path: root/doc/build/orm/session.rst
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1 files changed, 354 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/doc/build/orm/session.rst b/doc/build/orm/session.rst
index 3e35f02cb..c979586f2 100644
--- a/doc/build/orm/session.rst
+++ b/doc/build/orm/session.rst
@@ -198,196 +198,319 @@ at the same time).
.. _session_faq:
-.. _session_faq_whentocreate:
Session Frequently Asked Questions
-* When do I make a :class:`.sessionmaker` ?
- Just one time, somewhere in your application's global scope. It should be
- looked upon as part of your application's configuration. If your
- application has three .py files in a package, you could, for example,
- place the :class:`.sessionmaker` line in your ```` file; from
- that point on your other modules say "from mypackage import Session". That
- way, everyone else just uses :class:`.Session()`,
- and the configuration of that session is controlled by that central point.
- If your application starts up, does imports, but does not know what
- database it's going to be connecting to, you can bind the
- :class:`.Session` at the "class" level to the
- engine later on, using :meth:`.sessionmaker.configure`.
- In the examples in this section, we will frequently show the
- :class:`.sessionmaker` being created right above the line where we actually
- invoke :class:`.Session`. But that's just for
- example's sake! In reality, the :class:`.sessionmaker` would be somewhere
- at the module level. The calls to instantiate :class:`.Session`
- would then be placed at the point in the application where database
- conversations begin.
-* When do I construct a :class:`.Session`, when do I commit it, and when do I close it ?
- A :class:`.Session` is typically constructed at the beginning of a logical
- operation where database access is potentially anticipated.
- The :class:`.Session`, whenever it is used to talk to the database,
- begins a database transaction as soon as it starts communicating.
- Assuming the ``autocommit`` flag is left at its recommended default
- of ``False``, this transaction remains in progress until the :class:`.Session`
- is rolled back, committed, or closed. The :class:`.Session` will
- begin a new transaction if it is used again, subsequent to the previous
- transaction ending; from this it follows that the :class:`.Session`
- is capable of having a lifespan across many transactions, though only
- one at a time. We refer to these two concepts as **transaction scope**
- and **session scope**.
- The implication here is that the SQLAlchemy ORM is encouraging the
- developer to establish these two scopes in his or her application,
- including not only when the scopes begin and end, but also the
- expanse of those scopes, for example should a single
- :class:`.Session` instance be local to the execution flow within a
- function or method, should it be a global object used by the
- entire application, or somewhere in between these two.
- The burden placed on the developer to determine this scope is one
- area where the SQLAlchemy ORM necessarily has a strong opinion
- about how the database should be used. The unit-of-work pattern
- is specifically one of accumulating changes over time and flushing
- them periodically, keeping in-memory state in sync with what's
- known to be present in a local transaction. This pattern is only
- effective when meaningful transaction scopes are in place.
- It's usually not very hard to determine the best points at which
- to begin and end the scope of a :class:`.Session`, though the wide
- variety of application architectures possible can introduce
- challenging situations.
- A common choice is to tear down the :class:`.Session` at the same
- time the transaction ends, meaning the transaction and session scopes
- are the same. This is a great choice to start out with as it
- removes the need to consider session scope as separate from transaction
- scope.
- While there's no one-size-fits-all recommendation for how transaction
- scope should be determined, there are common patterns. Especially
- if one is writing a web application, the choice is pretty much established.
- A web application is the easiest case because such an appication is already
- constructed around a single, consistent scope - this is the **request**,
- which represents an incoming request from a browser, the processing
- of that request to formulate a response, and finally the delivery of that
- response back to the client. Integrating web applications with the
- :class:`.Session` is then the straightforward task of linking the
- scope of the :class:`.Session` to that of the request. The :class:`.Session`
- can be established as the request begins, or using a **lazy initialization**
- pattern which establishes one as soon as it is needed. The request
- then proceeds, with some system in place where application logic can access
- the current :class:`.Session` in a manner associated with how the actual
- request object is accessed. As the request ends, the :class:`.Session`
- is torn down as well, usually through the usage of event hooks provided
- by the web framework. The transaction used by the :class:`.Session`
- may also be committed at this point, or alternatively the application may
- opt for an explicit commit pattern, only committing for those requests
- where one is warranted, but still always tearing down the :class:`.Session`
- unconditionally at the end.
