path: root/.travis.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.travis.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index db51783..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-language: python
- global:
- TWINE_USERNAME: zope.wheelbuilder
- secure: "BWyhZtoO9jM3vatjfwdloThv7RY2p8AaN3D8T/8nEIupcgT5E6QKfLlIDibtlMNds2UU0q/HOJiSM/CwBsm5nzMke55m8OhfxfyHG+5TuBafwHtEkMyXe1VQtxnyB7Rlya2ylI9f4/3qXYqyLinBr3F+osE1g2nQmqQL2tpNmRA="
- - 2.7
- - 3.5
- - 3.6
- - 3.7
- - 3.8
- - pypy
- - pypy3
- include:
- - name: "Python: 2.7, pure (no C extensions)"
- python: "2.7"
- env: PURE_PYTHON=1
- # manylinux wheel builds
- - name: 64-bit manylinux wheels (all Pythons)
- services: docker
- env:
- install: docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE
- script: bash
- - name: 32-bit manylinux wheels (all Pythons)
- services: docker
- env: PRE_CMD=linux32
- install: docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE
- script: bash
- # It's important to use 'macpython' builds to get the least
- # restrictive wheel tag. It's also important to avoid
- # 'homebrew 3' because it floats instead of being a specific version.
- - name: Python 2.7 wheels for MacOS
- os: osx
- language: generic
- env: TERRYFY_PYTHON='macpython 2.7.17'
- - name: Python 3.5 wheels for MacOS
- os: osx
- language: generic
- env: TERRYFY_PYTHON='macpython 3.5'
- - name: Python 3.6 wheels for MacOS
- os: osx
- language: generic
- env: TERRYFY_PYTHON='macpython 3.6.2'
- - name: Python 3.7 wheels for MacOS
- os: osx
- language: generic
- env: TERRYFY_PYTHON='macpython 3.7.0'
- - name: Python 3.8 wheels for MacOS
- os: osx
- language: generic
- env: TERRYFY_PYTHON='macpython 3.8.0'
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
- git clone
- source terryfy/
- get_python_environment $TERRYFY_PYTHON venv
- fi
- - pip install -U pip
- - pip install -U setuptools
- - pip install -U coverage coveralls
- # NB: let's install . (zope.proxy) first separately, because we have a nasty
- # dependency loop: .[test] wants that setup_requires zope.proxy
- # (and setup_requires is broken on Mac OS Python 3.5 due to TLS version
- # compatibility issues that pip knows how to work around, but setuptools
- # don't).
- - pip install -e .
- - pip install -e .[test,docs]
- - python --version
- - coverage run -m zope.testrunner --test-path=src
- - sphinx-build -b html -d docs/_build/doctrees docs docs/_build/html
- - coverage run -a -m sphinx -b doctest -d docs/_build/doctrees docs docs/_build/doctest
- - python bdist_wheel
- - coveralls
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
- # macpython 3.5 doesn't support recent TLS protocols which causes twine
- # upload to fail, so we use the system Python to run twine
- /usr/bin/python -m ensurepip --user
- /usr/bin/python -m pip install --user -U pip
- /usr/bin/python -m pip install --user -U -I twine
- /usr/bin/python -m twine check dist/*
- if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG ]]; then
- /usr/bin/python -m twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
- fi
- fi
- - |
- if [[ -n "$DOCKER_IMAGE" ]]; then
- pip install twine
- twine check wheelhouse/*
- if [[ $TRAVIS_TAG ]]; then
- twine upload --skip-existing wheelhouse/*
- fi
- fi
- email: false
-cache: pip
- - rm -f $HOME/.cache/pip/log/debug.log