path: root/doc/example
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-Basic usage
-a simple tox.ini / default environments
-Put basic information about your project and the test environments you
-want your project to run in into a ``tox.ini`` file that should
-reside next to your ```` file::
- # content of: tox.ini , put in same dir as
- [tox]
- envlist = py26,py27
- [testenv]
- deps=pytest # or 'nose' or ...
- commands=py.test # or 'nosetests' or ...
-To sdist-package, install and test your project, you can
-now type at the command prompt::
- tox
-This will sdist-package your current project, create two virtualenv_
-Environments, install the sdist-package into the environments and run
-the specified command in each of them. With::
- tox -e py26
-you can run restrict the test run to the python2.6 environment.
-Available "default" test environments names are::
- py
- py24
- py25
- py26
- py27
- py30
- py31
- py32
- py33
- py34
- jython
- pypy
- pypy3
-The environment ``py`` uses the version of Python used to invoke tox.
-However, you can also create your own test environment names,
-see some of the examples in :doc:`examples <../examples>`.
-specifying a platform
-.. versionadded:: 2.0
-If you want to specify which platform(s) your test environment
-runs on you can set a platform regular expression like this::
- platform = linux2|darwin
-If the expression does not match against ``sys.platform``
-the test environment will be skipped.
-whitelisting non-virtualenv commands
-.. versionadded:: 1.5
-Sometimes you may want to use tools not contained in your
-virtualenv such as ``make``, ``bash`` or others. To avoid
-warnings you can use the ``whitelist_externals`` testenv
- # content of tox.ini
- [testenv]
- whitelist_externals = make
- /bin/bash
-.. _virtualenv:
-.. _multiindex:
-depending on requirements.txt
-.. versionadded:: 1.6.1
-(experimental) If you have a ``requirements.txt`` file
-you can add it to your ``deps`` variable like this::
- deps = -rrequirements.txt
-All installation commands are executed using ``{toxinidir}``
-(the directory where ``tox.ini`` resides) as the current
-working directory. Therefore, the underlying ``pip`` installation
-will assume ``requirements.txt`` to exist at ``{toxinidir}/requirements.txt``.
-using a different default PyPI url
-.. versionadded:: 0.9
-To install dependencies and packages from a different
-default PyPI server you can type interactively::
- tox -i
-This causes tox to install dependencies and the sdist install step
-to use the specificied url as the index server.
-You can cause the same effect by this ``tox.ini`` content::
- [tox]
- indexserver =
- default =
-installing dependencies from multiple PyPI servers
-.. versionadded:: 0.9
-You can instrument tox to install dependencies from
-different PyPI servers, example::
- [tox]
- indexserver =
- DEV =
- [testenv]
- deps =
- docutils # comes from standard PyPI
- :DEV:mypackage # will be installed from custom "DEV" pypi url
-This configuration will install ``docutils`` from the default
-Python PYPI server and will install the ``mypackage`` from
-our ``DEV`` indexserver, and the respective ````
-url. You can override config file settings from the command line
-like this::
- tox -i DEV= # changes :DEV: package URLs
- tox -i # changes default
-further customizing installation
-.. versionadded:: 1.6
-By default tox uses `pip`_ to install packages, both the
-package-under-test and any dependencies you specify in ``tox.ini``.
-You can fully customize tox's install-command through the
-testenv-specific :confval:`install_command=ARGV` setting.
-For instance, to use ``easy_install`` instead of `pip`_::
- [testenv]
- install_command = easy_install {opts} {packages}
-Or to use pip's ``--find-links`` and ``--no-index`` options to specify
-an alternative source for your dependencies::
- [testenv]
- install_command = pip install --pre --find-links --no-index {opts} {packages}
-.. _pip:
-forcing re-creation of virtual environments
-.. versionadded:: 0.9
-To force tox to recreate a (particular) virtual environment::
- tox --recreate -e py27
-would trigger a complete reinstallation of the existing py27 environment
-(or create it afresh if it doesn't exist).
