path: root/paste/
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authorianb <devnull@localhost>2005-04-22 03:18:20 +0000
committerianb <devnull@localhost>2005-04-22 03:18:20 +0000
commit36593a8d40cd1417d2927a78cdbe621090b6e8a5 (patch)
tree74dc42b93bb512593869fd57f8be99c198d8c108 /paste/
parent7752a3102fc8aa68ee7e349495bc2e9345c77c00 (diff)
Renamed package itself
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/ b/paste/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0396f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+WSGI middleware
+Processes Python exceptions that relate to HTTP exceptions. This
+defines a set of extensions, all subclasses of HTTPException, and a
+middleware (`middleware`) that catches these exceptions and turns them
+into proper responses.
+import types
+class HTTPException(Exception):
+ code = None
+ title = None
+ message = None
+ # @@: not currently used:
+ required_headers = ()
+ def __init__(self, headers=None, message=None):
+ self.headers = headers
+ if message is not None:
+ self.message = message
+ def html(self, environ):
+ message = self.message
+ args = environ.copy()
+ if self.headers:
+ environ.update(self.headers)
+ message = message % args
+ return ('<html><head><title>%(title)s</title></head>\n'
+ '<body>\n'
+ '<h1>%(title)s</h1>\n'
+ '<p>%(message)s</p>\n'
+ '<hr noshade>\n'
+ '<div align="right">WSGI server</div>\n'
+ '</body></html>\n'
+ % {'title': self.title,
+ 'code': self.code,
+ 'message': message})
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s %s; code=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.title, self.code)
+class _HTTPMove(HTTPException):
+ required_headers = ('location',)
+ message = ('The resource has been moved to <a href="%(location)s">'
+ '%(location)s</a>; you should be redirected automatically.')
+class HTTPMovedPermanently(_HTTPMove):
+ code = 301
+ title = 'Moved Permanently'
+class HTTPFound(_HTTPMove):
+ code = 302
+ title = 'Found'
+# This one is safe after a POST (the redirected location will be
+# retrieved with GET):
+class HTTPSeeOther(_HTTPMove):
+ code = 303
+ title = 'See Other'
+class HTTPNotModified(HTTPException):
+ # @@: but not always (HTTP section 14.18.1)...?
+ required_headers = ('date',)
+ code = 304
+ title = 'Not Modified'
+ message = ''
+ # @@: should include date header, optionally other headers
+class HTTPUserProxy(_HTTPMove):
+ # @@: OK, not a move, but looks a little like one
+ code = 305
+ title = 'Use Proxy'
+ message = ('This resource must be accessed through the proxy located '
+ 'at <a href="%(location)s">%(location)s</a>')
+class HTTPTemporaryRedirect(_HTTPMove):
+ code = 307
+ title = 'Temporary Redirect'
+class HTTPBadRequest(HTTPException):
+ code = 400
+ title = 'Bad Request'
+ message = ('The server could not understand your request')
+class HTTPUnauthorized(HTTPException):
+ required_headers = ('WWW-Authenticate',)
+ code = 401
+ title = 'Unauthorized'
+ # @@: should require WWW-Authenticate header
+ message = ('Authorization is required to access this resource; '
+ 'you must login.')
+class HTTPForbidden(HTTPException):
+ code = 403
+ title = 'Forbidden'
+ message = ('Access was denied to this resource.')
+class HTTPNotFound(HTTPException):
+ code = 404
+ title = 'Not Found'
+ message = ('The resource could not be found.')
+class HTTPMethodNotAllowed(HTTPException):
+ required_headers = ('allowed',)
+ code = 405
+ title = 'Method Not Allowed'
+ message = ('The method %(REQUEST_METHOD)s is not allowed for this '
+ 'resource.')
+class HTTPNotAcceptable(HTTPException):
+ code = 406
+ title = 'Not Acceptable'
+ message = ('The resource could not be generated that was acceptable '
+ 'to your browser (content of type %(HTTP_ACCEPT)s).')
+class HTTPConfict(HTTPException):
+ code = 409
+ title = 'Conflict'
+ message = ('There was a conflict when trying to complete your '
+ 'request.')
+class HTTPGone(HTTPException):
+ code = 410
+ title = 'Gone'
+ message = ('This resource is no longer available. No forwarding '
+ 'address is aavailable.')
+class HTTPLengthRequired(HTTPException):
+ code = 411
+ title = 'Length Required'
+ message = ('Content-Length header required.')
+class HTTPPreconditionFailed(HTTPException):
+ code = 412
+ title = 'Precondition Failed'
+ message = ('Request precondition failed.')
+class HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(HTTPException):
+ code = 413
+ title = 'Request Entity Too Large'
+ message = ('The body of your request was too large for this server.')
+class HTTPRequestURITooLong(HTTPException):
+ code = 414
+ title = 'Request-URI Too Long'
+ message = ('The request URI was too long for this server.')
+class HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(HTTPException):
+ code = 415
+ title = 'Unsupported Media Type'
+ message = ('The request media type %(CONTENT_TYPE)s is not '
+ 'supported by this server.')
+class HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(HTTPException):
+ code = 416
+ title = 'Request Range Not Satisfiable'
+ message = ('The Range requested is not available.')
+class HTTPExpectationFailed(HTTPException):
+ code = 417
+ title = 'Expectation Failed'
+ message = ('Expectation failed.')
+class HTTPServerError(HTTPException):
+ code = 500
+ title = 'Internal Server Error'
+ message = ('An internal server error occurred.')
+class HTTPNotImplemented(HTTPException):
+ coded = 501
+ title = 'Not Implemented'
+ message = ('The request method %(REQUEST_METHOD)s is not implemented '
+ 'for this server.')
+class HTTPBadGateway(HTTPException):
+ code = 502
+ title = 'Bad Gateway'
+ message = ('Bad gateway.')
+class HTTPServiceUnavailable(HTTPException):
+ code = 503
+ title = 'Service Unavailable'
+ message = ('The server is currently unavailable. Please try again '
+ 'at a later time.')
+class HTTPGatewayTimeout(HTTPException):
+ code = 504
+ title = 'Gateway Timeout'
+ message = ('The gateway has timed out.')
+class HTTPHttpVersionNotSupported(HTTPException):
+ code = 505
+ title = 'HTTP Version Not Supported'
+ message = ('The HTTP version is not supported.')
+_exceptions = {}
+for name, value in globals().items():
+ if (isinstance(value, (type, types.ClassType)) and
+ issubclass(value, HTTPException) and
+ value.code):
+ _exceptions[value.code] = value
+def get_exception(code):
+ return _exceptions[code]
+## Middleware implementation:
+def middleware(application):
+ def start_application(environ, start_response):
+ app_started = []
+ def checked_start_response(status, headers):
+ app_started.append(None)
+ return start_response(status, headers)
+ try:
+ return application(environ, start_response)
+ except HTTPException, e:
+ if app_started:
+ # They've already started the response, so we can't
+ # do the right thing anymore.
+ raise
+ headers = {'content-type': 'text/html'}
+ if e.headers:
+ headers.update(e.headers)
+ write = start_response('%s %s' % (e.code, e.title),
+ headers.items())
+ return [e.html(environ)]
+ return start_application