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authorDmitry Vasiliev <>2005-08-07 12:49:54 +0000
committerDmitry Vasiliev <>2005-08-07 12:49:54 +0000
commit7f61b7847b3631c36f58470991693aa681d16327 (patch)
Added IModifiableUserPreferredLanguages adaptermonolithic-zope3-hdima-language-namespace
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interfaces/ b/interfaces/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114ddc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Internationalization of content objects.
+from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+from zope.schema import TextLine, Dict, Choice
+class II18nAware(Interface):
+ """Internationalization aware content object."""
+ def getDefaultLanguage():
+ """Return the default language."""
+ def setDefaultLanguage(language):
+ """Set the default language, which will be used if the language is not
+ specified, or not available.
+ """
+ def getAvailableLanguages():
+ """Find all the languages that are available."""
+class IMessageCatalog(Interface):
+ """A catalog (mapping) of message ids to message text strings.
+ This interface provides a method for translating a message or message id,
+ including text with interpolation. The message catalog basically serves
+ as a fairly simple mapping object.
+ A single message catalog represents a specific language and domain.
+ Therefore you will have the following constructor arguments:
+ language -- The language of the returned messages. This is a read-only
+ attribute.
+ domain -- The translation domain for these messages. This is a read-only
+ attribute. See ITranslationService.
+ When we refer to text here, we mean text that follows the standard Zope 3
+ text representation.
+ Note: The IReadMessageCatalog is the absolut minimal version required for
+ the TranslationService to function.
+ """
+ def getMessage(msgid):
+ """Get the appropriate text for the given message id.
+ An exception is raised if the message id is not found.
+ """
+ def queryMessage(msgid, default=None):
+ """Look for the appropriate text for the given message id.
+ If the message id is not found, default is returned.
+ """
+ language = TextLine(
+ title=u"Language",
+ description=u"The language the catalog translates to.",
+ required=True)
+ domain = TextLine(
+ title=u"Domain",
+ description=u"The domain the catalog is registered for.",
+ required=True)
+ def getIdentifier():
+ """Return a identifier for this message catalog. Note that this
+ identifier does not have to be unique as several message catalog
+ could serve the same domain and language.
+ Also, there are no restrictions on the form of the identifier.
+ """
+class IGlobalMessageCatalog(IMessageCatalog):
+ def reload():
+ """Reload and parse .po file"""
+class ITranslationDomain(Interface):
+ """The Translation Domain utility
+ This interface provides methods for translating text, including text with
+ interpolation.
+ When we refer to text here, we mean text that follows the standard Zope 3
+ text representation.
+ The domain is used to specify which translation to use. Different
+ products will often use a specific domain naming translations supplied
+ with the product.
+ A favorite example is: How do you translate 'Sun'? Is it our star, the
+ abbreviation of Sunday or the company? Specifying the domain, such as
+ 'Stars' or 'DaysOfWeek' will solve this problem for us.
+ Standard arguments in the methods described below:
+ msgid -- The id of the message that should be translated. This may be
+ an implicit or an explicit message id.
+ mapping -- The object to get the interpolation data from.
+ target_language -- The language to translate to.
+ context -- An object that provides contextual information for
+ determining client language preferences. It must implement
+ or have an adapter that implements IUserPreferredLanguages.
+ It will be to determine the language to translate to if
+ target_language is not specified explicitly.
+ Also note that language tags are defined by RFC 1766.
+ """
+ domain = TextLine(
+ title=u"Domain Name",
+ description=u"The name of the domain this object represents.",
+ required=True)
+ def translate(msgid, mapping=None, context=None, target_language=None,
+ default=None):
+ """Return the translation for the message referred to by msgid.
+ Return the default if no translation is found.
+ However, the method does a little more than a vanilla translation.
+ The method also looks for a possible language to translate to.
+ After a translation it also replaces any $name variable variables
+ inside the post-translation string.