-passing down environment variables
-.. versionadded:: 2.0
-By default tox will only pass the ``PATH`` environment variable (and on
-windows ``SYSTEMROOT`` and ``PATHEXT``) from the tox invocation to the
-test environments. If you want to pass down additional environment
-variables you can use the ``passenv`` option::
- [testenv]
- passenv = LANG
-When your test commands execute they will execute with
-the same LANG setting as the one with which tox was invoked.
-setting environment variables
-.. versionadded:: 1.0
-If you need to set an environment variable like ``PYTHONPATH`` you
-can use the ``setenv`` directive::
- [testenv]
- setenv =
- PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/subdir
-When your test commands execute they will execute with
-a PYTHONPATH setting that will lead Python to also import
-from the ``subdir`` below the directory where your ``tox.ini``
-file resides.
-special handling of PYTHONHASHSEED
-.. versionadded:: 1.6.2
-By default, Tox sets PYTHONHASHSEED_ for test commands to a random integer
-generated when ``tox`` is invoked. This mimics Python's hash randomization
-enabled by default starting `in Python 3.3`_. To aid in reproducing test
-failures, Tox displays the value of ``PYTHONHASHSEED`` in the test output.
-You can tell Tox to use an explicit hash seed value via the ``--hashseed``
-command-line option to ``tox``. You can also override the hash seed value
-per test environment in ``tox.ini`` as follows::
- [testenv]
- setenv =
-If you wish to disable this feature, you can pass the command line option
-``--hashseed=noset`` when ``tox`` is invoked. You can also disable it from the
-``tox.ini`` by setting ``PYTHONHASHSEED = 0`` as described above.
-.. _`in Python 3.3`:
-Integration with setuptools/distribute test commands
-Distribute/Setuptools support test requirements
-and you can extend its test command to trigger
-a test run when ``python test`` is issued::
- from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
- import sys
- class Tox(TestCommand):
- user_options = [('tox-args=', 'a', "Arguments to pass to tox")]
- def initialize_options(self):
- TestCommand.initialize_options(self)
- self.tox_args = None
- def finalize_options(self):
- TestCommand.finalize_options(self)
- self.test_args = []
- self.test_suite = True
- def run_tests(self):
- #import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded
- import tox
- import shlex
- args = self.tox_args
- if args:
- args = shlex.split(self.tox_args)
- tox.cmdline(args=args)
- setup(
- #...,
- tests_require=['tox'],
- cmdclass = {'test': Tox},
- )
-Now if you run::
- python test
-this will install tox and then run tox. You can pass arguments to ``tox``
-using the ``--tox-args`` or ``-a`` command-line options. For example::
- python test -a "-epy27"
-is equivalent to running ``tox -epy27``.
-Ignoring a command exit code
-In some cases, you may want to ignore a command exit code. For example::
- [testenv:py27]
- commands = coverage erase
- {envbindir}/python develop
- coverage run -p test
- coverage combine
- - coverage html
- {envbindir}/flake8 loads
-By using the ``-`` prefix, similar to a ``make`` recipe line, you can ignore
-the exit code for that command.
-Compressing dependency matrix
-If you have a large matrix of dependencies, python versions and/or environments you can
-use :ref:`generative-envlist` and :ref:`conditional settings <factors>` to express that in a concise form::
- [tox]
- envlist = py{26,27,33}-django{15,16}-{sqlite,mysql}
- [testenv]
- deps =
- django15: Django>=1.5,<1.6
- django16: Django>=1.6,<1.7
- py33-mysql: PyMySQL ; use if both py33 and mysql are in an env name
- py26,py27: urllib3 ; use if any of py26 or py27 are in an env name
- py{26,27}-sqlite: mock ; mocking sqlite in python 2.x
diff --git a/doc/example/devenv.txt b/doc/example/devenv.txt
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+++ /dev/null
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-Development environment
-Tox can be used for just preparing different virtual environments required by a
-This feature can be used by deployment tools when preparing deployed project
-environments. It can also be used for setting up normalized project development
-environments and thus help reduce the risk of different team members using
-mismatched development environments.
