path: root/tests/auto/tools
diff options
authorJake Petroules <>2017-06-20 15:48:59 -0700
committerJake Petroules <>2017-06-22 09:02:49 +0000
commit16432be9afc39372b7c35a4fb2929b5835c067e0 (patch)
treee1a7231c6e6abc267e898105fdb67e84ab0040ee /tests/auto/tools
parentdfe13cd2180db68877eb9f72f8115d54b9efa644 (diff)
Move the buildgraph, language and tools tests into the proper locations
Also export necessary symbols that they need. Change-Id: I3023893a3da82cf0d86b0d08df38943db867cf3a Reviewed-by: Christian Kandeler <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/tools')
4 files changed, 1026 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/tools/ b/tests/auto/tools/
index 0ee10216e..ba293f417 100644
--- a/tests/auto/tools/
+++ b/tests/auto/tools/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
TARGET = tst_tools
SOURCES = tst_tools.cpp ../../../src/app/qbs/qbstool.cpp
+HEADERS = tst_tools.h
diff --git a/tests/auto/tools/tools.qbs b/tests/auto/tools/tools.qbs
index 612a70a40..c626c7704 100644
--- a/tests/auto/tools/tools.qbs
+++ b/tests/auto/tools/tools.qbs
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
import qbs
QbsAutotest {
+ Depends { name: "qbsversion" }
testName: "tools"
condition: qbsbuildconfig.enableUnitTests
- files: ["tst_tools.cpp"]
+ files: [
+ "tst_tools.cpp",
+ "tst_tools.h"
+ ]
+ // TODO: Use Utilities.cStringQuote
+ cpp.defines: ['QBS_VERSION="' + qbsversion.version + '"']
diff --git a/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.cpp b/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.cpp
index 88337787e..13bc18b36 100644
--- a/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
** This file is part of Qbs.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
@@ -14,30 +14,944 @@
** and conditions see For further
** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
-** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
-** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
-** be met:
+** be met: and
+#undef QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII // I am qmake, and I approve this hack.
+#include "tst_tools.h"
#include "../shared.h"
-#include <tools/tst_tools.h>
-#include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h>
+#include <tools/buildoptions.h>
+#include <tools/error.h>
+#include <tools/fileinfo.h>
+#include <tools/hostosinfo.h>
+#include <tools/processutils.h>
+#include <tools/profile.h>
+#include <tools/set.h>
+#include <tools/settings.h>
+#include <tools/setupprojectparameters.h>
+#include <tools/version.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfile.h>
+#include <QtCore/qfileinfo.h>
+#include <QtCore/qsettings.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtemporarydir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qtemporaryfile.h>
#include <QtTest/qtest.h>
+using namespace qbs;
+using namespace qbs::Internal;
+TestTools::TestTools(Settings *settings) : m_settings(settings)
+ qDeleteAll(m_tmpDirs);
+void TestTools::testFileInfo()
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::fileName("C:/waffl/copter.exe"), QString("copter.exe"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::baseName("C:/waffl/copter.exe.lib"), QString("copter"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::completeBaseName("C:/waffl/copter.exe.lib"), QString("copter.exe"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::path("abc"), QString("."));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::path("/abc/lol"), QString("/abc"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::path("/fileInRoot"), QString(QLatin1Char('/')));
+ if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost())
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::path("C:/fileInDriveRoot"), QString("C:/"));
+ QVERIFY(!FileInfo::isAbsolute("bla/lol"));
+ QVERIFY(FileInfo::isAbsolute("/bla/lol"));
+ if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost())
