diff options
authorTimothy Crosley <>2020-01-05 01:17:37 -0800
committerTimothy Crosley <>2020-01-05 01:17:37 -0800
commitc3668df374e91a54acaf0c9786ac467b19eb3f12 (patch)
parent8c8330dcaa7a4b38bcd2bd51f7eced890e049beb (diff)
Add test for cimport sorting supportfeature/fix-issue-252
2 files changed, 360 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/isort/ b/isort/
index 6810176e..92bb46b5 100644
--- a/isort/
+++ b/isort/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def _normalize_line(raw_line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Returns (normalized_line: str, raw_line: str)
line = raw_line.replace("from.import ", "from . import ")
- line = raw_line.replace("from.cimport ", "from . cimport ")
+ line = line.replace("from.cimport ", "from . cimport ")
line = line.replace("import*", "import *")
line = line.replace(" .import ", " . import ")
line = line.replace(" .cimport ", " . cimport ")
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 451af9e2..34fa7bc6 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4238,3 +4238,362 @@ import os
import sys
+def test_cimport_support():
+ """Test to ensure cimports (Cython style imports) work"""
+ test_input = """
+import os
+import sys
+import cython
+import platform
+import traceback
+import time
+import types
+import re
+import copy
+import inspect # used by JavascriptBindings.__SetObjectMethods()
+import urllib
+import json
+import datetime
+import random
+if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+ import urlparse
+ from urllib import parse as urlparse
+if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+ from urllib import pathname2url as urllib_pathname2url
+ from urllib.request import pathname2url as urllib_pathname2url
+from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
+import weakref
+# We should allow multiple string types: str, unicode, bytes.
+# PyToCefString() can handle them all.
+# Important:
+# If you set it to basestring, Cython will accept exactly(!)
+# str/unicode in Py2 and str in Py3. This won't work in Py3
+# as we might want to pass bytes as well. Also it will
+# reject string subtypes, so using it in publi API functions
+# would be a bad idea.
+ctypedef object py_string
+# You can't use "void" along with cpdef function returning None, it is planned to be
+# added to Cython in the future, creating this virtual type temporarily. If you
+# change it later to "void" then don't forget to add "except *".
+ctypedef object py_void
+ctypedef long WindowHandle
+from cpython cimport PyLong_FromVoidPtr
+from cpython cimport bool as py_bool
+from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool
+from cimport map as cpp_map
+from multimap cimport multimap as cpp_multimap
+from libcpp.pair cimport pair as cpp_pair
+from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector
+from libcpp.string cimport string as cpp_string
+from wstring cimport wstring as cpp_wstring
+from libc.string cimport strlen
+from libc.string cimport memcpy
+# preincrement and dereference must be "as" otherwise not seen.
+from cython.operator cimport preincrement as preinc, dereference as deref
+# from cython.operator cimport address as addr # Address of an c++ object?
+from libc.stdlib cimport calloc, malloc, free
+from libc.stdlib cimport atoi
+# When pyx file cimports * from a pxd file and that pxd cimports * from another pxd
+# then these names will be visible in pyx file.
+# Circular imports are allowed in form "cimport ...", but won't work if you do
+# "from ... cimport *", this is important to know in pxd files.
+from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
+from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
+cimport ctime
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ from windows cimport *
+ from dpi_aware_win cimport *
+ from linux cimport *
+ from mac cimport *
+from cpp_utils cimport *
+from task cimport *
+from cef_string cimport *
+cdef extern from *:
+ ctypedef CefString ConstCefString "const CefString"
+from cef_types_wrappers cimport *
+from cef_task cimport *
+from cef_runnable cimport *
+from cef_platform cimport *
+from cef_ptr cimport *
+from cef_app cimport *
+from cef_browser cimport *
+cimport cef_browser_static
+from cef_client cimport *
+from client_handler cimport *
+from cef_frame cimport *
+# cannot cimport *, that would cause name conflicts with constants.
+cimport cef_types
+ctypedef cef_types.cef_paint_element_type_t PaintElementType
+ctypedef cef_types.cef_jsdialog_type_t JSDialogType
+from cef_types cimport CefKeyEvent
+from cef_types cimport CefMouseEvent
+from cef_types cimport CefScreenInfo
+# cannot cimport *, name conflicts
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ cimport cef_types_win
+ cimport cef_types_mac
+ cimport cef_types_linux
+from cef_time cimport *
+from cef_drag cimport *
+ from cef_v8 cimport *
+ cimport cef_v8_static
+ cimport cef_v8_stack_trace
+ from v8function_handler cimport *
+ from cef_request_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_web_urlrequest_cef1 cimport *
+ cimport cef_web_urlrequest_static_cef1
+ from web_request_client_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_stream cimport *
+ cimport cef_stream_static
+ from cef_response_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_stream cimport *
+ from cef_content_filter cimport *
+ from content_filter_handler cimport *
+ from cef_download_handler cimport *
+ from download_handler cimport *
+ from cef_cookie_cef1 cimport *
+ cimport cef_cookie_manager_namespace
+ from cookie_visitor cimport *
+ from cef_render_handler cimport *
+ from cef_drag_data cimport *
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ from http_authentication cimport *
+ from cef_values cimport *
+ from cefpython_app cimport *
+ from cef_process_message cimport *
+ from cef_web_plugin_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_request_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_request_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_cookie_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_string_visitor cimport *
+ cimport cef_cookie_manager_namespace
+ from cookie_visitor cimport *
+ from string_visitor cimport *
+ from cef_callback_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_response_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_resource_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from resource_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_urlrequest_cef3 cimport *
+ from web_request_client_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_command_line cimport *
+ from cef_request_context cimport *
+ from cef_request_context_handler cimport *
+ from request_context_handler cimport *
+ from cef_jsdialog_handler cimport *
+ expected_output = """
+import copy
+import datetime
+import inspect # used by JavascriptBindings.__SetObjectMethods()
+import json
+import os
+import platform
+import random
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import types
+import urllib
+import cython
+if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+ import urlparse
+ from urllib import parse as urlparse
+if sys.version_info.major == 2:
+ from urllib import pathname2url as urllib_pathname2url
+ from urllib.request import pathname2url as urllib_pathname2url
+from cpython.version cimport PY_MAJOR_VERSION
+import weakref
+# We should allow multiple string types: str, unicode, bytes.
