path: root/pint/_vendor
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pint/_vendor')
1 files changed, 1455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pint/_vendor/ b/pint/_vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8945b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pint/_vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1455 @@
+ flexparser.flexparser
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Classes and functions to create parsers.
+ The idea is quite simple. You write a class for every type of content
+ (called here ``ParsedStatement``) you need to parse. Each class should
+ have a ``from_string`` constructor. We used extensively the ``typing``
+ module to make the output structure easy to use and less error prone.
+ For more information, take a look at
+ :copyright: 2022 by flexparser Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import collections
+import dataclasses
+import enum
+import functools
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import inspect
+import logging
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+import typing as ty
+from import Iterator
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from functools import cached_property
+from importlib import resources
+from typing import Optional, Tuple, Type
+_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("flexparser")
+_SENTINEL = object()
+# Exceptions
+class Statement:
+ """Base class for parsed elements within a source file."""
+ start_line: int = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
+ start_col: int = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
+ end_line: int = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
+ end_col: int = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
+ raw: str = dataclasses.field(init=False, default=None)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_statement(cls, statement: Statement):
+ out = cls()
+ out.set_position(*statement.get_position())
+ out.set_raw(statement.raw)
+ return out
+ @classmethod
+ def from_statement_iterator_element(cls, values: ty.Tuple[int, int, int, int, str]):
+ out = cls()
+ out.set_position(*values[:-1])
+ out.set_raw(values[-1])
+ return out
+ @property
+ def format_position(self):
+ if self.start_line is None:
+ return "N/A"
+ return "%d,%d-%d,%d" % self.get_position()
+ @property
+ def raw_strip(self):
+ return self.raw.strip()
+ def get_position(self):
+ return self.start_line, self.start_col, self.end_line, self.end_col
+ def set_position(self, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col):
+ object.__setattr__(self, "start_line", start_line)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "start_col", start_col)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "end_line", end_line)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "end_col", end_col)
+ return self
+ def set_raw(self, raw):
+ object.__setattr__(self, "raw", raw)
+ return self
+ def set_simple_position(self, line, col, width):
+ return self.set_position(line, col, line, col + width)
+class ParsingError(Statement, Exception):
+ """Base class for all parsing exceptions in this package."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ return Statement.__str__(self)
+class UnknownStatement(ParsingError):
+ """A string statement could not bee parsed."""
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"Could not parse '{self.raw}' ({self.format_position})"
+class UnhandledParsingError(ParsingError):
+ """Base class for all parsing exceptions in this package."""
+ ex: Exception
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f"Unhandled exception while parsing '{self.raw}' ({self.format_position}): {self.ex}"
+class UnexpectedEOF(ParsingError):
+ """End of file was found within an open block."""
+# Useful methods and classes
+class Hash:
+ algorithm_name: str
+ hexdigest: str
+ def __eq__(self, other: Hash):
+ return (
+ isinstance(other, Hash)
+ and self.algorithm_name != ""
+ and self.algorithm_name == other.algorithm_name
+ and hmac.compare_digest(self.hexdigest, other.hexdigest)
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, algorithm, b: bytes):
+ hasher = algorithm(b)
+ return cls(, hasher.hexdigest())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_file_pointer(cls, algorithm, fp: ty.BinaryIO):
+ return cls.from_bytes(algorithm,
+ @classmethod
+ def nullhash(cls):
+ return cls("", "")
+def _yield_types(
+ obj, valid_subclasses=(object,), recurse_origin=(tuple, list, ty.Union)
+ """Recursively transverse type annotation if the
+ origin is any of the types in `recurse_origin`
+ and yield those type which are subclasses of `valid_subclasses`.
+ """
+ if ty.get_origin(obj) in recurse_origin:
+ for el in ty.get_args(obj):
+ yield from _yield_types(el, valid_subclasses, recurse_origin)
+ else:
+ if inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, valid_subclasses):
+ yield obj
+class classproperty: # noqa N801
+ """Decorator for a class property
+ In Python 3.9+ can be replaced by
+ @classmethod
+ @property
+ def myprop(self):
+ return 42
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fget):
+ self.fget = fget
+ def __get__(self, owner_self, owner_cls):
+ return self.fget(owner_cls)
+def is_relative_to(self, *other):
+ """Return True if the path is relative to another path or False.
+ In Python 3.9+ can be replaced by
+ path.is_relative_to(other)
+ """
+ try:
+ self.relative_to(*other)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+class DelimiterInclude(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Specifies how to deal with delimiters while parsing."""
+ #: Split at delimiter, not including in any string
+ #: Split after, keeping the delimiter with previous string.
+ #: Split before, keeping the delimiter with next string.
+ #: Do not split at delimiter.
+class DelimiterAction(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Specifies how to deal with delimiters while parsing."""
+ #: Continue parsing normally.
