path: root/doc/example/pytest.txt
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authorRonny Pfannschmidt <>2016-09-17 20:30:13 +0200
committerRonny Pfannschmidt <>2016-09-17 20:30:13 +0200
commit07fdce28e407b0ec10b5fee682f134550eae335b (patch)
tree74baed3d9a1daa2ecd8d4bb3f00ff1e47c9f88d4 /doc/example/pytest.txt
parent2237fc53240f8892577b3a54016dfcfe8be7fd56 (diff)
clean out source files and link to new repoHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/example/pytest.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/doc/example/pytest.txt b/doc/example/pytest.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f98cf3..0000000
--- a/doc/example/pytest.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-py.test and tox
-It is easy to integrate `py.test`_ runs with tox. If you encounter
-issues, please check if they are `listed as a known issue`_ and/or use
-the :doc:`support channels <../support>`.
-Basic example
-Assuming the following layout::
- tox.ini # see below for content
- # a classic distutils/setuptools file
-and the following ``tox.ini`` content::
- [tox]
- envlist = py26,py31
- [testenv]
- deps=pytest # PYPI package providing py.test
- commands=
- py.test \
- {posargs} # substitute with tox' positional arguments
-you can now invoke ``tox`` in the directory where your ``tox.ini`` resides.
-``tox`` will sdist-package your project, create two virtualenv environments
-with the ``python2.6`` and ``python3.1`` interpreters, respectively, and will
-then run the specified test command in each of them.
-Extended example: change dir before test and use per-virtualenv tempdir
-Assuming the following layout::
- tox.ini # see below for content
- # a classic distutils/setuptools file
- tests # the directory containing tests
-and the following ``tox.ini`` content::
- [tox]
- envlist = py26,py31
- [testenv]
- changedir=tests
- deps=pytest
- commands=
- py.test \
- --basetemp={envtmpdir} \ # py.test tempdir setting
- {posargs} # substitute with tox' positional arguments
-you can invoke ``tox`` in the directory where your ``tox.ini`` resides.
-Differently than in the previous example the ``py.test`` command
-will be executed with a current working directory set to ``tests``
-and the test run will use the per-virtualenv temporary directory.
-.. _`passing positional arguments`:
-Using multiple CPUs for test runs
-``py.test`` supports distributing tests to multiple processes and hosts
-through the `pytest-xdist`_ plugin. Here is an example configuration
-to make ``tox`` use this feature::
- [testenv]
- deps=pytest-xdist
- changedir=tests
- commands=
- py.test \
- --basetemp={envtmpdir} \
- --confcutdir=.. \
- -n 3 \ # use three sub processes
- {posargs}
-.. _`listed as a known issue`:
-Known Issues and limitations
-**Too long filenames**. you may encounter "too long filenames" for temporarily
-created files in your py.test run. Try to not use the "--basetemp" parameter.
-**installed-versus-checkout version**. ``py.test`` collects test
-modules on the filesystem and then tries to import them under their
-`fully qualified name`_. This means that if your test files are
-importable from somewhere then your ``py.test`` invocation may end up
-importing the package from the checkout directory rather than the
-installed package.
-There are a few ways to prevent this.
-With installed tests (the tests packages are known to ````), a
-safe and explicit option is to give the explicit path
-``{envsitepackagesdir}/mypkg`` to pytest.
-Alternatively, it is possible to use ``changedir`` so that checked-out
-files are outside the import path, then pass ``--pyargs mypkg`` to
-With tests that won't be installed, the simplest way to run them
-against your installed package is to avoid ```` files in test
-directories; pytest will still find and import them by adding their
-parent directory to ``sys.path`` but they won't be copied to
-other places or be found by Python's import system outside of pytest.
-.. _`fully qualified name`:
-.. include:: ../links.txt