path: root/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 464 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs b/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs
deleted file mode 100644
index fcbd6ffaf..000000000
--- a/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-import qbs.File
-import qbs.FileInfo
-import qbs.Probes
-import qbs.Process
-import qbs.Utilities
-Project {
- QbsLibrary {
- condition: qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript || !Qt.script.present
- Depends {
- name: "Qt.script"
- condition: !qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript
- required: false
- }
- Depends { name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders" }
- Depends { name: "cpp" }
- Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core-private"] }
- Depends {
- name: "Qt.core5compat";
- condition: Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "6.0.0") >= 0
- }
- name: "qbsscriptengine"
- generatePkgConfigFile: false
- generateQbsModule: false
- property bool useSystemMalloc: !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos")
- && !qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
- property string qtscriptPath: "../../shared/qtscript/src/"
- cpp.includePaths: {
- var result = base.concat(
- ".",
- "include"
- );
- var jscBaseDir = qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore";
- result.push(jscBaseDir);
- jscBaseDir += "/JavaScriptCore";
- result.push(jscBaseDir);
- var jscSubDirs = [
- "assembler",
- "bytecode",
- "bytecompiler",
- "debugger",
- "interpreter",
- "jit",
- "parser",
- "pcre",
- "profiler",
- "runtime",
- "wrec",
- "wtf",
- "wtf/unicode",
- "yarr",
- "API",
- "ForwardingHeaders",
- "generated"];
- result = result.concat( { return jscBaseDir + '/' + s; }));
- result.push(qtscriptPath + "script");
- result.push(qtscriptPath + "script/api");
- result.push(qtscriptPath + "script/parser");
- result = result.concat(QtScriptFwdHeaders.publicIncludePaths,
- QtScriptFwdHeaders.privateIncludePaths);
- return result;
- }
- cpp.defines: {
- var result = base.concat([
- "JSC=QTJSC", "jscyyparse=qtjscyyparse", "jscyylex=qtjscyylex",
- "jscyyerror=qtjscyyerror",
- if (qbs.buildVariant != "debug")
- result.push("NDEBUG");
- if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
- // JavaScriptCore
- result.push("BUILDING_QT__", "BUILDING_JavaScriptCore", "BUILDING_WTF",
- if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) {
- // Prevent definition of min, max macros in windows.h
- result.push("NOMINMAX");
- // Enables rand_s
- result.push("_CRT_RAND_S");
- }
- // WebKit
- if (useSystemMalloc)
- result.push("USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC");
- result = result.filter(function(value) {
- return value !== "QT_RESTRICTED_CAST_FROM_ASCII"
- && value !== "QT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY"
- && value !== "QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII";
- })
- return result;
- }
- cpp.cxxFlags: {
- var result = base;
- if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")) {
- result.push("-fno-strict-aliasing",
- "-Wall", "-Wreturn-type", "-Wcast-align", "-Wchar-subscripts",
- "-Wformat-security", "-Wreturn-type", "-Wno-unused-parameter",
- "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-switch", "-Wno-switch-enum", "-Wundef",
- "-Wmissing-noreturn", "-Winit-self", "-Wno-deprecated",
- "-Wno-suggest-attribute=noreturn", "-Wno-nonnull-compare");
- } else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")) {
- result.push("-wd4291", "-wd4344", "-wd4396", "-wd4503", "-wd4800", "-wd4819",
- "-wd4996");
- }
- if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix"))
- result.push("-pthread");
- return result;
- }
- cpp.warningLevel: "none"
- cpp.optimization: "fast" // We cannot afford -O0 for QtScript even in debug builds.