+ Note: The TranslationDomain interface does not support simplified
+ translation methods, since it is totally hidden by ZPT and in
+ Python you should use a Domain object, since it supports all
+ the simplifications.
+ """
+class ITranslator(Interface):
+ """A collaborative object which contains the domain, context, and locale.
+ It is expected that object be constructed with enough information to find
+ the domain, context, and target language.
+ """
+ def translate(msgid, mapping=None, default=None):
+ """Translate the source msgid using the given mapping.
+ See ITranslationService for details.
+ """
+class IMessageImportFilter(Interface):
+ """The Import Filter for Translation Service Messages.
+ Classes implementing this interface should usually be Adaptors, as
+ they adapt the IEditableTranslationService interface."""
+ def importMessages(domains, languages, file):
+ """Import all messages that are defined in the specified domains and
+ languages.
+ Note that some implementations might limit to only one domain and
+ one language. A good example for that is a GettextFile.
+ """
+class ILanguageAvailability(Interface):
+ def getAvailableLanguages():
+ """Return a sequence of language tags for available languages
+ """
+class IUserPreferredLanguages(Interface):
+ """This interface provides language negotiation based on user preferences.
+ See:
+ """
+ def getPreferredLanguages():
+ """Return a sequence of user preferred languages.
+ The sequence is sorted in order of quality, with the most preferred
+ languages first.
+ """
+class IModifiableUserPreferredLanguages(IUserPreferredLanguages):
+ def setPreferredLanguages(languages):
+ """Set a sequence of user preferred languages.
+ The sequence should be sorted in order of quality, with the most
+ preferred languages first.
+ """
+class IMessageExportFilter(Interface):
+ """The Export Filter for Translation Service Messages.
+ Classes implementing this interface should usually be Adaptors, as
+ they adapt the IEditableTranslationService interface."""
+ def exportMessages(domains, languages):
+ """Export all messages that are defined in the specified domains and
+ languages.
+ Note that some implementations might limit to only one domain and
+ one language. A good example for that is a GettextFile.
+ """
+class INegotiator(Interface):
+ """A language negotiation service.
+ """
+ def getLanguage(langs, env):
+ """Return the matching language to use.
+ The decision of which language to use is based on the list of
+ available languages, and the given user environment. An
+ IUserPreferredLanguages adapter for the environment is obtained and
+ the list of acceptable languages is retrieved from the environment.
+ If no match is found between the list of available languages and the
+ list of acceptable languages, None is returned.
+ Arguments:
+ langs -- sequence of languages (not necessarily ordered)
+ env -- environment passed to the service to determine a sequence
+ of user prefered languages
+ """
+ # TODO: I'd like for there to be a symmetric interface method, one in
+ # which an adapter is gotten for both the first arg and the second
+ # arg. I.e. getLanguage(obj, env)
+ # But this isn't a good match for the ITranslationService.translate()
+ # method. :(
+class IUserPreferredCharsets(Interface):
+ """This interface provides charset negotiation based on user preferences.
+ """
+ def getPreferredCharsets():
+ """Return a sequence of user preferred charsets. Note that the order
+ should describe the order of preference. Therefore the first
+ character set in the list is the most preferred one.
+ """
+class IFormat(Interface):
+ """A generic formatting class. It basically contains the parsing and
+ construction method for the particular object the formatting class
+ handles.
+ The constructor will always require a pattern (specific to the object).
+ """
+ def setPattern(pattern):
+ """Overwrite the old formatting pattern with the new one."""
+ def getPattern():
+ """Get the currently used pattern."""
+ def parse(text, pattern=None):
+ """Parse the text and convert it to an object, which is returned."""
+ def format(obj, pattern=None):
+ """Format an object to a string using the pattern as a rule."""
