path: root/trunk/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3169 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/ b/trunk/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c651f..0000000
--- a/trunk/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3169 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, TextTestRunner
-import unittest
-import datetime
-from pyparsing import ParseException
-#~ import HTMLTestRunner
-import sys
-import pdb
-PY_3 = sys.version.startswith('3')
-if PY_3:
- import builtins
- print_ = getattr(builtins, "print")
- from io import StringIO
- def _print(*args, **kwargs):
- if 'end' in kwargs:
- sys.stdout.write(' '.join(map(str,args)) + kwargs['end'])
- else:
- sys.stdout.write(' '.join(map(str,args)) + '\n')
- print_ = _print
- from cStringIO import StringIO
-# see which Python implementation we are running
-CPYTHON_ENV = (sys.platform == "win32")
-IRON_PYTHON_ENV = (sys.platform == "cli")
-JYTHON_ENV = sys.platform.startswith("java")
-VERBOSE = False
-#~ VERBOSE = True
-# simple utility for flattening nested lists
-def flatten(L):
- if type(L) is not list: return [L]
- if L == []: return L
- return flatten(L[0]) + flatten(L[1:])
-class ParseTest(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def runTest(self):
- assert 1==1, "we've got bigger problems..."
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
-class ParseTestCase(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- print_(">>>> Starting test",str(self))
- def runTest(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- print_("<<<< End of test",str(self))
- print_()
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
-class PyparsingTestInit(ParseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- from pyparsing import __version__ as pyparsingVersion
- print_("Beginning test of pyparsing, version", pyparsingVersion)
- print_("Python version", sys.version)
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
-if 0:
- class ParseASMLTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import parseASML
- files = [ ("A52759.txt", 2150, True, True, 0.38, 25, "21:47:17", "22:07:32", 235),
- ("24141506_P5107RM59_399A1457N1_PHS04", 373,True, True, 0.5, 1, "11:35:25", "11:37:05", 183),
- ("24141506_P5107RM59_399A1457N1_PHS04B", 373, True, True, 0.5, 1, "01:02:54", "01:04:49", 186),
- ("24157800_P5107RM74_399A1828M1_PHS04", 1141, True, False, 0.5, 13, "00:00:54", "23:59:48", 154) ]
- for testFile,numToks,trkInpUsed,trkOutpUsed,maxDelta,numWafers,minProcBeg,maxProcEnd,maxLevStatsIV in files:
- print_("Parsing",testFile,"...", end=' ')
- #~ text = "\n".join( [ line for line in file(testFile) ] )
- #~ results = parseASML.BNF().parseString( text )
- results = parseASML.BNF().parseFile( testFile )
- #~ pprint.pprint( results.asList() )
- #~ pprint.pprint( results.batchData.asList() )
- #~ print results.batchData.keys()
- allToks = flatten( results.asList() )
- assert len(allToks) == numToks, \
- "wrong number of tokens parsed (%s), got %d, expected %d" % (testFile, len(allToks),numToks)
- assert results.batchData.trackInputUsed == trkInpUsed, "error evaluating results.batchData.trackInputUsed"
- assert results.batchData.trackOutputUsed == trkOutpUsed, "error evaluating results.batchData.trackOutputUsed"
- assert results.batchData.maxDelta == maxDelta,"error evaluating results.batchData.maxDelta"
- assert len(results.waferData) == numWafers, "did not read correct number of wafers"
- assert min([wd.procBegin for wd in results.waferData]) == minProcBeg, "error reading waferData.procBegin"
- assert max([results.waferData[k].procEnd for k in range(len(results.waferData))]) == maxProcEnd, "error reading waferData.procEnd"
- assert sum(results.levelStatsIV['MAX']) == maxLevStatsIV, "error reading levelStatsIV"
- assert sum(results.levelStatsIV.MAX) == maxLevStatsIV, "error reading levelStatsIV"
- print_("OK")
- print_(testFile,len(allToks))
- #~ print "results.batchData.trackInputUsed =",results.batchData.trackInputUsed
- #~ print "results.batchData.trackOutputUsed =",results.batchData.trackOutputUsed
- #~ print "results.batchData.maxDelta =",results.batchData.maxDelta
- #~ print len(results.waferData)," wafers"
- #~ print min([wd.procBegin for wd in results.waferData])
- #~ print max([results.waferData[k].procEnd for k in range(len(results.waferData))])
- #~ print sum(results.levelStatsIV['MAX.'])
-class ParseFourFnTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import examples.fourFn as fourFn
- def test(s,ans):
- fourFn.exprStack = []
- results = fourFn.BNF().parseString( s )
- resultValue = fourFn.evaluateStack( fourFn.exprStack )
- assert resultValue == ans, "failed to evaluate %s, got %f" % ( s, resultValue )
- print_(s, "->", resultValue)
- from math import pi,exp
- e = exp(1)
- test( "9", 9 )
- test( "9 + 3 + 6", 18 )
- test( "9 + 3 / 11", 9.0+3.0/11.0)
- test( "(9 + 3)", 12 )
- test( "(9+3) / 11", (9.0+3.0)/11.0 )
- test( "9 - (12 - 6)", 3)
- test( "2*3.14159", 6.28318)
- test( "3.1415926535*3.1415926535 / 10", 3.1415926535*3.1415926535/10.0 )
- test( "PI * PI / 10", pi*pi/10.0 )
- test( "PI*PI/10", pi*pi/10.0 )
- test( "6.02E23 * 8.048", 6.02E23 * 8.048 )
- test( "e / 3", e/3.0 )
- test( "sin(PI/2)", 1.0 )
- test( "trunc(E)", 2.0 )
- test( "E^PI", e**pi )
- test( "2^3^2", 2**3**2)
- test( "2^3+2", 2**3+2)
- test( "2^9", 2**9 )
- test( "sgn(-2)", -1 )
- test( "sgn(0)", 0 )
- test( "sgn(0.1)", 1 )
-class ParseSQLTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import examples.simpleSQL as simpleSQL
- def test(s, numToks, errloc=-1 ):
- try:
- sqlToks = flatten( simpleSQL.simpleSQL.parseString(s).asList() )
- print_(s,sqlToks,len(sqlToks))
- assert len(sqlToks) == numToks
- except ParseException as e:
- if errloc >= 0:
- assert e.loc == errloc
- test( "SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC", 6 )
- test( "select * from SYS.XYZZY", 5 )
- test( "Select A from Sys.dual", 5 )
- test( "Select A,B,C from Sys.dual", 7 )
- test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual", 7 )
- test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 ", 8 )
- test( "Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual", 0, 0 )
- test( "Select A, B, C frox Sys.dual", 0, 15 )
- test( "Select", 0, 6 )
- test( "Select &&& frox Sys.dual", 0, 7 )
- test( "Select A from Sys.dual where a in ('RED','GREEN','BLUE')", 12 )
- test( "Select A from Sys.dual where a in ('RED','GREEN','BLUE') and b in (10,20,30)", 20 )
- test( "Select A,b from table1,table2 where eq -- test out comparison operators", 10 )
-class ParseConfigFileTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from examples import configParse
- def test(fnam,numToks,resCheckList):
- print_("Parsing",fnam,"...", end=' ')
- iniFileLines = "\n".join(open(fnam).read().splitlines())
- iniData = configParse.inifile_BNF().parseString( iniFileLines )
- print_(len(flatten(iniData.asList())))
- #~ pprint.pprint( iniData.asList() )
- #~ pprint.pprint( repr(iniData) )
- #~ print len(iniData), len(flatten(iniData.asList()))
- print_(list(iniData.keys()))
- #~ print iniData.users.keys()
- #~ print
- assert len(flatten(iniData.asList())) == numToks, "file %s not parsed correctly" % fnam
- for chk in resCheckList:
- print_(chk[0], eval("iniData."+chk[0]), chk[1])
- assert eval("iniData."+chk[0]) == chk[1]
- print_("OK")
- test("test/karthik.ini", 23,
- [ ("users.K","8"),
- ("users.mod_scheme","'QPSK'"),
- ("users.Na", "K+2") ]
- )
- test("examples/Setup.ini", 125,
- [ ("Startup.audioinf", "M3i"),
- ("Languages.key1", "0x0003"),
- ("","bar") ] )
-class ParseJSONDataTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from examples.jsonParser import jsonObject
- from test.jsonParserTests import test1,test2,test3,test4,test5
- from test.jsonParserTests import test1,test2,test3,test4,test5
- expected = [
- [],
- [],
- [],
- [],
- [],
- ]
- import pprint
- for t,exp in zip((test1,test2,test3,test4,test5),expected):
- result = jsonObject.parseString(t)
-## print result.dump()
- result.pprint()
- print_()
-## if result.asList() != exp:
-## print "Expected %s, parsed results as %s" % (exp, result.asList())
-class ParseCommaSeparatedValuesTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import commaSeparatedList
- import string
- testData = [
- "a,b,c,100.2,,3",
- "d, e, j k , m ",
- "'Hello, World', f, g , , 5.1,x",
- "John Doe, 123 Main St., Cleveland, Ohio",
- "Jane Doe, 456 St. James St., Los Angeles , California ",
- "",
- ]
- testVals = [
- [ (3,'100.2'), (4,''), (5, '3') ],
- [ (2, 'j k'), (3, 'm') ],
- [ (0, "'Hello, World'"), (2, 'g'), (3, '') ],
- [ (0,'John Doe'), (1, '123 Main St.'), (2, 'Cleveland'), (3, 'Ohio') ],
- [ (0,'Jane Doe'), (1, '456 St. James St.'), (2, 'Los Angeles'), (3, 'California') ]
- ]
- for line,tests in zip(testData, testVals):
- print_("Parsing: \""+line+"\" ->", end=' ')
- results = commaSeparatedList.parseString(line)
- print_(results.asList())
- for t in tests:
- if not(len(results)>t[0] and results[t[0]] == t[1]):
- print_("$$$", results.dump())
- print_("$$$", results[0])
- assert len(results)>t[0] and results[t[0]] == t[1],"failed on %s, item %d s/b '%s', got '%s'" % ( line, t[0], t[1], str(results.asList()) )
-class ParseEBNFTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from examples import ebnf
- from pyparsing import Word, quotedString, alphas, nums,ParserElement
- print_('Constructing EBNF parser with pyparsing...')
- grammar = '''
- syntax = (syntax_rule), {(syntax_rule)};
- syntax_rule = meta_identifier, '=', definitions_list, ';';
- definitions_list = single_definition, {'|', single_definition};
- single_definition = syntactic_term, {',', syntactic_term};
- syntactic_term = syntactic_factor,['-', syntactic_factor];
- syntactic_factor = [integer, '*'], syntactic_primary;
- syntactic_primary = optional_sequence | repeated_sequence |
- grouped_sequence | meta_identifier | terminal_string;
- optional_sequence = '[', definitions_list, ']';
- repeated_sequence = '{', definitions_list, '}';
- grouped_sequence = '(', definitions_list, ')';
- (*
- terminal_string = "'", character - "'", {character - "'"}, "'" |
- '"', character - '"', {character - '"'}, '"';
- meta_identifier = letter, {letter | digit};
- integer = digit, {digit};
- *)
- '''
- table = {}
- table['terminal_string'] = quotedString
- table['meta_identifier'] = Word(alphas+"_", alphas+"_"+nums)
- table['integer'] = Word(nums)
- print_('Parsing EBNF grammar with EBNF parser...')
- parsers = ebnf.parse(grammar, table)
- ebnf_parser = parsers['syntax']
- #~ print ",\n ".join( str(parsers.keys()).split(", ") )
- print_("-","\n- ".join( list(parsers.keys()) ))
- assert len(list(parsers.keys())) == 13, "failed to construct syntax grammar"
- print_('Parsing EBNF grammar with generated EBNF parser...')