- Most web frameworks include infrastructure to establish a single
- :class:`.Session`, associated with the request, which is correctly
- constructed and torn down corresponding
- torn down at the end of a request. Such infrastructure pieces
- include products such as `Flask-SQLAlchemy <>`_,
- for usage in conjunction with the Flask web framework,
- and `Zope-SQLAlchemy <>`_,
- for usage in conjunction with the Pyramid and Zope frameworks.
- SQLAlchemy strongly recommends that these products be used as
- available.
- In those situations where integration libraries are not available,
- SQLAlchemy includes its own "helper" class known as
- :class:`.scoped_session`. A tutorial on the usage of this object
- is at :ref:`unitofwork_contextual`. It provides both a quick way
- to associate a :class:`.Session` with the current thread, as well as
- patterns to associate :class:`.Session` objects with other kinds of
- scopes.
- As mentioned before, for non-web applications there is no one clear
- pattern, as applications themselves don't have just one pattern
- of architecture. The best strategy is to attempt to demarcate
- "operations", points at which a particular thread begins to perform
- a series of operations for some period of time, which can be committed
- at the end. Some examples:
- * A background daemon which spawns off child forks
- would want to create a :class:`.Session` local to each child
- process work with that :class:`.Session` through the life of the "job"
- that the fork is handling, then tear it down when the job is completed.
- * For a command-line script, the application would create a single, global
- :class:`.Session` that is established when the program begins to do its
- work, and commits it right as the program is completing its task.
- * For a GUI interface-driven application, the scope of the :class:`.Session`
- may best be within the scope of a user-generated event, such as a button
- push. Or, the scope may correspond to explicit user interaction, such as
- the user "opening" a series of records, then "saving" them.
-* Is the Session a cache ?
- It's somewhat used as a cache, in that it implements the
- identity map pattern, and stores objects keyed to their primary key.
- However, it doesn't do any kind of query caching. This means, if you say
- ``session.query(Foo).filter_by(name='bar')``, even if ``Foo(name='bar')``
- is right there, in the identity map, the session has no idea about that.
- It has to issue SQL to the database, get the rows back, and then when it
- sees the primary key in the row, *then* it can look in the local identity
- map and see that the object is already there. It's only when you say
- ``query.get({some primary key})`` that the
- :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` doesn't have to issue a query.
- Additionally, the Session stores object instances using a weak reference
- by default. This also defeats the purpose of using the Session as a cache.
- The :class:`.Session` is not designed to be a
- global object from which everyone consults as a "registry" of objects.
- That's more the job of a **second level cache**. SQLAlchemy provides
- a pattern for implementing second level caching using `dogpile.cache <>`_,
- via the :ref:`examples_caching` example.
-* How can I get the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` for a certain object ?
- Use the :meth:`~.Session.object_session` classmethod
- available on :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`::
- session = Session.object_session(someobject)
-* Is the session thread-safe?
- The :class:`.Session` is very much intended to be used in a
- **non-concurrent** fashion, which usually means in only one thread at a
- time.
- The :class:`.Session` should be used in such a way that one
- instance exists for a single series of operations within a single
- transaction. One expedient way to get this effect is by associating
- a :class:`.Session` with the current thread (see :ref:`unitofwork_contextual`
- for background). Another is to use a pattern
- where the :class:`.Session` is passed between functions and is otherwise
- not shared with other threads.
- The bigger point is that you should not *want* to use the session
- with multiple concurrent threads. That would be like having everyone at a
- restaurant all eat from the same plate. The session is a local "workspace"
- that you use for a specific set of tasks; you don't want to, or need to,
- share that session with other threads who are doing some other task.
- If there are in fact multiple threads participating
- in the same task, then you may consider sharing the session between
- those threads, though this would be an extremely unusual scenario.
- In this case it would be necessary
- to implement a proper locking scheme so that the :class:`.Session` is still not
- exposed to concurrent access.
+When do I make a :class:`.sessionmaker`?
+Just one time, somewhere in your application's global scope. It should be
+looked upon as part of your application's configuration. If your
+application has three .py files in a package, you could, for example,
+place the :class:`.sessionmaker` line in your ```` file; from
+that point on your other modules say "from mypackage import Session". That
+way, everyone else just uses :class:`.Session()`,
+and the configuration of that session is controlled by that central point.
+If your application starts up, does imports, but does not know what
+database it's going to be connecting to, you can bind the
+:class:`.Session` at the "class" level to the
+engine later on, using :meth:`.sessionmaker.configure`.
+In the examples in this section, we will frequently show the
+:class:`.sessionmaker` being created right above the line where we actually
+invoke :class:`.Session`. But that's just for
+example's sake! In reality, the :class:`.sessionmaker` would be somewhere
+at the module level. The calls to instantiate :class:`.Session`
+would then be placed at the point in the application where database
+conversations begin.