-Here are some examples illustrating how to set up a project's development
-environment using tox. For illustration purposes, let us call the development
-environment ``devenv``.
-Example 1: Basic scenario
-Step 1 - Configure the development environment
-First, we prepare the tox configuration for our development environment by
-defining a ``[testenv:devenv]`` section in the project's ``tox.ini``
-configuration file::
- [testenv:devenv]
- envdir = devenv
- basepython = python2.7
- usedevelop = True
-In it we state:
-- what directory to locate the environment in,
-- what Python executable to use in the environment,
-- that our project should be installed into the environment using ``
- develop``, as opposed to building and installing its source distribution using
- `` install``.
-Actually, we can configure a lot more, and these are only the required settings.
-For example, we can add the following to our configuration, telling tox not to
-reuse ``commands`` or ``deps`` settings from the base ``[testenv]``
- commands =
- deps =
-Step 2 - Create the development environment
-Once the ``[testenv:devenv]`` configuration section has been defined, we create
-the actual development environment by running the following::
- tox -e devenv
-This creates the environment at the path specified by the environment's
-``envdir`` configuration value.
-Example 2: A more complex scenario
-Let us say we want our project development environment to:
-- be located in the ``devenv`` directory,
-- use Python executable ``python2.7``,
-- pull packages from ``requirements.txt``, located in the same directory as
- ``tox.ini``.
-Here is an example configuration for the described scenario::
- [testenv:devenv]
- envdir = devenv
- basepython = python2.7
- usedevelop = True
- deps = -rrequirements.txt
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-.. be in -*- rst -*- mode!
-General tips and tricks
-Interactively passing positional arguments
-If you invoke ``tox`` like this::
- tox -- -x tests/
-the arguments after the ``--`` will be substituted
-everywhere where you specify ``{posargs}`` in your
-test commands, for example using ``py.test``::
- # in the testenv or testenv:NAME section of your tox.ini
- commands =
- py.test {posargs}
-or using ``nosetests``::
- commands =
- nosetests {posargs}
-the above ``tox`` invocation will trigger the test runners to
-stop after the first failure and to only run a particular test file.
-You can specify defaults for the positional arguments using this
- commands =
- nosetests {posargs:--with-coverage}
-.. _`sphinx checks`:
-Integrating "sphinx" documentation checks
-In a ``testenv`` environment you can specify any command and
-thus you can easily integrate sphinx_ documentation integrity during
-a tox test run. Here is an example ``tox.ini`` configuration::
- [testenv:docs]
- basepython=python
- changedir=doc
- deps=sphinx
- commands=
- sphinx-build -W -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees . {envtmpdir}/html
-This will create a dedicated ``docs`` virtual environment and install
-the ``sphinx`` dependency which itself will install the ``sphinx-build`` tool
-which you can then use as a test command. Note that sphinx output is redirected
-to the virtualenv environment temporary directory to prevent sphinx
-from caching results between runs.
-You can now call::
- tox
-which will make the sphinx tests part of your test run.
-.. _`TOXENV`:
-Selecting one or more environments to run tests against
-Using the ``-e ENV[,ENV2,...]`` option you explicitely list
-the environments where you want to run tests against. For
-example, given the previous sphinx example you may call::
- tox -e docs
-which will make ``tox`` only manage the ``docs`` environment
-and call its test commands. You may specify more than
-one environment like this::
- tox -e py25,py26
-which would run the commands of the ``py25`` and ``py26`` testenvironments
-respectively. The special value ``ALL`` selects all environments.
-You can also specify an environment list in your ``tox.ini``::
- [tox]
- envlist = py25,py26
-or override it from the command line or from the environment variable
- export TOXENV=py25,py26 # in bash style shells
-.. _artifacts:
-Access package artifacts between multiple tox-runs
-If you have multiple projects using tox you can make use of
-a ``distshare`` directory where ``tox`` will copy in sdist-packages so
-that another tox run can find the "latest" dependency. This feature
-allows to test a package against an unreleased development version
-or even an uncommitted version on your own machine.