+ #: Capture everything til end of line as a whole.
+ #: Stop parsing line and move to next.
+ #: Stop parsing content.
+ "\r\n": (DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+ "\n": (DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+ "\r": (DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+ "\r\n": (DelimiterInclude.SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+ "\n": (DelimiterInclude.SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+ "\r": (DelimiterInclude.SPLIT, DelimiterAction.CONTINUE),
+_EOLs_set = set(DO_NOT_SPLIT_EOL.keys())
+def _build_delimiter_pattern(delimiters: ty.Tuple[str, ...]) -> re.Pattern:
+ """Compile a tuple of delimiters into a regex expression with a capture group
+ around the delimiter.
+ """
+ return re.compile("|".join(f"({re.escape(el)})" for el in delimiters))
+# Iterators
+DelimiterDictT = ty.Dict[str, ty.Tuple[DelimiterInclude, DelimiterAction]]
+class Spliter:
+ """Content iterator splitting according to given delimiters.
+ The pattern can be changed dynamically sending a new pattern to the generator,
+ see DelimiterInclude and DelimiterAction for more information.
+ The current scanning position can be changed at any time.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ content : str
+ delimiters : ty.Dict[str, ty.Tuple[DelimiterInclude, DelimiterAction]]
+ Yields
+ ------
+ start_line : int
+ line number of the start of the content (zero-based numbering).
+ start_col : int
+ column number of the start of the content (zero-based numbering).
+ end_line : int
+ line number of the end of the content (zero-based numbering).
+ end_col : int
+ column number of the end of the content (zero-based numbering).
+ part : str
+ part of the text between delimiters.
+ """
+ _pattern: ty.Optional[re.Pattern]
+ _delimiters: DelimiterDictT
+ __stop_searching_in_line = False
+ __pending = ""
+ __first_line_col = None
+ __lines = ()
+ __lineno = 0
+ __colno = 0
+ def __init__(self, content: str, delimiters: DelimiterDictT):
+ self.set_delimiters(delimiters)
+ self.__lines = content.splitlines(keepends=True)
+ def set_position(self, lineno: int, colno: int):
+ self.__lineno, self.__colno = lineno, colno
+ def set_delimiters(self, delimiters: DelimiterDictT):
+ for k, v in delimiters.items():
+ if v == (DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT, DelimiterAction.STOP_PARSING):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The delimiter action for {k} is not a valid combination ({v})"
+ )
+ # Build a pattern but removing eols
+ _pat_dlm = tuple(set(delimiters.keys()) - _EOLs_set)
+ if _pat_dlm:
+ self._pattern = _build_delimiter_pattern(_pat_dlm)
+ else:
+ self._pattern = None
+ # We add the end of line as delimiters if not present.
+ self._delimiters = {**DO_NOT_SPLIT_EOL, **delimiters}
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ if self.__lineno >= len(self.__lines):
+ raise StopIteration
+ while True:
+ if self.__stop_searching_in_line:
+ # There must be part of a line pending to parse
+ # due to stop
+ line = self.__lines[self.__lineno]
+ mo = None
+ self.__stop_searching_in_line = False
+ else:
+ # We get the current line and the find the first delimiter.
+ line = self.__lines[self.__lineno]
+ if self._pattern is None:
+ mo = None
+ else:
+ mo =, self.__colno)
+ if mo is None:
+ # No delimiter was found,
+ # which should happen at end of the content or end of line
+ for k in DO_NOT_SPLIT_EOL.keys():
+ if line.endswith(k):
+ dlm = line[-len(k) :]
+ end_col, next_col = len(line) - len(k), 0
+ break
+ else:
+ # No EOL found, this is end of content
+ dlm = None
+ end_col, next_col = len(line), 0
+ next_line = self.__lineno + 1
+ else:
+ next_line = self.__lineno
+ end_col, next_col = mo.span()
+ dlm =
+ part = line[self.__colno : end_col]
+ include, action = self._delimiters.get(
+ dlm, (DelimiterInclude.SPLIT, DelimiterAction.STOP_PARSING)
+ )
+ if include == DelimiterInclude.SPLIT:
+ next_pending = ""
+ elif include == DelimiterInclude.SPLIT_AFTER:
+ end_col += len(dlm)
+ part = part + dlm
+ next_pending = ""
+ elif include == DelimiterInclude.SPLIT_BEFORE:
+ next_pending = dlm
+ elif include == DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT:
+ self.__pending += line[self.__colno : end_col] + dlm
+ next_pending = ""
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action {include}.")
+ if action == DelimiterAction.STOP_PARSING:
+ # this will raise a StopIteration in the next call.