+# PyToCefString() can handle them all.
+# Important:
+# If you set it to basestring, Cython will accept exactly(!)
+# str/unicode in Py2 and str in Py3. This won't work in Py3
+# as we might want to pass bytes as well. Also it will
+# reject string subtypes, so using it in publi API functions
+# would be a bad idea.
+ctypedef object py_string
+# You can't use "void" along with cpdef function returning None, it is planned to be
+# added to Cython in the future, creating this virtual type temporarily. If you
+# change it later to "void" then don't forget to add "except *".
+ctypedef object py_void
+ctypedef long WindowHandle
+cimport ctime
+from cpython cimport PyLong_FromVoidPtr
+from cpython cimport bool as py_bool
+# preincrement and dereference must be "as" otherwise not seen.
+from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
+from cython.operator cimport preincrement as preinc
+from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t, uintptr_t
+from libc.stdlib cimport atoi, calloc, free, malloc
+from libc.string cimport memcpy, strlen
+from libcpp cimport bool as cpp_bool
+from cimport map as cpp_map
+from libcpp.pair cimport pair as cpp_pair
+from libcpp.string cimport string as cpp_string
+from libcpp.vector cimport vector as cpp_vector
+from multimap cimport multimap as cpp_multimap
+from wstring cimport wstring as cpp_wstring
+# from cython.operator cimport address as addr # Address of an c++ object?
+# When pyx file cimports * from a pxd file and that pxd cimports * from another pxd
+# then these names will be visible in pyx file.
+# Circular imports are allowed in form "cimport ...", but won't work if you do
+# "from ... cimport *", this is important to know in pxd files.
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ from dpi_aware_win cimport *
+ from windows cimport *
+ from linux cimport *
+ from mac cimport *
+from cef_string cimport *
+from cpp_utils cimport *
+from task cimport *
+cdef extern from *:
+ ctypedef CefString ConstCefString "const CefString"
+cimport cef_browser_static
+# cannot cimport *, that would cause name conflicts with constants.
+cimport cef_types
+from cef_app cimport *
+from cef_browser cimport *
+from cef_client cimport *
+from cef_frame cimport *
+from cef_platform cimport *
+from cef_ptr cimport *
+from cef_runnable cimport *
+from cef_task cimport *
+from cef_types_wrappers cimport *
+from client_handler cimport *
+ctypedef cef_types.cef_paint_element_type_t PaintElementType
+ctypedef cef_types.cef_jsdialog_type_t JSDialogType
+from cef_types cimport CefKeyEvent, CefMouseEvent, CefScreenInfo
+# cannot cimport *, name conflicts
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ cimport cef_types_win
+ cimport cef_types_mac
+ cimport cef_types_linux
+from cef_drag cimport *
+from cef_time cimport *
+ cimport cef_cookie_manager_namespace
+ cimport cef_stream_static
+ cimport cef_v8_stack_trace
+ cimport cef_v8_static
+ cimport cef_web_urlrequest_static_cef1
+ from cef_content_filter cimport *
+ from cef_cookie_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_download_handler cimport *
+ from cef_drag_data cimport *
+ from cef_render_handler cimport *
+ from cef_request_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_response_cef1 cimport *
+ from cef_stream cimport *
+ from cef_v8 cimport *
+ from cef_web_urlrequest_cef1 cimport *
+ from content_filter_handler cimport *
+ from cookie_visitor cimport *
+ from download_handler cimport *
+ from v8function_handler cimport *
+ from web_request_client_cef1 cimport *
+IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
+ from http_authentication cimport *
+ cimport cef_cookie_manager_namespace
+ from cef_callback_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_command_line cimport *
+ from cef_cookie_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_jsdialog_handler cimport *
+ from cef_process_message cimport *
+ from cef_request_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_request_context cimport *
+ from cef_request_context_handler cimport *
+ from cef_request_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_resource_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_response_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_string_visitor cimport *
+ from cef_urlrequest_cef3 cimport *
+ from cef_values cimport *
+ from cef_web_plugin_cef3 cimport *
+ from cefpython_app cimport *
+ from cookie_visitor cimport *
+ from request_context_handler cimport *
+ from resource_handler_cef3 cimport *
+ from string_visitor cimport *
+ from web_request_client_cef3 cimport *
+ SortImports(file_contents=test_input).output == expected_output