-By default, ``{homedir}/.tox/distshare`` will be used for
-copying in and copying out artifacts (i.e. Python packages).
-For project ``two`` to depend on the ``one`` package you use
-the following entry::
- # example two/tox.ini
- [testenv]
- deps=
- {distshare}/one-*.zip # install latest package from "one" project
-That's all. Tox running on project ``one`` will copy the sdist-package
-into the ``distshare`` directory after which a ``tox`` run on project
-``two`` will grab it because ``deps`` contain an entry with the
-``one-*.zip`` pattern. If there is more than one matching package the
-highest version will be taken. ``tox`` uses verlib_ to compare version
-strings which must be compliant with :pep:`386`.
-If you want to use this with Jenkins_, also checkout the :ref:`jenkins artifact example`.
-.. _verlib:
-basepython defaults, overriding
-By default, for any ``pyXY`` test environment name
-the underlying "pythonX.Y" executable will be searched in
-your system ``PATH``. It must exist in order to successfully create
-virtualenv environments. On Windows a ``pythonX.Y`` named executable
-will be searched in typical default locations using the
-``C:\PythonX.Y\python.exe`` pattern.
-For ``jython`` and ``pypy`` the respective ``jython``
-and ``pypy-c`` names will be looked for.
-You can override any of the default settings by defining
-the ``basepython`` variable in a specific test environment
-section, for example::
- [testenv:py27]
- basepython=/my/path/to/python2.7
-Avoiding expensive sdist
-Some projects are large enough that running an sdist, followed by
-an install every time can be prohibitively costly. To solve this,
-there are two different options you can add to the ``tox`` section. First,
-you can simply ask tox to please not make an sdist::
- [tox]
- skipsdist=True
-If you do this, your local software package will not be installed into
-the virtualenv. You should probably be okay with that, or take steps
-to deal with it in your commands section::
- [testenv]
- commands =
- python develop
- py.test
-Running `` develop`` is a common enough model that it has its own
- [testenv]
- usedevelop=True
-And a corresponding command line option ``--develop``, which will set
-``skipsdist`` to True and then perform the `` develop``
-step at the place where ``tox`` normally perfoms the installation of the sdist.
-Specifically, it actually runs ``pip install -e .`` behind the scenes, which
-itself calls `` develop``.
-There is an optimization coded in to not bother re-running the command if
-``$projectname.egg-info`` is newer than ```` or ``setup.cfg``.
-.. include:: ../links.txt
diff --git a/doc/example/jenkins.txt b/doc/example/jenkins.txt
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-Using Tox with the Jenkins Integration Server
-Using Jenkins multi-configuration jobs
-The Jenkins_ continuous integration server allows to define "jobs" with
-"build steps" which can be test invocations. If you :doc:`install <../install>` ``tox`` on your
-default Python installation on each Jenkins slave, you can easily create
-a Jenkins multi-configuration job that will drive your tox runs from the CI-server side,
-using these steps:
-* install the Python plugin for Jenkins under "manage jenkins"
-* create a "multi-configuration" job, give it a name of your choice
-* configure your repository so that Jenkins can pull it
-* (optional) configure multiple nodes so that tox-runs are performed
- on multiple hosts
-* configure ``axes`` by using :ref:`TOXENV <TOXENV>` as an axis
- name and as values provide space-separated test environment names
- you want Jenkins/tox to execute.
-* add a **Python-build step** with this content (see also next example)::
- import tox
- tox.cmdline() # environment is selected by ``TOXENV`` env variable
-* check ``Publish JUnit test result report`` and enter
- ``**/junit-*.xml`` as the pattern so that Jenkins collects
- test results in the JUnit XML format.
-The last point requires that your test command creates JunitXML files,
-for example with ``py.test`` it is done like this:
-.. code-block:: ini
- commands = py.test --junitxml=junit-{envname}.xml
-**zero-installation** for slaves
-.. note::
- This feature is broken currently because ""
- has been removed. Please file an issue if you'd like to
- see it back.