+class INumberFormat(IFormat):
+ u"""Specific number formatting interface. Here are the formatting
+ rules (I modified the rules from ICU a bit, since I think they did not
+ agree well with the real world XML formatting strings):
+ posNegPattern := ({subpattern};{subpattern} | {subpattern})
+ subpattern := {padding}{prefix}{padding}{integer}{fraction}
+ {exponential}{padding}{suffix}{padding}
+ prefix := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters *
+ suffix := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters *
+ integer := {digitField}'0'
+ fraction := {decimalPoint}{digitField}
+ exponential := E integer
+ digitField := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} |
+ {digitField} '0'* |
+ '0'* |
+ {optionalDigitField} )
+ optionalDigitField := ( {digitField} {groupingSeparator} |
+ {digitField} '#'* |
+ '#'* )
+ groupingSeparator := ,
+ decimalPoint := .
+ padding := * '\u0000'..'\uFFFD'
+ Possible pattern symbols:
+ 0 A digit. Always show this digit even if the value is zero.
+ # A digit, suppressed if zero
+ . Placeholder for decimal separator
+ , Placeholder for grouping separator
+ E Separates mantissa and exponent for exponential formats
+ ; Separates formats (that is, a positive number format verses a
+ negative number format)
+ - Default negative prefix. Note that the locale's minus sign
+ character is used.
+ + If this symbol is specified the locale's plus sign character is
+ used.
+ % Multiply by 100, as percentage
+ ? Multiply by 1000, as per mille
+ \u00A4 This is the currency sign. it will be replaced by a currency
+ symbol. If it is present in a pattern, the monetary decimal
+ separator is used instead of the decimal separator.
+ \u00A4\u00A4 This is the international currency sign. It will be replaced
+ by an international currency symbol. If it is present in a
+ pattern, the monetary decimal separator is used instead of
+ the decimal separator.
+ X Any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
+ ' Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix
+ """
+ symbols = Dict(
+ title=u"Number Symbols",
+ key_type=Choice(
+ title=u"Dictionary Class",
+ values=(u'decimal', u'group', u'list', u'percentSign',
+ u'nativeZeroDigit', u'patternDigit', u'plusSign',
+ u'minusSign', u'exponential', u'perMille',
+ u'infinity', u'nan')),
+ value_type=TextLine(title=u"Symbol"))
+class IDateTimeFormat(IFormat):
+ """DateTime formatting and parsing interface. Here is a list of
+ possible characters and their meaning:
+ Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
+ G era designator (Text) AD
+ y year (Number) 1996
+ M month in year (Text and Number) July and 07
+ d day in month (Number) 10
+ h hour in am/pm (1-12) (Number) 12
+ H hour in day (0-23) (Number) 0
+ m minute in hour (Number) 30
+ s second in minute (Number) 55
+ S millisecond (Number) 978
+ E day in week (Text and Number) Tuesday
+ D day in year (Number) 189
+ F day of week in month (Number) 2 (2nd Wed in July)
+ w week in year (Number) 27
+ W week in month (Number) 2
+ a am/pm marker (Text) pm
+ k hour in day (1-24) (Number) 24
+ K hour in am/pm (0-11) (Number) 0
+ z time zone (Text) Pacific Standard Time
+ ' escape for text
+ '' single quote '
+ Meaning of the amount of characters:
+ Text
+ Four or more, use full form, <4, use short or abbreviated form if it
+ exists. (for example, "EEEE" produces "Monday", "EEE" produces "Mon")
+ Number
+ The minimum number of digits. Shorter numbers are zero-padded to this
+ amount (for example, if "m" produces "6", "mm" produces "06"). Year is
+ handled specially; that is, if the count of 'y' is 2, the Year will be
+ truncated to 2 digits. (for example, if "yyyy" produces "1997", "yy"
+ produces "97".)
+ Text and Number
+ Three or over, use text, otherwise use number. (for example, "M"
+ produces "1", "MM" produces "01", "MMM" produces "Jan", and "MMMM"
+ produces "January".) """
+ calendar = Attribute("""This object must implement ILocaleCalendar. See
+ this interface's documentation for details.""")