path: root/test/sql/
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/sql/')
1 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/sql/ b/test/sql/
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index 000000000..37346437e
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+"""Test the TextClause and related constructs."""
+from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures, AssertsCompiledSQL, eq_, assert_raises_message
+from sqlalchemy import text, select, Integer, String, Float, \
+ bindparam, and_, func, literal_column, exc
+from sqlalchemy.types import NullType
+from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
+table1 = table('mytable',
+ column('myid', Integer),
+ column('name', String),
+ column('description', String),
+table2 = table(
+ 'myothertable',
+ column('otherid', Integer),
+ column('othername', String),
+class CompileTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
+ __dialect__ = 'default'
+ def test_basic(self):
+ self.assert_compile(
+ text("select * from foo where lala = bar"),
+ "select * from foo where lala = bar"
+ )
+class SelectCompositionTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
+ """test the usage of text() implicit within the select() construct
+ when strings are passed."""
+ __dialect__ = 'default'
+ def test_select_composition_one(self):
+ self.assert_compile(select(
+ ["foobar(a)", "pk_foo_bar(syslaal)"],
+ "a = 12",
+ from_obj=["foobar left outer join lala on ="]
+ ),
+ "SELECT foobar(a), pk_foo_bar(syslaal) FROM foobar "
+ "left outer join lala on = WHERE a = 12"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_two(self):
+ s = select()
+ s.append_column("column1")
+ s.append_column("column2")
+ s.append_whereclause("column1=12")
+ s.append_whereclause("column2=19")
+ s = s.order_by("column1")
+ s.append_from("table1")
+ self.assert_compile(s, "SELECT column1, column2 FROM table1 WHERE "
+ "column1=12 AND column2=19 ORDER BY column1")
+ def test_select_composition_three(self):
+ self.assert_compile(
+ select(["column1", "column2"],
+ from_obj=table1).alias('somealias').select(),
+ "SELECT somealias.column1, somealias.column2 FROM "
+ "(SELECT column1, column2 FROM mytable) AS somealias"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_four(self):
+ # test that use_labels doesnt interfere with literal columns
+ self.assert_compile(
+ select(["column1", "column2", table1.c.myid], from_obj=table1,
+ use_labels=True),
+ "SELECT column1, column2, mytable.myid AS mytable_myid "
+ "FROM mytable"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_five(self):
+ # test that use_labels doesnt interfere
+ # with literal columns that have textual labels
+ self.assert_compile(
+ select(["column1 AS foobar", "column2 AS hoho", table1.c.myid],
+ from_obj=table1, use_labels=True),
+ "SELECT column1 AS foobar, column2 AS hoho, "
+ "mytable.myid AS mytable_myid FROM mytable"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_six(self):
+ # test that "auto-labeling of subquery columns"
+ # doesnt interfere with literal columns,
+ # exported columns dont get quoted
+ self.assert_compile(
+ select(["column1 AS foobar", "column2 AS hoho", table1.c.myid],
+ from_obj=[table1]).select(),
+ "SELECT column1 AS foobar, column2 AS hoho, myid FROM "
+ "(SELECT column1 AS foobar, column2 AS hoho, "
+ "mytable.myid AS myid FROM mytable)"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_seven(self):
+ self.assert_compile(
+ select(['col1', 'col2'], from_obj='tablename').alias('myalias'),
+ "SELECT col1, col2 FROM tablename"
+ )
+ def test_select_composition_eight(self):
+ self.assert_compile(select(
+ [table1.alias('t'), "foo.f"],
+ "foo.f =",
+ from_obj=["(select f from bar where lala=heyhey) foo"]
+ ),
+ "SELECT t.myid,, t.description, foo.f FROM mytable AS t, "
+ "(select f from bar where lala=heyhey) foo WHERE foo.f =")
+ def test_select_bundle_columns(self):
+ self.assert_compile(select(
+ [table1, table2.c.otherid, "sysdate()", "foo, bar, lala"],
+ and_(
+ " = foofoo(lala)",
+ "datetime(foo) = Today",
+ table1.c.myid == table2.c.otherid,
+ )
+ ),
+ "SELECT mytable.myid,, mytable.description, "
+ "myothertable.otherid, sysdate(), foo, bar, lala "
+ "FROM mytable, myothertable WHERE = foofoo(lala) AND "
+ "datetime(foo) = Today AND mytable.myid = myothertable.otherid")
+class BindParamTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
+ __dialect__ = 'default'
+ def test_legacy(self):
+ t = text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee",
+ bindparams=[bindparam('bar', 4), bindparam('whee', 7)])
+ self.assert_compile(
+ t,
+ "select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ )
+ def test_positional(self):
+ t = text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee")
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('bar', 4), bindparam('whee', 7))
+ self.assert_compile(
+ t,
+ "select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ )
+ def test_kw(self):
+ t = text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee")
+ t = t.bindparams(bar=4, whee=7)
+ self.assert_compile(
+ t,
+ "select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ )
+ def test_positional_plus_kw(self):
+ t = text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee")
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('bar', 4), whee=7)
+ self.assert_compile(
+ t,
+ "select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ )
+ def test_literal_binds(self):
+ t = text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee")
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('bar', 4), whee='whee')
+ self.assert_compile(
+ t,
+ "select * from foo where lala=4 and hoho='whee'",
+ checkparams={},
+ literal_binds=True
+ )
+ def _assert_type_map(self, t, compare):
+ map_ = dict(
+ (b.key, b.type) for b in t._bindparams.values()
+ )
+ for k in compare:
+ assert compare[k]._type_affinity is map_[k]._type_affinity
+ def test_typing_construction(self):
+ t = text("select * from table :foo :bar :bat")
+ self._assert_type_map(t, {"foo": NullType(),
+ "bar": NullType(),
+ "bat": NullType()})
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('foo', type_=String))
+ self._assert_type_map(t, {"foo": String(),
+ "bar": NullType(),
+ "bat": NullType()})
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('bar', type_=Integer))
+ self._assert_type_map(t, {"foo": String(),
+ "bar": Integer(),
+ "bat": NullType()})
+ t = t.bindparams(bat=45.564)
+ self._assert_type_map(t, {"foo": String(),
+ "bar": Integer(),
+ "bat": Float()})
+ def test_binds_compiled_named(self):
+ self.assert_compile(
+ text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee").