+ next_line = len(self.__lines)
+ elif action == DelimiterAction.STOP_PARSING_LINE:
+ next_line = self.__lineno + 1
+ next_col = 0
+ start_line = self.__lineno
+ start_col = self.__colno
+ end_line = self.__lineno
+ self.__lineno = next_line
+ self.__colno = next_col
+ if action == DelimiterAction.CAPTURE_NEXT_TIL_EOL:
+ self.__stop_searching_in_line = True
+ if include == DelimiterInclude.DO_NOT_SPLIT:
+ self.__first_line_col = start_line, start_col
+ else:
+ if self.__first_line_col is None:
+ out = (
+ start_line,
+ start_col - len(self.__pending),
+ end_line,
+ end_col,
+ self.__pending + part,
+ )
+ else:
+ out = (
+ *self.__first_line_col,
+ end_line,
+ end_col,
+ self.__pending + part,
+ )
+ self.__first_line_col = None
+ self.__pending = next_pending
+ return out
+class StatementIterator:
+ """Content peekable iterator splitting according to given delimiters.
+ The pattern can be changed dynamically sending a new pattern to the generator,
+ see DelimiterInclude and DelimiterAction for more information.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ content : str
+ delimiters : dict[str, ty.Tuple[DelimiterInclude, DelimiterAction]]
+ Yields
+ ------
+ Statement
+ """
+ _cache: ty.Deque[Statement]
+ def __init__(
+ self, content: str, delimiters: DelimiterDictT, strip_spaces: bool = True
+ ):
+ self._cache = collections.deque()
+ self._spliter = Spliter(content, delimiters)
+ self._strip_spaces = strip_spaces
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def set_delimiters(self, delimiters: DelimiterDictT):
+ self._spliter.set_delimiters(delimiters)
+ if self._cache:
+ value = self.peek()
+ # Elements are 1 based indexing, while splitter is 0 based.
+ self._spliter.set_position(value.start_line - 1, value.start_col)
+ self._cache.clear()
+ def _get_next_strip(self) -> Statement:
+ part = ""
+ while not part:
+ start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, part = next(self._spliter)
+ lo = len(part)
+ part = part.lstrip()
+ start_col += lo - len(part)
+ lo = len(part)
+ part = part.rstrip()
+ end_col -= lo - len(part)
+ return Statement.from_statement_iterator_element(
+ (start_line + 1, start_col, end_line + 1, end_col, part)
+ )
+ def _get_next(self) -> Statement:
+ if self._strip_spaces:
+ return self._get_next_strip()
+ part = ""
+ while not part:
+ start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col, part = next(self._spliter)
+ return Statement.from_statement_iterator_element(
+ (start_line + 1, start_col, end_line + 1, end_col, part)
+ )
+ def peek(self, default=_SENTINEL) -> Statement:
+ """Return the item that will be next returned from ``next()``.
+ Return ``default`` if there are no items left. If ``default`` is not
+ provided, raise ``StopIteration``.
+ """
+ if not self._cache:
+ try:
+ self._cache.append(self._get_next())
+ except StopIteration:
+ if default is _SENTINEL:
+ raise
+ return default
+ return self._cache[0]
+ def __next__(self) -> Statement:
+ if self._cache:
+ return self._cache.popleft()
+ else:
+ return self._get_next()
+# Parsing
+# Configuration type
+CT = ty.TypeVar("CT")
+PST = ty.TypeVar("PST", bound="ParsedStatement")
+LineColStr = Tuple[int, int, str]
+FromString = ty.Union[None, PST, ParsingError]
+Consume = ty.Union[PST, ParsingError]
+NullableConsume = ty.Union[None, PST, ParsingError]
+Single = ty.Union[PST, ParsingError]
+Multi = ty.Tuple[ty.Union[PST, ParsingError], ...]
+class ParsedStatement(ty.Generic[CT], Statement):
+ """A single parsed statement.
+ In order to write your own, you need to subclass it as a
+ frozen dataclass and implement the parsing logic by overriding
+ `from_string` classmethod.
+ Takes two arguments: the string to parse and an object given
+ by the parser which can be used to store configuration information.
+ It should return an instance of this class if parsing
+ was successful or None otherwise
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string(cls: Type[PST], s: str) -> FromString[PST]:
+ """Parse a string into a ParsedStatement.
+ Return files and their meaning:
+ 1. None: the string cannot be parsed with this class.
+ 2. A subclass of ParsedStatement: the string was parsed successfully
+ 3. A subclass of ParsingError the string could be parsed with this class but there is
+ an error.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "ParsedStatement subclasses must implement "
+ "'from_string' or 'from_string_and_config'"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string_and_config(cls: Type[PST], s: str, config: CT) -> FromString[PST]:
+ """Parse a string into a ParsedStatement.
+ Return files and their meaning:
+ 1. None: the string cannot be parsed with this class.
+ 2. A subclass of ParsedStatement: the string was parsed successfully
+ 3. A subclass of ParsingError the string could be parsed with this class but there is
+ an error.