-If you manage many Jenkins slaves and want to use the latest officially
-released tox (or latest development version) and want to skip manually
-installing ``tox`` then substitute the above **Python build step** code
-with this::
- import urllib, os
- url = ""
- #os.environ['USETOXDEV']="1" # use tox dev version
- d = dict(__file__='')
- exec urllib.urlopen(url).read() in d
- d['cmdline'](['--recreate'])
-The downloaded `` file downloads all neccessary files to
-install ``tox`` in a virtual sub environment. Notes:
-* uncomment the line containing ``USETOXDEV`` to use the latest
- development-release version of tox instead of the
- latest released version.
-* adapt the options in the last line as needed (the example code
- will cause tox to reinstall all virtual environments all the time
- which is often what one wants in CI server contexts)
-Integrating "sphinx" documentation checks in a Jenkins job
-If you are using a multi-configuration Jenkins job which collects
-JUnit Test results you will run into problems using the previous
-method of running the sphinx-build command because it will not
-generate JUnit results. To accomodate this issue one solution
-is to have ``py.test`` wrap the sphinx-checks and create a
-JUnit result file which wraps the result of calling sphinx-build.
-Here is an example:
-1. create a ``docs`` environment in your ``tox.ini`` file like this::
- [testenv:docs]
- basepython=python
- changedir=doc # or whereever you keep your sphinx-docs
- deps=sphinx
- py
- commands=
- py.test --tb=line -v --junitxml=junit-{envname}.xml
-2. create a ``doc/`` file like this::
- import py
- import subprocess
- def test_linkcheck(tmpdir):
- doctrees = tmpdir.join("doctrees")
- htmldir = tmpdir.join("html")
- subprocess.check_call(
- ["sphinx-build", "-W", "-blinkcheck",
- "-d", str(doctrees), ".", str(htmldir)])
- def test_build_docs(tmpdir):
- doctrees = tmpdir.join("doctrees")
- htmldir = tmpdir.join("html")
- subprocess.check_call([
- "sphinx-build", "-W", "-bhtml",
- "-d", str(doctrees), ".", str(htmldir)])
-3. run ``tox -e docs`` and then you may integrate this environment
- along with your other environments into Jenkins.
-Note that ``py.test`` is only installed into the docs environment
-and does not need to be in use or installed with any other environment.
-.. _`jenkins artifact example`:
-Access package artifacts between Jenkins jobs
-.. _`Jenkins Copy Artifact plugin`:
-In an extension to :ref:`artifacts` you can also configure Jenkins jobs to
-access each others artifacts. ``tox`` uses the ``distshare`` directory
-to access artifacts and in a Jenkins context (detected via existence
-of the environment variable ``HUDSON_URL``); it defaults to
-to ``{toxworkdir}/distshare``.
-This means that each workspace will have its own ``distshare``
-directory and we need to configure Jenkins to perform artifact copying.
-The recommend way to do this is to install the `Jenkins Copy Artifact plugin`_
-and for each job which "receives" artifacts you add a **Copy artifacts from another project** build step using roughly this configuration::
- Project-name: name of the other (tox-managed) job you want the artifact from
- Artifacts to copy: .tox/dist/*.zip # where tox jobs create artifacts
- Target directory: .tox/distshare # where we want it to appear for us
- Flatten Directories: CHECK # create no subdir-structure
-You also need to configure the "other" job to archive artifacts; This
-is done by checking ``Archive the artifacts`` and entering::
- Files to archive: .tox/dist/*.zip
-So our "other" job will create an sdist-package artifact and
-the "copy-artifacts" plugin will copy it to our ``distshare`` area.
-Now everything proceeds as :ref:`artifacts` shows it.
-So if you are using defaults you can re-use and debug exactly the
-same ``tox.ini`` file and make use of automatic sharing of
-your artifacts between runs or Jenkins jobs.
-Avoiding the "path too long" error with long shebang lines
-If you are using Jenkins builds you might run into the issue
-that tox can not call ``pip`` because the so called "shebang"
-line is too long. There is a limit of 127 chars on some systems.
