path: root/doc
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authorLeena Miettinen <>2017-07-07 15:14:54 +0200
committerLeena Miettinen <>2017-07-07 14:14:51 +0000
commite2becd2b0bb11cfe3da73607a264c595d7feb6ba (patch)
treecfce39e3d8be8b9f412fe260cf12669c1b874de2 /doc
parent3188a5abb13e022314f3337a241742c44f618dd3 (diff)
Doc: List supported FakeVim modes and emulated commands
Change-Id: I9fe1f0982829aa4e5998f03f098bef7679b44443 Done-by: Lukas Holecek Reviewed-by: Lukas Holecek <> Reviewed-by: hjk <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/editors/creator-editors.qdoc b/doc/src/editors/creator-editors.qdoc
index 4feef58f86..9b55aad11a 100644
--- a/doc/src/editors/creator-editors.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/editors/creator-editors.qdoc
@@ -1160,10 +1160,160 @@
mode, select \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol Advanced >
\uicontrol {Use Vim-style Editing} or press \key {Alt+V,Alt+V}.
+ \section1 Supported Modes and Commands
In the \uicontrol FakeVim mode, most keystrokes in the main editor will be
- intercepted and interpreted in a way that resembles Vim. Documentation for
- Vim is not included in \QC. For more information on using Vim, see
- \l{}{Documentation} on the Vim web site.
+ intercepted and interpreted in a way that resembles Vim. Most of the
+ supported commands can be followed by a motion command or executed in visual
+ mode, or they work with registers or can be prefixed with a number of
+ repetitions.
+ The following sections describe the commands emulated in the supported modes
+ and how they diverge from Vim in functionality:
+ \list
+ \li Normal
+ \li Visual
+ \li Command line (:)
+ \li Insert and replace
+ \endlist
+ For more information on using Vim, see \l{}
+ {Documentation} on the Vim web site.
+ \section2 Normal and Visual Modes
+ \list
+ \li Basic movement, such as \c h/j/k/l, \c <C-U>, \c <C-D>, \c <C-F>,
+ \c <C-B>, \c gg, \c G, \c 0, \c ^, \c $
+ \li Word movement, such as \c w, \c e, \c b
+ \li \e Inner/a movement, such as \c ciw, \c 3daw, ya{
+ \li \c f and \c t movement
+ \li \c [ and \c ] movement
+ \li { and } paragraph movement
+ \li Delete/change/yank/paste with register
+ \li Undo and redo
+ \li \c <C-A> and \c <C-X> increase or decrease a number in decimal,
+ octal, or hexadecimal format (for example \c 128<C-A> on or before
+ \c "0x0ff" changes it to \c "0x17f")
+ \li \c . repeats the last change
+ \li \c /search, \c ?search, \c *, \c #, \c n, \c N - most of regular
+ expression syntax is used in Vim except that \c \< and \c \> are
+ the same as \c {\b} in QRegExp
+ \li \c @ and \c q (macro recording and execution) special keys are saved
+ as \c <S-Left>
+ \li Marks
+ \li \c gv goes to last visual selection; can differ if text is edited
+ around it
+ \li Indentation using \c =, \c <<, \c >>, with movement, count, and in
+ visual mode
+ \li \e {to upper/lower}, such as \c ~, \c gU, \c gu
+ \li \c i, \c a, \c o, \c I, \c A, and \c O enter insert mode
+ \li Scroll window, such as \c zt, \c zb, \c zz
+ \li Wrap line movement, such as \c gj, \c gk, \c g0, \c g^, \c g$
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Command Line Mode
+ \list
+ \li \c :map, \c :unmap, \c :inoremap, and so on
+ \li \c :source provides very basic line-by-line sourcing of vimrc files
+ \li \c :substitute substitutes an expression in a range
+ \li \c :'<,'>!cmd filters through an external command (for example,
+ sorts the lines in a file with \c :%!sort)
+ \li \c :.!cmd inserts the standard output of an external command
+ \li \c :read
+ \li \c :yank, \c :delete, \c :change
+ \li \c :move, \c :join
+ \li \c :20 goes to an address
+ \li \c :history
+ \li \c :registers, \c :display
+ \li \c :nohlsearch
+ \li \c :undo, \c :redo
+ \li \c :normal
+ \li \c :<, \c :>
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Insert Mode
+ \list
+ \li \c <C-O> executes a single command and returns to insert mode
+ \li \c <C-V> inserts a raw character
+ \li \c <insert> toggles replace mode
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Options
+ Use \c {:set ...} to set the following options:
+ \list
+ \li \c autoindent
+ \li \c clipboard
+ \li \c backspace
+ \li \c expandtab
+ \li \c hlsearch
+ \li \c ignorecase
+ \li \c incsearch
+ \li \c indent
+ \li \c iskeyword
+ \li \c scrolloff
+ \li \c shiftwidth
+ \li \c showcmd
+ \li \c smartcase
+ \li \c smartindent
+ \li \c smarttab
+ \li \c startofline
+ \li \c tabstop
+ \li \c tildeop
+ \li \c wrapscan
+ \endlist
+ \section2 Vimrc Example
+ \code
+ " highlight matched
+ set hlsearch
+ " case insensitive search
+ set ignorecase
+ set smartcase
+ " search while typing
+ set incsearch
+ " wrap-around when searching
+ set wrapscan
+ " show pressed keys in lower right corner
+ set showcmd
+ " tab -> spaces
+ set expandtab
+ set tabstop=4
+ set shiftwidth=4
+ " keep a 5 line buffer for the cursor from top/bottom of window
+ set scrolloff=5
+ " X11 clipboard
+ set clipboard=unnamed
+ " use ~ with movement
+ set tildeop
+ " mappings
+ nnoremap ; :
+ inoremap jj <Esc>
+ " clear highlighted search term on space
+ noremap <silent> <Space> :nohls<CR>
+ " reselect visual block after indent
+ vnoremap < <gv
+ vnoremap > >gv
+ nnoremap <C-S-J> :m+<CR>==
+ nnoremap <C-S-K> :m-2<CR>==
+ inoremap <C-S-J> <Esc>:m+<CR>==gi
+ inoremap <C-S-K> <Esc>:m-2<CR>==gi
+ vnoremap <C-S-J> :m'>+<CR>gv=gv
+ vnoremap <C-S-K> :m-2<CR>gv=gv
+ \endcode
+ \section1 Mapping FakeVim Commands
To map commands entered on the \uicontrol FakeVim command line to actions
of the \QC core, select \uicontrol Tools > \uicontrol Options >
@@ -1174,6 +1324,8 @@
\uicontrol {User Command Mapping}. The user command mapped to the shortcut
is executed by FakeVim as if you were typing it (as when replaying a macro).
+ \section1 Specifying FakeVim Options
To make changes to the Vim-style settings, select \uicontrol Tools >
\uicontrol Options > \uicontrol FakeVim > \uicontrol General.
@@ -1189,6 +1341,8 @@
\uicontrol Options > \uicontrol {Text Editor} > \uicontrol {Fonts & Color}.
In the \uicontrol {Color Scheme} list, select \uicontrol {Vim (dark)}.
+ \section1 Quitting FakeVim Mode
To quit the FakeVim mode, unselect \uicontrol Tools > \uicontrol Options >
\uicontrol FakeVim > \uicontrol {Use FakeVim} or press \key {Alt+V,Alt+V}.