- parsed_chars = ebnf_parser.parseString(grammar)
- parsed_char_len = len(parsed_chars)
- print_("],\n".join(str( parsed_chars.asList() ).split("],")))
- assert len(flatten(parsed_chars.asList())) == 98, "failed to tokenize grammar correctly"
-class ParseIDLTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from examples import idlParse
- def test( strng, numToks, errloc=0 ):
- print_(strng)
- try:
- bnf = idlParse.CORBA_IDL_BNF()
- tokens = bnf.parseString( strng )
- print_("tokens = ")
- tokens.pprint()
- tokens = flatten( tokens.asList() )
- print_(len(tokens))
- assert len(tokens) == numToks, "error matching IDL string, %s -> %s" % (strng, str(tokens) )
- except ParseException as err:
- print_(err.line)
- print_(" "*(err.column-1) + "^")
- print_(err)
- assert numToks == 0, "unexpected ParseException while parsing %s, %s" % (strng, str(err) )
- assert err.loc == errloc, "expected ParseException at %d, found exception at %d" % (errloc, err.loc)
- test(
- """
- /*
- * a block comment *
- */
- typedef string[10] tenStrings;
- typedef sequence<string> stringSeq;
- typedef sequence< sequence<string> > stringSeqSeq;
- interface QoSAdmin {
- stringSeq method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
- stringSeqSeq method2( in string arg1, inout long arg2, inout long arg3);
- string method3();
- };
- """, 59
- )
- test(
- """
- /*
- * a block comment *
- */
- typedef string[10] tenStrings;
- typedef
- /** ** *** **** *
- * a block comment *
- */
- sequence<string> /*comment inside an And */ stringSeq;
- /* */ /**/ /***/ /****/
- typedef sequence< sequence<string> > stringSeqSeq;
- interface QoSAdmin {
- stringSeq method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
- stringSeqSeq method2( in string arg1, inout long arg2, inout long arg3);
- string method3();
- };
- """, 59
- )
- test(
- r"""
- const string test="Test String\n";
- const long a = 0;
- const long b = -100;
- const float c = 3.14159;
- const long d = 0x007f7f7f;
- exception TestException
- {
- string msg;
- sequence<string> dataStrings;
- };
- interface TestInterface
- {
- void method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 );
- };
- """, 60
- )
- test(
- """
- module Test1
- {
- exception TestException
- {
- string msg;
- ];
- interface TestInterface
- {
- void method1( in string arg1, inout long arg2 )
- raises ( TestException );
- };
- };
- """, 0, 57
- )
- test(
- """
- module Test1
- {
- exception TestException
- {
- string msg;
- };
- };
- """, 13
- )
-class ParseVerilogTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- pass
-class RunExamplesTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- pass
-class ScanStringTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, Combine, Suppress, CharsNotIn, nums, StringEnd
- testdata = """
- <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" frame="" width="90%">
- <tr align="left" valign="top">
- <td><b>Name</b></td>
- <td><b>IP Address</b></td>
- <td><b>Location</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#c7efce">
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland</td>
- </tr>
- <tr align="left" valign="top">
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland</td>
- </tr>
- <tr align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#c7efce">
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>NIST, Boulder, Colorado</td>
- </tr>
- <tr align="left" valign="top">
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>NIST, Boulder, Colorado</td>
- </tr>
- <tr align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#c7efce">
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>NIST, Boulder, Colorado</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- """
- integer = Word(nums)
- ipAddress = Combine( integer + "." + integer + "." + integer + "." + integer )
- tdStart = Suppress("<td>")
- tdEnd = Suppress("</td>")
- timeServerPattern = tdStart + ipAddress.setResultsName("ipAddr") + tdEnd + \
- tdStart + CharsNotIn("<").setResultsName("loc") + tdEnd
- servers = \
- [ srvr.ipAddr for srvr,startloc,endloc in timeServerPattern.scanString( testdata ) ]
- print_(servers)
- assert servers == ['', '', '', '', ''], \
- "failed scanString()"
- # test for stringEnd detection in scanString
- foundStringEnds = [ r for r in StringEnd().scanString("xyzzy") ]
- print_(foundStringEnds)
- assert foundStringEnds, "Failed to find StringEnd in scanString"
-class QuotedStringsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import sglQuotedString,dblQuotedString,quotedString,QuotedString
- testData = \
- """
- 'a valid single quoted string'
- 'an invalid single quoted string
- because it spans lines'
- "a valid double quoted string"
- "an invalid double quoted string
- because it spans lines"
- """
- print_(testData)
- sglStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in sglQuotedString.scanString(testData) ]
- print_(sglStrings)
- assert len(sglStrings) == 1 and (sglStrings[0][1]==17 and sglStrings[0][2]==47), \
- "single quoted string failure"
- dblStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in dblQuotedString.scanString(testData) ]
- print_(dblStrings)
- assert len(dblStrings) == 1 and (dblStrings[0][1]==154 and dblStrings[0][2]==184), \
- "double quoted string failure"
- allStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in quotedString.scanString(testData) ]
- print_(allStrings)
- assert len(allStrings) == 2 and (allStrings[0][1]==17 and allStrings[0][2]==47) and \
- (allStrings[1][1]==154 and allStrings[1][2]==184), \
- "quoted string failure"
- escapedQuoteTest = \
- r"""
- 'This string has an escaped (\') quote character'
- "This string has an escaped (\") quote character"
- """
- sglStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in sglQuotedString.scanString(escapedQuoteTest) ]
- print_(sglStrings)
- assert len(sglStrings) == 1 and (sglStrings[0][1]==17 and sglStrings[0][2]==66), \
- "single quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % str(sglStrings[0])
- dblStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in dblQuotedString.scanString(escapedQuoteTest) ]
- print_(dblStrings)
- assert len(dblStrings) == 1 and (dblStrings[0][1]==83 and dblStrings[0][2]==132), \
- "double quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % str(dblStrings[0])
- allStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in quotedString.scanString(escapedQuoteTest) ]
- print_(allStrings)
- assert len(allStrings) == 2 and (allStrings[0][1]==17 and allStrings[0][2]==66 and
- allStrings[1][1]==83 and allStrings[1][2]==132), \
- "quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % ([str(s[0]) for s in allStrings])
- dblQuoteTest = \
- r"""
- 'This string has an doubled ('') quote character'
- "This string has an doubled ("") quote character"
- """
- sglStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in sglQuotedString.scanString(dblQuoteTest) ]
- print_(sglStrings)
- assert len(sglStrings) == 1 and (sglStrings[0][1]==17 and sglStrings[0][2]==66), \
- "single quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % str(sglStrings[0])
- dblStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in dblQuotedString.scanString(dblQuoteTest) ]
- print_(dblStrings)
- assert len(dblStrings) == 1 and (dblStrings[0][1]==83 and dblStrings[0][2]==132), \
- "double quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % str(dblStrings[0])
- allStrings = [ (t[0],b,e) for (t,b,e) in quotedString.scanString(dblQuoteTest) ]
- print_(allStrings)
- assert len(allStrings) == 2 and (allStrings[0][1]==17 and allStrings[0][2]==66 and
- allStrings[1][1]==83 and allStrings[1][2]==132), \
- "quoted string escaped quote failure (%s)" % ([str(s[0]) for s in allStrings])
- print_("testing catastrophic RE backtracking in implementation of dblQuotedString")
- for expr, test_string in [
- (dblQuotedString, '"' + '\\xff' * 500),
- (sglQuotedString, "'" + '\\xff' * 500),
- (quotedString, '"' + '\\xff' * 500),
- (quotedString, "'" + '\\xff' * 500),
- (QuotedString('"'), '"' + '\\xff' * 500),
- (QuotedString("'"), "'" + '\\xff' * 500),
- ]:
- expr.parseString(test_string+test_string[0])
- try:
- expr.parseString(test_string)
- except Exception:
- continue
-class CaselessOneOfTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import oneOf,ZeroOrMore
- caseless1 = oneOf("d a b c aA B A C", caseless=True)
- caseless1str = str( caseless1 )
- print_(caseless1str)
- caseless2 = oneOf("d a b c Aa B A C", caseless=True)
- caseless2str = str( caseless2 )
- print_(caseless2str)
- assert caseless1str.upper() == caseless2str.upper(), "oneOf not handling caseless option properly"
- assert caseless1str != caseless2str, "Caseless option properly sorted"
- res = ZeroOrMore(caseless1).parseString("AAaaAaaA")
- print_(res)
- assert len(res) == 4, "caseless1 oneOf failed"
- assert "".join(res) == "aA"*4,"caseless1 CaselessLiteral return failed"
- res = ZeroOrMore(caseless2).parseString("AAaaAaaA")
- print_(res)
- assert len(res) == 4, "caseless2 oneOf failed"
- assert "".join(res) == "Aa"*4,"caseless1 CaselessLiteral return failed"
-class AsXMLTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- # test asXML()
- aaa = pyparsing.Word("a").setResultsName("A")
- bbb = pyparsing.Group(pyparsing.Word("b")).setResultsName("B")
- ccc = pyparsing.Combine(":" + pyparsing.Word("c")).setResultsName("C")
- g1 = "XXX>&<" + pyparsing.ZeroOrMore( aaa | bbb | ccc )
- teststring = "XXX>&< b b a b b a b :c b a"
- #~ print teststring
- print_("test including all items")
- xml = g1.parseString(teststring).asXML("TEST",namedItemsOnly=False)
- assert xml=="\n".join(["",
- "<TEST>",
- " <ITEM>XXX&gt;&amp;&lt;</ITEM>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <C>:c</C>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- "</TEST>",
- ] ), \
- "failed to generate XML correctly showing all items: \n[" + xml + "]"
- print_("test filtering unnamed items")
- xml = g1.parseString(teststring).asXML("TEST",namedItemsOnly=True)
- assert xml=="\n".join(["",
- "<TEST>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <C>:c</C>",
- " <B>",
- " <ITEM>b</ITEM>",
- " </B>",
- " <A>a</A>",
- "</TEST>",
- ] ), \
- "failed to generate XML correctly, filtering unnamed items: " + xml
-class AsXMLTest2(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Suppress,Optional,CharsNotIn,Combine,ZeroOrMore,Word,\
- Group,Literal,alphas,alphanums,delimitedList,OneOrMore
- EndOfLine = Word("\n").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [' '])
- whiteSpace=Word('\t ')
- Mexpr = Suppress(Optional(whiteSpace)) + CharsNotIn('\\"\t \n') + Optional(" ") + \
- Suppress(Optional(whiteSpace))
- reducedString = Combine(Mexpr + ZeroOrMore(EndOfLine + Mexpr))
- _bslash = "\\"
- _escapables = "tnrfbacdeghijklmopqsuvwxyz" + _bslash + "'" + '"'
- _octDigits = "01234567"
- _escapedChar = ( Word( _bslash, _escapables, exact=2 ) |
- Word( _bslash, _octDigits, min=2, max=4 ) )
- _sglQuote = Literal("'")
- _dblQuote = Literal('"')
- QuotedReducedString = Combine( Suppress(_dblQuote) + ZeroOrMore( reducedString |
- _escapedChar ) + \
- Suppress(_dblQuote )).streamline()
- Manifest_string = QuotedReducedString.setResultsName('manifest_string')
- Identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums+ '_$' ).setResultsName("identifier")
- Index_string = CharsNotIn('\\";\n')
- Index_string.setName('index_string')
- Index_term_list = (
- Group(delimitedList(Manifest_string, delim=',')) | \
- Index_string
- ).setResultsName('value')
- IndexKey = Identifier.setResultsName('key')
- IndexKey.setName('key')
- Index_clause = Group(IndexKey + Suppress(':') + Optional(Index_term_list))
- Index_clause.setName('index_clause')
- Index_list = Index_clause.setResultsName('index')
- Index_list.setName('index_list')
- Index_block = Group('indexing' + Group(OneOrMore(Index_list + Suppress(';')))).setResultsName('indexes')
-class CommentParserTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- print_("verify processing of C and HTML comments")
- testdata = """
- /* */
- /** **/
- /**/
- /***/
- /****/
- /* /*/
- /** /*/
- /*** /*/
- /*
- ablsjdflj
- */
- """
- foundLines = [ pyparsing.lineno(s,testdata)
- for t,s,e in pyparsing.cStyleComment.scanString(testdata) ]
- assert foundLines == list(range(11))[2:],"only found C comments on lines "+str(foundLines)
- testdata = """
- <!-- -->
- <!--- --->
- <!---->
- <!----->
- <!------>
- <!-- /-->
- <!--- /-->
- <!---- /-->
- <!---- /- ->
- <!---- / -- >
- <!--
- ablsjdflj
- -->
- """
- foundLines = [ pyparsing.lineno(s,testdata)
- for t,s,e in pyparsing.htmlComment.scanString(testdata) ]
- assert foundLines == list(range(11))[2:],"only found HTML comments on lines "+str(foundLines)
- # test C++ single line comments that have line terminated with '\' (should continue comment to following line)
- testSource = r"""
- // comment1
- // comment2 \
- still comment 2
- // comment 3
- """
- assert len(pyparsing.cppStyleComment.searchString(testSource)[1][0]) == 41, r"failed to match single-line comment with '\' at EOL"
-class ParseExpressionResultsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,alphas,OneOrMore,Optional,Group
- a = Word("a",alphas).setName("A")
- b = Word("b",alphas).setName("B")
- c = Word("c",alphas).setName("C")
