path: root/doc/src/projects/creator-projects-custom-wizards.qdoc
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authorLeena Miettinen <>2011-09-27 11:55:44 +0200
committerLeena Miettinen <>2011-09-27 15:56:06 +0200
commitc78528dce8d687af8dfffeb459c3f53990cf177e (patch)
treee78c5ae580c99d093196d17500002a3ac79a26a7 /doc/src/projects/creator-projects-custom-wizards.qdoc
parent44c107c26797a7a114419b7392b520c8a69c33d7 (diff)
Doc: move projects mode topics to a separate folder
Change-Id: I031e1f488c4923baea0bddbd24da804f3bb01c95 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Qt Sanity Bot <> Reviewed-by: Eike Ziller <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src/projects/creator-projects-custom-wizards.qdoc')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 0 deletions
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+** This file is part of Qt Creator
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+ \contentspage index.html
+ \previouspage creator-os-supported-platforms.html
+ \page creator-project-wizards.html
+ \nextpage creator-project-cmake.html
+ \title Adding New Custom Wizards
+ If you have a team working on a large application or several applications,
+ you might want to standardize the way the team members create projects
+ and classes.
+ You can copy the wizard templates in the template folders to create your own
+ project and class wizards. They are displayed in the \gui New dialog that
+ opens when you choose \gui {File > New File or Project}.
+ In a project wizard, you can specify the files needed in a project.
+ You can add wizard pages to allow developers to specify settings for the
+ project.
+ In a class wizard, you can allow developers to specify the class name, base
+ class, and header and source files for the class.
+ To see how this works, rename wizard_sample.xml as wizard.xml in the
+ \c {\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\listmodel\helloworld} and
+ \c {\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\listmodel\listmodels} folders. After
+ you restart \QC, the \gui {Custom Classes}
+ and \gui {Custom Projects} categories appear in the \gui New dialog.
+ \image qtcreator-custom-project-wizards.png "The New dialog with custom projects and classes"
+ \section1 Overview of Custom Wizards
+ A custom wizard defines the user interface of a wizard page. The values the
+ user enters in the wizard are assigned field names. Field name and value
+ pairs are then passed to the file creation process. File creation can happen
+ in the following ways:
+ \list 1
+ \o Template-based, where source files that contain placeholders for
+ the field names are provided. During processing, the placeholders
+ are replaced by the values from the wizard page. Optionally,
+ modifier characters are applied. For more information, see
+ \l{Processing Template Files}.
+ \o Generator script, where a script is called to create the files.
+ \note This option mainly exists to accommodate existing generator
+ scripts or cases where complicated algorithmic logic is required
+ when generating files. Writing cross-platform scripts is inherently
+ difficult, and therefore, it is not recommended for new wizards. For
+ more information, see \l{Using Generator Scripts}.
+ \endlist
+ Custom wizards are located in subdirectories of the following directories:
+ \list
+ \o \c{share/qtcreator/templates/wizards}
+ \o the local user's configuration folder,
+ \c{$HOME/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/templates/wizards}
+ \o \c{%APPDATA%\Nokia\qtcreator\templates\wizards}
+ \endlist
+ They contain an XML configuration file called wizard.xml, the template
+ source files, and optionally, the generator script.
+ \section1 Creating Project Wizards
+ To create a project wizard:
+ \list 1
+ \o Make a copy of the \c {share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/helloworld}
+ or \c {share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/listmodel} folder.
+ \o Modify the wizard_example.xml file.
+ \o The following code determines the type of the wizard and its place
+ in the \gui New dialog:
+ \code
+ <wizard version="1" kind="project"
+ class="qt4project" firstpage="10"
+ id="A.HelloWorld" category="B.CustomProjects">
+ \endcode
+ \list
+ \o \c version is the version of the file contents. Do not modify
+ this value.
+ \o \c kind specifies the type of the wizard: \c project or
+ \c class.
+ \o \c class specifies the type of the project. Currently the only
+ available type is \c qt4project, which specifies a Qt console
+ project.