- cpp.frameworks: base.concat(qbs.targetOS.contains("darwin") ? ["CoreFoundation"] : [])
- Properties {
- condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
- cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["pthread"])
- }
- Properties {
- condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
- cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["winmm"])
- }
- Group {
- name: "pcre"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/pcre/"
- files: [
- "pcre_compile.cpp",
- "pcre_exec.cpp",
- "pcre_tables.cpp",
- "pcre_ucp_searchfuncs.cpp",
- "pcre_xclass.cpp",
- ]
- }
- Group {
- name: "system malloc replacement"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/"
- condition: !useSystemMalloc
- files: [
- "wtf/TCSystemAlloc.cpp",
- ]
- }
- Group {
- name: "JavaScriptCore"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/"
- files: [
- "API/JSBase.cpp",
- "API/JSCallbackConstructor.cpp",
- "API/JSCallbackFunction.cpp",
- "API/JSCallbackObject.cpp",
- "API/JSClassRef.cpp",
- "API/JSContextRef.cpp",
- "API/JSObjectRef.cpp",
- "API/JSStringRef.cpp",
- "API/JSValueRef.cpp",
- "API/OpaqueJSString.cpp",
- "assembler/ARMAssembler.cpp",
- "assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.cpp",
- "bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp",
- "bytecode/JumpTable.cpp",
- "bytecode/Opcode.cpp",
- "bytecode/SamplingTool.cpp",
- "bytecode/StructureStubInfo.cpp",
- "bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp",
- "bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp",
- "debugger/DebuggerActivation.cpp",
- "debugger/DebuggerCallFrame.cpp",
- "debugger/Debugger.cpp",
- "generated/Grammar.cpp",
- "interpreter/CallFrame.cpp",
- "interpreter/Interpreter.cpp",
- "interpreter/RegisterFile.cpp",
- "parser/Lexer.cpp",
- "parser/Nodes.cpp",
- "parser/ParserArena.cpp",
- "parser/Parser.cpp",
- "profiler/Profile.cpp",
- "profiler/ProfileGenerator.cpp",
- "profiler/ProfileNode.cpp",
- "profiler/Profiler.cpp",
- "runtime/ArgList.cpp",
- "runtime/Arguments.cpp",
- "runtime/ArrayConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/BooleanConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/BooleanObject.cpp",
- "runtime/BooleanPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/CallData.cpp",
- "runtime/Collector.cpp",
- "runtime/CommonIdentifiers.cpp",
- "runtime/Completion.cpp",
- "runtime/ConstructData.cpp",
- "runtime/DateConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/DateConversion.cpp",
- "runtime/DateInstance.cpp",
- "runtime/DatePrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/ErrorConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/Error.cpp",
- "runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp",
- "runtime/ErrorPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp",
- "runtime/Executable.cpp",
- "runtime/FunctionConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/GetterSetter.cpp",
- "runtime/GlobalEvalFunction.cpp",
- "runtime/Identifier.cpp",
- "runtime/InitializeThreading.cpp",
- "runtime/InternalFunction.cpp",
- "runtime/JSActivation.cpp",
- "runtime/JSAPIValueWrapper.cpp",
- "runtime/JSArray.cpp",
- "runtime/JSByteArray.cpp",
- "runtime/JSCell.cpp",
- "runtime/JSFunction.cpp",
- "runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp",
- "runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp",
- "runtime/JSImmediate.cpp",
- "runtime/JSLock.cpp",
- "runtime/JSNotAnObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSNumberCell.cpp",
- "runtime/JSObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSONObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSPropertyNameIterator.cpp",
- "runtime/JSStaticScopeObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSString.cpp",
- "runtime/JSValue.cpp",
- "runtime/JSVariableObject.cpp",
- "runtime/JSWrapperObject.cpp",
- "runtime/LiteralParser.cpp",
- "runtime/Lookup.cpp",
- "runtime/MarkStackPosix.cpp",
- "runtime/MarkStackSymbian.cpp",
- "runtime/MarkStackWin.cpp",
- "runtime/MarkStack.cpp",
- "runtime/MathObject.cpp",
- "runtime/NativeErrorConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/NativeErrorPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/NumberConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/NumberObject.cpp",
- "runtime/NumberPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/ObjectConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/ObjectPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/Operations.cpp",
- "runtime/PropertyDescriptor.cpp",
- "runtime/PropertyNameArray.cpp",
- "runtime/PropertySlot.cpp",
- "runtime/PrototypeFunction.cpp",
- "runtime/RegExpConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/RegExp.cpp",
- "runtime/RegExpObject.cpp",
- "runtime/RegExpPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/ScopeChain.cpp",
- "runtime/SmallStrings.cpp",
- "runtime/StringConstructor.cpp",
- "runtime/StringObject.cpp",
- "runtime/StringPrototype.cpp",
- "runtime/StructureChain.cpp",
- "runtime/Structure.cpp",
- "runtime/TimeoutChecker.cpp",
- "runtime/UString.cpp",
- "runtime/UStringImpl.cpp",
- "wtf/Assertions.cpp",
- "wtf/ByteArray.cpp",
- "wtf/CurrentTime.cpp",
- "wtf/DateMath.cpp",
- "wtf/dtoa.cpp",
- "wtf/FastMalloc.cpp",