- ab = (a + b).setName("AB")
- abc = (ab + c).setName("ABC")
- word = Word(alphas).setName("word")
- #~ words = OneOrMore(word).setName("words")
- words = Group(OneOrMore(~a + word)).setName("words")
- #~ phrase = words.setResultsName("Head") + \
- #~ ( abc ^ ab ^ a ).setResultsName("ABC") + \
- #~ words.setResultsName("Tail")
- #~ phrase = words.setResultsName("Head") + \
- #~ ( abc | ab | a ).setResultsName("ABC") + \
- #~ words.setResultsName("Tail")
- phrase = words.setResultsName("Head") + \
- Group( a + Optional(b + Optional(c)) ).setResultsName("ABC") + \
- words.setResultsName("Tail")
- results = phrase.parseString("xavier yeti alpha beta charlie will beaver")
- print_(results,results.Head, results.ABC,results.Tail)
- for key,ln in [("Head",2), ("ABC",3), ("Tail",2)]:
- #~ assert len(results[key]) == ln,"expected %d elements in %s, found %s" % (ln, key, str(results[key].asList()))
- assert len(results[key]) == ln,"expected %d elements in %s, found %s" % (ln, key, str(results[key]))
-class ParseKeywordTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal,Keyword
- kw = Keyword("if")
- lit = Literal("if")
- def test(s,litShouldPass,kwShouldPass):
- print_("Test",s)
- print_("Match Literal", end=' ')
- try:
- print_(lit.parseString(s))
- except:
- print_("failed")
- if litShouldPass: assert False, "Literal failed to match %s, should have" % s
- else:
- if not litShouldPass: assert False, "Literal matched %s, should not have" % s
- print_("Match Keyword", end=' ')
- try:
- print_(kw.parseString(s))
- except:
- print_("failed")
- if kwShouldPass: assert False, "Keyword failed to match %s, should have" % s
- else:
- if not kwShouldPass: assert False, "Keyword matched %s, should not have" % s
- test("ifOnlyIfOnly", True, False)
- test("if(OnlyIfOnly)", True, True)
- test("if (OnlyIf Only)", True, True)
- kw = Keyword("if",caseless=True)
- test("IFOnlyIfOnly", False, False)
- test("If(OnlyIfOnly)", False, True)
- test("iF (OnlyIf Only)", False, True)
-class ParseExpressionResultsAccumulateTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,delimitedList,Combine,alphas,nums
- num=Word(nums).setName("num").setResultsName("base10", listAllMatches=True)
- hexnum=Combine("0x"+ Word(nums)).setName("hexnum").setResultsName("hex", listAllMatches=True)
- name = Word(alphas).setName("word").setResultsName("word", listAllMatches=True)
- list_of_num=delimitedList( hexnum | num | name, "," )
- tokens = list_of_num.parseString('1, 0x2, 3, 0x4, aaa')
- for k,llen,lst in ( ("base10",2,['1','3']),
- ("hex",2,['0x2','0x4']),
- ("word",1,['aaa']) ):
- print_(k,tokens[k])
- assert len(tokens[k]) == llen, "Wrong length for key %s, %s" % (k,str(tokens[k].asList()))
- assert lst == tokens[k].asList(), "Incorrect list returned for key %s, %s" % (k,str(tokens[k].asList()))
- assert tokens.base10.asList() == ['1','3'], "Incorrect list for attribute base10, %s" % str(tokens.base10.asList())
- assert tokens.hex.asList() == ['0x2','0x4'], "Incorrect list for attribute hex, %s" % str(tokens.hex.asList())
- assert tokens.word.asList() == ['aaa'], "Incorrect list for attribute word, %s" % str(tokens.word.asList())
- from pyparsing import Literal, Word, nums, Group, Dict, alphas, \
- quotedString, oneOf, delimitedList, removeQuotes, alphanums
- lbrack = Literal("(").suppress()
- rbrack = Literal(")").suppress()
- integer = Word( nums ).setName("int")
- variable = Word( alphas, max=1 ).setName("variable")
- relation_body_item = variable | integer | quotedString.copy().setParseAction(removeQuotes)
- relation_name = Word( alphas+"_", alphanums+"_" )
- relation_body = lbrack + Group(delimitedList(relation_body_item)) + rbrack
- Goal = Dict(Group( relation_name + relation_body ))
- Comparison_Predicate = Group(variable + oneOf("< >") + integer).setResultsName("pred",listAllMatches=True)
- Query = Goal.setResultsName("head") + ":-" + delimitedList(Goal | Comparison_Predicate)
- test="""Q(x,y,z):-Bloo(x,"Mitsis",y),Foo(y,z,1243),y>28,x<12,x>3"""
- queryRes = Query.parseString(test)
- print_("pred",queryRes.pred)
- assert queryRes.pred.asList() == [['y', '>', '28'], ['x', '<', '12'], ['x', '>', '3']], "Incorrect list for attribute pred, %s" % str(queryRes.pred.asList())
- print_(queryRes.dump())
-class ReStringRangeTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- testCases = (
- (r"[A-Z]"),
- (r"[A-A]"),
- (r"[A-Za-z]"),
- (r"[A-z]"),
- (r"[\ -\~]"),
- (r"[\0x20-0]"),
- (r"[\0x21-\0x7E]"),
- (r"[\0xa1-\0xfe]"),
- (r"[\040-0]"),
- (r"[A-Za-z0-9]"),
- (r"[A-Za-z0-9_]"),
- (r"[A-Za-z0-9_$]"),
- (r"[A-Za-z0-9_$\-]"),
- (r"[^0-9\\]"),
- (r"[a-zA-Z]"),
- (r"[/\^~]"),
- (r"[=\+\-!]"),
- (r"[A-]"),
- (r"[-A]"),
- (r"[\x21]"),
- #(r"[а-яА-ЯёЁA-Z$_\041α-ω]".decode('utf-8')),
- (u'[\u0430-\u044f\u0410-\u042f\u0451\u0401ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_\041\u03b1-\u03c9]'),
- )
- expectedResults = (
- "A",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
- " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~",
- " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0",
- "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~",
- #~ "¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþ",
- u'\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe',
- " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_$",
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_$-",
- "0123456789\\",
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
- "/^~",
- "=+-!",
- "A-",
- "-A",
- "!",
- u"абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯёЁABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_!αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω",
- )
- for test in zip( testCases, expectedResults ):
- t,exp = test
- res = pyparsing.srange(t)
- #print_(t,"->",res)
- assert res == exp, "srange error, srange(%r)->'%r', expected '%r'" % (t, res, exp)
-class SkipToParserTests(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal, SkipTo, NotAny, cStyleComment, ParseBaseException
- thingToFind = Literal('working')
- testExpr = SkipTo(Literal(';'), include=True, ignore=cStyleComment) + thingToFind
- def tryToParse (someText, fail_expected=False):
- try:
- print_(testExpr.parseString(someText))
- assert not fail_expected, "expected failure but no exception raised"
- except Exception as e:
- print_("Exception %s while parsing string %s" % (e,repr(someText)))
- assert fail_expected and isinstance(e,ParseBaseException), "Exception %s while parsing string %s" % (e,repr(someText))
- # This first test works, as the SkipTo expression is immediately following the ignore expression (cStyleComment)
- tryToParse('some text /* comment with ; in */; working')
- # This second test previously failed, as there is text following the ignore expression, and before the SkipTo expression.
- tryToParse('some text /* comment with ; in */some other stuff; working')
- # tests for optional failOn argument
- testExpr = SkipTo(Literal(';'), include=True, ignore=cStyleComment, failOn='other') + thingToFind
- tryToParse('some text /* comment with ; in */; working')
- tryToParse('some text /* comment with ; in */some other stuff; working', fail_expected=True)
-class CustomQuotesTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import QuotedString
- testString = r"""
- sdlfjs :sdf\:jls::djf: sl:kfsjf
- sdlfjs -sdf\:jls::--djf: sl-kfsjf
- sdlfjs -sdf\:::jls::--djf: sl:::-kfsjf
- sdlfjs ^sdf\:jls^^--djf^ sl-kfsjf
- sdlfjs ^^^==sdf\:j=lz::--djf: sl=^^=kfsjf
- sdlfjs ==sdf\:j=ls::--djf: sl==kfsjf^^^
- """
- colonQuotes = QuotedString(':','\\','::')
- dashQuotes = QuotedString('-','\\', '--')
- hatQuotes = QuotedString('^','\\')
- hatQuotes1 = QuotedString('^','\\','^^')
- dblEqQuotes = QuotedString('==','\\')
- def test(quoteExpr, expected):
- print_(quoteExpr.pattern)
- print_(quoteExpr.searchString(testString))
- print_(quoteExpr.searchString(testString)[0][0])
- print_(expected)
- assert quoteExpr.searchString(testString)[0][0] == expected, \
- "failed to match %s, expected '%s', got '%s'" % \
- (quoteExpr,expected,quoteExpr.searchString(testString)[0])
- print_()
- test(colonQuotes, r"sdf:jls:djf")
- test(dashQuotes, r"sdf:jls::-djf: sl")
- test(hatQuotes, r"sdf:jls")
- test(hatQuotes1, r"sdf:jls^--djf")
- test(dblEqQuotes, r"sdf:j=ls::--djf: sl")
- test( QuotedString(':::'), 'jls::--djf: sl')
- test( QuotedString('==',endQuoteChar='--'), r'sdf\:j=lz::')
- test( QuotedString('^^^',multiline=True), r"""==sdf\:j=lz::--djf: sl=^^=kfsjf
- sdlfjs ==sdf\:j=ls::--djf: sl==kfsjf""")
- try:
- bad1 = QuotedString('','\\')
- except SyntaxError as se:
- pass
- else:
- assert False,"failed to raise SyntaxError with empty quote string"
-class RepeaterTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import matchPreviousLiteral,matchPreviousExpr, Forward, Literal, Word, alphas, nums, ParserElement
- if ParserElement._packratEnabled:
- print_("skipping this test, not compatible with packratting")
- return
- first = Word("abcdef").setName("word1")
- bridge = Word(nums).setName("number")
- second = matchPreviousLiteral(first).setName("repeat(word1Literal)")
- seq = first + bridge + second
- tests = [
- ( "abc12abc", True ),
- ( "abc12aabc", False ),
- ( "abc12cba", True ),
- ( "abc12bca", True ),
- ]
- for tst,result in tests:
- found = False
- for tokens,start,end in seq.scanString(tst):
- f,b,s = tokens
- print_(f,b,s)
- found = True
- if not found:
- print_("No literal match in", tst)
- assert found == result, "Failed repeater for test: %s, matching %s" % (tst, str(seq))
- print_()
- # retest using matchPreviousExpr instead of matchPreviousLiteral
- second = matchPreviousExpr(first).setName("repeat(word1expr)")
- seq = first + bridge + second
- tests = [
- ( "abc12abc", True ),
- ( "abc12cba", False ),
- ( "abc12abcdef", False ),
- ]
- for tst,result in tests:
- found = False
- for tokens,start,end in seq.scanString(tst):
- print_(tokens.asList())
- found = True
- if not found:
- print_("No expression match in", tst)
- assert found == result, "Failed repeater for test: %s, matching %s" % (tst, str(seq))
- print_()
- first = Word("abcdef").setName("word1")
- bridge = Word(nums).setName("number")
- second = matchPreviousExpr(first).setName("repeat(word1)")
- seq = first + bridge + second
- csFirst = seq.setName("word-num-word")
- csSecond = matchPreviousExpr(csFirst)
- compoundSeq = csFirst + ":" + csSecond
- compoundSeq.streamline()
- print_(compoundSeq)
- tests = [
- ( "abc12abc:abc12abc", True ),
- ( "abc12cba:abc12abc", False ),
- ( "abc12abc:abc12abcdef", False ),
- ]
- #~ for tst,result in tests:
- #~ print tst,
- #~ try:
- #~ compoundSeq.parseString(tst)
- #~ print "MATCH"
- #~ assert result, "matched when shouldn't have matched"
- #~ except ParseException:
- #~ print "NO MATCH"
- #~ assert not result, "didnt match but should have"
- #~ for tst,result in tests:
- #~ print tst,
- #~ if compoundSeq == tst:
- #~ print "MATCH"
- #~ assert result, "matched when shouldn't have matched"
- #~ else:
- #~ print "NO MATCH"
- #~ assert not result, "didnt match but should have"
- for tst,result in tests:
- found = False
- for tokens,start,end in compoundSeq.scanString(tst):
- print_("match:", tokens.asList())
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- print_("No expression match in", tst)
- assert found == result, "Failed repeater for test: %s, matching %s" % (tst, str(seq))
- print_()
- eFirst = Word(nums)
- eSecond = matchPreviousExpr(eFirst)
- eSeq = eFirst + ":" + eSecond
- tests = [
- ( "1:1A", True ),
- ( "1:10", False ),
- ]
- for tst,result in tests:
- found = False
- for tokens,start,end in eSeq.scanString(tst):
- #~ f,b,s = tokens
- #~ print f,b,s
- print_(tokens.asList())
- found = True
- if not found:
- print_("No match in", tst)
- assert found == result, "Failed repeater for test: %s, matching %s" % (tst, str(seq))
-class RecursiveCombineTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Forward,Word,alphas,nums,Optional,Combine
- testInput = "myc(114)r(11)dd"
- Stream=Forward()
- Stream << Optional(Word(alphas))+Optional("("+Word(nums)+")"+Stream)
- expected = Stream.parseString(testInput).asList()
- print_(["".join(expected)])
- Stream=Forward()
- Stream << Combine(Optional(Word(alphas))+Optional("("+Word(nums)+")"+Stream))
- testVal = Stream.parseString(testInput).asList()
- print_(testVal)
- assert "".join(testVal) == "".join(expected), "Failed to process Combine with recursive content"
-class InfixNotationGrammarTest1(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,nums,alphas,Literal,oneOf,infixNotation,opAssoc
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
- variable = Word(alphas,exact=1)
- operand = integer | variable
- expop = Literal('^')
- signop = oneOf('+ -')
- multop = oneOf('* /')
- plusop = oneOf('+ -')
- factop = Literal('!')
- expr = infixNotation( operand,
- [("!", 1, opAssoc.LEFT),
- ("^", 2, opAssoc.RIGHT),
- (signop, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
- (multop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
- (plusop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),]
- )
- test = ["9 + 2 + 3",
- "9 + 2 * 3",
- "(9 + 2) * 3",
- "(9 + -2) * 3",
- "(9 + --2) * 3",
- "(9 + -2) * 3^2^2",
- "(9! + -2) * 3^2^2",
- "M*X + B",
- "M*(X + B)",
- "1+2*-3^4*5+-+-6",
- "3!!"]