+ QVERIFY(FileInfo::isAbsolute("C:\\bla\\lol"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::resolvePath("/abc/lol", "waffl"), QString("/abc/lol/waffl"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::resolvePath("/abc/def/ghi/jkl/", "../foo/bar"), QString("/abc/def/ghi/foo/bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::resolvePath("/abc/def/ghi/jkl/", "../../foo/bar"), QString("/abc/def/foo/bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo::resolvePath("/abc", "../../../foo/bar"), QString("/foo/bar"));
+ QCOMPARE(FileInfo("/does/not/exist").lastModified(), FileTime());
+void TestTools::fileCaseCheck()
+ QTemporaryFile tempFile(QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/CamelCase"));
+ QVERIFY2(, qPrintable(tempFile.errorString()));
+ QFileInfo tempFileInfo(tempFile.fileName());
+ const QString lowerFilePath = tempFileInfo.absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/')
+ + tempFileInfo.fileName().toLower();
+ const QString upperFilePath = tempFileInfo.absolutePath() + QLatin1Char('/')
+ + tempFileInfo.fileName().toUpper();
+ QVERIFY(FileInfo::isFileCaseCorrect(tempFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()));
+ if (QFile::exists(lowerFilePath))
+ QVERIFY(!FileInfo::isFileCaseCorrect(lowerFilePath));
+ if (QFile::exists(upperFilePath))
+ QVERIFY(!FileInfo::isFileCaseCorrect(upperFilePath));
+void TestTools::testProfiles()
+ TemporaryProfile tpp("parent", m_settings);
+ Profile parentProfile = tpp.p;
+ TemporaryProfile tpc("child", m_settings);
+ Profile childProfile = tpc.p;
+ parentProfile.removeBaseProfile();
+ parentProfile.remove("testKey");
+ QCOMPARE(parentProfile.value("testKey", "none").toString(), QLatin1String("none"));
+ parentProfile.setValue("testKey", "testValue");
+ QCOMPARE(parentProfile.value("testKey").toString(), QLatin1String("testValue"));
+ childProfile.remove("testKey");
+ childProfile.removeBaseProfile();
+ QCOMPARE(childProfile.value("testKey", "none").toString(), QLatin1String("none"));
+ childProfile.setBaseProfile("parent");
+ QCOMPARE(childProfile.value("testKey").toString(), QLatin1String("testValue"));
+ // Change base profile and check if the inherited value also changes.
+ TemporaryProfile tpf("foo", m_settings);
+ Profile fooProfile = tpf.p;
+ fooProfile.setValue("testKey", "gnampf");
+ childProfile.setBaseProfile("foo");
+ QCOMPARE(childProfile.value("testKey", "none").toString(), QLatin1String("gnampf"));
+ ErrorInfo errorInfo;
+ childProfile.setBaseProfile("SmurfAlongWithMe");
+ childProfile.value("blubb", QString(), &errorInfo);
+ QVERIFY(errorInfo.hasError());
+ errorInfo.clear();
+ childProfile.setBaseProfile("parent");
+ parentProfile.setBaseProfile("child");
+ QVERIFY(!childProfile.value("blubb", QString(), &errorInfo).isValid());
+ QVERIFY(errorInfo.hasError());
+ QVERIFY(!childProfile.allKeys(Profile::KeySelectionNonRecursive).isEmpty());
+ errorInfo.clear();
+ QVERIFY(childProfile.allKeys(Profile::KeySelectionRecursive, &errorInfo).isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(errorInfo.hasError());
+void TestTools::testSettingsMigration()
+ QFETCH(QString, baseDir);
+ QFETCH(bool, hasOldSettings);
+ Settings settings(baseDir);
+ if (hasOldSettings) {
+ QVERIFY(QFileInfo(settings.baseDirectory() + "/qbs/" QBS_VERSION "/profiles/right.txt")
+ .exists());
+ QCOMPARE(settings.value("key").toString(),
+ settings.baseDirectory() + "/qbs/" QBS_VERSION "/profilesright");
+ } else {
+ QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(settings.baseDirectory() + "/qbs/" QBS_VERSION "/profiles").exists());
+ QVERIFY(settings.allKeys().isEmpty());
+ }
+void TestTools::testSettingsMigration_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("baseDir");
+ QTest::addColumn<bool>("hasOldSettings");
+ QTest::newRow("settings dir with lots of versions") << setupSettingsDir1() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("settings dir with only a fallback") << setupSettingsDir2() << true;
+ QTest::newRow("no previous settings") << setupSettingsDir3() << false;
+QString TestTools::setupSettingsDir1()
+ QTemporaryDir * const baseDir = new QTemporaryDir;
+ m_tmpDirs << baseDir;
+ const Version thisVersion = Version::fromString(QBS_VERSION);
+ Version predecessor;
+ if (thisVersion.patchLevel() > 0) {
+ predecessor.setMajorVersion(thisVersion.majorVersion());
+ predecessor.setMinorVersion(thisVersion.minorVersion());