+.. _session_faq_whentocreate:
+When do I construct a :class:`.Session`, when do I commit it, and when do I close it?
+.. topic:: tl;dr;
+ As a general rule, keep the lifecycle of the session **separate and
+ external** from functions and objects that access and/or manipulate
+ database data.
+A :class:`.Session` is typically constructed at the beginning of a logical
+operation where database access is potentially anticipated.
+The :class:`.Session`, whenever it is used to talk to the database,
+begins a database transaction as soon as it starts communicating.
+Assuming the ``autocommit`` flag is left at its recommended default
+of ``False``, this transaction remains in progress until the :class:`.Session`
+is rolled back, committed, or closed. The :class:`.Session` will
+begin a new transaction if it is used again, subsequent to the previous
+transaction ending; from this it follows that the :class:`.Session`
+is capable of having a lifespan across many transactions, though only
+one at a time. We refer to these two concepts as **transaction scope**
+and **session scope**.
+The implication here is that the SQLAlchemy ORM is encouraging the
+developer to establish these two scopes in their application,
+including not only when the scopes begin and end, but also the
+expanse of those scopes, for example should a single
+:class:`.Session` instance be local to the execution flow within a
+function or method, should it be a global object used by the
+entire application, or somewhere in between these two.
+The burden placed on the developer to determine this scope is one
+area where the SQLAlchemy ORM necessarily has a strong opinion
+about how the database should be used. The :term:`unit of work` pattern
+is specifically one of accumulating changes over time and flushing
+them periodically, keeping in-memory state in sync with what's
+known to be present in a local transaction. This pattern is only
+effective when meaningful transaction scopes are in place.
+It's usually not very hard to determine the best points at which
+to begin and end the scope of a :class:`.Session`, though the wide
+variety of application architectures possible can introduce
+challenging situations.
+A common choice is to tear down the :class:`.Session` at the same
+time the transaction ends, meaning the transaction and session scopes
+are the same. This is a great choice to start out with as it
+removes the need to consider session scope as separate from transaction
+While there's no one-size-fits-all recommendation for how transaction
+scope should be determined, there are common patterns. Especially
+if one is writing a web application, the choice is pretty much established.
+A web application is the easiest case because such an appication is already
+constructed around a single, consistent scope - this is the **request**,
+which represents an incoming request from a browser, the processing
+of that request to formulate a response, and finally the delivery of that
+response back to the client. Integrating web applications with the
+:class:`.Session` is then the straightforward task of linking the
+scope of the :class:`.Session` to that of the request. The :class:`.Session`
+can be established as the request begins, or using a :term:`lazy initialization`
+pattern which establishes one as soon as it is needed. The request
+then proceeds, with some system in place where application logic can access
+the current :class:`.Session` in a manner associated with how the actual
+request object is accessed. As the request ends, the :class:`.Session`
+is torn down as well, usually through the usage of event hooks provided
+by the web framework. The transaction used by the :class:`.Session`
+may also be committed at this point, or alternatively the application may
+opt for an explicit commit pattern, only committing for those requests
+where one is warranted, but still always tearing down the :class:`.Session`
+unconditionally at the end.
+Most web frameworks include infrastructure to establish a single
+:class:`.Session`, associated with the request, which is correctly
+constructed and torn down corresponding
+torn down at the end of a request. Such infrastructure pieces
+include products such as `Flask-SQLAlchemy <>`_,
+for usage in conjunction with the Flask web framework,
+and `Zope-SQLAlchemy <>`_,
+for usage in conjunction with the Pyramid and Zope frameworks.
+SQLAlchemy strongly recommends that these products be used as
+In those situations where integration libraries are not available,
+SQLAlchemy includes its own "helper" class known as
+:class:`.scoped_session`. A tutorial on the usage of this object
+is at :ref:`unitofwork_contextual`. It provides both a quick way
+to associate a :class:`.Session` with the current thread, as well as
+patterns to associate :class:`.Session` objects with other kinds of
+As mentioned before, for non-web applications there is no one clear
+pattern, as applications themselves don't have just one pattern
+of architecture. The best strategy is to attempt to demarcate
+"operations", points at which a particular thread begins to perform
+a series of operations for some period of time, which can be committed
+at the end. Some examples:
+* A background daemon which spawns off child forks
+ would want to create a :class:`.Session` local to each child
+ process, work with that :class:`.Session` through the life of the "job"
+ that the fork is handling, then tear it down when the job is completed.
