path: root/sphinx
diff options
authorAdam Turner <>2023-04-27 01:22:04 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-04-27 01:22:04 +0100
commit2a9e805206be7859dea0d222ca9b20a8875d3726 (patch)
treee229d41e29be26bd3016547cd4a24fd35fc6255d /sphinx
parent616ba29f28bd04d7f407a247398b3dbba1da204a (diff)
Remove the deprecated Setuptools integration (#11363)
Diffstat (limited to 'sphinx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/ b/sphinx/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbcdb2ff2..000000000
--- a/sphinx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-"""Setuptools/distutils commands to assist the building of sphinx documentation.
-:author: Sebastian Wiesner <>
-from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import sys
-import warnings
-from io import StringIO
-from typing import Any
-from sphinx.application import Sphinx
-from import handle_exception
-from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx70Warning
-from sphinx.util.console import color_terminal, nocolor
-from sphinx.util.docutils import docutils_namespace, patch_docutils
-from sphinx.util.osutil import abspath
- from setuptools import Command
- from setuptools.errors import ExecError
-except ImportError:
- from distutils.cmd import Command
- from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError as ExecError
-class BuildDoc(Command):
- """
- Distutils command to build Sphinx documentation.
- The Sphinx build can then be triggered from distutils, and some Sphinx
- options can be set in ```` or ``setup.cfg`` instead of Sphinx's
- own configuration file.
- For instance, from ``::
- # this is only necessary when not using setuptools/distribute
- from sphinx.setup_command import BuildDoc
- cmdclass = {'build_sphinx': BuildDoc}
- name = 'My project'
- version = '1.2'
- release = '1.2.0'
- setup(
- name=name,
- author='Bernard Montgomery',
- version=release,
- cmdclass=cmdclass,
- # these are optional and override settings
- command_options={
- 'build_sphinx': {
- 'project': ('', name),
- 'version': ('', version),
- 'release': ('', release)}},
- )
- Or add this section in ``setup.cfg``::
- [build_sphinx]
- project = 'My project'
- version = 1.2
- release = 1.2.0
- """
- description = 'Build Sphinx documentation'
- user_options = [
- ('fresh-env', 'E', 'discard saved environment'),
- ('all-files', 'a', 'build all files'),
- ('source-dir=', 's', 'Source directory'),
- ('build-dir=', None, 'Build directory'),
- ('config-dir=', 'c', 'Location of the configuration directory'),
- ('builder=', 'b', 'The builder (or builders) to use. Can be a comma- '
- 'or space-separated list. Defaults to "html"'),
- ('warning-is-error', 'W', 'Turn warning into errors'),
- ('project=', None, "The documented project's name"),
- ('version=', None, 'The short X.Y version'),
- ('release=', None, 'The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags'),
- ('today=', None, 'How to format the current date, used as the '
- 'replacement for |today|'),
- ('link-index', 'i', 'Link index.html to the master doc'),
- ('copyright', None, 'The copyright string'),
- ('pdb', None, 'Start pdb on exception'),
- ('verbosity', 'v', 'increase verbosity (can be repeated)'),
- ('nitpicky', 'n', 'nit-picky mode, warn about all missing references'),
- ('keep-going', None, 'With -W, keep going when getting warnings'),
- ]
- boolean_options = ['fresh-env', 'all-files', 'warning-is-error',
- 'link-index', 'nitpicky']
- def initialize_options(self) -> None:
- self.fresh_env = self.all_files = False
- self.pdb = False
- self.source_dir: str | None = None
- self.build_dir: str | None = None
- self.builder = 'html'
- self.warning_is_error = False
- self.project = ''
- self.version = ''
- self.release = ''
- = ''
- self.config_dir: str | None = None
- self.link_index = False
- self.copyright = ''
- # Link verbosity to distutils' (which uses 1 by default).
- self.verbosity = self.distribution.verbose - 1
- self.traceback = False
- self.nitpicky = False
- self.keep_going = False
- def _guess_source_dir(self) -> str:
- for guess in ('doc', 'docs'):
- if not os.path.isdir(guess):
- continue
- for root, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(guess):
- if '' in filenames:
- return root
- return os.curdir
- def finalize_options(self) -> None:
- self.ensure_string_list('builder')
- if self.source_dir is None:
- self.source_dir = self._guess_source_dir()
- self.announce('Using source directory %s' % self.source_dir)
- self.ensure_dirname('source_dir')
- if self.config_dir is None:
- self.config_dir = self.source_dir
- if self.build_dir is None:
- build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
- self.build_dir = os.path.join(abspath(build.build_base), 'sphinx')
- self.doctree_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'doctrees')
- self.builder_target_dirs = [
- (builder, os.path.join(self.build_dir, builder))
- for builder in self.builder]
- def run(self) -> None:
- warnings.warn(' build_sphinx is deprecated.',
- RemovedInSphinx70Warning, stacklevel=2)
- if not color_terminal():
- nocolor()
- if not self.verbose:
- status_stream = StringIO()
- else:
- status_stream = sys.stdout # type: ignore
- confoverrides: dict[str, Any] = {}
- if self.project:
- confoverrides['project'] = self.project
- if self.version:
- confoverrides['version'] = self.version
- if self.release:
- confoverrides['release'] = self.release
- if
- confoverrides['today'] =
- if self.copyright:
- confoverrides['copyright'] = self.copyright
- if self.nitpicky:
- confoverrides['nitpicky'] = self.nitpicky
- for builder, builder_target_dir in self.builder_target_dirs:
- app = None
- try:
- confdir = self.config_dir or self.source_dir
- with patch_docutils(confdir), docutils_namespace():
- app = Sphinx(self.source_dir, self.config_dir,
- builder_target_dir, self.doctree_dir,
- builder, confoverrides, status_stream,
- freshenv=self.fresh_env,
- warningiserror=self.warning_is_error,
- verbosity=self.verbosity, keep_going=self.keep_going)
- if app.statuscode:
- raise ExecError('caused by %s builder.' %
- except Exception as exc:
- handle_exception(app, self, exc, sys.stderr)
- if not self.pdb:
- raise SystemExit(1) from exc
- if not self.link_index:
- continue
- src = app.config.root_doc + app.builder.out_suffix # type: ignore
- dst = app.builder.get_outfilename('index') # type: ignore
- os.symlink(src, dst)