-Probably the best way to fix the problem is to use the
-new ``--workdir`` option which tells tox to use a specific
-directory for its virtualenvironments. Set it to some unique
-enough short path. If somebody is interested to do a PR
-you could add a new option to tox which uses a random
-directory for storing its workdir results and removes
-it after the tox run finishes. This could be used
-from CI environments where you probably anyway want
-to recreate everything on new runs.
-.. include:: ../links.txt
diff --git a/doc/example/nose.txt b/doc/example/nose.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ec97f18..0000000
--- a/doc/example/nose.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-nose and tox
-It is easy to integrate `nosetests`_ runs with tox.
-For starters here is a simple ``tox.ini`` config to configure your project
-for running with nose:
-Basic nosetests example
-Assuming the following layout::
- tox.ini # see below for content
- # a classic distutils/setuptools file
-and the following ``tox.ini`` content::
- [testenv]
- deps=nose
- commands=
- nosetests \
- [] # substitute with tox' positional arguments
-you can invoke ``tox`` in the directory where your ``tox.ini`` resides.
-``tox`` will sdist-package your project create two virtualenv environments
-with the ``python2.6`` and ``python2.5`` interpreters, respectively, and will
-then run the specified test command.
-More examples?
-You can use and combine other features of ``tox`` with your tox runs,
-e.g. :ref:`sphinx checks`. If you figure out some particular configurations
-for nose/tox interactions please submit them.
-Also you might want to checkout :doc:`general`.
-.. include:: ../links.txt
diff --git a/doc/example/pytest.txt b/doc/example/pytest.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f98cf3..0000000
--- a/doc/example/pytest.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-py.test and tox
-It is easy to integrate `py.test`_ runs with tox. If you encounter
-issues, please check if they are `listed as a known issue`_ and/or use
-the :doc:`support channels <../support>`.
-Basic example
-Assuming the following layout::
- tox.ini # see below for content
- # a classic distutils/setuptools file
-and the following ``tox.ini`` content::
- [tox]
- envlist = py26,py31
- [testenv]
- deps=pytest # PYPI package providing py.test
- commands=
- py.test \
- {posargs} # substitute with tox' positional arguments
-you can now invoke ``tox`` in the directory where your ``tox.ini`` resides.
-``tox`` will sdist-package your project, create two virtualenv environments
-with the ``python2.6`` and ``python3.1`` interpreters, respectively, and will
-then run the specified test command in each of them.
-Extended example: change dir before test and use per-virtualenv tempdir
-Assuming the following layout::
- tox.ini # see below for content
- # a classic distutils/setuptools file
- tests # the directory containing tests
-and the following ``tox.ini`` content::
- [tox]
- envlist = py26,py31
- [testenv]
- changedir=tests
- deps=pytest
- commands=
- py.test \
- --basetemp={envtmpdir} \ # py.test tempdir setting
- {posargs} # substitute with tox' positional arguments
-you can invoke ``tox`` in the directory where your ``tox.ini`` resides.
-Differently than in the previous example the ``py.test`` command
-will be executed with a current working directory set to ``tests``
-and the test run will use the per-virtualenv temporary directory.
-.. _`passing positional arguments`:
-Using multiple CPUs for test runs
-``py.test`` supports distributing tests to multiple processes and hosts
-through the `pytest-xdist`_ plugin. Here is an example configuration
-to make ``tox`` use this feature::
- [testenv]
- deps=pytest-xdist
- changedir=tests
- commands=
- py.test \
- --basetemp={envtmpdir} \
- --confcutdir=.. \
- -n 3 \ # use three sub processes
- {posargs}
-.. _`listed as a known issue`:
-Known Issues and limitations
-**Too long filenames**. you may encounter "too long filenames" for temporarily
-created files in your py.test run. Try to not use the "--basetemp" parameter.
-**installed-versus-checkout version**. ``py.test`` collects test
-modules on the filesystem and then tries to import them under their
-`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test files are
-importable from somewhere then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
-importing the package from the checkout directory rather than the
-installed package.