+ """
+ return cls.from_string(s)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_statement_and_config(
+ cls: Type[PST], statement: Statement, config: CT
+ ) -> FromString[PST]:
+ try:
+ out = cls.from_string_and_config(statement.raw, config)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ out = UnhandledParsingError(ex)
+ if out is None:
+ return None
+ out.set_position(*statement.get_position())
+ out.set_raw(statement.raw)
+ return out
+ @classmethod
+ def consume(
+ cls: Type[PST], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> NullableConsume[PST]:
+ """Peek into the iterator and try to parse.
+ Return files and their meaning:
+ 1. None: the string cannot be parsed with this class, the iterator is kept an the current place.
+ 2. a subclass of ParsedStatement: the string was parsed successfully, advance the iterator.
+ 3. a subclass of ParsingError: the string could be parsed with this class but there is
+ an error, advance the iterator.
+ """
+ statement = statement_iterator.peek()
+ parsed_statement = cls.from_statement_and_config(statement, config)
+ if parsed_statement is None:
+ return None
+ next(statement_iterator)
+ return parsed_statement
+OPST = ty.TypeVar("OPST", bound="ParsedStatement")
+IPST = ty.TypeVar("IPST", bound="ParsedStatement")
+CPST = ty.TypeVar("CPST", bound="ParsedStatement")
+BT = ty.TypeVar("BT", bound="Block")
+RBT = ty.TypeVar("RBT", bound="RootBlock")
+class Block(ty.Generic[OPST, IPST, CPST, CT]):
+ """A sequence of statements with an opening, body and closing."""
+ opening: Consume[OPST]
+ body: Tuple[Consume[IPST], ...]
+ closing: Consume[CPST]
+ delimiters = {}
+ @property
+ def start_line(self):
+ return self.opening.start_line
+ @property
+ def start_col(self):
+ return self.opening.start_col
+ @property
+ def end_line(self):
+ return self.closing.end_line
+ @property
+ def end_col(self):
+ return self.closing.end_col
+ def get_position(self):
+ return self.start_line, self.start_col, self.end_line, self.end_col
+ @property
+ def format_position(self):
+ if self.start_line is None:
+ return "N/A"
+ return "%d,%d-%d,%d" % self.get_position()
+ @classmethod
+ def subclass_with(cls, *, opening=None, body=None, closing=None):
+ @dataclass(frozen=True)
+ class CustomBlock(Block):
+ pass
+ if opening:
+ CustomBlock.__annotations__["opening"] = Single[ty.Union[opening]]
+ if body:
+ CustomBlock.__annotations__["body"] = Multi[ty.Union[body]]
+ if closing:
+ CustomBlock.__annotations__["closing"] = Single[ty.Union[closing]]
+ return CustomBlock
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Statement]:
+ yield self.opening
+ for el in self.body:
+ if isinstance(el, Block):
+ yield from el
+ else:
+ yield el
+ yield self.closing
+ def iter_blocks(self) -> Iterator[ty.Union[Block, Statement]]:
+ yield self.opening
+ yield from self.body
+ yield self.closing
+ ###################################################
+ # Convenience methods to iterate parsed statements
+ ###################################################
+ _ElementT = ty.TypeVar("_ElementT", bound=Statement)
+ def filter_by(self, *klass: Type[_ElementT]) -> Iterator[_ElementT]:
+ """Yield elements of a given class or classes."""
+ yield from (el for el in self if isinstance(el, klass)) # noqa Bug in pycharm.
+ @cached_property
+ def errors(self) -> ty.Tuple[ParsingError, ...]:
+ """Tuple of errors found."""
+ return tuple(self.filter_by(ParsingError))
+ @property
+ def has_errors(self) -> bool:
+ """True if errors were found during parsing."""
+ return bool(self.errors)
+ ####################
+ # Statement classes
+ ####################
+ @classproperty
+ def opening_classes(cls) -> Iterator[Type[OPST]]:
+ """Classes representing any of the parsed statement that can open this block."""
+ opening = ty.get_type_hints(cls)["opening"]
+ yield from _yield_types(opening, ParsedStatement)
+ @classproperty
+ def body_classes(cls) -> Iterator[Type[IPST]]:
+ """Classes representing any of the parsed statement that can be in the body."""
+ body = ty.get_type_hints(cls)["body"]
+ yield from _yield_types(body, (ParsedStatement, Block))
+ @classproperty
+ def closing_classes(cls) -> Iterator[Type[CPST]]:
+ """Classes representing any of the parsed statement that can close this block."""
+ closing = ty.get_type_hints(cls)["closing"]
+ yield from _yield_types(closing, ParsedStatement)
+ ##########
+ # Consume
+ ##########
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_opening(
+ cls: Type[BT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> NullableConsume[OPST]:
+ """Peek into the iterator and try to parse with any of the opening classes.