+* For a command-line script, the application would create a single, global
+ :class:`.Session` that is established when the program begins to do its
+ work, and commits it right as the program is completing its task.
+* For a GUI interface-driven application, the scope of the :class:`.Session`
+ may best be within the scope of a user-generated event, such as a button
+ push. Or, the scope may correspond to explicit user interaction, such as
+ the user "opening" a series of records, then "saving" them.
+As a general rule, the application should manage the lifecycle of the
+session *externally* to functions that deal with specific data. This is a
+fundamental separation of concerns which keeps data-specific operations
+agnostic of the context in which they access and manipulate that data.
+E.g. **don't do this**::
+ ### this is the **wrong way to do it** ###
+ class ThingOne(object):
+ def go(self):
+ session = Session()
+ try:
+ session.query(FooBar).update({"x": 5})
+ session.commit()
+ except:
+ session.rollback()
+ raise
+ class ThingTwo(object):
+ def go(self):
+ session = Session()
+ try:
+ session.query(Widget).update({"q": 18})
+ session.commit()
+ except:
+ session.rollback()
+ raise
+ def run_my_program():
+ ThingOne().go()
+ ThingTwo().go()
+Keep the lifecycle of the session (and usually the transaction)
+**separate and external**::
+ ### this is a **better** (but not the only) way to do it ###
+ class ThingOne(object):
+ def go(self, session):
+ session.query(FooBar).update({"x": 5})
+ class ThingTwo(object):
+ def go(self, session):
+ session.query(Widget).update({"q": 18})
+ def run_my_program():
+ session = Session()
+ try:
+ ThingOne().go(session)
+ ThingTwo().go(session)
+ session.commit()
+ except:
+ session.rollback()
+ raise
+ finally:
+ session.close()
+The advanced developer will try to keep the details of session, transaction
+and exception management as far as possible from the details of the program
+doing its work. For example, we can further separate concerns using a `context manager <>`_::
+ ### another way (but again *not the only way*) to do it ###
+ from contextlib import contextmanager
+ @contextmanager
+ def session_scope():
+ """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations."""
+ session = Session()
+ try:
+ yield session
+ session.commit()
+ except:
+ session.rollback()
+ raise
+ finally:
+ session.close()
+ def run_my_program():
+ with session_scope() as session:
+ ThingOne().go(session)
+ ThingTwo().go(session)
+Is the Session a cache?
+ It's somewhat used as a cache, in that it implements the
+:term:`identity map` pattern, and stores objects keyed to their primary key.
+However, it doesn't do any kind of query caching. This means, if you say
+``session.query(Foo).filter_by(name='bar')``, even if ``Foo(name='bar')``
+is right there, in the identity map, the session has no idea about that.
+It has to issue SQL to the database, get the rows back, and then when it
+sees the primary key in the row, *then* it can look in the local identity
+map and see that the object is already there. It's only when you say
+``query.get({some primary key})`` that the
+:class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` doesn't have to issue a query.
+Additionally, the Session stores object instances using a weak reference
+by default. This also defeats the purpose of using the Session as a cache.
+The :class:`.Session` is not designed to be a
+global object from which everyone consults as a "registry" of objects.
+That's more the job of a **second level cache**. SQLAlchemy provides
+a pattern for implementing second level caching using `dogpile.cache <>`_,
+via the :ref:`examples_caching` example.
+How can I get the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session` for a certain object?
+Use the :meth:`~.Session.object_session` classmethod
+available on :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`::
+ session = Session.object_session(someobject)
+The newer :ref:`core_inspection_toplevel` system can also be used::
+ from sqlalchemy import inspect
+ session = inspect(someobject).session
+.. _session_faq_threadsafe:
+Is the session thread-safe?
+The :class:`.Session` is very much intended to be used in a
+**non-concurrent** fashion, which usually means in only one thread at a
+The :class:`.Session` should be used in such a way that one
+instance exists for a single series of operations within a single
+transaction. One expedient way to get this effect is by associating
+a :class:`.Session` with the current thread (see :ref:`unitofwork_contextual`
+for background). Another is to use a pattern
+where the :class:`.Session` is passed between functions and is otherwise
+not shared with other threads.
+The bigger point is that you should not *want* to use the session
+with multiple concurrent threads. That would be like having everyone at a
+restaurant all eat from the same plate. The session is a local "workspace"
+that you use for a specific set of tasks; you don't want to, or need to,
+share that session with other threads who are doing some other task.