- expected = """[[9, '+', 2, '+', 3]]
- [[9, '+', [2, '*', 3]]]
- [[[9, '+', 2], '*', 3]]
- [[[9, '+', ['-', 2]], '*', 3]]
- [[[9, '+', ['-', ['-', 2]]], '*', 3]]
- [[[9, '+', ['-', 2]], '*', [3, '^', [2, '^', 2]]]]
- [[[[9, '!'], '+', ['-', 2]], '*', [3, '^', [2, '^', 2]]]]
- [[['M', '*', 'X'], '+', 'B']]
- [['M', '*', ['X', '+', 'B']]]
- [[1, '+', [2, '*', ['-', [3, '^', 4]], '*', 5], '+', ['-', ['+', ['-', 6]]]]]
- [[3, '!', '!']]""".split('\n')
- expected = [eval(x) for x in expected]
- for t,e in zip(test,expected):
- print_(t,"->",e, "got", expr.parseString(t).asList())
- assert expr.parseString(t).asList() == e,"mismatched results for infixNotation: got %s, expected %s" % (expr.parseString(t).asList(),e)
-class InfixNotationGrammarTest2(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import infixNotation, Word, alphas, oneOf, opAssoc
- boolVars = { "True":True, "False":False }
- class BoolOperand(object):
- def __init__(self,t):
- self.args = t[0][0::2]
- def __str__(self):
- sep = " %s " % self.reprsymbol
- return "(" + sep.join(map(str,self.args)) + ")"
- class BoolAnd(BoolOperand):
- reprsymbol = '&'
- def __bool__(self):
- for a in self.args:
- if isinstance(a,str):
- v = boolVars[a]
- else:
- v = bool(a)
- if not v:
- return False
- return True
- class BoolOr(BoolOperand):
- reprsymbol = '|'
- def __bool__(self):
- for a in self.args:
- if isinstance(a,str):
- v = boolVars[a]
- else:
- v = bool(a)
- if v:
- return True
- return False
- class BoolNot(BoolOperand):
- def __init__(self,t):
- self.arg = t[0][1]
- def __str__(self):
- return "~" + str(self.arg)
- def __bool__(self):
- if isinstance(self.arg,str):
- v = boolVars[self.arg]
- else:
- v = bool(self.arg)
- return not v
- boolOperand = Word(alphas,max=1) | oneOf("True False")
- boolExpr = infixNotation( boolOperand,
- [
- ("not", 1, opAssoc.RIGHT, BoolNot),
- ("and", 2, opAssoc.LEFT, BoolAnd),
- ("or", 2, opAssoc.LEFT, BoolOr),
- ])
- test = ["p and not q",
- "not not p",
- "not(p and q)",
- "q or not p and r",
- "q or not p or not r",
- "q or not (p and r)",
- "p or q or r",
- "p or q or r and False",
- "(p or q or r) and False",
- ]
- boolVars["p"] = True
- boolVars["q"] = False
- boolVars["r"] = True
- print_("p =", boolVars["p"])
- print_("q =", boolVars["q"])
- print_("r =", boolVars["r"])
- print_()
- for t in test:
- res = boolExpr.parseString(t)[0]
- print_(t,'\n', res, '=', bool(res),'\n')
-class InfixNotationGrammarTest3(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import infixNotation, Word, alphas, oneOf, opAssoc, nums, Literal
- global count
- count = 0
- def evaluate_int(t):
- global count
- value = int(t[0])
- print_("evaluate_int", value)
- count += 1
- return value
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(evaluate_int)
- variable = Word(alphas,exact=1)
- operand = integer | variable
- expop = Literal('^')
- signop = oneOf('+ -')
- multop = oneOf('* /')
- plusop = oneOf('+ -')
- factop = Literal('!')
- expr = infixNotation( operand,
- [
- ("!", 1, opAssoc.LEFT),
- ("^", 2, opAssoc.RIGHT),
- (signop, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
- (multop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
- (plusop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
- ])
- test = ["9"]
- for t in test:
- count = 0
- print_("%s => %s" % (t, expr.parseString(t)))
- assert count == 1, "count evaluated too many times!"
-class InfixNotationGrammarTest4(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- word = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphas)
- def supLiteral(s):
- """Returns the suppressed literal s"""
- return pyparsing.Literal(s).suppress()
- def booleanExpr(atom):
- ops = [
- (supLiteral("!"), 1, pyparsing.opAssoc.RIGHT, lambda s, l, t: ["!", t[0][0]]),
- (pyparsing.oneOf("= !="), 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT, ),
- (supLiteral("&"), 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT, lambda s, l, t: ["&", t[0]]),
- (supLiteral("|"), 2, pyparsing.opAssoc.LEFT, lambda s, l, t: ["|", t[0]])]
- return pyparsing.infixNotation(atom, ops)
- f = booleanExpr(word) + pyparsing.StringEnd()
- tests = [
- ("bar = foo", "[['bar', '=', 'foo']]"),
- ("bar = foo & baz = fee", "['&', [['bar', '=', 'foo'], ['baz', '=', 'fee']]]"),
- ]
- for test,expected in tests:
- print_(test)
- results = f.parseString(test)
- print_(results)
- assert str(results) == expected, "failed to match expected results, got '%s'" % str(results)
- print_()
-class PickleTest_Greeting():
- def __init__(self, toks):
- self.salutation = toks[0]
- self.greetee = toks[1]
- def __repr__(self):
- return "%s: {%s}" % (self.__class__.__name__,
- ', '.join('%r: %r' % (k, getattr(self,k)) for k in sorted(self.__dict__)))
-class ParseResultsPickleTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, ParseResults
- import pickle
- # test 1
- body = makeHTMLTags("BODY")[0]
- result = body.parseString("<BODY BGCOLOR='#00FFBB' FGCOLOR=black>")
- print_(result.dump())
- print_()
- for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL+1):
- print_("Test pickle dump protocol", protocol)
- try:
- pickleString = pickle.dumps(result, protocol)
- except Exception as e:
- print_("dumps exception:", e)
- newresult = ParseResults()
- else:
- newresult = pickle.loads(pickleString)
- print_(newresult.dump())
- print_()
- assert result.dump() == newresult.dump(), "Error pickling ParseResults object (protocol=%d)" % protocol
- # test 2
- import pyparsing as pp
- word = pp.Word(pp.alphas+"'.")
- salutation = pp.OneOrMore(word)
- comma = pp.Literal(",")
- greetee = pp.OneOrMore(word)
- endpunc = pp.oneOf("! ?")
- greeting = salutation + pp.Suppress(comma) + greetee + pp.Suppress(endpunc)
- greeting.setParseAction(PickleTest_Greeting)
- string = 'Good morning, Miss Crabtree!'
- result = greeting.parseString(string)
- for protocol in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL+1):
- print_("Test pickle dump protocol", protocol)
- try:
- pickleString = pickle.dumps(result, protocol)
- except Exception as e:
- print_("dumps exception:", e)
- newresult = ParseResults()
- else:
- newresult = pickle.loads(pickleString)
- print_(newresult.dump())
- assert newresult.dump() == result.dump(), "failed to pickle/unpickle ParseResults: expected %r, got %r" % (result, newresult)
-class ParseResultsWithNamedTupleTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal,replaceWith
- expr = Literal("A")
- expr.setParseAction(replaceWith(tuple(["A","Z"])))
- expr = expr.setResultsName("Achar")
- res = expr.parseString("A")
- print_(repr(res))
- print_(res.Achar)
- assert res.Achar == ("A","Z"), "Failed accessing named results containing a tuple, got " + res.Achar
-class ParseHTMLTagsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- test = """
- <BODY>
- <BODY/>
- </BODY>
- """
- results = [
- ("startBody", False, "", ""),
- ("startBody", False, "#00FFCC", ""),
- ("startBody", True, "#00FFAA", ""),
- ("startBody", False, "#00FFBB", "black"),
- ("startBody", True, "", ""),
- ("endBody", False, "", ""),
- ]
- bodyStart, bodyEnd = pyparsing.makeHTMLTags("BODY")
- resIter = iter(results)
- for t,s,e in (bodyStart | bodyEnd).scanString( test ):
- print_(test[s:e], "->", t.asList())
- (expectedType, expectedEmpty, expectedBG, expectedFG) = next(resIter)
- tType = t.getName()
- #~ print tType,"==",expectedType,"?"
- assert tType in "startBody endBody".split(), "parsed token of unknown type '%s'" % tType
- assert tType == expectedType, "expected token of type %s, got %s" % (expectedType, tType)
- if tType == "startBody":
- assert bool(t.empty) == expectedEmpty, "expected %s token, got %s" % ( expectedEmpty and "empty" or "not empty",
- t.empty and "empty" or "not empty" )
- assert t.bgcolor == expectedBG, "failed to match BGCOLOR, expected %s, got %s" % ( expectedBG, t.bgcolor )
- assert t.fgcolor == expectedFG, "failed to match FGCOLOR, expected %s, got %s" % ( expectedFG, t.bgcolor )
- elif tType == "endBody":
- #~ print "end tag"
- pass
- else:
- print_("BAD!!!")
-class UpcaseDowncaseUnicode(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing as pp
- import sys
- if PY_3:
- unichr = chr
- else:
- from __builtin__ import unichr
- a = '\u00bfC\u00f3mo esta usted?'
- if not JYTHON_ENV:
- ualphas = "".join( unichr(i) for i in range(sys.maxunicode)
- if unichr(i).isalpha() )
- else:
- ualphas = "".join( unichr(i) for i in list(range(0xd800)) + list(range(0xe000,sys.maxunicode))
- if unichr(i).isalpha() )
- uword = pp.Word(ualphas).setParseAction(pp.upcaseTokens)
- print_ = lambda *args: None
- print_(uword.searchString(a))
- uword = pp.Word(ualphas).setParseAction(pp.downcaseTokens)
- print_(uword.searchString(a))
- kw = pp.Keyword('mykey', caseless=True).setParseAction(pp.upcaseTokens).setResultsName('rname')
- ret = kw.parseString('mykey')
- print(ret.rname)
- assert ret.rname=='MYKEY', "failed to upcase with named result"
- #test html data
- html = "<TR class=maintxt bgColor=#ffffff> \
- <TD vAlign=top>Производитель, модель</TD> \
- <TD vAlign=top><STRONG>BenQ-Siemens CF61</STRONG></TD> \
- "#.decode('utf-8')
- # u'Manufacturer, model
- text_manuf = 'Производитель, модель'
- manufacturer = pp.Literal(text_manuf)
- td_start, td_end = pp.makeHTMLTags("td")
- manuf_body = td_start.suppress() + manufacturer + pp.SkipTo(td_end)("cells*") + td_end.suppress()
- #~ manuf_body.setDebug()
- #~ for tokens in manuf_body.scanString(html):
- #~ print_(tokens)
-class ParseUsingRegex(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import re
- import pyparsing
- signedInt = pyparsing.Regex(r'[-+][0-9]+')
- unsignedInt = pyparsing.Regex(r'[0-9]+')
- simpleString = pyparsing.Regex(r'("[^\"]*")|(\'[^\']*\')')
- namedGrouping = pyparsing.Regex(r'("(?P<content>[^\"]*)")')
- compiledRE = pyparsing.Regex(re.compile(r'[A-Z]+'))
- def testMatch (expression, instring, shouldPass, expectedString=None):
- if shouldPass:
- try:
- result = expression.parseString(instring)
- print_('%s correctly matched %s' % (repr(expression), repr(instring)))
- if expectedString != result[0]:
- print_('\tbut failed to match the pattern as expected:')
- print_('\tproduced %s instead of %s' % \
- (repr(result[0]), repr(expectedString)))
- return True
- except pyparsing.ParseException:
- print_('%s incorrectly failed to match %s' % \
- (repr(expression), repr(instring)))
- else:
- try:
- result = expression.parseString(instring)
- print_('%s incorrectly matched %s' % (repr(expression), repr(instring)))
- print_('\tproduced %s as a result' % repr(result[0]))
- except pyparsing.ParseException:
- print_('%s correctly failed to match %s' % \
- (repr(expression), repr(instring)))
- return True
- return False
- # These should fail
- assert testMatch(signedInt, '1234 foo', False), "Re: (1) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(signedInt, ' +foo', False), "Re: (2) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(unsignedInt, 'abc', False), "Re: (3) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(unsignedInt, '+123 foo', False), "Re: (4) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(simpleString, 'foo', False), "Re: (5) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(simpleString, '"foo bar\'', False), "Re: (6) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(simpleString, '\'foo bar"', False), "Re: (7) passed, expected fail"
- # These should pass
- assert testMatch(signedInt, ' +123', True, '+123'), "Re: (8) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(signedInt, '+123', True, '+123'), "Re: (9) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(signedInt, '+123 foo', True, '+123'), "Re: (10) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(signedInt, '-0 foo', True, '-0'), "Re: (11) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(unsignedInt, '123 foo', True, '123'), "Re: (12) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(unsignedInt, '0 foo', True, '0'), "Re: (13) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(simpleString, '"foo"', True, '"foo"'), "Re: (14) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(simpleString, "'foo bar' baz", True, "'foo bar'"), "Re: (15) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(compiledRE, 'blah', False), "Re: (16) passed, expected fail"
- assert testMatch(compiledRE, 'BLAH', True, 'BLAH'), "Re: (17) failed, expected pass"
- assert testMatch(namedGrouping, '"foo bar" baz', True, '"foo bar"'), "Re: (16) failed, expected pass"
- ret = namedGrouping.parseString('"zork" blah')
- print_(ret.asList())
- print_(list(ret.items()))
- print_(ret.content)
- assert ret.content == 'zork', "named group lookup failed"
- assert ret[0] == simpleString.parseString('"zork" blah')[0], "Regex not properly returning ParseResults for named vs. unnamed groups"
- try:
- #~ print "lets try an invalid RE"
- invRe = pyparsing.Regex('("[^\"]*")|(\'[^\']*\'')
- except Exception as e:
- print_("successfully rejected an invalid RE:", end=' ')
- print_(e)
- else:
- assert False, "failed to reject invalid RE"
- invRe = pyparsing.Regex('')
-class CountedArrayTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,nums,OneOrMore,countedArray
- testString = "2 5 7 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 5 4 3"
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
- countedField = countedArray(integer)
- r = OneOrMore(countedField).parseString( testString )
- print_(testString)
- print_(r.asList())
- assert r.asList() == [[5,7],[0,1,2,3,4,5],[],[5,4,3]], \
- "Failed matching countedArray, got " + str(r.asList())
