path: root/doc/source/changeset.rst
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1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
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+.. _changeset-system:
+.. highlight:: python
+Database schema migrations
+.. currentmodule:: migrate.changeset.schema
+Importing :mod:`migrate.changeset` adds some new methods to existing SQLAlchemy
+objects, as well as creating functions of its own. Most operations can be done
+either by a method or a function. Methods match SQLAlchemy's existing API and
+are more intuitive when the object is available; functions allow one to make
+changes when only the name of an object is available (for example, adding a
+column to a table in the database without having to load that table into
+Changeset operations can be used independently of SQLAlchemy Migrate's
+:ref:`versioning <versioning-system>`.
+For more information, see the API documentation for :mod:`migrate.changeset`.
+.. _summary-changeset-api:
+Here are some direct links to the relevent sections of the API documentations:
+* :meth:`Create a column <ChangesetColumn.create>`
+* :meth:`Drop a column <ChangesetColumn.drop>`
+* :meth:`Alter a column <ChangesetColumn.alter>` (follow a link for list of supported changes)
+* :meth:`Rename a table <ChangesetTable.rename>`
+* :meth:`Rename an index <ChangesetIndex.rename>`
+* :meth:`Create primary key constraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.PrimaryKeyConstraint>`
+* :meth:`Drop primary key constraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.PrimaryKeyConstraint.drop>`
+* :meth:`Create foreign key contraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.ForeignKeyConstraint.create>`
+* :meth:`Drop foreign key constraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.ForeignKeyConstraint.drop>`
+* :meth:`Create unique key contraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.UniqueConstraint.create>`
+* :meth:`Drop unique key constraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.UniqueConstraint.drop>`
+* :meth:`Create check key contraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.CheckConstraint.create>`
+* :meth:`Drop check key constraint <migrate.changeset.constraint.CheckConstraint.drop>`
+.. note::
+ Many of the schema modification methods above take an ``alter_metadata``
+ keyword parameter. This parameter defaults to `True`.
+The following sections give examples of how to make various kinds of schema
+Given a standard SQLAlchemy table:
+.. code-block:: python
+ table = Table('mytable', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ )
+ table.create()
+.. _column-create:
+You can create a column with :meth:`~ChangesetColumn.create`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ col = Column('col1', String, default='foobar')
+ col.create(table, populate_default=True)
+ # Column is added to table based on its name
+ assert col is table.c.col1
+ # col1 is populated with 'foobar' because of `populate_default`
+.. _column-drop:
+.. note::
+ You can pass `primary_key_name`, `index_name` and `unique_name` to the
+ :meth:`~ChangesetColumn.create` method to issue ``ALTER TABLE ADD
+ CONSTRAINT`` after changing the column.
+ For multi columns constraints and other advanced configuration, check the
+ :ref:`constraint tutorial <constraint-tutorial>`.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.6.0
+You can drop a column with :meth:`~ChangesetColumn.drop`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ col.drop()
+.. _column-alter:
+You can alter a column with :meth:`~ChangesetColumn.alter`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ col.alter(name='col2')
+ # Renaming a column affects how it's accessed by the table object
+ assert col is table.c.col2
+ # Other properties can be modified as well
+ col.alter(type=String(42), default="life, the universe, and everything", nullable=False)
+ # Given another column object, col1.alter(col2), col1 will be changed to match col2
+ col.alter(Column('col3', String(77), nullable=True))
+ assert col.nullable
+ assert table.c.col3 is col
+.. deprecated:: 0.6.0
+ Passing a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` to
+ :meth:`ChangesetColumn.alter` is deprecated. Pass in explicit
+ parameters, such as `name` for a new column name and `type` for a
+ new column type, instead. Do **not** include any parameters that
+ are not changed.
+.. _table-rename:
+SQLAlchemy includes support for `creating and dropping`__ tables..
+Tables can be renamed with :meth:`~ChangesetTable.rename`:
+.. code-block:: python
+ table.rename('newtablename')
+.. __:
+.. currentmodule:: migrate.changeset.constraint
+.. _index-rename:
+SQLAlchemy supports `creating and dropping`__ indexes.
+Indexes can be renamed using
+.. code-block:: python
+ index.rename('newindexname')
+.. __:
+.. _constraint-tutorial:
+.. currentmodule:: migrate.changeset.constraint
+SQLAlchemy supports creating or dropping constraints at the same time a table
+is created or dropped. SQLAlchemy Migrate adds support for creating and
+dropping :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint`,
+:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint` and
+:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint` constraints independently using
+``ALTER TABLE`` statements.
+The following rundowns are true for all constraints classes:
+#. Make sure you import the relevant constraint class from :mod:`migrate` and
+ not from :mod:`sqlalchemy`, for example:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ from migrate.changeset.constraint import ForeignKeyConstraint
+ The classes in that module have the extra
+ :meth:`~ConstraintChangeset.create` and :meth:`~ConstraintChangeset.drop`
+ methods.
+#. You can also use constraints as in SQLAlchemy. In this case passing table
+ argument explicitly is required:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ cons = PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', 'num', table=self.table)
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop()
+ You can also pass in :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` objects (and table
+ argument can be left out):
+ .. code-block:: python
+ cons = PrimaryKeyConstraint(col1, col2)
+#. Some dialects support ``CASCADE`` option when dropping constraints:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ cons = PrimaryKeyConstraint(col1, col2)
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop(cascade=True)
+.. note::
+ SQLAlchemy Migrate will try to guess the name of the constraints for
+ databases, but if it's something other than the default, you'll need to
+ give its name. Best practice is to always name your constraints. Note that
+ Oracle requires that you state the name of the constraint to be created or
+ dropped.
+Primary key constraints:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from migrate.changeset.constraint import PrimaryKeyConstraint
+ cons = PrimaryKeyConstraint(col1, col2)
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop()
+Foreign key constraints:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from migrate.changeset.constraint import ForeignKeyConstraint
+ cons = ForeignKeyConstraint([table.c.fkey], [])
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop()
+Check constraints:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from migrate.changeset.constraint import CheckConstraint
+ cons = CheckConstraint('id > 3', columns=[])
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop()
+Unique constraints:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from migrate.changeset.constraint import UniqueConstraint
+ cons = UniqueConstraint('id', 'age', table=self.table)
+ # Create the constraint
+ cons.create()
+ # Drop the constraint
+ cons.drop()