+ See `ParsedStatement.consume` for more details.
+ """
+ for c in cls.opening_classes:
+ el = c.consume(statement_iterator, config)
+ if el is not None:
+ return el
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_body(
+ cls, statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> Consume[IPST]:
+ """Peek into the iterator and try to parse with any of the body classes.
+ If the statement cannot be parsed, a UnknownStatement is returned.
+ """
+ for c in cls.body_classes:
+ el = c.consume(statement_iterator, config)
+ if el is not None:
+ return el
+ el = next(statement_iterator)
+ return UnknownStatement.from_statement(el)
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_closing(
+ cls: Type[BT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> NullableConsume[CPST]:
+ """Peek into the iterator and try to parse with any of the opening classes.
+ See `ParsedStatement.consume` for more details.
+ """
+ for c in cls.closing_classes:
+ el = c.consume(statement_iterator, config)
+ if el is not None:
+ return el
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_body_closing(
+ cls: Type[BT], opening: OPST, statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> BT:
+ body = []
+ closing = None
+ last_line = opening.end_line
+ while closing is None:
+ try:
+ closing = cls.consume_closing(statement_iterator, config)
+ if closing is not None:
+ continue
+ el = cls.consume_body(statement_iterator, config)
+ body.append(el)
+ last_line = el.end_line
+ except StopIteration:
+ closing = cls.on_stop_iteration(config)
+ closing.set_position(last_line + 1, 0, last_line + 1, 0)
+ return cls(opening, tuple(body), closing)
+ @classmethod
+ def consume(
+ cls: Type[BT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> Optional[BT]:
+ """Try consume the block.
+ Possible outcomes:
+ 1. The opening was not matched, return None.
+ 2. A subclass of Block, where body and closing migh contain errors.
+ """
+ opening = cls.consume_opening(statement_iterator, config)
+ if opening is None:
+ return None
+ return cls.consume_body_closing(opening, statement_iterator, config)
+ @classmethod
+ def on_stop_iteration(cls, config):
+ return UnexpectedEOF()
+class BOS(ParsedStatement[CT]):
+ """Beginning of source."""
+ # Hasher algorithm name and hexdigest
+ content_hash: Hash
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string_and_config(cls: Type[PST], s: str, config: CT) -> FromString[PST]:
+ raise RuntimeError("BOS cannot be constructed from_string_and_config")
+ @property
+ def location(self) -> SourceLocationT:
+ return "<undefined>"
+class BOF(BOS):
+ """Beginning of file."""
+ path: pathlib.Path
+ # Modification time of the file.
+ mtime: float
+ @property
+ def location(self) -> SourceLocationT:
+ return self.path
+class BOR(BOS):
+ """Beginning of resource."""
+ package: str
+ resource_name: str
+ @property
+ def location(self) -> SourceLocationT:
+ return self.package, self.resource_name
+class EOS(ParsedStatement[CT]):
+ """End of sequence."""
+ @classmethod
+ def from_string_and_config(cls: Type[PST], s: str, config: CT) -> FromString[PST]:
+ return cls()
+class RootBlock(ty.Generic[IPST, CT], Block[BOS, IPST, EOS, CT]):
+ """A sequence of statement flanked by the beginning and ending of stream."""
+ opening: Single[BOS]
+ closing: Single[EOS]
+ @classmethod
+ def subclass_with(cls, *, body=None):
+ @dataclass(frozen=True)
+ class CustomRootBlock(RootBlock):
+ pass
+ if body:
+ CustomRootBlock.__annotations__["body"] = Multi[ty.Union[body]]
+ return CustomRootBlock
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_opening(
+ cls: Type[RBT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> NullableConsume[BOS]:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Implementation error, 'RootBlock.consume_opening' should never be called"
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def consume(
+ cls: Type[RBT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> RBT:
+ block = super().consume(statement_iterator, config)
+ if block is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Implementation error, 'RootBlock.consume' should never return None"
+ )
+ return block
+ @classmethod
+ def consume_closing(
+ cls: Type[RBT], statement_iterator: StatementIterator, config: CT
+ ) -> NullableConsume[EOS]:
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def on_stop_iteration(cls, config):
+ return EOS()
+# Source parsing
+ResourceT = ty.Tuple[str, str] # package name, resource name
+StrictLocationT = ty.Union[pathlib.Path, ResourceT]
+SourceLocationT = ty.Union[str, StrictLocationT]
+class ParsedSource(ty.Generic[RBT, CT]):
+ parsed_source: RBT
+ # Parser configuration.
+ config: CT
+ @property
+ def location(self) -> StrictLocationT:
+ return self.parsed_source.opening.location
+ @cached_property
+ def has_errors(self) -> bool:
+ return self.parsed_source.has_errors
+ def errors(self):
+ yield from self.parsed_source.errors
+class CannotParseResourceAsFile(Exception):
+ """The requested python package resource cannot be located as a file
+ in the file system.