+ \o \c firstpage specifies the place of the new page in the standard
+ project wizard. The value 10 ensures that the custom page
+ appears after the standard pages, as the last page of the
+ wizard.
+ \o \c id is the unique identifier for your wizard. The letter
+ specifies the position of the wizard within the \c category. The
+ HelloWorld wizard appears as the first wizard in the second
+ category in the \gui New dialog.
+ \o \c category is the category in which to place the wizard in the
+ list. The letter specifies the position of the category in the
+ list in the \gui New dialog.
+ \endlist
+ \o The following code specifies the icon and text that appear in the
+ \gui New dialog:
+ \code
+ <icon>console.png</icon>
+ <description>Creates a hello-world-project with custom message.</description>
+ <description xml:lang="de">Erzeugt ein Hello-Welt-Projekt mit einer Nachricht.</description>
+ <displayname>Hello World</displayname>;
+ <displayname xml:lang="de">Hallo Welt</displayname>;
+ <displaycategory>Custom Projects</displaycategory>
+ <displaycategory xml:lang="de">Benutzerdefinierte Projekte</displaycategory>
+ \endcode
+ \list
+ \o \c icon appears next to the \c displayName.
+ \o \c description appears at the bottom of the \gui New dialog when
+ you select the display name.
+ \o \c displayName appears in the \gui New dialog, under the
+ \c displayCategory.
+ You can add translations as values for the text elements. Specify the target
+ language as an attribute for the element. Use locale names (QLocale).
+ For example, \c {xml:lang="de"}.
+ \endlist
+ \o Files to be added to the project:
+ \list
+ \o Template-based: The following code specifies the files to add to
+ the project:
+ \code
+ <files>
+ <file source="main.cpp" openeditor="true" />
+ <file source="" target="" openproject="true" />
+ <file source="icon.png" target="%ProjectName%.png" binary="true" />
+ \endcode
+ \list
+ \o \c source specifies the file to copy to the project. The
+ files must be located in the wizard folder.
+ \o \c openeditor indicates that the file is to be opened in an
+ editor after the wizard has finished.
+ \o \c binary indicates that the file is a binary file (for
+ example, an image file). It is to be copied to the target
+ folder as is. Placeholders are not replaced with values.
+ \o \c target specifies the new filename for the file. The
+ \c {%ProjectName%} variable is replaced with the string that
+ users specify in the \gui Name field on the first page of
+ the wizard.
+ \o \c openproject indicates that the file is a project file
+ which is to be opened after the wizard has finished.
+ \endlist
+ See also \l{Processing Template Files}.
+ \o Generator-script: The following code specifies that the script
+ \c is to be used to create the files:
+ \code
+ <generatorscript binary="">
+ <argument value="--class-name=%ClassName%"/>
+ <argument value="--project-name=%ProjectName%"/>
+ <argument value="--header-suffix=%CppHeaderSuffix%" omit-empty="true"/>
+ <argument value="--source-suffix=%CppSourceSuffix%" omit-empty="true"/>
+ <argument value="--description=%Description%" omit-empty="true" write-file="true"/>
+ </generatorscript>
+ \endcode
+ In each argument, the field placeholders are replaced by the
+ field values. There are additional boolean attributes which give
+ fine-grained control:
+ \list
+ \o \c omit-empty specifies that complete argument is to be
+ omitted when all placeholders expand to empty values. In
+ the above example, the option \c --source-suffix will
+ not be passed to the script if the value is empty.
+ \o \c write-file indicates that instead of the expanded
+ value, the value will be written to a temporary file and
+ its file name will be passed to the script instead. This
+ is useful for multi-line text fields.
+ \endlist
+ See also \l{Using Generator Scripts}.
+ \endlist
+ \o The following code creates a page that specifies settings for the project:
+ \code
+ <!-- Create a 2nd wizard page with parameters -->
+ <fieldpagetitle>Hello World Parameters</fieldpagetitle>
+ <fieldpagetitle xml:lang="de">Hallo Welt Parameter</fieldpagetitle>
+ <fields>
+ <field mandatory="true" name="MESSAGE">
+ <fieldcontrol class="QLineEdit" validator='^[^"]+$' defaulttext="Hello world!" />
+ <fielddescription>Hello world message:</fielddescription>
+ <fielddescription xml:lang="de">Hallo-Welt-Nachricht:</fielddescription>
+ </field>
+ </fields>
+ \endcode
+ \list
+ \o \c fieldpagetitle specifies the title of the page.