+ predecessor.setPatchLevel(thisVersion.patchLevel() - 1);
+ } else if (thisVersion.minorVersion() > 0) {
+ predecessor.setMajorVersion(thisVersion.majorVersion());
+ predecessor.setMinorVersion(thisVersion.minorVersion() - 1);
+ predecessor.setPatchLevel(99);
+ } else {
+ predecessor.setMajorVersion(thisVersion.majorVersion() - 1);
+ predecessor.setMajorVersion(99);
+ predecessor.setPatchLevel(99);
+ }
+ const auto versions = QList<Version>() << Version(0, 1, 0) << Version(1, 0, 5) << predecessor
+ << Version(thisVersion.majorVersion() + 1, thisVersion.minorVersion(),
+ thisVersion.patchLevel())
+ << Version(thisVersion.majorVersion(), thisVersion.minorVersion() + 1,
+ thisVersion.patchLevel())
+ << Version(thisVersion.majorVersion(), thisVersion.minorVersion(),
+ thisVersion.patchLevel() + 1)
+ << Version(99, 99, 99);
+ foreach (const Version &v, versions) {
+ const QString settingsDir = baseDir->path() + "/qbs/" + v.toString();
+ QSettings s(settingsDir + "/qbs.conf",
+ HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() ? QSettings::IniFormat : QSettings::NativeFormat);
+ const QString profilesDir = settingsDir + "/profiles";
+ QDir::root().mkpath(profilesDir);
+ const QString magicString = v == predecessor ? "right" : "wrong";
+ QFile f(profilesDir + '/' + magicString + ".txt");
+ s.setValue("org/qt-project/qbs/key", profilesDir + magicString);
+ }
+ return baseDir->path();
+QString TestTools::setupSettingsDir2()
+ QTemporaryDir * const baseDir = new QTemporaryDir;
+ m_tmpDirs << baseDir;
+ const QString settingsDir = baseDir->path();
+ QSettings s(settingsDir + QLatin1String("/qbs.conf"),
+ HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() ? QSettings::IniFormat : QSettings::NativeFormat);
+ const QString profilesDir = settingsDir + QLatin1String("/qbs/profiles");
+ QDir::root().mkpath(profilesDir);
+ QFile f(profilesDir + "/right.txt");
+ s.setValue("org/qt-project/qbs/key", profilesDir + "right");
+ return baseDir->path();
+QString TestTools::setupSettingsDir3()
+ auto * const baseDir = new QTemporaryDir;
+ m_tmpDirs << baseDir;
+ return baseDir->path();
+void TestTools::testBuildConfigMerging()
+ TemporaryProfile tp(QLatin1String("tst_tools_profile"), m_settings);
+ Profile profile = tp.p;
+ profile.setValue(QLatin1String("topLevelKey"), QLatin1String("topLevelValue"));
+ profile.setValue(QLatin1String("qbs.toolchain"), QLatin1String("gcc"));
+ profile.setValue(QLatin1String("qbs.architecture"),
+ QLatin1String("Jean-Claude Pillemann"));
+ profile.setValue(QLatin1String("cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors"), true);
+ QVariantMap overrideMap;
+ overrideMap.insert(QLatin1String("qbs.toolchain"), QLatin1String("clang"));
+ overrideMap.insert(QLatin1String("qbs.installRoot"), QLatin1String("/blubb"));
+ SetupProjectParameters params;
+ params.setSettingsDirectory(m_settings->baseDirectory());
+ params.setTopLevelProfile(;
+ params.setConfigurationName(QLatin1String("debug"));
+ params.setOverriddenValues(overrideMap);
+ const ErrorInfo error = params.expandBuildConfiguration();
+ QVERIFY2(!error.hasError(), qPrintable(error.toString()));
+ const QVariantMap finalMap = params.finalBuildConfigurationTree();
+ QCOMPARE(finalMap.count(), 3);
+ QCOMPARE(finalMap.value(QLatin1String("topLevelKey")).toString(),
+ QString::fromLatin1("topLevelValue"));
+ const QVariantMap finalQbsMap = finalMap.value(QLatin1String("qbs")).toMap();
+ QCOMPARE(finalQbsMap.count(), 4);
+ QCOMPARE(finalQbsMap.value(QLatin1String("toolchain")).toString(),
+ QString::fromLatin1("clang"));
+ QCOMPARE(finalQbsMap.value(QLatin1String("configurationName")).toString(),
+ QString::fromLatin1("debug"));
+ QCOMPARE(finalQbsMap.value(QLatin1String("architecture")).toString(),
+ QString::fromLatin1("Jean-Claude Pillemann"));
+ QCOMPARE(finalQbsMap.value(QLatin1String("installRoot")).toString(), QLatin1String("/blubb"));
+ const QVariantMap finalCppMap = finalMap.value(QLatin1String("cpp")).toMap();
+ QCOMPARE(finalCppMap.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(finalCppMap.value(QLatin1String("treatWarningsAsErrors")).toBool(), true);
+void TestTools::testProcessNameByPid()