+ """
+ package: str
+ resource_name: str
+class Parser(ty.Generic[RBT, CT]):
+ """Parser class."""
+ #: class to iterate through statements in a source unit.
+ _statement_iterator_class: Type[StatementIterator] = StatementIterator
+ #: Delimiters.
+ _delimiters: DelimiterDictT = SPLIT_EOL
+ _strip_spaces: bool = True
+ #: root block class containing statements and blocks can be parsed.
+ _root_block_class: Type[RBT]
+ #: source file text encoding.
+ _encoding = "utf-8"
+ #: configuration passed to from_string functions.
+ _config: CT
+ #: try to open resources as files.
+ _prefer_resource_as_file: bool
+ #: parser algorithm to us. Must be a callable member of hashlib
+ _hasher = hashlib.blake2b
+ def __init__(self, config: CT, prefer_resource_as_file=True):
+ self._config = config
+ self._prefer_resource_as_file = prefer_resource_as_file
+ def parse(self, source_location: SourceLocationT) -> ParsedSource[RBT, CT]:
+ """Parse a file into a ParsedSourceFile or ParsedResource.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ source_location:
+ if str or pathlib.Path is interpreted as a file.
+ if (str, str) is interpreted as (package, resource) using the resource python api.
+ """
+ if isinstance(source_location, tuple) and len(source_location) == 2:
+ if self._prefer_resource_as_file:
+ try:
+ return self.parse_resource_from_file(*source_location)
+ except CannotParseResourceAsFile:
+ pass
+ return self.parse_resource(*source_location)
+ if isinstance(source_location, str):
+ return self.parse_file(pathlib.Path(source_location))
+ if isinstance(source_location, pathlib.Path):
+ return self.parse_file(source_location)
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Unknown type {type(source_location)}, "
+ "use str or pathlib.Path for files or "
+ "(package: str, resource_name: str) tuple "
+ "for a resource."
+ )
+ def parse_bytes(self, b: bytes, bos: BOS = None) -> ParsedSource[RBT, CT]:
+ if bos is None:
+ bos = BOS(Hash.from_bytes(self._hasher, b)).set_simple_position(0, 0, 0)
+ sic = self._statement_iterator_class(
+ b.decode(self._encoding), self._delimiters, self._strip_spaces
+ )
+ parsed = self._root_block_class.consume_body_closing(bos, sic, self._config)
+ return ParsedSource(
+ parsed,
+ self._config,
+ )
+ def parse_file(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> ParsedSource[RBT, CT]:
+ """Parse a file into a ParsedSourceFile.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path
+ path of the file.
+ """
+ with"rb") as fi:
+ content =
+ bos = BOF(
+ Hash.from_bytes(self._hasher, content), path, path.stat().st_mtime
+ ).set_simple_position(0, 0, 0)
+ return self.parse_bytes(content, bos)
+ def parse_resource_from_file(
+ self, package: str, resource_name: str
+ ) -> ParsedSource[RBT, CT]:
+ """Parse a resource into a ParsedSourceFile, opening as a file.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ package
+ package name where the resource is located.
+ resource_name
+ name of the resource
+ """
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
+ # Remove when Python 3.8 is dropped
+ with resources.path(package, resource_name) as p:
+ path = p.resolve()
+ else:
+ with resources.as_file(
+ resources.files(package).joinpath(resource_name)
+ ) as p:
+ path = p.resolve()
+ if path.exists():
+ return self.parse_file(path)
+ raise CannotParseResourceAsFile(package, resource_name)
+ def parse_resource(self, package: str, resource_name: str) -> ParsedSource[RBT, CT]:
+ """Parse a resource into a ParsedResource.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ package
+ package name where the resource is located.
+ resource_name
+ name of the resource
+ """
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
+ # Remove when Python 3.8 is dropped
+ with resources.open_binary(package, resource_name) as fi:
+ content =
+ else:
+ with resources.files(package).joinpath(resource_name).open("rb") as fi:
+ content =
+ bos = BOR(
+ Hash.from_bytes(self._hasher, content), package, resource_name
+ ).set_simple_position(0, 0, 0)
+ return self.parse_bytes(content, bos)
+# Project
+class IncludeStatement(ParsedStatement):
+ """ "Include statements allow to merge files."""
+ @property
+ def target(self) -> str:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "IncludeStatement subclasses must implement target property."
+ )
+class ParsedProject(
+ ty.Dict[
+ ty.Optional[ty.Tuple[StrictLocationT, str]],
+ ParsedSource,
+ ]
+ """Collection of files, independent or connected via IncludeStatement.
+ Keys are either an absolute pathname or a tuple package name, resource name.
+ None is the name of the root.