+Making sure the :class:`.Session` is only used in a single concurrent thread at a time
+is called a "share nothing" approach to concurrency. But actually, not
+sharing the :class:`.Session` implies a more significant pattern; it
+means not just the :class:`.Session` object itself, but
+also **all objects that are associated with that Session**, must be kept within
+the scope of a single concurrent thread. The set of mapped
+objects associated with a :class:`.Session` are essentially proxies for data
+within database rows accessed over a database connection, and so just like
+the :class:`.Session` itself, the whole
+set of objects is really just a large-scale proxy for a database connection
+(or connections). Ultimately, it's mostly the DBAPI connection itself that
+we're keeping away from concurrent access; but since the :class:`.Session`
+and all the objects associated with it are all proxies for that DBAPI connection,
+the entire graph is essentially not safe for concurrent access.
+If there are in fact multiple threads participating
+in the same task, then you may consider sharing the session and its objects between
+those threads; however, in this extremely unusual scenario the application would
+need to ensure that a proper locking scheme is implemented so that there isn't
+*concurrent* access to the :class:`.Session` or its state. A more common approach
+to this situation is to maintain a single :class:`.Session` per concurrent thread,
+but to instead *copy* objects from one :class:`.Session` to another, often
+using the :meth:`.Session.merge` method to copy the state of an object into
+a new object local to a different :class:`.Session`.
@@ -679,6 +802,8 @@ into the Session's list of objects to be marked as deleted::
# commit (or flush)
+.. _session_deleting_from_collections:
Deleting from Collections
@@ -1472,6 +1597,8 @@ flush/commit operation, the ``value`` attribute on ``someobject`` above is
expired, so that when next accessed the newly generated value will be loaded
from the database.
+.. _session_sql_expressions:
Using SQL Expressions with Sessions
@@ -1521,8 +1648,8 @@ proper context for the desired engine::
.. _session_external_transaction:
-Joining a Session into an External Transaction
+Joining a Session into an External Transaction (such as for test suites)
If a :class:`.Connection` is being used which is already in a transactional
state (i.e. has a :class:`.Transaction` established), a :class:`.Session` can
@@ -1559,11 +1686,12 @@ entire database interaction is rolled back::
def tearDown(self):
+ self.session.close()
# rollback - everything that happened with the
# Session above (including calls to commit())
# is rolled back.
- self.session.close()
# return connection to the Engine
@@ -1575,6 +1703,42 @@ nested begin/commit-or-rollback pairs where only the outermost begin/commit
pair actually commits the transaction, or if the outermost block rolls back,
everything is rolled back.
+.. topic:: Supporting Tests with Rollbacks
+ The above recipe works well for any kind of database enabled test, except
+ for a test that needs to actually invoke :meth:`.Session.rollback` within
+ the scope of the test itself. The above recipe can be expanded, such
+ that the :class:`.Session` always runs all operations within the scope
+ of a SAVEPOINT, which is established at the start of each transaction,
+ so that tests can also rollback the "transaction" as well while still
+ remaining in the scope of a larger "transaction" that's never committed,
+ using two extra events::
+ from sqlalchemy import event
+ class SomeTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # connect to the database
+ self.connection = engine.connect()
+ # begin a non-ORM transaction
+ self.trans = connection.begin()
+ # bind an individual Session to the connection
+ self.session = Session(bind=self.connection)
+ # start the session in a SAVEPOINT...
+ self.session.begin_nested()
+ # then each time that SAVEPOINT ends, reopen it
+ @event.listens_for(self.session, "after_transaction_end")
+ def restart_savepoint(session, transaction):
+ if transaction.nested and not transaction._parent.nested:
+ session.begin_nested()
+ # ... the tearDown() method stays the same
.. _unitofwork_contextual:
Contextual/Thread-local Sessions
@@ -1636,7 +1800,7 @@ we call upon the registry a second time, we get back the **same** :class:`.Sessi
This pattern allows disparate sections of the application to call upon a global
:class:`.scoped_session`, so that all those areas may share the same session
without the need to pass it explicitly. The :class:`.Session` we've established
-in our registry will remain, until we explicitly tell our regsitry to dispose of it,
+in our registry will remain, until we explicitly tell our registry to dispose of it,
by calling :meth:`.scoped_session.remove`::
>>> Session.remove()
@@ -1928,12 +2092,10 @@ Session and sessionmaker()
.. autoclass:: sessionmaker
- :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
- :show-inheritance:
.. autoclass:: sqlalchemy.orm.session.SessionTransaction