+ QCOMPARE(qAppName(), processNameByPid(QCoreApplication::applicationPid()));
+int toNumber(const QString &str)
+ int res = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
+ res = (res * 10) + str[i].digitValue();
+ return res;
+void TestTools::set_operator_eq()
+ {
+ Set<int> set1, set2;
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set1.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set1 != set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 == set2));
+ set2.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set2.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set1.insert(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1 != set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 == set2));
+ }
+ {
+ Set<QString> set1, set2;
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set1.insert("one");
+ QVERIFY(set1 != set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 == set2));
+ set2.insert("one");
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set2.insert("one");
+ QVERIFY(set1 == set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 != set2));
+ set1.insert("two");
+ QVERIFY(set1 != set2);
+ QVERIFY(!(set1 == set2));
+ }
+ {
+ Set<QString> a;
+ Set<QString> b;
+ a += "otto";
+ b += "willy";
+ QVERIFY(a != b);
+ QVERIFY(!(a == b));
+ }
+ {
+ Set<int> s1, s2;
+ s1.reserve(100);
+ s2.reserve(4);
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+ s1 << 100 << 200 << 300 << 400;
+ s2 << 400 << 300 << 200 << 100;
+ QVERIFY(s1 == s2);
+ }
+void TestTools::set_swap()
+ Set<int> s1, s2;
+ s1.insert(1);
+ s2.insert(2);
+ s1.swap(s2);
+ QCOMPARE(*s1.begin(),2);
+ QCOMPARE(*s2.begin(),1);
+void TestTools::set_size()
+ Set<int> set;
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.insert(2);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(!set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.remove(1);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.remove(1);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+ set.remove(2);
+ QVERIFY(set.size() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(set.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set.count() == set.size());
+void TestTools::set_capacity()
+ Set<int> set;
+ int n = set.capacity();
+ QVERIFY(n == 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+ set.insert(i);
+ QVERIFY(set.capacity() >= set.size());
+ }
+void TestTools::set_reserve()
+ Set<int> set;
+ set.reserve(1000);
+ QVERIFY(set.capacity() >= 1000);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
+ set.insert(i);
+ QVERIFY(set.capacity() >= 1000);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j)
+ set.remove(j);
+ QVERIFY(set.capacity() >= 1000);
+void TestTools::set_clear()
+ Set<QString> set1, set2;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ set1.clear();
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ set1.insert("foo");
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() != 0);
+ set2 = set1;
+ set1.clear();
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(set2.size() != 0);
+ set2.clear();
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ QVERIFY(set2.size() == 0);
+void TestTools::set_remove()
+ Set<QString> set1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i)
+ set1.insert(QString::number(i));
+ QCOMPARE(set1.size(), 500);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j) {
+ set1.remove(QString::number((j * 17) % 500));
+ QCOMPARE(set1.size(), 500 - j - 1);
+ }
+void TestTools::set_contains()
+ Set<QString> set1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
+ QVERIFY(!set1.contains(QString::number(i)));
+ set1.insert(QString::number(i));
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(QString::number(i)));
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(set1.size(), 500);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j) {
+ int i = (j * 17) % 500;
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(QString::number(i)));
+ set1.remove(QString::number(i));
+ QVERIFY(!set1.contains(QString::number(i)));
+ }
+void TestTools::set_containsSet()
+ Set<QString> set1;
+ Set<QString> set2;