+ bindparams(bar=4, whee=7),
+ "select * from foo where lala=%(bar)s and hoho=%(whee)s",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ dialect="postgresql"
+ )
+ def test_binds_compiled_positional(self):
+ self.assert_compile(
+ text("select * from foo where lala=:bar and hoho=:whee").
+ bindparams(bar=4, whee=7),
+ "select * from foo where lala=? and hoho=?",
+ checkparams={'bar': 4, 'whee': 7},
+ dialect="sqlite"
+ )
+ def test_missing_bind_kw(self):
+ assert_raises_message(
+ exc.ArgumentError,
+ "This text\(\) construct doesn't define a bound parameter named 'bar'",
+ text(":foo").bindparams,
+ foo=5, bar=7
+ )
+ def test_missing_bind_posn(self):
+ assert_raises_message(
+ exc.ArgumentError,
+ "This text\(\) construct doesn't define a bound parameter named 'bar'",
+ text(":foo").bindparams,
+ bindparam('foo', value=5), bindparam('bar', value=7)
+ )
+ def test_escaping_colons(self):
+ # test escaping out text() params with a backslash
+ self.assert_compile(
+ text("select * from foo where clock='05:06:07' "
+ "and mork='\:mindy'"),
+ "select * from foo where clock='05:06:07' and mork=':mindy'",
+ checkparams={},
+ params={},
+ dialect="postgresql"
+ )
+ def test_text_in_select_nonfrom(self):
+ generate_series = text("generate_series(:x, :y, :z) as s(a)").\
+ bindparams(x=None, y=None, z=None)
+ s = select([
+ (func.current_date() + literal_column("s.a")).label("dates")
+ ]).select_from(generate_series)
+ self.assert_compile(
+ s,
+ "generate_series(:x, :y, :z) as s(a)",
+ checkparams={'y': None, 'x': None, 'z': None}
+ )
+ self.assert_compile(
+ s.params(x=5, y=6, z=7),
+ "generate_series(:x, :y, :z) as s(a)",
+ checkparams={'y': 6, 'x': 5, 'z': 7}
+ )
+class AsFromTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):
+ __dialect__ = 'default'
+ def test_basic_toplevel_resultmap_positional(self):
+ t = text("select id, name from user").columns(
+ column('id', Integer),
+ column('name')
+ )
+ compiled = t.compile()
+ eq_(
+ compiled.result_map,
+ {
+ 'id': ('id', (,),,
+ 'name': ('name', (,),
+ }
+ )
+ def test_basic_toplevel_resultmap(self):
+ t = text("select id, name from user").columns(id=Integer, name=String)
+ compiled = t.compile()
+ eq_(
+ compiled.result_map,
+ {
+ 'id': ('id', (,),,
+ 'name': ('name', (,),
+ }
+ )
+ def test_basic_subquery_resultmap(self):
+ t = text("select id, name from user").columns(id=Integer, name=String)
+ stmt = select([table1.c.myid]).select_from(
+ table1.join(t, table1.c.myid ==
+ compiled = stmt.compile()
+ eq_(
+ compiled.result_map,
+ {
+ "myid": ("myid",
+ (table1.c.myid, "myid", "myid"), table1.c.myid.type),
+ }
+ )
+ def test_cte(self):
+ t = text("select id, name from user").columns(id=Integer, name=String).cte('t')
+ s = select([table1]).where(table1.c.myid ==
+ self.assert_compile(
+ s,
+ "WITH t AS (select id, name from user) "
+ "SELECT mytable.myid,, mytable.description "
+ "FROM mytable, t WHERE mytable.myid ="
+ )
+ def test_alias(self):
+ t = text("select id, name from user").columns(id=Integer, name=String).alias('t')
+ s = select([table1]).where(table1.c.myid ==
+ self.assert_compile(
+ s,
+ "SELECT mytable.myid,, mytable.description "
+ "FROM mytable, (select id, name from user) AS t "
+ "WHERE mytable.myid ="
+ )
+ def test_scalar_subquery(self):
+ t = text("select id from user").columns(id=Integer)
+ subq = t.as_scalar()
+ assert subq.type._type_affinity is Integer()._type_affinity
+ s = select([table1.c.myid, subq]).where(table1.c.myid == subq)
+ self.assert_compile(
+ s,
+ "SELECT mytable.myid, (select id from user) AS anon_1 "
+ "FROM mytable WHERE mytable.myid = (select id from user)"
+ )
+ def test_build_bindparams(self):
+ t = text("select id from user :foo :bar :bat")
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam("foo", type_=Integer))
+ t = t.columns(id=Integer)
+ t = t.bindparams(bar=String)
+ t = t.bindparams(bindparam('bat', value='bat'))
+ eq_(
+ set(t.element._bindparams),
+ set(["bat", "foo", "bar"])
+ ) \ No newline at end of file