-class CountedArrayTest2(ParseTestCase):
- # addresses bug raised by Ralf Vosseler
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,nums,OneOrMore,countedArray
- testString = "2 5 7 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 3 5 4 3"
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
- countedField = countedArray(integer)
- dummy = Word("A")
- r = OneOrMore(dummy ^ countedField).parseString( testString )
- print_(testString)
- print_(r.asList())
- assert r.asList() == [[5,7],[0,1,2,3,4,5],[],[5,4,3]], \
- "Failed matching countedArray, got " + str(r.asList())
-class CountedArrayTest3(ParseTestCase):
- # test case where counter is not a decimal integer
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,nums,OneOrMore,countedArray,alphas
- int_chars = "_"+alphas
- array_counter = Word(int_chars).setParseAction(lambda t: int_chars.index(t[0]))
- # 123456789012345678901234567890
- testString = "B 5 7 F 0 1 2 3 4 5 _ C 5 4 3"
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
- countedField = countedArray(integer, intExpr=array_counter)
- r = OneOrMore(countedField).parseString( testString )
- print_(testString)
- print_(r.asList())
- assert r.asList() == [[5,7],[0,1,2,3,4,5],[],[5,4,3]], \
- "Failed matching countedArray, got " + str(r.asList())
-class LineAndStringEndTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import OneOrMore,lineEnd,alphanums,Word,stringEnd,delimitedList,SkipTo
- NLs = OneOrMore(lineEnd)
- bnf1 = delimitedList(Word(alphanums).leaveWhitespace(), NLs)
- bnf2 = Word(alphanums) + stringEnd
- bnf3 = Word(alphanums) + SkipTo(stringEnd)
- tests = [
- ("testA\ntestB\ntestC\n", ['testA', 'testB', 'testC']),
- ("testD\ntestE\ntestF", ['testD', 'testE', 'testF']),
- ("a", ['a']),
- ]
- for test,expected in tests:
- res1 = bnf1.parseString(test)
- print_(res1,'=?',expected)
- assert res1.asList() == expected, "Failed lineEnd/stringEnd test (1): "+repr(test)+ " -> "+str(res1.asList())
- res2 = bnf2.searchString(test)[0]
- print_(res2.asList(),'=?',expected[-1:])
- assert res2.asList() == expected[-1:], "Failed lineEnd/stringEnd test (2): "+repr(test)+ " -> "+str(res2.asList())
- res3 = bnf3.parseString(test)
- first = res3[0]
- rest = res3[1]
- #~ print res3.dump()
- print_(repr(rest),'=?',repr(test[len(first)+1:]))
- assert rest == test[len(first)+1:]#, "Failed lineEnd/stringEnd test (3): " +repr(test)+ " -> "+str(res3[1].asList())
- print_()
- from pyparsing import Regex
- import re
- k = Regex(r'a+',flags=re.S+re.M)
- k = k.parseWithTabs()
- k = k.leaveWhitespace()
- tests = [
- (r'aaa',['aaa']),
- (r'\naaa',None),
- (r'a\naa',None),
- (r'aaa\n',None),
- ]
- for i,(src,expected) in enumerate(tests):
- print_(i, repr(src).replace('\\\\','\\'), end=' ')
- try:
- res = k.parseString(src, parseAll=True).asList()
- except ParseException as pe:
- res = None
- print_(res)
- assert res == expected, "Failed on parseAll=True test %d" % i
-class VariableParseActionArgsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- pa3 = lambda s,l,t: t
- pa2 = lambda l,t: t
- pa1 = lambda t: t
- pa0 = lambda : None
- class Callable3(object):
- def __call__(self,s,l,t):
- return t
- class Callable2(object):
- def __call__(self,l,t):
- return t
- class Callable1(object):
- def __call__(self,t):
- return t
- class Callable0(object):
- def __call__(self):
- return
- class CallableS3(object):
- #~ @staticmethod
- def __call__(s,l,t):
- return t
- __call__=staticmethod(__call__)
- class CallableS2(object):
- #~ @staticmethod
- def __call__(l,t):
- return t
- __call__=staticmethod(__call__)
- class CallableS1(object):
- #~ @staticmethod
- def __call__(t):
- return t
- __call__=staticmethod(__call__)
- class CallableS0(object):
- #~ @staticmethod
- def __call__():
- return
- __call__=staticmethod(__call__)
- class CallableC3(object):
- #~ @classmethod
- def __call__(cls,s,l,t):
- return t
- __call__=classmethod(__call__)
- class CallableC2(object):
- #~ @classmethod
- def __call__(cls,l,t):
- return t
- __call__=classmethod(__call__)
- class CallableC1(object):
- #~ @classmethod
- def __call__(cls,t):
- return t
- __call__=classmethod(__call__)
- class CallableC0(object):
- #~ @classmethod
- def __call__(cls):
- return
- __call__=classmethod(__call__)
- class parseActionHolder(object):
- #~ @staticmethod
- def pa3(s,l,t):
- return t
- pa3=staticmethod(pa3)
- #~ @staticmethod
- def pa2(l,t):
- return t
- pa2=staticmethod(pa2)
- #~ @staticmethod
- def pa1(t):
- return t
- pa1=staticmethod(pa1)
- #~ @staticmethod
- def pa0():
- return
- pa0=staticmethod(pa0)
- def paArgs(*args):
- print_(args)
- return args[2]
- class ClassAsPA0(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __str__(self):
- return "A"
- class ClassAsPA1(object):
- def __init__(self,t):
- print_("making a ClassAsPA1")
- self.t = t
- def __str__(self):
- return self.t[0]
- class ClassAsPA2(object):
- def __init__(self,l,t):
- self.t = t
- def __str__(self):
- return self.t[0]
- class ClassAsPA3(object):
- def __init__(self,s,l,t):
- self.t = t
- def __str__(self):
- return self.t[0]
- class ClassAsPAStarNew(tuple):
- def __new__(cls, *args):
- print_("make a ClassAsPAStarNew", args)
- return tuple.__new__(cls, *args[2].asList())
- def __str__(self):
- return ''.join(self)
- #~ def ClassAsPANew(object):
- #~ def __new__(cls, t):
- #~ return object.__new__(cls, t)
- #~ def __init__(self,t):
- #~ self.t = t
- #~ def __str__(self):
- #~ return self.t
- from pyparsing import Literal,OneOrMore
- A = Literal("A").setParseAction(pa0)
- B = Literal("B").setParseAction(pa1)
- C = Literal("C").setParseAction(pa2)
- D = Literal("D").setParseAction(pa3)
- E = Literal("E").setParseAction(Callable0())
- F = Literal("F").setParseAction(Callable1())
- G = Literal("G").setParseAction(Callable2())
- H = Literal("H").setParseAction(Callable3())
- I = Literal("I").setParseAction(CallableS0())
- J = Literal("J").setParseAction(CallableS1())
- K = Literal("K").setParseAction(CallableS2())
- L = Literal("L").setParseAction(CallableS3())
- M = Literal("M").setParseAction(CallableC0())
- N = Literal("N").setParseAction(CallableC1())
- O = Literal("O").setParseAction(CallableC2())
- P = Literal("P").setParseAction(CallableC3())
- Q = Literal("Q").setParseAction(paArgs)
- R = Literal("R").setParseAction(parseActionHolder.pa3)
- S = Literal("S").setParseAction(parseActionHolder.pa2)
- T = Literal("T").setParseAction(parseActionHolder.pa1)
- U = Literal("U").setParseAction(parseActionHolder.pa0)
- V = Literal("V")
- gg = OneOrMore( A | C | D | E | F | G | H |
- I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | U | V | B | T)
- res = gg.parseString(testString)
- print_(res.asList())
- assert res.asList()==list(testString), "Failed to parse using variable length parse actions"
- A = Literal("A").setParseAction(ClassAsPA0)
- B = Literal("B").setParseAction(ClassAsPA1)
- C = Literal("C").setParseAction(ClassAsPA2)
- D = Literal("D").setParseAction(ClassAsPA3)
- E = Literal("E").setParseAction(ClassAsPAStarNew)
- gg = OneOrMore( A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
- I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V)
- res = gg.parseString(testString)
- print_(list(map(str,res)))
- assert list(map(str,res))==list(testString), "Failed to parse using variable length parse actions using class constructors as parse actions"
-class EnablePackratParsing(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import ParserElement
- ParserElement.enablePackrat()
-class SingleArgExceptionTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import ParseBaseException,ParseFatalException
- msg = ""
- raisedMsg = ""
- testMessage = "just one arg"
- try:
- raise ParseFatalException(testMessage)
- except ParseBaseException as pbe:
- print_("Received expected exception:", pbe)
- raisedMsg = pbe.msg
- assert raisedMsg == testMessage, "Failed to get correct exception message"
-class OriginalTextForTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, originalTextFor
- def rfn(t):
- return "%s:%d" % (t.src, len("".join(t)))
- makeHTMLStartTag = lambda tag: originalTextFor(makeHTMLTags(tag)[0], asString=False)
- # use the lambda, Luke
- #~ start, imge = makeHTMLTags('IMG')
- start = makeHTMLStartTag('IMG')
- # don't replace our fancy parse action with rfn,
- # append rfn to the list of parse actions
- #~ start.setParseAction(rfn)
- start.addParseAction(rfn)
- #start.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t.src)
- text = '''_<img src="images/cal.png"
- alt="cal image" width="16" height="15">_'''
- s = start.transformString(text)
- print_(s)
- assert s.startswith("_images/cal.png:"), "failed to preserve input s properly"
- assert s.endswith("77_"),"failed to return full original text properly"
- tag_fields = makeHTMLStartTag("IMG").searchString(text)[0]
- print_(sorted(tag_fields.keys()))
- assert sorted(tag_fields.keys()) == ['alt', 'empty', 'height', 'src', 'startImg', 'tag', 'width'], 'failed to preserve results names in originalTextFor'
-class PackratParsingCacheCopyTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word,nums,ParserElement,delimitedList,Literal,Optional,alphas,alphanums,ZeroOrMore,empty
- integer = Word(nums).setName("integer")
- id = Word(alphas+'_',alphanums+'_')
- simpleType = Literal('int');
- arrayType= simpleType+ZeroOrMore('['+delimitedList(integer)+']')
- varType = arrayType | simpleType
- varDec = varType + delimitedList(id + Optional('='+integer))+';'
- codeBlock = Literal('{}')
- funcDef = Optional(varType | 'void')+id+'('+(delimitedList(varType+id)|'void'|empty)+')'+codeBlock
- program = varDec | funcDef
- input = 'int f(){}'
- results = program.parseString(input)
- print_("Parsed '%s' as %s" % (input, results.asList()))
- assert results.asList() == ['int', 'f', '(', ')', '{}'], "Error in packrat parsing"
-class PackratParsingCacheCopyTest2(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Keyword,Word,Suppress,Forward,Optional,delimitedList,ParserElement,Group
- DO,AA = list(map(Keyword, "DO AA".split()))
- LPAR,RPAR = list(map(Suppress,"()"))
- identifier = ~AA + Word("Z")
- function_name = identifier.copy()
- #~ function_name = ~AA + Word("Z") #identifier.copy()
- expr = Forward().setName("expr")
- expr << (Group(function_name + LPAR + Optional(delimitedList(expr)) + RPAR).setName("functionCall") |
- identifier.setName("ident")#.setDebug()#.setBreak()
- )
- stmt = DO + Group(delimitedList(identifier + ".*" | expr))
- result = stmt.parseString("DO Z")
- print_(result.asList())
- assert len(result[1]) == 1, "packrat parsing is duplicating And term exprs"
-class ParseResultsDelTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import OneOrMore, Word, alphas, nums
- grammar = OneOrMore(Word(nums))("ints") + OneOrMore(Word(alphas))("words")
- res = grammar.parseString("123 456 ABC DEF")
- print_(res.dump())
- origInts = res.ints.asList()
- origWords = res.words.asList()
- del res[1]
- del res["words"]
- print_(res.dump())
- assert res[1]=='ABC',"failed to delete 0'th element correctly"
- assert res.ints.asList()==origInts, "updated named attributes, should have updated list only"
- assert res.words=="", "failed to update named attribute correctly"
- assert res[-1]=='DEF', "updated list, should have updated named attributes only"
-class WithAttributeParseActionTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- """
- This unit test checks withAttribute in these ways:
- * Argument forms as keywords and tuples
- * Selecting matching tags by attribute
- * Case-insensitive attribute matching
- * Correctly matching tags having the attribute, and rejecting tags not having the attribute
- (Unit test written by voigts as part of the Google Highly Open Participation Contest)
- """
- from pyparsing import makeHTMLTags, Word, withAttribute, withClass, nums
- data = """
- <a>1</a>
- <a b="x">2</a>
- <a B="x">3</a>
- <a b="X">4</a>
- <a b="y">5</a>
- <a class="boo">8</a>
- """
- tagStart, tagEnd = makeHTMLTags("a")
- expr = tagStart + Word(nums).setResultsName("value") + tagEnd
- expected = ([['a', ['b', 'x'], False, '2', '</a>'],
- ['a', ['b', 'x'], False, '3', '</a>']],
- [['a', ['b', 'x'], False, '2', '</a>'],
- ['a', ['b', 'x'], False, '3', '</a>']],
- [['a', ['class', 'boo'], False, '8', '</a>']],
- )
- for attrib, exp in zip([
- withAttribute(b="x"),
- #withAttribute(B="x"),
- withAttribute(("b","x")),
- #withAttribute(("B","x")),
- withClass("boo"),
- ], expected):
- tagStart.setParseAction(attrib)
- result = expr.searchString(data)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == exp, "Failed test, expected %s, got %s" % (expected, result.asList())
-class NestedExpressionsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- """
- This unit test checks nestedExpr in these ways:
- - use of default arguments
- - use of non-default arguments (such as a pyparsing-defined comment
- expression in place of quotedString)
- - use of a custom content expression
- - use of a pyparsing expression for opener and closer is *OPTIONAL*
- - use of input data containing nesting delimiters
- - correct grouping of parsed tokens according to nesting of opening
- and closing delimiters in the input string
- (Unit test written by christoph... as part of the Google Highly Open Participation Contest)
- """
- from pyparsing import nestedExpr, Literal, Regex, restOfLine, quotedString
- #All defaults. Straight out of the example script. Also, qualifies for
- #the bonus: note the fact that (Z | (E^F) & D) is not parsed :-).
