path: root/tests/auto/profilewriter
diff options
authorOswald Buddenhagen <>2010-01-14 22:58:55 +0100
committerOswald Buddenhagen <>2010-01-25 16:53:56 +0100
commit6c7b2d1c8718a964f42c40aab33b2dc4b289d7ec (patch)
tree8ba75b9e00a0a13dcd5bc53b5378c3672bd911c0 /tests/auto/profilewriter
parent93b6820e8c3b09da1e0f7634f585fa539651e28e (diff)
actually edit pro files instead of rewriting them from the "AST"
that way the file formatting is better preserved.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/profilewriter')
2 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/profilewriter/main.cpp b/tests/auto/profilewriter/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f37eb761f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/profilewriter/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+** This file is part of Qt Creator
+** Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** Commercial Usage
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and Nokia.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
+** contact the sales department at
+#include "profileevaluator.h"
+#include "prowriter.h"
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+//#include <QtCore/QSet>
+#define BASE_DIR "/some/stuff"
+class tst_ProFileWriter : public QObject
+private slots:
+ void edit_data();
+ void edit();
+ void multiVar();
+void tst_ProFileWriter::edit_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("add");
+ QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("files");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("input");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("output");
+ struct Case {
+ bool add;
+ const char *title;
+ const char * const *files;
+ const char *input;
+ const char *output;
+ };
+ static const char *f_foo[] = { "foo", 0 };
+ static const char *f_foo_bar[] = { "foo", "bar", 0 };
+ static const Case cases[] = {
+ // Adding entries
+ {
+ true, "add new", f_foo,
+ "# test file",
+ "# test file\n"
+ "\n"
+ "SOURCES += \\\n"
+ " foo"
+ },
+ {
+ true, "add new ignoring scoped", f_foo,
+ "unix:SOURCES = some files",
+ "unix:SOURCES = some files\n"
+ "\n"
+ "SOURCES += \\\n"
+ " foo"
+ },
+ {
+ true, "add to existing", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = some files",
+ "SOURCES = some files \\\n"
+ " foo"
+ },
+ {
+ true, "add to existing after comment", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = some files # comment",
+ "SOURCES = some files \\ # comment\n"
+ " foo"
+ },
+ {
+ true, "add to existing after comment line", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = some \\\n"
+ " # comment\n"
+ " files",
+ "SOURCES = some \\\n"
+ " # comment\n"
+ " files \\\n"
+ " foo"
+ },
+ // Removing entries
+ {
+ false, "remove fail", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove one-line middle", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak foo bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove one-line trailing", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak bar foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single leading", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = foo \\\n"
+ " bak \\\n"
+ " bar",
+ "SOURCES = \\\n"
+ " bak \\\n"
+ " bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single middle", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " foo \\\n"
+ " bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single trailing", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single leading with comment", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = foo \\ # comment\n"
+ " bak \\\n"
+ " bar",
+ "SOURCES = \\ # foo # comment\n"
+ " bak \\\n"
+ " bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single middle with comment", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " foo \\ # comment\n"
+ " bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " \\ # foo # comment\n"
+ " bar"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single trailing with comment", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " foo # comment",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar\n"
+ " # foo # comment"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single trailing after empty line", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " \\\n"
+ " foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar\n"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single trailing after comment line", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " # just a comment\n"
+ " foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar\n"
+ " # just a comment"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line single trailing after empty line with comment", f_foo,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " \\ # just a comment\n"
+ " foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar\n"
+ " # just a comment"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multiple one-line middle", f_foo_bar,
+ "SOURCES = bak foo bar baz",
+ "SOURCES = bak baz"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multiple one-line trailing", f_foo_bar,
+ "SOURCES = bak baz foo bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak baz"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multiple one-line interleaved", f_foo_bar,
+ "SOURCES = bak foo baz bar",
+ "SOURCES = bak baz"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multiple one-line middle with comment", f_foo_bar,
+ "SOURCES = bak foo bar baz # comment",
+ "SOURCES = bak baz # bar # foo # comment"
+ },
+ {
+ false, "remove multi-line multiple trailing with empty line with comment", f_foo_bar,
+ "SOURCES = bak \\\n"
+ " bar \\\n"
+ " \\ # just a comment\n"
+ " foo",
+ "SOURCES = bak\n"
+ " # just a comment"
+ },
+ };
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sizeof(cases) / sizeof(cases[0]); i++) {
+ const Case *_case = &cases[i];
+ QStringList files;
+ for (const char * const *file = _case->files; *file; file++)
+ files << QString::fromLatin1(BASE_DIR "/") + QString::fromLatin1(*file);
+ QTest::newRow(_case->title)
+ << _case->add
+ << files
+ << QString::fromLatin1(_case->input)
+ << QString::fromLatin1(_case->output);
+ }
+void tst_ProFileWriter::edit()
+ QFETCH(bool, add);
+ QFETCH(QStringList, files);
+ QFETCH(QString, input);
+ QFETCH(QString, output);
+ QDir baseDir(BASE_DIR);
+ QStringList lines = input.split(QLatin1String("\n"));
+ QStringList vars; vars << QLatin1String("SOURCES");
+ ProFileOption option;
+ ProFileEvaluator reader(&option);
+ ProFile *proFile = reader.parsedProFile(BASE_DIR "/", input);
+ QVERIFY(proFile);
+ if (add)
+ Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::ProWriter::addFiles(proFile, &lines, baseDir, files, vars);
+ else
+ Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::ProWriter::removeFiles(proFile, &lines, baseDir, files, vars);
+ QCOMPARE(lines.join(QLatin1String("\n")), output);
+void tst_ProFileWriter::multiVar()
+ QDir baseDir(BASE_DIR);
+ QString input = QLatin1String(
+ "SOURCES = foo bar\n"
+ "# comment line\n"
+ "HEADERS = baz bak"
+ );
+ QStringList lines = input.split(QLatin1String("\n"));
+ QString output = QLatin1String(
+ "SOURCES = bar\n"
+ "# comment line\n"
+ "HEADERS = baz"
+ );
+ QStringList files; files
+ << QString::fromLatin1(BASE_DIR "/foo")
+ << QString::fromLatin1(BASE_DIR "/bak");
+ QStringList vars; vars << QLatin1String("SOURCES") << QLatin1String("HEADERS");
+ ProFileOption option;
+ ProFileEvaluator reader(&option);
+ ProFile *proFile = reader.parsedProFile(BASE_DIR "/", input);
+ QVERIFY(proFile);
+ Qt4ProjectManager::Internal::ProWriter::removeFiles(proFile, &lines, baseDir, files, vars);
+ QCOMPARE(lines.join(QLatin1String("\n")), output);
+#include "main.moc"
diff --git a/tests/auto/profilewriter/ b/tests/auto/profilewriter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..774e09f666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/profilewriter/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+SOURCES += main.cpp
+QT -= gui