-There are a few ways to prevent this.
-With installed tests (the tests packages are known to ````), a
-safe and explicit option is to give the explicit path
-``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg`` to pytest.
-Alternatively, it is possible to use ``changedir`` so that checked-out
-files are outside the import path, then pass ``--pyargs mypkg`` to
-With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way to run them
-against your installed package is to avoid ```` files in test
-directories; pytest will still find and import them by adding their
-parent directory to ``sys.path`` but they won't be copied to
-other places or be found by Python's import system outside of pytest.
-.. _`fully qualified name`:
-.. include:: ../links.txt
diff --git a/doc/example/result.txt b/doc/example/result.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b95b4..0000000
--- a/doc/example/result.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Writing a json result file
-.. versionadded: 1.6
-You can instruct tox to write a json-report file via::
- tox --result-json=PATH
-This will create a json-formatted result file using this schema::
- {
- "testenvs": {
- "py27": {
- "python": {
- "executable": "/home/hpk/p/tox/.tox/py27/bin/python",
- "version": "2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39) \n[GCC 4.6.3]",
- "version_info": [ 2, 7, 3, "final", 0 ]
- },
- "test": [
- {
- "output": "...",
- "command": [
- "/home/hpk/p/tox/.tox/py27/bin/py.test",
- "--instafail",
- "--junitxml=/home/hpk/p/tox/.tox/py27/log/junit-py27.xml",
- "tests/"
- ],
- "retcode": "0"
- }
- ],
- "setup": []
- }
- },
- "platform": "linux2",
- "installpkg": {
- "basename": "",
- "sha256": "b6982dde5789a167c4c35af0d34ef72176d0575955f5331ad04aee9f23af4326",
- "md5": "27ead99fd7fa39ee7614cede6bf175a6"
- },
- "toxversion": "1.6.0.dev1",
- "reportversion": "1"
- }
diff --git a/doc/example/unittest.txt b/doc/example/unittest.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dcaa8e..0000000
--- a/doc/example/unittest.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-unittest2, discover and tox
-Running unittests with 'discover'
-.. _Pygments:
-The discover_ project allows to discover and run unittests
-and we can easily integrate it in a ``tox`` run. As an example,
-perform a checkout of Pygments_::
- hg clone
-and add the following ``tox.ini`` to it::
- [tox]
- envlist = py25,py26,py27
- [testenv]
- changedir=tests
- commands=discover
- deps=discover
-If you now invoke ``tox`` you will see the creation of
-three virtual environments and a unittest-run performed
-in each of them.
-Running unittest2 and sphinx tests in one go
-.. _`Michael Foord`:
-.. _tox.ini:
-`Michael Foord`_ has contributed a ``tox.ini`` file that
-allows you to run all tests for his mock_ project,
-including some sphinx-based doctests. If you checkout
-its repository with:
- hg clone
-the checkout has a tox.ini_ that looks like this::
- [tox]
- envlist = py24,py25,py26,py27
- [testenv]
- deps=unittest2
- commands=unit2 discover []
- [testenv:py26]
- commands=
- unit2 discover []
- sphinx-build -b doctest docs html
- sphinx-build docs html
- deps =
- unittest2
- sphinx
- [testenv:py27]
- commands=
- unit2 discover []
- sphinx-build -b doctest docs html
- sphinx-build docs html
- deps =
- unittest2
- sphinx
-mock uses unittest2_ to run the tests. Invoking ``tox`` starts test
-discovery by executing the ``unit2 discover``
-commands on Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 respectively. Against
-Python2.6 and Python2.7 it will additionally run sphinx-mediated
-doctests. If building the docs fails, due to a reST error, or
-any of the doctests fails, it will be reported by the tox run.
-The ``[]`` parentheses in the commands provide :ref:`positional substitution` which means
-you can e.g. type::
- tox -- -f -s SOMEPATH
-which will ultimately invoke::
- unit2 discover -f -s SOMEPATH
-in each of the environments. This allows you to customize test discovery
-in your ``tox`` runs.
-.. include:: ../links.txt