- # Tests for bug fixed in 1.4.10
- print_("Test defaults:")
- teststring = "(( ax + by)*C) (Z | (E^F) & D)"
- expr = nestedExpr()
- expected = [[['ax', '+', 'by'], '*C']]
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected, "Defaults didn't work. That's a bad sign. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
- #Going through non-defaults, one by one; trying to think of anything
- #odd that might not be properly handled.
- #Change opener
- print_("\nNon-default opener")
- opener = "["
- teststring = test_string = "[[ ax + by)*C)"
- expected = [[['ax', '+', 'by'], '*C']]
- expr = nestedExpr("[")
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected, "Non-default opener didn't work. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
- #Change closer
- print_("\nNon-default closer")
- teststring = test_string = "(( ax + by]*C]"
- expected = [[['ax', '+', 'by'], '*C']]
- expr = nestedExpr(closer="]")
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected, "Non-default closer didn't work. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
- # #Multicharacter opener, closer
- # opener = "bar"
- # closer = "baz"
- print_("\nLiteral expressions for opener and closer")
- opener,closer = list(map(Literal, "bar baz".split()))
- expr = nestedExpr(opener, closer,
- content=Regex(r"([^b ]|b(?!a)|ba(?![rz]))+"))
- teststring = "barbar ax + bybaz*Cbaz"
- expected = [[['ax', '+', 'by'], '*C']]
- # expr = nestedExpr(opener, closer)
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected, "Multicharacter opener and closer didn't work. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
- #Lisp-ish comments
- print_("\nUse ignore expression (1)")
- comment = Regex(r";;.*")
- teststring = \
- """
- (let ((greeting "Hello, world!")) ;;(foo bar
- (display greeting))
- """
- expected = [['let', [['greeting', '"Hello,', 'world!"']], ';;(foo bar',\
- ['display', 'greeting']]]
- expr = nestedExpr(ignoreExpr=comment)
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected , "Lisp-ish comments (\";; <...> $\") didn't work. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
- #Lisp-ish comments, using a standard bit of pyparsing, and an Or.
- print_("\nUse ignore expression (2)")
- comment = ';;' + restOfLine
- teststring = \
- """
- (let ((greeting "Hello, )world!")) ;;(foo bar
- (display greeting))
- """
- expected = [['let', [['greeting', '"Hello, )world!"']], ';;', '(foo bar',
- ['display', 'greeting']]]
- expr = nestedExpr(ignoreExpr=(comment ^ quotedString))
- result = expr.parseString(teststring)
- print_(result.dump())
- assert result.asList() == expected , "Lisp-ish comments (\";; <...> $\") and quoted strings didn't work. Expected: %s, got: %s" % (expected, result)
-class WordExcludeTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, printables
- allButPunc = Word(printables, excludeChars=".,:;-_!?")
- test = "Hello, Mr. Ed, it's Wilbur!"
- result = allButPunc.searchString(test).asList()
- print_(result)
- assert result == [['Hello'], ['Mr'], ['Ed'], ["it's"], ['Wilbur']]
-class ParseAllTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, cppStyleComment
- testExpr = Word("A")
- tests = [
- ("AAAAA", False, True),
- ("AAAAA", True, True),
- ("AAABB", False, True),
- ("AAABB", True, False),
- ]
- for s,parseAllFlag,shouldSucceed in tests:
- try:
- print_("'%s' parseAll=%s (shouldSuceed=%s)" % (s, parseAllFlag, shouldSucceed))
- testExpr.parseString(s,parseAllFlag)
- assert shouldSucceed, "successfully parsed when should have failed"
- except ParseException as pe:
- assert not shouldSucceed, "failed to parse when should have succeeded"
- # add test for trailing comments
- testExpr.ignore(cppStyleComment)
- tests = [
- ("AAAAA //blah", False, True),
- ("AAAAA //blah", True, True),
- ("AAABB //blah", False, True),
- ("AAABB //blah", True, False),
- ]
- for s,parseAllFlag,shouldSucceed in tests:
- try:
- print_("'%s' parseAll=%s (shouldSucceed=%s)" % (s, parseAllFlag, shouldSucceed))
- testExpr.parseString(s,parseAllFlag)
- assert shouldSucceed, "successfully parsed when should have failed"
- except ParseException as pe:
- assert not shouldSucceed, "failed to parse when should have succeeded"
-class GreedyQuotedStringsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import QuotedString, sglQuotedString, dblQuotedString, quotedString, delimitedList
- src = """\
- "string1", "strin""g2"
- 'string1', 'string2'
- ^string1^, ^string2^
- <string1>, <string2>"""
- testExprs = (sglQuotedString, dblQuotedString, quotedString,
- QuotedString('"', escQuote='""'), QuotedString("'", escQuote="''"),
- QuotedString("^"), QuotedString("<",endQuoteChar=">"))
- for expr in testExprs:
- strs = delimitedList(expr).searchString(src)
- print_(strs)
- assert bool(strs), "no matches found for test expression '%s'" % expr
- for lst in strs:
- assert len(lst) == 2, "invalid match found for test expression '%s'" % expr
- from pyparsing import alphas, nums, Word
- src = """'ms1',1,0,'2009-12-22','2009-12-22 10:41:22') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sent_count = sent_count + 1, mtime = '2009-12-22 10:41:22';"""
- tok_sql_quoted_value = (
- QuotedString("'", "\\", "''", True, False) ^
- QuotedString('"', "\\", '""', True, False))
- tok_sql_computed_value = Word(nums)
- tok_sql_identifier = Word(alphas)
- val = tok_sql_quoted_value | tok_sql_computed_value | tok_sql_identifier
- vals = delimitedList(val)
- print_(vals.parseString(src))
- assert len(vals.parseString(src)) == 5, "error in greedy quote escaping"
-class WordBoundaryExpressionsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import WordEnd, WordStart, oneOf
- ws = WordStart()
- we = WordEnd()
- vowel = oneOf(list("AEIOUY"))
- consonant = oneOf(list("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ"))
- leadingVowel = ws + vowel
- trailingVowel = vowel + we
- leadingConsonant = ws + consonant
- trailingConsonant = consonant + we
- internalVowel = ~ws + vowel + ~we
- bnf = leadingVowel | trailingVowel
- tests = """\
- STU VWX YZ """.splitlines()
- tests.append( "\n".join(tests) )
- expectedResult = [
- [['D', 'G'], ['A'], ['C', 'F'], ['I'], ['E'], ['A', 'I']],
- [['J', 'M', 'P'], [], ['L', 'R'], ['O'], [], ['O']],
- [['S', 'V'], ['Y'], ['X', 'Z'], ['U'], [], ['U', 'Y']],
- [['D', 'G', 'J', 'M', 'P', 'S', 'V'],
- ['A', 'Y'],
- ['C', 'F', 'L', 'R', 'X', 'Z'],
- ['I', 'O', 'U'],
- ['E'],
- ['A', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y']],
- ]
- for t,expected in zip(tests, expectedResult):
- print_(t)
- results = [flatten(e.searchString(t).asList()) for e in [
- leadingConsonant,
- leadingVowel,
- trailingConsonant,
- trailingVowel,
- internalVowel,
- bnf,
- ]]
- print_(results)
- assert results==expected,"Failed WordBoundaryTest, expected %s, got %s" % (expected,results)
- print_()
-class RequiredEachTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Keyword
- parser = Keyword('bam') & Keyword('boo')
- try:
- res1 = parser.parseString('bam boo')
- print_(res1.asList())
- res2 = parser.parseString('boo bam')
- print_(res2.asList())
- except ParseException:
- failed = True
- else:
- failed = False
- assert not failed, "invalid logic in Each"
- assert set(res1) == set(res2), "Failed RequiredEachTest, expected " + \
- str(res1.asList()) + " and " + str(res2.asList()) + "to contain same words in any order"
-class OptionalEachTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest1(self):
- from pyparsing import Optional, Keyword
- the_input = "Major Tal Weiss"
- parser1 = (Optional('Tal') + Optional('Weiss')) & Keyword('Major')
- parser2 = Optional(Optional('Tal') + Optional('Weiss')) & Keyword('Major')
- p1res = parser1.parseString( the_input)
- p2res = parser2.parseString( the_input)
- assert p1res.asList() == p2res.asList(), "Each failed to match with nested Optionals, " + \
- str(p1res.asList()) + " should match " + str(p2res.asList())
- def runTest2(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, alphanums, Suppress, OneOrMore, Group, Regex, Optional
- word = Word(alphanums + '_').setName("word")
- with_stmt = 'with' + OneOrMore(Group(word('key') + '=' + word('value')))('overrides')
- using_stmt = 'using' + Regex('id-[0-9a-f]{8}')('id')
- modifiers = Optional(with_stmt('with_stmt')) & Optional(using_stmt('using_stmt'))
- assert modifiers == "with foo=bar bing=baz using id-deadbeef"
- assert not modifiers == "with foo=bar bing=baz using id-deadbeef using id-feedfeed"
- def runTest(self):
- self.runTest1()
- self.runTest2()
-class SumParseResultsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- samplestr1 = "garbage;DOB 10-10-2010;more garbage\nID PARI12345678;more garbage"
- samplestr2 = "garbage;ID PARI12345678;more garbage\nDOB 10-10-2010;more garbage"
- samplestr3 = "garbage;DOB 10-10-2010"
- samplestr4 = "garbage;ID PARI12345678;more garbage- I am cool"
- res1 = "ID:PARI12345678 DOB:10-10-2010 INFO:"
- res2 = "ID:PARI12345678 DOB:10-10-2010 INFO:"
- res3 = "ID: DOB:10-10-2010 INFO:"
- res4 = "ID:PARI12345678 DOB: INFO: I am cool"
- from pyparsing import Regex, Word, alphanums, restOfLine
- dob_ref = "DOB" + Regex(r"\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}")("dob")
- id_ref = "ID" + Word(alphanums,exact=12)("id")
- info_ref = "-" + restOfLine("info")
- person_data = dob_ref | id_ref | info_ref
- tests = (samplestr1,samplestr2,samplestr3,samplestr4,)
- results = (res1, res2, res3, res4,)
- for test,expected in zip(tests, results):
- person = sum(person_data.searchString(test))
- result = "ID:%s DOB:%s INFO:%s" % (, person.dob,
- print_(test)
- print_(expected)
- print_(result)
- for pd in person_data.searchString(test):
- print_(pd.dump())
- print_()
- assert expected == result, \
- "Failed to parse '%s' correctly, \nexpected '%s', got '%s'" % (test,expected,result)
-class MarkInputLineTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- samplestr1 = "DOB 100-10-2010;more garbage\nID PARI12345678;more garbage"
- from pyparsing import Regex, Word, alphanums, restOfLine
- dob_ref = "DOB" + Regex(r"\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}")("dob")
- try:
- res = dob_ref.parseString(samplestr1)
- except ParseException as pe:
- outstr = pe.markInputline()
- print_(outstr)
- assert outstr == "DOB >!<100-10-2010;more garbage", "did not properly create marked input line"
- else:
- assert False, "test construction failed - should have raised an exception"
-class LocatedExprTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- # 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- samplestr1 = "DOB 10-10-2010;more garbage;ID PARI12345678 ;more garbage"
- from pyparsing import Regex, Word, alphanums, restOfLine, locatedExpr
- id_ref = locatedExpr("ID" + Word(alphanums,exact=12)("id"))
- res = id_ref.searchString(samplestr1)[0][0]
- print_(res.dump())
- assert samplestr1[res.locn_start:res.locn_end] == 'ID PARI12345678', "incorrect location calculation"
-class PopTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums
- source = "AAA 123 456 789 234"
- patt = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums)*(1,)
- result = patt.parseString(source)
- tests = [
- (0, 'AAA', ['123', '456', '789', '234']),
- (None, '234', ['123', '456', '789']),
- ('name', 'AAA', ['123', '456', '789']),
- (-1, '789', ['123', '456']),
- ]
- for test in tests:
- idx, val, remaining = test
- if idx is not None:
- ret = result.pop(idx)
- else:
- ret = result.pop()
- print_("EXP:", val, remaining)
- print_("GOT:", ret, result.asList())
- print_(ret, result.asList())
- assert ret == val, "wrong value returned, got %r, expected %r" % (ret, val)
- assert remaining == result.asList(), "list is in wrong state after pop, got %r, expected %r" % (result.asList(), remaining)
- print_()
- prevlist = result.asList()
- ret = result.pop('name', default="noname")
- print_(ret)
- print_(result.asList())
- assert ret == "noname", "default value not successfully returned, got %r, expected %r" % (ret, "noname")
- assert result.asList() == prevlist, "list is in wrong state after pop, got %r, expected %r" % (result.asList(), remaining)
-class AddConditionTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, Suppress, ParseFatalException
- numParser = Word(nums)
- numParser.addParseAction(lambda s,l,t: int(t[0]))
- numParser.addCondition(lambda s,l,t: t[0] % 2)
- numParser.addCondition(lambda s,l,t: t[0] >= 7)
- result = numParser.searchString("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10")
- print_(result.asList())
- assert result.asList() == [[7],[9]], "failed to properly process conditions"
- numParser = Word(nums)
- numParser.addParseAction(lambda s,l,t: int(t[0]))
- rangeParser = (numParser("from_") + Suppress('-') + numParser("to"))
- result = rangeParser.searchString("1-4 2-4 4-3 5 6 7 8 9 10")
- print_(result.asList())
- assert result.asList() == [[1, 4], [2, 4], [4, 3]], "failed to properly process conditions"
- rangeParser.addCondition(lambda t: > t.from_, message="from must be <= to", fatal=False)
- result = rangeParser.searchString("1-4 2-4 4-3 5 6 7 8 9 10")
- print_(result.asList())
- assert result.asList() == [[1, 4], [2, 4]], "failed to properly process conditions"
- rangeParser = (numParser("from_") + Suppress('-') + numParser("to"))
- rangeParser.addCondition(lambda t: > t.from_, message="from must be <= to", fatal=True)
- try:
- result = rangeParser.searchString("1-4 2-4 4-3 5 6 7 8 9 10")
- assert False, "failed to interrupt parsing on fatal condition failure"
- except ParseFatalException:
- print_("detected fatal condition")
-class PatientOrTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing as pp
- # Two expressions and a input string which could - syntactically - be matched against
- # both expressions. The "Literal" expression is considered invalid though, so this PE
- # should always detect the "Word" expression.