+ """
+ @cached_property
+ def has_errors(self) -> bool:
+ return any(el.has_errors for el in self.values())
+ def errors(self):
+ for el in self.values():
+ yield from el.errors()
+ def _iter_statements(self, items, seen, include_only_once):
+ """Iter all definitions in the order they appear,
+ going into the included files.
+ """
+ for source_location, parsed in items:
+ seen.add(source_location)
+ for parsed_statement in parsed.parsed_source:
+ if isinstance(parsed_statement, IncludeStatement):
+ location = parsed.location,
+ if location in seen and include_only_once:
+ raise ValueError(f"{location} was already included.")
+ yield from self._iter_statements(
+ ((location, self[location]),), seen, include_only_once
+ )
+ else:
+ yield parsed_statement
+ def iter_statements(self, include_only_once=True):
+ """Iter all definitions in the order they appear,
+ going into the included files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ include_only_once
+ if true, each file cannot be included more than once.
+ """
+ yield from self._iter_statements([(None, self[None])], set(), include_only_once)
+ def _iter_blocks(self, items, seen, include_only_once):
+ """Iter all definitions in the order they appear,
+ going into the included files.
+ """
+ for source_location, parsed in items:
+ seen.add(source_location)
+ for parsed_statement in parsed.parsed_source.iter_blocks():
+ if isinstance(parsed_statement, IncludeStatement):
+ location = parsed.location,
+ if location in seen and include_only_once:
+ raise ValueError(f"{location} was already included.")
+ yield from self._iter_blocks(
+ ((location, self[location]),), seen, include_only_once
+ )
+ else:
+ yield parsed_statement
+ def iter_blocks(self, include_only_once=True):
+ """Iter all definitions in the order they appear,
+ going into the included files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ include_only_once
+ if true, each file cannot be included more than once.
+ """
+ yield from self._iter_blocks([(None, self[None])], set(), include_only_once)
+def default_locator(source_location: StrictLocationT, target: str) -> StrictLocationT:
+ """Return a new location from current_location and target."""
+ if isinstance(source_location, pathlib.Path):
+ current_location = pathlib.Path(source_location).resolve()
+ if current_location.is_file():
+ current_path = current_location.parent
+ else:
+ current_path = current_location
+ target_path = pathlib.Path(target)
+ if target_path.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot refer to absolute paths in import statements ({source_location}, {target})."
+ )
+ tmp = (current_path / target_path).resolve()
+ if not is_relative_to(tmp, current_path):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Cannot refer to locations above the current location ({source_location}, {target})"
+ )
+ return tmp.absolute()
+ elif isinstance(source_location, tuple) and len(source_location) == 2:
+ return source_location[0], target
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Cannot handle type {type(source_location)}, "
+ "use str or pathlib.Path for files or "
+ "(package: str, resource_name: str) tuple "
+ "for a resource."
+ )
+DefinitionT = ty.Union[ty.Type[Block], ty.Type[ParsedStatement]]
+SpecT = ty.Union[
+ ty.Type[Parser],
+ DefinitionT,
+ ty.Iterable[DefinitionT],
+ ty.Type[RootBlock],
+def build_parser_class(spec: SpecT, *, strip_spaces: bool = True, delimiters=None):
+ """Build a custom parser class.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ spec
+ specification of the content to parse. Can be one of the following things:
+ - Parser class.
+ - Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - Iterable of Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - RootBlock derived class.
+ strip_spaces : bool
+ if True, spaces will be stripped for each statement before calling
+ ``from_string_and_config``.
+ delimiters : dict
+ Specify how the source file is split into statements (See below).
+ Delimiters dictionary
+ ---------------------
+ The delimiters are specified with the keys of the delimiters dict.
+ The dict files can be used to further customize the iterator. Each
+ consist of a tuple of two elements:
+ 1. A value of the DelimiterMode to indicate what to do with the
+ delimiter string: skip it, attach keep it with previous or next string
+ 2. A boolean indicating if parsing should stop after fiSBT
+ encountering this delimiter.
