyanimation' type='QModelIndex'}"),
+ "Verifying: The project is opened in 'Edit' mode after configuring.")
+ # go to "Welcome page" -> "Develop" again and check if there is an information about
+ # recent projects in "Recent Projects".
+ switchViewTo(ViewConstants.WELCOME)
+ test.verify(checkIfObjectExists(getQmlItem("LinkedText", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='propertyanimation'")) and
+ checkIfObjectExists(getQmlItem("LinkedText", ":Qt Creator_QDeclarativeView", False,
+ "text='SampleApp'")),
+ "Verifying: 'Develop' is opened and the recently created and "
+ "opened project can be seen in 'Recent Projects'.")
+ # exit Qt Creator
+ invokeMenuItem("File", "Exit")