- def validate(token):
- if token[0] == "def":
- raise pp.ParseException("signalling invalid token")
- return token
- a = pp.Word("de").setName("Word")#.setDebug()
- b = pp.Literal("def").setName("Literal").setParseAction(validate)#.setDebug()
- c = pp.Literal("d").setName("d")#.setDebug()
- # The "Literal" expressions's ParseAction is not executed directly after syntactically
- # detecting the "Literal" Expression but only after the Or-decision has been made
- # (which is too late)...
- try:
- result = (a ^ b ^ c).parseString("def")
- assert result.asList() == ['de'], "failed to select longest match, chose %s" % result
- except ParseException:
- failed = True
- else:
- failed = False
- assert not failed, "invalid logic in Or, fails on longest match with exception in parse action"
-class EachWithOptionalWithResultsNameTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Optional
- result = (Optional('foo')('one') & Optional('bar')('two')).parseString('bar foo')
- print_(result.dump())
- assert sorted(result.keys()) == ['one','two']
-class UnicodeExpressionTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal, ParseException
- z = 'a' | Literal(u'\u1111')
- z.streamline()
- try:
- z.parseString('b')
- except ParseException as pe:
- if not PY_3:
- assert pe.msg == r'''Expected {"a" | "\u1111"}''', "Invalid error message raised, got %r" % pe.msg
-class SetNameTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import (oneOf,infixNotation,Word,nums,opAssoc,delimitedList,countedArray,
- nestedExpr,makeHTMLTags,anyOpenTag,anyCloseTag,commonHTMLEntity,replaceHTMLEntity)
- a = oneOf("a b c")
- b = oneOf("d e f")
- arith_expr = infixNotation(Word(nums),
- [
- (oneOf('* /'),2,opAssoc.LEFT),
- (oneOf('+ -'),2,opAssoc.LEFT),
- ])
- arith_expr2 = infixNotation(Word(nums),
- [
- (('?',':'),3,opAssoc.LEFT),
- ])
- tests = [
- a,
- b,
- (a | b),
- arith_expr,
- arith_expr.expr,
- arith_expr2,
- arith_expr2.expr,
- delimitedList(Word(nums).setName("int")),
- countedArray(Word(nums).setName("int")),
- nestedExpr(),
- makeHTMLTags('Z'),
- (anyOpenTag,anyCloseTag),
- commonHTMLEntity,
- commonHTMLEntity.setParseAction(replaceHTMLEntity).transformString("lsdjkf &lt;lsdjkf&gt;&amp;&apos;&quot;&xyzzy;"),
- ]
- expected = map(str.strip, """\
- a | b | c
- d | e | f
- {a | b | c | d | e | f}
- Forward: ...
- + | - term
- Forward: ...
- ?: term
- int [, int]...
- (len) int...
- nested () expression
- (<Z>, </Z>)
- (<any tag>, </any tag>)
- common HTML entity
- lsdjkf <lsdjkf>&'"&xyzzy;""".splitlines())
- for t,e in zip(tests, expected):
- tname = str(t)
- assert tname==e, "expression name mismatch, expected {} got {}".format(e, tname)
-class TrimArityExceptionMaskingTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word
- invalid_message = [
- "<lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)",
- "<lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument: 't'"
- ][PY_3]
- try:
- Word('a').setParseAction(lambda t: t[0]+1).parseString('aaa')
- except Exception as e:
- exc_msg = str(e)
- assert exc_msg != invalid_message, "failed to catch TypeError thrown in _trim_arity"
-class OneOrMoreStopTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import (Word, OneOrMore, alphas, Keyword, CaselessKeyword,
- nums, alphanums)
- test = "BEGIN aaa bbb ccc END"
- BEGIN,END = map(Keyword, "BEGIN,END".split(','))
- body_word = Word(alphas).setName("word")
- for ender in (END, "END", CaselessKeyword("END")):
- expr = BEGIN + OneOrMore(body_word, stopOn=ender) + END
- assert test == expr, "Did not successfully stop on ending expression %r" % ender
- number = Word(nums+',.()').setName("number with optional commas")
- parser= (OneOrMore(Word(alphanums+'-/.'), stopOn=number)('id').setParseAction(' '.join)
- + number('data'))
- result = parser.parseString(' XXX Y/123 1,234.567890')
- assert result.asList() == ['XXX Y/123', '1,234.567890'], "Did not successfully stop on ending expression %r" % number
-class ZeroOrMoreStopTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import (Word, ZeroOrMore, alphas, Keyword, CaselessKeyword)
- test = "BEGIN END"
- BEGIN,END = map(Keyword, "BEGIN,END".split(','))
- body_word = Word(alphas).setName("word")
- for ender in (END, "END", CaselessKeyword("END")):
- expr = BEGIN + ZeroOrMore(body_word, stopOn=ender) + END
- assert test == expr, "Did not successfully stop on ending expression %r" % ender
-class NestedAsDictTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal, Forward, alphanums, Group, delimitedList, Dict, Word, Optional
- equals = Literal("=").suppress()
- lbracket = Literal("[").suppress()
- rbracket = Literal("]").suppress()
- lbrace = Literal("{").suppress()
- rbrace = Literal("}").suppress()
- value_dict = Forward()
- value_list = Forward()
- value_string = Word(alphanums + "@. ")
- value = value_list ^ value_dict ^ value_string
- values = Group(delimitedList(value, ","))
- #~ values = delimitedList(value, ",").setParseAction(lambda toks: [toks.asList()])
- value_list << lbracket + values + rbracket
- identifier = Word(alphanums + "_.")
- assignment = Group(identifier + equals + Optional(value))
- assignments = Dict(delimitedList(assignment, ';'))
- value_dict << lbrace + assignments + rbrace
- response = assignments
- rsp = 'username=goat; errors={username=[already taken, too short]}; empty_field='
- result_dict = response.parseString(rsp).asDict()
- print_(result_dict)
- assert result_dict['username'] == 'goat', "failed to process string in ParseResults correctly"
- assert result_dict['errors']['username'] == ['already taken', 'too short'], "failed to process nested ParseResults correctly"
-class TraceParseActionDecoratorTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import traceParseAction, Word, nums
- @traceParseAction
- def convert_to_int(t):
- return int(t[0])
- class Z(object):
- def __call__(self, other):
- return other[0] * 1000
- integer = Word(nums).addParseAction(convert_to_int)
- integer.addParseAction(traceParseAction(lambda t: t[0]*10))
- integer.addParseAction(traceParseAction(Z()))
- integer.parseString("132")
-class RunTestsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Word, nums, delimitedList
- integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t : int(t[0]))
- intrange = integer("start") + '-' + integer("end")
- intrange.addCondition(lambda t: t.end > t.start, message="invalid range, start must be <= end", fatal=True)
- intrange.addParseAction(lambda t: list(range(t.start, t.end+1)))
- indices = delimitedList(intrange | integer)
- indices.addParseAction(lambda t: sorted(set(t)))
- tests = """\
- # normal data
- 1-3,2-4,6,8-10,16
- # lone integer
- 11"""
- results = indices.runTests(tests, printResults=False)[1]
- expectedResults = [
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16],
- [11],
- ]
- for res,expected in zip(results, expectedResults):
- print_(res[1].asList())
- print_(expected)
- assert res[1].asList() == expected, "failed test: " + expected[0][2:]
- tests = """\
- # invalid range
- 1-2, 3-1, 4-6, 7, 12
- """
- success = indices.runTests(tests, printResults=False, failureTests=True)[0]
- assert success, "failed to raise exception on improper range test"
-class CommonExpressionsTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import pyparsing_common
- success = pyparsing_common.mac_address.runTests("""
- """)[0]
- assert success, "error in parsing valid MAC address"
- success = pyparsing_common.mac_address.runTests("""
- # mixed delimiters
- """, failureTests=True)[0]
- assert success, "error in detecting invalid mac address"
- success = pyparsing_common.ipv4_address.runTests("""
- """)[0]
- assert success, "error in parsing valid IPv4 address"
- success = pyparsing_common.ipv4_address.runTests("""
- # out of range value
- """, failureTests=True)[0]
- assert success, "error in detecting invalid IPv4 address"
- success = pyparsing_common.ipv6_address.runTests("""
- 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
- 2134::1234:4567:2468:1236:2444:2106
- 0:0:0:0:0:0:A00:1
- 1080::8:800:200C:417A
- ::A00:1
- # loopback address
- ::1
- # the null address
- ::
- # ipv4 compatibility form
- ::ffff:
- """)[0]
- assert success, "error in parsing valid IPv6 address"
- success = pyparsing_common.ipv6_address.runTests("""
- # too few values
- 1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C
- # too many ::'s, only 1 allowed
- 2134::1234:4567::2444:2106
- """, failureTests=True)[0]
- assert success, "error in detecting invalid IPv6 address"
- success = pyparsing_common.number.runTests("""
- 100
- -100
- +100
- 3.14159
- 6.02e23
- 1e-12
- """)[0]
- assert success, "error in parsing valid numerics"
- # any int or real number, returned as float
- success = pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests("""
- 100
- -100
- +100
- 3.14159
- 6.02e23
- 1e-12
- """)[0]
- assert success, "error in parsing valid numerics"
- success, results = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.runTests("""
- 1997
- 1997-07
- 1997-07-16
- """)
- assert success, "error in parsing valid iso8601_date"
- expected = [
- ('1997', None, None),
- ('1997', '07', None),
- ('1997', '07', '16'),
- ]
- for r,exp in zip(results, expected):
- assert (r[1].year,r[1].month,r[1].day,) == exp, "failed to parse date into fields"
- success, results = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date().addParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()).runTests("""
- 1997-07-16
- """)
- assert success, "error in parsing valid iso8601_date with parse action"
- assert results[0][1][0] ==, 7, 16)
- success, results = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.runTests("""
- 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00
- 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00
- 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45Z
- 1997-07-16 19:20:30.45
- """)
- assert success, "error in parsing valid iso8601_datetime"
- success, results = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime().addParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()).runTests("""
- 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45
- """)
- assert success, "error in parsing valid iso8601_datetime"
- assert results[0][1][0] == datetime.datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, 450000)
- success = pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests("""
- 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
- """)[0]
- assert success, "failed to parse valid uuid"
- success = pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests("""
- 1/2
- -15/16
- -3/-4
- """)[0]
- assert success, "failed to parse valid fraction"
- success = pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests("""
- 1/2
- -15/16
- -3/-4
- 1 1/2
- 2 -15/16
- 0 -3/-4
- 12
- """)[0]
- assert success, "failed to parse valid mixed integer"
- success, results = pyparsing_common.number.runTests("""
- 100
- -3
- 1.732
- -3.14159
- 6.02e23""")
- assert success, "failed to parse numerics"
- for test,result in results:
- expected = eval(test)
- assert result[0] == expected, "numeric parse failed (wrong value) (%s should be %s)" % (result[0], expected)
- assert type(result[0]) == type(expected), "numeric parse failed (wrong type) (%s should be %s)" % (type(result[0]), type(expected))
-class TokenMapTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import tokenMap, Word, hexnums, OneOrMore
- parser = OneOrMore(Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16))
- success, results = parser.runTests("""
- 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a
- """, printResults=False)
- assert success, "failed to parse hex integers"
- print_(results)
- assert results[0][-1].asList() == [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26], "tokenMap parse action failed"
-class ParseFileTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import pyparsing_common, OneOrMore
- s = """
- 123 456 789
- """
- input_file = StringIO(s)
- integer = pyparsing_common.integer
- results = OneOrMore(integer).parseFile(input_file)
- print_(results)
- results = OneOrMore(integer).parseFile('test/parsefiletest_input_file.txt')
- print_(results)
-class HTMLStripperTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import pyparsing_common, originalTextFor, OneOrMore, Word, printables
- sample = """
- <html>
- Here is some sample <i>HTML</i> text.