+ """
+ if delimiters is None:
+ delimiters = SPLIT_EOL
+ if isinstance(spec, type) and issubclass(spec, Parser):
+ CustomParser = spec
+ else:
+ if isinstance(spec, (tuple, list)):
+ for el in spec:
+ if not issubclass(el, (Block, ParsedStatement)):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Elements in root_block_class must be of type Block or ParsedStatement, "
+ f"not {el}"
+ )
+ @dataclass(frozen=True)
+ class CustomRootBlock(RootBlock):
+ pass
+ CustomRootBlock.__annotations__["body"] = Multi[ty.Union[spec]]
+ elif isinstance(spec, type) and issubclass(spec, RootBlock):
+ CustomRootBlock = spec
+ elif isinstance(spec, type) and issubclass(spec, (Block, ParsedStatement)):
+ @dataclass(frozen=True)
+ class CustomRootBlock(RootBlock):
+ pass
+ CustomRootBlock.__annotations__["body"] = Multi[spec]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "`spec` must be of type RootBlock or tuple of type Block or ParsedStatement, "
+ f"not {type(spec)}"
+ )
+ class CustomParser(Parser):
+ _delimiters = delimiters
+ _root_block_class = CustomRootBlock
+ _strip_spaces = strip_spaces
+ return CustomParser
+def parse(
+ entry_point: SourceLocationT,
+ spec: SpecT,
+ config=None,
+ *,
+ strip_spaces: bool = True,
+ delimiters=None,
+ locator: ty.Callable[[StrictLocationT, str], StrictLocationT] = default_locator,
+ prefer_resource_as_file: bool = True,
+ **extra_parser_kwargs,
+) -> ParsedProject:
+ """Parse sources into a ParsedProject dictionary.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ entry_point
+ file or resource, given as (package_name, resource_name).
+ spec
+ specification of the content to parse. Can be one of the following things:
+ - Parser class.
+ - Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - Iterable of Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - RootBlock derived class.
+ config
+ a configuration object that will be passed to `from_string_and_config`
+ classmethod.
+ strip_spaces : bool
+ if True, spaces will be stripped for each statement before calling
+ ``from_string_and_config``.
+ delimiters : dict
+ Specify how the source file is split into statements (See below).
+ locator : Callable
+ function that takes the current location and a target of an IncludeStatement
+ and returns a new location.
+ prefer_resource_as_file : bool
+ if True, resources will try to be located in the filesystem if
+ available.
+ extra_parser_kwargs
+ extra keyword arguments to be given to the parser.
+ Delimiters dictionary
+ ---------------------
+ The delimiters are specified with the keys of the delimiters dict.
+ The dict files can be used to further customize the iterator. Each
+ consist of a tuple of two elements:
+ 1. A value of the DelimiterMode to indicate what to do with the
+ delimiter string: skip it, attach keep it with previous or next string
+ 2. A boolean indicating if parsing should stop after fiSBT
+ encountering this delimiter.
+ """
+ CustomParser = build_parser_class(
+ spec, strip_spaces=strip_spaces, delimiters=delimiters
+ )
+ parser = CustomParser(
+ config, prefer_resource_as_file=prefer_resource_as_file, **extra_parser_kwargs
+ )
+ pp = ParsedProject()
+ # : ty.List[Optional[ty.Union[LocatorT, str]], ...]
+ pending: ty.List[ty.Tuple[StrictLocationT, str]] = []
+ if isinstance(entry_point, (str, pathlib.Path)):
+ entry_point = pathlib.Path(entry_point)
+ if not entry_point.is_absolute():
+ entry_point = pathlib.Path.cwd() / entry_point
+ elif not (isinstance(entry_point, tuple) and len(entry_point) == 2):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Cannot handle type {type(entry_point)}, "
+ "use str or pathlib.Path for files or "
+ "(package: str, resource_name: str) tuple "
+ "for a resource."
+ )
+ pp[None] = parsed = parser.parse(entry_point)
+ pending.extend(
+ (parsed.location,
+ for el in parsed.parsed_source.filter_by(IncludeStatement)
+ )
+ while pending:
+ source_location, target = pending.pop(0)
+ pp[(source_location, target)] = parsed = parser.parse(
+ locator(source_location, target)
+ )
+ pending.extend(
+ (parsed.location,
+ for el in parsed.parsed_source.filter_by(IncludeStatement)
+ )
+ return pp
+def parse_bytes(
+ content: bytes,
+ spec: SpecT,
+ config=None,
+ *,
+ strip_spaces: bool = True,
+ delimiters=None,
+ **extra_parser_kwargs,
+) -> ParsedProject:
+ """Parse sources into a ParsedProject dictionary.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ content
+ bytes.
+ spec
+ specification of the content to parse. Can be one of the following things:
+ - Parser class.
+ - Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - Iterable of Block or ParsedStatement derived class.
+ - RootBlock derived class.
+ config
+ a configuration object that will be passed to `from_string_and_config`
+ classmethod.
+ strip_spaces : bool
+ if True, spaces will be stripped for each statement before calling
+ ``from_string_and_config``.
+ delimiters : dict
+ Specify how the source file is split into statements (See below).
+ """
+ CustomParser = build_parser_class(
+ spec, strip_spaces=strip_spaces, delimiters=delimiters
+ )
+ parser = CustomParser(config, prefer_resource_as_file=False, **extra_parser_kwargs)
+ pp = ParsedProject()
+ pp[None] = parsed = parser.parse_bytes(content)
+ if any(parsed.parsed_source.filter_by(IncludeStatement)):
+ raise ValueError("parse_bytes does not support using an IncludeStatement")
+ return pp