+ // empty set contains the empty set
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(set2));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
+ set1.insert(QString::number(i));
+ set2.insert(QString::number(i));
+ }
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(set2));
+ set2.remove(QString::number(19));
+ set2.remove(QString::number(82));
+ set2.remove(QString::number(7));
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(set2));
+ set1.remove(QString::number(23));
+ QVERIFY(!set1.contains(set2));
+ // filled set contains the empty set as well
+ Set<QString> set3;
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(set3));
+ // the empty set doesn't contain a filled set
+ QVERIFY(!set3.contains(set1));
+ // verify const signature
+ const Set<QString> set4;
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains(set4));
+void TestTools::set_begin()
+ Set<int> set1;
+ Set<int> set2 = set1;
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cbegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cbegin();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ }
+ set1.insert(44);
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cbegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cbegin();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ }
+ set2 = set1;
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cbegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constBegin();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cbegin();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ }
+void TestTools::set_end()
+ Set<int> set1;
+ Set<int> set2 = set1;
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cend();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cend();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ QVERIFY(set1.constBegin() == set1.constEnd());
+ QVERIFY(set2.constBegin() == set2.constEnd());
+ }
+ set1.insert(44);
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cend();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cend();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ QVERIFY(set1.constBegin() != set1.constEnd());
+ QVERIFY(set2.constBegin() == set2.constEnd());
+ }
+ set2 = set1;
+ {
+ Set<int>::const_iterator i = set1.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator j = set1.cend();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator k = set2.constEnd();
+ Set<int>::const_iterator ell = set2.cend();
+ QVERIFY(i == j);
+ QVERIFY(k == ell);
+ QVERIFY(set1.constBegin() != set1.constEnd());
+ QVERIFY(set2.constBegin() != set2.constEnd());
+ }
+ set1.clear();
+ set2.clear();
+ QVERIFY(set1.constBegin() == set1.constEnd());
+ QVERIFY(set2.constBegin() == set2.constEnd());
+struct IdentityTracker {
+ int value, id;
+inline bool operator==(IdentityTracker lhs, IdentityTracker rhs) { return lhs.value == rhs.value; }
+inline bool operator<(IdentityTracker lhs, IdentityTracker rhs) { return lhs.value < rhs.value; }
+void TestTools::set_insert()
+ {
+ Set<int> set1;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ set1.insert(1);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 1);
+ set1.insert(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ set1.insert(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(2));
+ set1.remove(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set1.contains(2));
+ set1.insert(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(2));
+ }
+ {
+ Set<int> set1;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 0);
+ set1 << 1;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 1);
+ set1 << 2;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ set1 << 2;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(2));
+ set1.remove(2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 1);
+ QVERIFY(!set1.contains(2));
+ set1 << 2;
+ QVERIFY(set1.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set1.contains(2));
+ }
+ {
+ Set<IdentityTracker> set;
+ QCOMPARE(set.size(), 0);
+ const int dummy = -1;
+ IdentityTracker id00 = {0, 0}, id01 = {0, 1}, searchKey = {0, dummy};
+ QCOMPARE(set.insert(id00).first->id,;