- </html>
- """
- read_everything = originalTextFor(OneOrMore(Word(printables)))
- read_everything.addParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)
- result = read_everything.parseString(sample)
- assert result[0].strip() == 'Here is some sample HTML text.'
-class ExprSplitterTest(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- from pyparsing import Literal, quotedString, pythonStyleComment, Empty
- expr = Literal(';') + Empty()
- expr.ignore(quotedString)
- expr.ignore(pythonStyleComment)
- sample = """
- def main():
- this_semi_does_nothing();
- neither_does_this_but_there_are_spaces_afterward();
- a = "a;b"; return a # this is a comment; it has a semicolon!
- def b():
- if False:
- z=1000;b("; in quotes"); c=200;return z
- return ';'
- class Foo(object):
- def bar(self):
- '''a docstring; with a semicolon'''
- a = 10; b = 11; c = 12
- # this comment; has several; semicolons
- if self.spam:
- x = 12; return x # so; does; this; one
- x = 15;;; y += x; return y
- def baz(self):
- return
- """
- expected = [
- [' this_semi_does_nothing()', ''],
- [' neither_does_this_but_there_are_spaces_afterward()', ''],
- [' a = "a;b"', 'return a # this is a comment; it has a semicolon!'],
- [' z=1000', 'b("; in quotes")', 'c=200', 'return z'],
- [" return ';'"],
- [" '''a docstring; with a semicolon'''"],
- [' a = 10', 'b = 11', 'c = 12'],
- [' # this comment; has several; semicolons'],
- [' x = 12', 'return x # so; does; this; one'],
- [' x = 15', '', '', 'y += x', 'return y'],
- ]
- exp_iter = iter(expected)
- for line in filter(lambda ll: ';' in ll, sample.splitlines()):
- print_(str(list(expr.split(line)))+',')
- assert list(expr.split(line)) == next(exp_iter), "invalid split on expression"
- print_()
- expected = [
- [' this_semi_does_nothing()', ';', ''],
- [' neither_does_this_but_there_are_spaces_afterward()', ';', ''],
- [' a = "a;b"', ';', 'return a # this is a comment; it has a semicolon!'],
- [' z=1000', ';', 'b("; in quotes")', ';', 'c=200', ';', 'return z'],
- [" return ';'"],
- [" '''a docstring; with a semicolon'''"],
- [' a = 10', ';', 'b = 11', ';', 'c = 12'],
- [' # this comment; has several; semicolons'],
- [' x = 12', ';', 'return x # so; does; this; one'],
- [' x = 15', ';', '', ';', '', ';', 'y += x', ';', 'return y'],
- ]
- exp_iter = iter(expected)
- for line in filter(lambda ll: ';' in ll, sample.splitlines()):
- print_(str(list(expr.split(line, includeSeparators=True)))+',')
- assert list(expr.split(line, includeSeparators=True)) == next(exp_iter), "invalid split on expression"
- print_()
- expected = [
- [' this_semi_does_nothing()', ''],
- [' neither_does_this_but_there_are_spaces_afterward()', ''],
- [' a = "a;b"', 'return a # this is a comment; it has a semicolon!'],
- [' z=1000', 'b("; in quotes"); c=200;return z'],
- [' a = 10', 'b = 11; c = 12'],
- [' x = 12', 'return x # so; does; this; one'],
- [' x = 15', ';; y += x; return y'],
- ]
- exp_iter = iter(expected)
- for line in sample.splitlines():
- pieces = list(expr.split(line, maxsplit=1))
- print_(str(pieces)+',')
- if len(pieces) == 2:
- exp = next(exp_iter)
- assert pieces == exp, "invalid split on expression with maxSplits=1"
- elif len(pieces) == 1:
- assert len(expr.searchString(line)) == 0, "invalid split with maxSplits=1 when expr not present"
- else:
- print_("\n>>> " + line)
- assert False, "invalid split on expression with maxSplits=1, corner case"
-class MiscellaneousParserTests(ParseTestCase):
- def runTest(self):
- import pyparsing
- # test making oneOf with duplicate symbols
- if "A" in runtests:
- print_("verify oneOf handles duplicate symbols")
- try:
- test1 = pyparsing.oneOf("a b c d a")
- except RuntimeError:
- assert False,"still have infinite loop in oneOf with duplicate symbols"
- # test MatchFirst bugfix
- if "B" in runtests:
- print_("verify MatchFirst iterates properly")
- results = pyparsing.quotedString.parseString("'this is a single quoted string'")
- assert len(results) > 0, "MatchFirst error - not iterating over all choices"
- # verify streamline of subexpressions
- if "C" in runtests:
- print_("verify proper streamline logic")
- compound = pyparsing.Literal("A") + "B" + "C" + "D"
- assert len(compound.exprs) == 2,"bad test setup"
- print_(compound)
- compound.streamline()
- print_(compound)
- assert len(compound.exprs) == 4,"streamline not working"
- # test for Optional with results name and no match
- if "D" in runtests:
- print_("verify Optional's do not cause match failure if have results name")
- testGrammar = pyparsing.Literal("A") + pyparsing.Optional("B").setResultsName("gotB") + pyparsing.Literal("C")
- try:
- testGrammar.parseString("ABC")
- testGrammar.parseString("AC")
- except pyparsing.ParseException as pe:
- print_(pe.pstr,"->",pe)
- assert False, "error in Optional matching of string %s" % pe.pstr
- # test return of furthest exception
- if "E" in runtests:
- testGrammar = ( pyparsing.Literal("A") |
- ( pyparsing.Optional("B") + pyparsing.Literal("C") ) |
- pyparsing.Literal("D") )
- try:
- testGrammar.parseString("BC")
- testGrammar.parseString("BD")
- except pyparsing.ParseException as pe:
- print_(pe.pstr,"->",pe)
- assert pe.pstr == "BD", "wrong test string failed to parse"
- assert pe.loc == 1, "error in Optional matching, pe.loc="+str(pe.loc)
- # test validate
- if "F" in runtests:
- print_("verify behavior of validate()")
- def testValidation( grmr, gnam, isValid ):
- try:
- grmr.streamline()
- grmr.validate()
- assert isValid,"validate() accepted invalid grammar " + gnam
- except pyparsing.RecursiveGrammarException as e:
- print_(grmr)
- assert not isValid, "validate() rejected valid grammar " + gnam
- fwd = pyparsing.Forward()
- g1 = pyparsing.OneOrMore( ( pyparsing.Literal("A") + "B" + "C" ) | fwd )
- g2 = pyparsing.ZeroOrMore("C" + g1)
- fwd << pyparsing.Group(g2)
- testValidation( fwd, "fwd", isValid=True )
- fwd2 = pyparsing.Forward()
- fwd2 << pyparsing.Group("A" | fwd2)
- testValidation( fwd2, "fwd2", isValid=False )
- fwd3 = pyparsing.Forward()
- fwd3 << pyparsing.Optional("A") + fwd3
- testValidation( fwd3, "fwd3", isValid=False )
- # test getName
- if "G" in runtests:
- print_("verify behavior of getName()")
- aaa = pyparsing.Group(pyparsing.Word("a")).setResultsName("A")
- bbb = pyparsing.Group(pyparsing.Word("b")).setResultsName("B")
- ccc = pyparsing.Group(":" + pyparsing.Word("c")).setResultsName("C")
- g1 = "XXX" + pyparsing.ZeroOrMore( aaa | bbb | ccc )
- teststring = "XXX b b a b b a b :c b a"
- names = []
- print_(g1.parseString(teststring).dump())
- for t in g1.parseString(teststring):
- print_(t, repr(t))
- try:
- names.append( t[0].getName() )
- except:
- try:
- names.append( t.getName() )
- except:
- names.append( None )
- print_(teststring)
- print_(names)
- assert names==[None, 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'A'], \
- "failure in getting names for tokens"
- # test ParseResults.get() method
- if "H" in runtests:
- print_("verify behavior of ParseResults.get()")
- res = g1.parseString(teststring)
- print_(res.get("A","A not found")[0])
- print_(res.get("D","!D"))
- assert res.get("A","A not found")[0] == "a", "get on existing key failed"
- assert res.get("D","!D") == "!D", "get on missing key failed"
- if "I" in runtests:
- print_("verify handling of Optional's beyond the end of string")
- testGrammar = "A" + pyparsing.Optional("B") + pyparsing.Optional("C") + pyparsing.Optional("D")
- testGrammar.parseString("A")
- testGrammar.parseString("AB")
- # test creating Literal with empty string
- if "J" in runtests:
- print_('verify non-fatal usage of Literal("")')
- e = pyparsing.Literal("")
- try:
- e.parseString("SLJFD")
- except Exception as e:
- assert False, "Failed to handle empty Literal"
- # test line() behavior when starting at 0 and the opening line is an \n
- if "K" in runtests:
- print_('verify correct line() behavior when first line is empty string')
- assert pyparsing.line(0, "\nabc\ndef\n") == '', "Error in line() with empty first line in text"
- txt = "\nabc\ndef\n"
- results = [ pyparsing.line(i,txt) for i in range(len(txt)) ]
- assert results == ['', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'def', 'def', 'def', 'def'], "Error in line() with empty first line in text"
- txt = "abc\ndef\n"
- results = [ pyparsing.line(i,txt) for i in range(len(txt)) ]
- assert results == ['abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'def', 'def', 'def', 'def'], "Error in line() with non-empty first line in text"
- # test bugfix with repeated tokens when packrat parsing enabled
- if "L" in runtests:
- a = pyparsing.Literal("a")
- b = pyparsing.Literal("b")
- c = pyparsing.Literal("c")
- abb = a + b + b
- abc = a + b + c
- aba = a + b + a
- grammar = abb | abc | aba
- assert ''.join(grammar.parseString( "aba" )) == 'aba', "Packrat ABA failure!"
-def makeTestSuite():
- import inspect
- suite = TestSuite()
- suite.addTest( PyparsingTestInit() )
- test_case_classes = ParseTestCase.__subclasses__()
- # put classes in order as they are listed in the source code
- test_case_classes.sort(key=lambda cls: inspect.getsourcelines(cls)[1])
- test_case_classes.remove(PyparsingTestInit)
- # test_case_classes.remove(ParseASMLTest)
- test_case_classes.remove(EnablePackratParsing)
- test_case_classes.remove(OriginalTextForTest)
- suite.addTests(T() for T in test_case_classes)
- # retest using packrat parsing (disable those tests that aren't compatible)
- suite.addTest( EnablePackratParsing() )
- unpackrattables = [ EnablePackratParsing, RepeaterTest, ]
- # add tests to test suite a second time, to run with packrat parsing
- # (leaving out those that we know wont work with packrat)
- packratTests = [t.__class__() for t in suite._tests
- if t.__class__ not in unpackrattables]
- suite.addTests( packratTests )
- return suite
-def makeTestSuiteTemp(classes):
- suite = TestSuite()
- suite.addTest( PyparsingTestInit() )
- for cls in classes:
- suite.addTest( cls() )
- return suite
-console = False
-console = True
-#~ from line_profiler import LineProfiler
-#~ from pyparsing import ParseResults
-#~ lp = LineProfiler(ParseResults.__setitem__)
-lp = None
-#~ if __name__ == '__main__':
- #~ unittest.main()
-if console:
- #~ # console mode
- testRunner = TextTestRunner()
- testclasses = []
- #~ testclasses.append(put_test_class_here)
- #~ testclasses.append(RequiredEachTest)
- if not testclasses:
- makeTestSuite() )
- else:
- if lp is None:
- makeTestSuiteTemp(testclasses) )
- else:
-" makeTestSuite(%s) )" % testclass.__name__)
- # HTML mode
- outfile = "testResults.html"
- outstream = file(outfile,"w")
- testRunner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner( stream=outstream )
- makeTestSuite() )
- outstream.close()
- import os
- os.system(r'"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" file://' + outfile)
-#~ lp.print_stats()