- "wtf/HashTable.cpp",
- "wtf/MainThread.cpp",
- "wtf/qt/MainThreadQt.cpp",
- "wtf/qt/ThreadingQt.cpp",
- "wtf/RandomNumber.cpp",
- "wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp",
- "wtf/ThreadingNone.cpp",
- "wtf/Threading.cpp",
- "wtf/TypeTraits.cpp",
- "wtf/unicode/CollatorDefault.cpp",
- "wtf/unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp",
- "wtf/unicode/UTF8.cpp",
- ]
- }
- Group {
- name: "api"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/api/"
- files: [
- "qscriptable.cpp",
- "qscriptable.h",
- "qscriptable_p.h",
- "qscriptclass.cpp",
- "qscriptclass.h",
- "qscriptclasspropertyiterator.cpp",
- "qscriptclasspropertyiterator.h",
- "qscriptcontext.cpp",
- "qscriptcontext.h",
- "qscriptcontextinfo.cpp",
- "qscriptcontextinfo.h",
- "qscriptcontext_p.h",
- "qscriptengineagent.cpp",
- "qscriptengineagent.h",
- "qscriptengineagent_p.h",
- "qscriptengine.cpp",
- "qscriptengine.h",
- "qscriptengine_p.h",
- "qscriptextensioninterface.h",
- "qscriptextensionplugin.cpp",
- "qscriptextensionplugin.h",
- "qscriptprogram.cpp",
- "qscriptprogram.h",
- "qscriptprogram_p.h",
- "qscriptstring.cpp",
- "qscriptstring.h",
- "qscriptstring_p.h",
- "qscriptvalue.cpp",
- "qscriptvalue.h",
- "qscriptvalueiterator.cpp",
- "qscriptvalueiterator.h",
- "qscriptvalue_p.h",
- "qtscriptglobal.h",
- ]
- }
- Group {
- name: "bridge"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/bridge/"
- files: [
- "qscriptactivationobject.cpp",
- "qscriptactivationobject_p.h",
- "qscriptclassobject.cpp",
- "qscriptclassobject_p.h",
- "qscriptfunction.cpp",
- "qscriptfunction_p.h",
- "qscriptglobalobject.cpp",
- "qscriptglobalobject_p.h",
- "qscriptobject.cpp",
- "qscriptobject_p.h",
- "qscriptqobject.cpp",
- "qscriptqobject_p.h",
- "qscriptstaticscopeobject.cpp",
- "qscriptstaticscopeobject_p.h",
- "qscriptvariant.cpp",
- "qscriptvariant_p.h",
- ]
- }
- Group {
- name: "parser"
- prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/parser/"
- files: [
- "qscriptast.cpp",
- "qscriptastfwd_p.h",
- "qscriptast_p.h",
- "qscriptastvisitor.cpp",
- "qscriptastvisitor_p.h",
- "qscriptgrammar.cpp",
- "qscriptgrammar_p.h",
- "qscriptlexer.cpp",
- "qscriptlexer_p.h",
- "qscriptsyntaxchecker.cpp",
- "qscriptsyntaxchecker_p.h",
- ]
- }
- Export {
- Depends { name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders" }
- Depends { name: "cpp" }
- property stringList includePaths: [exportingProduct.sourceDirectory + "/include"]
- .concat(QtScriptFwdHeaders.publicIncludePaths)
- Properties {
- condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
- cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["pthread"])
- }
- Properties {
- condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
- cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["winmm"])
- }
- }
- }
- Product {
- type: ["hpp"]
- name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders"
- condition: qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript || !Qt.script.present
- Depends { name: "qbsbuildconfig" }
- Depends {
- name: "Qt.script"
- condition: !qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript
- required: false
- }
- Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
- Group {
- files: [
- "../../shared/qtscript/src/script/api/*.h"
- ]
- fileTags: ["qtscriptheader"]
- }
- Probes.BinaryProbe {
- id: perlProbe
- names: "perl"
- }
- property string perlPath: perlProbe.found ? perlProbe.filePath : undefined
- Rule {
- multiplex: true
- inputs: ["qtscriptheader"]
- Artifact {
- filePath: "include/QtScript/qscriptengine.h"
- fileTags: ["hpp"]
- }
- prepare: {
- var syncQtPath;
- if (Utilities.versionCompare(product.Qt.core.version, "6.1") >= 0) {
- syncQtPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.core.libExecPath, "");
- } else {
- syncQtPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.core.binPath, "");
- }
- if (!File.exists(syncQtPath)) {
- // is not in Qt's bin path. We might have a developer build.
- // As we don't provide QT_HOST_BINS/src in our Qt modules we must
- // kindly ask qmake.
- var qmake = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.core.binPath,
- "qmake" + product.cpp.executableSuffix);
- var p = new Process();
- if (p.exec(qmake, ["-query", "QT_HOST_BINS/src"]) !== 0)
- throw new Error("Error while querying qmake.");
- syncQtPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(p.readStdOut().replace(/\r?\n/, ''),
- "");
- }
- var qtScriptSrcPath = FileInfo.cleanPath(
- FileInfo.path(inputs["qtscriptheader"][0].filePath) + "/../../..");
-"qtScriptSrcPath: " + qtScriptSrcPath);
- var cmd = new Command(product.perlPath, [
- syncQtPath,
- "-minimal",
- "-version", product.Qt.core.version,
- "-outdir", FileInfo.cleanPath(
- FileInfo.path(output.filePath) + "/../.."),
- qtScriptSrcPath
- ]);
- cmd.description = "creating forwarding headers for the bundled QtScript module.";
- return cmd;
- }
- }
- Export {
- Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
- property stringList publicIncludePaths: [
- FileInfo.joinPaths(exportingProduct.buildDirectory, "include")
- ]
- property stringList privateIncludePaths: [
- FileInfo.joinPaths(exportingProduct.buildDirectory, "include",
- "QtScript", Qt.core.version, "QtScript")
- ]
- }
- }