Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Merge branch 'master' into SupportJSON.MSETSupportJSON.MSETshacharPash2023-05-160-0/+0
| * support JSON.MERGE Command (#2761)HEADmastershacharPash2023-05-164-0/+91
* | delete the line from integrationshacharPash2023-05-161-1/+0
* | reminder do delete the integration changesshacharPash2023-05-151-1/+1
* | add async testshacharPash2023-05-151-0/+9
* | lintersshacharPash2023-05-151-2/+3
* | trying to run CIshacharPash2023-05-151-0/+1
* | Support JSON.MSET commandshacharPash2023-05-153-0/+29
* | add async testshacharPash2023-05-151-0/+35
* | lintersshacharPash2023-05-151-7/+19
* | fix testshacharPash2023-05-151-41/+10
* | change versionshacharPash2023-05-151-1/+1
* | change @skip_ifmodversion_lt to latest ReJSON 2.4.7shacharPash2023-05-151-1/+1
* | try with abc instead personshacharPash2023-05-151-18/+39
* | lintersAddJsonCommandsshacharPash2023-05-141-5/+20
* | support JSON.MERGE CommandshacharPash2023-05-143-0/+39
* Kristjan/issue #2754: Add missing argument to SentinelManagedConnection.read_...Kristján Valur Jónsson2023-05-104-3/+13
* Version 4.5.5 (#2753)v4.5.5dvora-h2023-05-081-1/+1
* Fix `xadd` allow non negative maxlen (#2739)Seongchuel Ahn2023-05-082-2/+3
* fix create single_connection_client from url (#2752)dvora-h2023-05-084-2/+24
* Add client no-touch (#2745)Seongchuel Ahn2023-05-083-0/+27
* Optionally disable disconnects in read_response (#2695)Kristján Valur Jónsson2023-05-0811-110/+149
* fix parse_slowlog_get (#2732)dvora-h2023-05-082-0/+6
* clean warnings (#2731)dvora-h2023-05-081-1/+1
* Add support for cluster myshardid (#2704)Anurag Bandyopadhyay2023-05-084-1/+30
* Update redismodules.rst (#2747)Cristian Matache2023-05-081-1/+1
* Add RedisCluster.remap_host_port, Update tests for CWE 404 (#2706)Kristján Valur Jónsson2023-05-077-155/+227
* pinning urllib3 to fix CI (#2748)Chayim2023-05-071-0/+1
* Updated AWS Elasticache IAM Connection Example (#2702)Nick Gerow2023-05-031-12/+44
* nermina changes from NRedisStack (#2736)shacharPash2023-05-021-10/+10
* add "address_remap" feature to RedisCluster (#2726)Kristján Valur Jónsson2023-05-025-2/+291
* Fix potential race condition during disconnection (#2719)Markus Gerstel2023-05-011-4/+6
* Fix `ClusterCommandProtocol` not itself being marked as a protocol (#2729)Avasam2023-05-012-1/+2
* Add WITHSCORES to ZREVRANK Command (#2725)shacharPash2023-04-303-2/+29
* return response in case of KeyError (#2628)shacharPash2023-04-302-4/+13
* Improve error output for master discovery (#2720)Marc Schöchlin2023-04-273-4/+17
* Fix topk list example. (#2724)AYMEN Mohammed2023-04-271-1/+1
* Fix incorrect usage of once flag in async Sentinel (#2718)Felipe Machado2023-04-272-2/+3
* Improving Vector Similarity Search Example (#2661)Tyler Hutcherson2023-04-131-24/+586
* Update example of Redisearch creating index (#2703)mzdehbashi-github2023-04-131-1/+5
* asyncio: Fix memory leak caused by hiredis (#2693) (#2694)Oran Avraham2023-04-133-6/+9
* Really do not use asyncio's timeout lib before 3.11.2 (#2699)Mirek Długosz2023-04-131-1/+1
* Version 4.5.4 (#2674)v4.5.4dvora-h2023-03-291-1/+1
* Fix async (#2673)dvora-h2023-03-292-29/+26
* Fixing cancelled async futures (#2666)Chayim2023-03-297-75/+234
* Fix issue 2660: PytestUnraisableExceptionWarning from asycio client (#2669)shacharPash2023-03-281-0/+5
* removing useless files (#2642)Chayim2023-03-282-706/+0
* UnixDomainSocketConnection missing constructor argument (#2630)woutdenolf2023-03-281-1/+2
* fix: do not use asyncio's timeout lib before 3.11.2 (#2659)Thiago Bellini Ribeiro2023-03-283-3/+7
* AsyncIO Race Condition Fix (#2641)v4.5.3Chayim2023-03-227-6/+764