+ \o \c field specifies whether the field is mandatory (\c true or
+ \c false). You can use the value of the \c name field as a
+ variable in other files (for example, \c {%MESSAGE%}.
+ \o \c fieldcontrol specifies the field. \c class specifies the
+ field type. You can use interface objects from the QWidget class
+ to create fields. This example uses QLineEdit to create an input
+ field.
+ \o \c validator specifies a regular expression to check the
+ characters allowed in the field.
+ \o \c defaulttext specifies text that appears in the field by
+ default.
+ \o \c fielddescription specifies the field name that appears on the
+ wizard page.
+ \endlist
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Creating Class Wizards
+ The widget.xml file for a class wizard is very similar to that for a project
+ wizard. The differences are discussed below.
+ To create a class wizard:
+ \list 1
+ \o The following code specifies settings for the wizard:
+ \code
+ <wizard version="1" kind="class" id="A.ListModel" category="B.CustomClasses">
+ <description>Creates a QAbstractListModel implementation.</description>
+ <description xml:lang="de">Erzeugt eine Implementierung von QAbstractListModel.</description>
+ <displayname>QAbstractListModel implementation</displayname>
+ <displayname xml:lang="de">Implementierung von QAbstractListModel</displayname>
+ <displaycategory>Custom Classes</displaycategory>
+ <displaycategory xml:lang="de">Benutzerdefinierte Klassen</displaycategory>
+ \endcode
+ For more information about the elements and their values, see
+ \l {Creating Project Wizards}.
+ \o The following code specifies the files to add to the project:
+ \code
+ <files>
+ <file source="listmodel.cpp" target="%ClassName:l%.%CppSourceSuffix%" openeditor="true" />
+ <file source="listmodel.h" target="%ClassName:l%.%CppHeaderSuffix%" openeditor="true" />
+ </files>
+ \endcode
+ Here, \c target contains the following variables that are used to
+ construct the filename:
+ \list
+ \o \c {%ClassName:l%} is replaced with the value of the
+ \c ClassName field. The modifier \c l converts the string to
+ lower case, to observe Qt conventions.
+ \o \c {%CppSourceSuffix%} and \c {%CppHeaderSuffix%} are
+ pre-defined. For more information, see
+ \l{Pre-defined Standard Variables}.
+ \endlist
+ \code
+ <!-- Create parameter wizard page -->
+ <fieldpagetitle>ListModel parameters</fieldpagetitle>
+ <fieldpagetitle xml:lang="de">Parameter des ListModel</fieldpagetitle>
+ <fields>
+ <field name="ClassName">
+ <fieldcontrol class="QLineEdit" validator="^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$" defaulttext="MyListModel" />
+ <fielddescription>Class name:</fielddescription>
+ <fielddescription xml:lang="de">Klassenname:</fielddescription>
+ </field>
+ <field name="Datatype">
+ <fieldcontrol class="QComboBox" combochoices="QString,int" defaultindex="0" />
+ <fielddescription>Data type:</fielddescription>
+ <fielddescription xml:lang="de">Datentyp:</fielddescription>
+ </field>
+ </fields>
+ \endcode
+ In addition to QLineEdit, QComboBox is used in the class wizard to
+ create a field. \c combochoices specifies the options in the combobox
+ and \c defaultindex specifies that QString is the default value.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Processing Template Files
+ When processing a template source file, placeholders specifying the field
+ names in the format \c{%FIELDNAME%} are replaced by the values entered by
+ the user. In addition, modifier characters are supported. For example,
+ \c{%FIELDNAME:u%} specifies that the value is converted to upper case. This
+ enables generating header guards for C++ header files.
