path: root/sqlparse/
diff options
authorSimon Heisterkamp <>2022-12-01 10:35:42 +0000
committerAndi Albrecht <>2023-01-02 08:54:47 +0100
commite0d3928ba69d73ba874ca03ec4395e94cf1ab293 (patch)
treeeffb9b90561b23e7edb2d4c1057d27df59660b08 /sqlparse/
parentf9a73a62cfc23b10c38f22a10bd1d4c3edbb286f (diff)
lexer documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'sqlparse/')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/sqlparse/ b/sqlparse/
index 6bc7937..f04f928 100644
--- a/sqlparse/
+++ b/sqlparse/
@@ -5,96 +5,92 @@
# This module is part of python-sqlparse and is released under
# the BSD License:
-import re
from sqlparse import tokens
# object() only supports "is" and is useful as a marker
+# use this marker to specify that the given regex in SQL_REGEX
+# shall be processed further through a lookup in the KEYWORDS dictionaries
- 'root': [
- (r'(--|# )\+.*?(\r\n|\r|\n|$)', tokens.Comment.Single.Hint),
- (r'/\*\+[\s\S]*?\*/', tokens.Comment.Multiline.Hint),
- (r'(--|# ).*?(\r\n|\r|\n|$)', tokens.Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*[\s\S]*?\*/', tokens.Comment.Multiline),
- (r'(\r\n|\r|\n)', tokens.Newline),
- (r'\s+?', tokens.Whitespace),
- (r':=', tokens.Assignment),
- (r'::', tokens.Punctuation),
- (r'\*', tokens.Wildcard),
- (r"`(``|[^`])*`", tokens.Name),
- (r"´(´´|[^´])*´", tokens.Name),
- (r'((?<!\S)\$(?:[_A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*)?\$)[\s\S]*?\1', tokens.Literal),
- (r'\?', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
- (r'%(\(\w+\))?s', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
- (r'(?<!\w)[$:?]\w+', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
- (r'\\\w+', tokens.Command),
- # FIXME(andi): VALUES shouldn't be listed here
- # see
- # AS and IN are special, it may be followed by a parenthesis, but
- # are never functions, see issue183 and issue507
- (r'(CASE|IN|VALUES|USING|FROM|AS)\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'(@|##|#)[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w+', tokens.Name),
- # see issue #39
- # Spaces around period `schema . name` are valid identifier
- # TODO: Spaces before period not implemented
- (r'[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*(?=\s*\.)', tokens.Name), # 'Name'.
- # FIXME(atronah): never match,
- # because `re.match` doesn't work with look-behind regexp feature
- (r'(?<=\.)[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*', tokens.Name), # .'Name'
- (r'[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*(?=\()', tokens.Name), # side effect: change kw to func
- (r'-?0x[\dA-F]+', tokens.Number.Hexadecimal),
- (r'-?\d+(\.\d+)?E-?\d+', tokens.Number.Float),
- (r'(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])-?(\d+(\.\d*)|\.\d+)(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])',
- tokens.Number.Float),
- (r'(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])-?\d+(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])', tokens.Number.Integer),
- (r"'(''|\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", tokens.String.Single),
- # not a real string literal in ANSI SQL:
- (r'"(""|\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', tokens.String.Symbol),
- (r'(""|".*?[^\\]")', tokens.String.Symbol),
- # sqlite names can be escaped with [square brackets]. left bracket
- # cannot be preceded by word character or a right bracket --
- # otherwise it's probably an array index
- (r'(?<![\w\])])(\[[^\]\[]+\])', tokens.Name),
- (r'((LEFT\s+|RIGHT\s+|FULL\s+)?(INNER\s+|OUTER\s+|STRAIGHT\s+)?'
- r'|(CROSS\s+|NATURAL\s+)?)?JOIN\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'END(\s+IF|\s+LOOP|\s+WHILE)?\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'NOT\s+NULL\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'NULLS\s+(FIRST|LAST)\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'UNION\s+ALL\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'CREATE(\s+OR\s+REPLACE)?\b', tokens.Keyword.DDL),
- (r'DOUBLE\s+PRECISION\b', tokens.Name.Builtin),
- (r'GROUP\s+BY\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'ORDER\s+BY\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'HANDLER\s+FOR\b', tokens.Keyword),
- (r'(LATERAL\s+VIEW\s+)'
- tokens.Keyword),
- (r"(AT|WITH')\s+TIME\s+ZONE\s+'[^']+'", tokens.Keyword.TZCast),
- (r'(NOT\s+)?(LIKE|ILIKE|RLIKE)\b', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
- (r'(NOT\s+)?(REGEXP)\b', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
- # Check for keywords, also returns tokens.Name if regex matches
- # but the match isn't a keyword.