+ QCOMPARE(set.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(set.insert(id01).first->id,; // first inserted is kept
+ QCOMPARE(set.size(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(set.find(searchKey)->id,;
+ }
+void TestTools::set_reverseIterators()
+ Set<int> s;
+ s << 1 << 17 << 61 << 127 << 911;
+ std::vector<int> v(s.begin(), s.end());
+ std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
+ const Set<int> &cs = s;
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), s.rbegin()));
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), s.crbegin()));
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), cs.rbegin()));
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), v.begin()));
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(s.crbegin(), s.crend(), v.begin()));
+ QVERIFY(std::equal(cs.rbegin(), cs.rend(), v.begin()));
+void TestTools::set_stlIterator()
+ Set<QString> set1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 25000; ++i)
+ set1.insert(QString::number(i));
+ {
+ int sum = 0;
+ Set<QString>::const_iterator i = set1.cbegin();
+ while (i != set1.end()) {
+ sum += toNumber(*i);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2);
+ }
+ {
+ int sum = 0;
+ Set<QString>::const_iterator i = set1.cend();
+ while (i != set1.begin()) {
+ --i;
+ sum += toNumber(*i);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2);
+ }
+void TestTools::set_stlMutableIterator()
+ Set<QString> set1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 25000; ++i)
+ set1.insert(QString::number(i));
+ {
+ int sum = 0;
+ Set<QString>::iterator i = set1.begin();
+ while (i != set1.end()) {
+ sum += toNumber(*i);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2);
+ }
+ {
+ int sum = 0;
+ Set<QString>::iterator i = set1.end();
+ while (i != set1.begin()) {
+ --i;
+ sum += toNumber(*i);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(sum == 24999 * 25000 / 2);
+ }
+ {
+ Set<QString> set2 = set1;
+ Set<QString> set3 = set2;
+ Set<QString>::iterator i = set2.begin();
+ Set<QString>::iterator j = set3.begin();
+ while (i != set2.end()) {
+ i = set2.erase(i);
+ }
+ QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(!set3.isEmpty());
+ j = set3.end();
+ while (j != set3.begin()) {
+ j--;
+ if (j + 1 != set3.end())
+ set3.erase(j + 1);
+ }
+ if (set3.begin() != set3.end())
+ set3.erase(set3.begin());
+ QVERIFY(set2.isEmpty());
+ QVERIFY(set3.isEmpty());
+ i = set2.insert("foo").first;
+ QCOMPARE(*i, QLatin1String("foo"));
+ }
+void TestTools::set_setOperations()
+ Set<QString> set1, set2;
+ set1 << "alpha" << "beta" << "gamma" << "delta" << "zeta" << "omega";
+ set2 << "beta" << "gamma" << "delta" << "epsilon" << "iota" << "omega";
+ Set<QString> set3 = set1;
+ set3.unite(set2);
+ QVERIFY(set3.size() == 8);
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("alpha"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("beta"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("gamma"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("delta"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("epsilon"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("zeta"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("iota"));
+ QVERIFY(set3.contains("omega"));
+ Set<QString> set4 = set2;
+ set4.unite(set1);
+ QVERIFY(set4.size() == 8);
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("alpha"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("beta"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("gamma"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("delta"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("epsilon"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("zeta"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("iota"));
+ QVERIFY(set4.contains("omega"));
+ QVERIFY(set3 == set4);
+ Set<QString> set5 = set1;
+ set5.intersect(set2);
+ QVERIFY(set5.size() == 4);
+ QVERIFY(set5.contains("beta"));
+ QVERIFY(set5.contains("gamma"));
+ QVERIFY(set5.contains("delta"));
+ QVERIFY(set5.contains("omega"));
+ Set<QString> set6 = set2;
+ set6.intersect(set1);
+ QVERIFY(set6.size() == 4);
+ QVERIFY(set6.contains("beta"));
+ QVERIFY(set6.contains("gamma"));
