path: root/CHANGES.rst
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Back to development: 3.1HEADmasterMichael Howitz2023-03-271-0/+6
* Preparing release 3.03.0Michael Howitz2023-03-271-1/+1
* Config with pure python template (#18)Michael Howitz2023-01-181-2/+4
* Back to development: 2.5Michael Howitz2022-04-061-0/+6
* Preparing release 2.42.4Michael Howitz2022-04-061-1/+1
* Add support for Python 3.10 + fix docs.Michael Howitz2022-04-061-1/+1
* Activate GH actions. (#7)Michael Howitz2020-11-171-1/+1
* Configuring for pure-python (#5)Michael Howitz2020-05-201-1/+3
* Back to development: 2.4Michael Howitz2018-10-051-0/+6
* Preparing release 2.32.3Michael Howitz2018-10-051-2/+2
* Add support for Python 3.7Jeremy Kolbe2018-10-051-1/+1
* Back to development: 2.2.1Jason Madden2017-08-101-0/+6
* Preparing release Madden2017-08-101-1/+1
* Drop Python 3.3 and add Python 3.6docsJason Madden2017-08-041-2/+2
* Publish docs to RTDJason Madden2017-08-041-12/+15
* Add support for Python 3.5.add-py35-supportTres Seaver2016-04-121-0/+2
* Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.drop-py26-py32-supportTres Seaver2016-03-231-2/+2
* svbTres Seaver2014-12-261-0/+5
* Prep 2.1.0 release.2.1.0Tres Seaver2014-12-261-1/+1
* Add support for Python 3.4.Tres Seaver2014-12-261-1/+3
* Garden.Tres Seaver2014-12-261-13/+11
* Back to development: 2.0.3Stephan Richter2013-03-081-0/+6
* Preparing release Richter2013-03-081-1/+1
* Add Trove classifiers indicating CPython, 3.2 and PyPy support. AddedStephan Richter2013-03-081-1/+1
* Back to development: 2.0.2Stephan Richter2013-02-111-0/+6
* Preparing release 2.0.1Stephan Richter2013-02-111-1/+1
* Added tox.ini.Stephan Richter2013-02-111-2/+1
* Back to development: 2.0.1Stephan Richter2013-02-111-0/+6
* Preparing release 2.0.0Stephan Richter2013-02-111-1/+1
* Added Python 3.3 and PyPy support.Stephan Richter2013-02-111-0/+44