- (r'[0-9_\w][_$#\w]*', PROCESS_AS_KEYWORD),
- (r'[;:()\[\],\.]', tokens.Punctuation),
- (r'[<>=~!]+', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
- (r'[+/@#%^&|^-]+', tokens.Operator),
- ]}
-SQL_REGEX = [(re.compile(rx, FLAGS).match, tt) for rx, tt in SQL_REGEX['root']]
+ (r'(--|# )\+.*?(\r\n|\r|\n|$)', tokens.Comment.Single.Hint),
+ (r'/\*\+[\s\S]*?\*/', tokens.Comment.Multiline.Hint),
+ (r'(--|# ).*?(\r\n|\r|\n|$)', tokens.Comment.Single),
+ (r'/\*[\s\S]*?\*/', tokens.Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'(\r\n|\r|\n)', tokens.Newline),
+ (r'\s+?', tokens.Whitespace),
+ (r':=', tokens.Assignment),
+ (r'::', tokens.Punctuation),
+ (r'\*', tokens.Wildcard),
+ (r"`(``|[^`])*`", tokens.Name),
+ (r"´(´´|[^´])*´", tokens.Name),
+ (r'((?<!\S)\$(?:[_A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*)?\$)[\s\S]*?\1', tokens.Literal),
+ (r'\?', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
+ (r'%(\(\w+\))?s', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
+ (r'(?<!\w)[$:?]\w+', tokens.Name.Placeholder),
+ (r'\\\w+', tokens.Command),
+ # FIXME(andi): VALUES shouldn't be listed here
+ # see
+ # AS and IN are special, it may be followed by a parenthesis, but
+ # are never functions, see issue183 and issue507
+ (r'(CASE|IN|VALUES|USING|FROM|AS)\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'(@|##|#)[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w+', tokens.Name),
+ # see issue #39
+ # Spaces around period `schema . name` are valid identifier
+ # TODO: Spaces before period not implemented
+ (r'[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*(?=\s*\.)', tokens.Name), # 'Name'.
+ # FIXME(atronah): never match,
+ # because `re.match` doesn't work with look-behind regexp feature
+ (r'(?<=\.)[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*', tokens.Name), # .'Name'
+ (r'[A-ZÀ-Ü]\w*(?=\()', tokens.Name), # side effect: change kw to func
+ (r'-?0x[\dA-F]+', tokens.Number.Hexadecimal),
+ (r'-?\d+(\.\d+)?E-?\d+', tokens.Number.Float),
+ (r'(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])-?(\d+(\.\d*)|\.\d+)(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])',
+ tokens.Number.Float),
+ (r'(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])-?\d+(?![_A-ZÀ-Ü])', tokens.Number.Integer),
+ (r"'(''|\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", tokens.String.Single),
+ # not a real string literal in ANSI SQL:
+ (r'"(""|\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', tokens.String.Symbol),
+ (r'(""|".*?[^\\]")', tokens.String.Symbol),
+ # sqlite names can be escaped with [square brackets]. left bracket
+ # cannot be preceded by word character or a right bracket --
+ # otherwise it's probably an array index
+ (r'(?<![\w\])])(\[[^\]\[]+\])', tokens.Name),
+ (r'((LEFT\s+|RIGHT\s+|FULL\s+)?(INNER\s+|OUTER\s+|STRAIGHT\s+)?'
+ r'|(CROSS\s+|NATURAL\s+)?)?JOIN\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'END(\s+IF|\s+LOOP|\s+WHILE)?\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'NOT\s+NULL\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'NULLS\s+(FIRST|LAST)\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'UNION\s+ALL\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'CREATE(\s+OR\s+REPLACE)?\b', tokens.Keyword.DDL),
+ (r'DOUBLE\s+PRECISION\b', tokens.Name.Builtin),
+ (r'GROUP\s+BY\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'ORDER\s+BY\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'HANDLER\s+FOR\b', tokens.Keyword),
+ (r'(LATERAL\s+VIEW\s+)'
+ tokens.Keyword),
+ (r"(AT|WITH')\s+TIME\s+ZONE\s+'[^']+'", tokens.Keyword.TZCast),
+ (r'(NOT\s+)?(LIKE|ILIKE|RLIKE)\b', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
+ (r'(NOT\s+)?(REGEXP)\b', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
+ # Check for keywords, also returns tokens.Name if regex matches
+ # but the match isn't a keyword.
+ (r'[0-9_\w][_$#\w]*', PROCESS_AS_KEYWORD),
+ (r'[;:()\[\],\.]', tokens.Punctuation),
+ (r'[<>=~!]+', tokens.Operator.Comparison),
+ (r'[+/@#%^&|^-]+', tokens.Operator),
'ABORT': tokens.Keyword,