diff options
authorAsk Solem <>2010-08-05 18:16:23 +0200
committerAsk Solem <>2010-08-05 18:16:23 +0200
commit1033ba89f92ce47889fb66c3a0377ed3762e154d (patch)
parentaf2790222ee9220171999b4fb18d0762cdacb87b (diff)
In-progress webserver: To be used as an in-memory broker, or proxy to another broker.webserver
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kombu/ b/kombu/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07ef8a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kombu/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+from functools import wraps, partial as curry
+import anyjson
+from tornado import httpserver
+from tornado import ioloop
+from tornado.web import Application
+from tornado.web import RequestHandler, HTTPError
+from kombu.utils import partition
+from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection
+def message_to_dict(m):
+ return {"body": m.body,
+ "content_type": m.content_type,
+ "content_encoding": m.content_encoding,
+ "headers": m.headers,
+ "properties":}
+class AMQHandler(RequestHandler):
+ _amqchannel = None
+ def arg(self, name, default, *types):
+ if name[0] == "!": # required
+ value = self.get_argument(name[1:])
+ else:
+ value = self.get_argument(name, None)
+ for type in types:
+ value = type(value)
+ if value is None:
+ return default
+ return value
+ def write(self, chunk):
+ if not isinstance(chunk, basestring):
+ self.set_header("Content-Type",
+ "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8")
+ chunk = anyjson.serialize(chunk)
+ super(AMQHandler, self).write(chunk)
+ def args(self, *argtup):
+ return dict((name, self.arg(name, default, *types))
+ for name, default, types in argtup)
+ def get_content_type(self):
+ t = self.request.headers["Content-Type"]
+ content_type, _, metastr = partition(t, ";")
+ meta = dict((key.lower(), value)
+ for key, _, value in map(
+ curry(partition, sep="="), metastr.split()))
+ return content_type.strip(), meta.get("charset", "utf-8").lower()
+ @property
+ def amqchannel(self):
+ if self._amqchannel is None:
+ self._amqchannel =
+ return self._amqchannel
+def maybe_int(i):
+ try:
+ return int(i)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return i
+def maybe_bool(b):
+ if b is None:
+ return False
+ if b.lower() == "false":
+ return False
+ return bool(maybe_int(b))
+class queue_declare(AMQHandler):
+ def post(self, queue):
+ kwargs = self.args(("passive", False, (maybe_bool, )),
+ ("durable", True, (maybe_bool, )),
+ ("exclusive", False, (maybe_bool, )),
+ ("auto_delete", False, (maybe_bool, )))
+ # TODO arguments
+ self.write(self.amqchannel.queue_declare(queue=queue, **kwargs))
+class queue_bind(AMQHandler):
+ def post(self, queue, exchange):
+ kwargs = self.args(("routing_key", "", (str, )))
+ # TODO arguments
+ self.write(self.amqchannel.queue_bind(queue=queue,
+ exchange=exchange,
+ **kwargs))
+class exchange_declare(AMQHandler):
+ def post(self, exchange):
+ kwargs = self.args(("type", "direct", (str, )),
+ ("durable", True, (maybe_bool, )),
+ ("auto_delete", False, (maybe_bool, )))
+ # TODO arguments
+ try:
+ self.write(self.amqchannel.exchange_declare(exchange=exchange,
+ **kwargs))
+ except KeyError, entity:
+ raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown entity: %s" % (entity, ))
+class basic_publish(AMQHandler):
+ def post(self, exchange):
+ # TODO headers, properties
+ margs = self.args(("body", "", (str, )),
+ ("priority", 0, (maybe_int, )))
+ pargs = self.args(("routing_key", "", (str, )),
+ ("mandatory", False, (maybe_bool, )),
+ ("immediate", False, (maybe_bool, )))
+ properties = self.args(("delivery_mode", 2, (maybe_int, )))
+ content_type, content_encoding = self.get_content_type()
+ message = self.amqchannel.prepare_message(
+ message_data=margs.pop("body"),
+ content_type=content_type,
+ content_encoding=content_encoding,
+ properties=properties,
+ **margs)
+ self.amqchannel.basic_publish(message,
+ exchange=exchange,
+ **pargs)
+ self.write({"ok": "ok"})
+class basic_get(AMQHandler):
+ def get(self, queue):
+ kwargs = self.args(("no_ack", False, (maybe_bool, )))
+ try:
+ message = self.amqchannel.basic_get(queue=queue, **kwargs)
+ if message:
+ message = message_to_dict(
+ self.amqchannel.message_to_python(message))
+ self.write(message)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown queue: %s" % (queue, ))
+class AMQApplication(Application):
+ handlers = ((r"/basic/(.+?)/publish/?", basic_publish),
+ (r"/basic/(.+?)/get/?", basic_get),
+ (r"/exchange/(.+?)/declare/?", exchange_declare),
+ (r"/queue/(.+?)/declare/?", queue_declare),
+ (r"/queue/(.+?)/bind/(.+?)/?", queue_bind),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, broker, **kwargs):
+ = broker
+ Application.__init__(self, self.handlers, **kwargs)
+class AMQServer(object):
+ def __init__(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, broker=None):
+ self.port = port
+ = broker or BrokerConnection(transport="memory")
+ def run(self):
+ app = AMQApplication(
+ c =
+ c.queue_declare(queue="foo")
+ c.exchange_declare(exchange="foo")
+ c.queue_bind(queue="foo", exchange="foo", routing_key="foo")
+ m = c.prepare_message("the quick brown fox")
+ c.basic_publish(m,
+ exchange="foo",
+ routing_key="foo")
+ http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(app)
+ http_server.listen(self.port)
+ print("Listening on localhost:%s" % (self.port, ))
+ ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ server = AMQServer()