+ The following modifier characters are supported:
+ \list
+ \o \c{l} for lower case.
+ \o \c{u} for upper case.
+ \o \c{c} for upper case initial letter ("project" > "Project").
+ \endlist
+ You can use conditions to add sections of the file depending on field
+ values. Use a syntax that is similar to C++ preprocessing, as demonstrated
+ in the profile of the \c{helloworld} example:
+ \code
+ @if "%SCRIPT%" == "true"
+ QT += script
+ @endif
+ \endcode
+ The value of the Boolean (QCheckBox) field labeled \c{SCRIPT} determines
+ whether the script module is added. The expressions must expand to valid
+ Javascript expressions after field replacement.
+ \section1 Pre-defined Standard Variables
+ In addition to the field values entered by the user, you can use
+ the following pre-defined standard values:
+ \list
+ \o \c {%ProjectName%} is replaced by the name of the project in the
+ case of project wizards.
+ \o \c {%Path%} is replaced by the path to the target directory. For
+ classes, this is the directory, where the files are created. For
+ project wizards, an additional subdirectory named after the project
+ is created.
+ \o \c {%TargetPath%} is replaced by the path to the directory where the
+ actual files are created. For non-project wizards, it is identical
+ to \c %Path%. For project wizards, it is \c %Path%/%ProjectName%.
+ \o \c {%CppSourceSuffix%} is replaced by the default source suffix,
+ which is defined in \QC in \gui {Tools > Options > C++ >
+ File Naming}. For example, if users enter \bold MyClass, the
+ filename becomes myclass.cpp when the project is created.
+ \o \c {%CppHeaderSuffix%} is replaced by the default header suffix,
+ which is also defined in \gui {File Naming}.
+ \endlist
+ \section1 Validating User Input
+ You can specify validation rules for user input. The rules consist of a
+ Boolean JavaScript expression and an error message. The placeholders in them
+ are replaced with values before they are evaluated or displayed.
+ Consider the following rule used in the \l{Creating Class Wizards} example:
+ \code
+ <validationrules>
+ <validationrule condition='"%ClassName%" != "QAbstractListModel"'>
+ <message>%ClassName% cannot be used as class name.</message>
+ <message xml:lang="de">%ClassName% kann nicht als Klassenname verwendet werden.</message>
+ </validationrule>
+ </validationrules>
+ \endcode
+ It ensures that the class name entered by the user does not match the name
+ of the base class. If the validation fails, a red label displaying the
+ message appears at the bottom of the wizard page.
+ \section1 Using Generator Scripts
+ The values entered in the wizard page are passed to the script
+ as command line arguments as defined by the wizard configuration file.
+ In addition, the script must implement a \c{--dry-run} command line option.
+ \QC needs to know the file names before the files are created to check
+ whether files with identical names already exist, for example. Therefore,
+ script file generation is a two-step process:
+ \list 1
+ \o Determine file names and attributes: The script is called with the
+ command line \c{--dry-run} option and the field values. It then prints
+ the relative path names of the files it intends to create, followed by
+ comma-separated attributes matching those of the \c{<file>} element, for
+ example:
+ \code
+ myclass.cpp,openeditor
+ myclass.h,openeditor
+ \endcode
+ \o Create files: The script is called with the parameters only in the
+ working directory. It then actually creates the files. If directories
+ are needed, the script should create them, too.
+ \endlist
+ The \c{scriptgeneratedproject} sample wizard illustrates the usage.
+ A typical script invocation for this example (obtained by running \QC with
+ \c{--customwizard-verbose}) looks as follows:
+ \code
+ --class-name=TestClass --project-name=TestProject --header-suffix=h --source-suffix=cpp --description=/tmp/qtcreatorj26629.txt
+ \endcode
+ By default, the scripts are run in the directory corresponding to
+ \c %TargetPath%. This can be overriden by specifying the attribute
+ \c workingdirectory on the element \c generatorscript. For example, if the
+ script creates the project directory by itself, %Path% can be specified. In
+ that case, \c --dry-run should output the correct relative paths or absolute
+ paths constructed using the value of \c %Path%.