+ QVERIFY(set6.contains("delta"));
+ QVERIFY(set6.contains("omega"));
+ QVERIFY(set5 == set6);
+ Set<QString> set7 = set1;
+ set7.subtract(set2);
+ QVERIFY(set7.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set7.contains("alpha"));
+ QVERIFY(set7.contains("zeta"));
+ Set<QString> set8 = set2;
+ set8.subtract(set1);
+ QVERIFY(set8.size() == 2);
+ QVERIFY(set8.contains("epsilon"));
+ QVERIFY(set8.contains("iota"));
+ Set<QString> set9 = set1 | set2;
+ QVERIFY(set9 == set3);
+ Set<QString> set10 = set1 & set2;
+ QVERIFY(set10 == set5);
+ Set<QString> set11 = set1 + set2;
+ QVERIFY(set11 == set3);
+ Set<QString> set12 = set1 - set2;
+ QVERIFY(set12 == set7);
+ Set<QString> set13 = set2 - set1;
+ QVERIFY(set13 == set8);
+ Set<QString> set14 = set1;
+ set14 |= set2;
+ QVERIFY(set14 == set3);
+ Set<QString> set15 = set1;
+ set15 &= set2;
+ QVERIFY(set15 == set5);
+ Set<QString> set16 = set1;
+ set16 += set2;
+ QVERIFY(set16 == set3);
+ Set<QString> set17 = set1;
+ set17 -= set2;
+ QVERIFY(set17 == set7);
+ Set<QString> set18 = set2;
+ set18 -= set1;
+ QVERIFY(set18 == set8);
+void TestTools::set_makeSureTheComfortFunctionsCompile()
+ Set<int> set1, set2, set3;
+ set1 << 5;
+ set1 |= set2;
+ set1 |= 5;
+ set1 &= set2;
+ set1 &= 5;
+ set1 += set2;
+ set1 += 5;
+ set1 -= set2;
+ set1 -= 5;
+ set1 = set2 | set3;
+ set1 = set2 & set3;
+ set1 = set2 + set3;
+ set1 = set2 - set3;
+void TestTools::set_initializerList()
+ Set<int> set = {1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
+ QCOMPARE(set.count(), 5);
+ QVERIFY(set.contains(1));
+ QVERIFY(set.contains(2));
+ QVERIFY(set.contains(3));
+ QVERIFY(set.contains(4));
+ QVERIFY(set.contains(5));
+ // check _which_ of the equal elements gets inserted (in the QHash/QMap case, it's the last):
+ const Set<IdentityTracker> set2 = {{1, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 3}, {4, 4}, {5, 5}};
+ QCOMPARE(set2.count(), 5);
+ const int dummy = -1;
+ const IdentityTracker searchKey = {1, dummy};
+ QCOMPARE(set2.find(searchKey)->id, 0);
+ Set<int> emptySet{};
+ QVERIFY(emptySet.isEmpty());
+ Set<int> set3{{}, {}, {}};
+ QVERIFY(!set3.isEmpty());
+void TestTools::set_intersects()
+ Set<int> s1;
+ Set<int> s2;
+ QVERIFY(!s1.intersects(s1));
+ QVERIFY(!s1.intersects(s2));
+ s1 << 100;
+ QVERIFY(s1.intersects(s1));
+ QVERIFY(!s1.intersects(s2));
+ s2 << 200;
+ QVERIFY(!s1.intersects(s2));
+ s1 << 200;
+ QVERIFY(s1.intersects(s2));
+ Set<int> s3;
+ s3 << 500;
+ QVERIFY(!s1.intersects(s3));
+ s3 << 200;
+ QVERIFY(s1.intersects(s3));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
const SettingsPtr s = settings();
- qbs::Internal::TestTools tt(s.get());
+ TestTools tt(s.get());
return QTest::qExec(&tt, argc, argv);
diff --git a/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.h b/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb6828ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/tools/tst_tools.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of Qbs.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+** will be met:
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met: and
+#include <QtCore/qlist.h>
+#include <QtCore/qobject.h>
+class QTemporaryDir;
+namespace qbs {
+class Settings;
+class TestTools : public QObject
+ TestTools(qbs::Settings *settings);
+ ~TestTools();
+private slots:
+ void fileCaseCheck();
+ void testBuildConfigMerging();
+ void testFileInfo();
+ void testProcessNameByPid();
+ void testProfiles();
+ void testSettingsMigration();
+ void testSettingsMigration_data();
+ void set_operator_eq();
+ void set_swap();
+ void set_size();
+ void set_capacity();
+ void set_reserve();
+ void set_clear();
+ void set_remove();
+ void set_contains();
+ void set_containsSet();
+ void set_begin();
+ void set_end();
+ void set_insert();
+ void set_reverseIterators();
+ void set_stlIterator();
+ void set_stlMutableIterator();
+ void set_setOperations();
+ void set_makeSureTheComfortFunctionsCompile();
+ void set_initializerList();
+ void set_intersects();
+ QString setupSettingsDir1();
+ QString setupSettingsDir2();
+ QString setupSettingsDir3();
+ qbs::Settings * const m_settings;
+ QList<QTemporaryDir *> m_tmpDirs;